P4P is the way we always rank fighters. It's tough sometimes to really rank one fighter above another. It's very subjective. So I'm thinking about which tier certain fighters fall in.

1st tier: elite fighter that will go down in history as an elite fighter. So basically someone who you think didn't just have a few great fights in a row.
2nd tier: great fighter who has done really well and has had some great fights/wins. Proven that they are legit. They may be too early in their career to hit the elite status.
3rd tier: really good fighter who just hasn't reached that level of greatness but will either get there or just never reached it. Had some good wins but hasn't proven yet that they are great. Or even fallen from greatness

Here are mine (I'm limiting mine to 10)

1st tier: Ward, Crawford, Loma, Chocolatito
2nd tier: Kovalev, GGG, Rigo
3rd tier: Canelo, Spence, Usyk

There are a few others that could be put as 3rd tier like Santa Cruz or Frampton. Inuoe could be up there I just need to watch more of him. Thurman is another one.