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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #3376
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    It would be slanderous to deny the part that some Jewish bankers
    Well that's not right is it? Surely that crosses the line.....I mean you now expect me to stand up against such statements and I have to say sir that is quite problematic

    Stereotypes are BAD Beanz ...or is it Alpha or Freedom

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    It would be slanderous to deny the part that some Jewish bankers
    Well that's not right is it? Surely that crosses the line.....I mean you now expect me to stand up against such statements and I have to say sir that is quite problematic

    Stereotypes are BAD Beanz ...or is it Alpha or Freedom
    Freedom repeatedly accused Jews of aborting Gentile children, making child porn and other disgusting things. Alpha insisted that the Jews were responsible for their own holocaust. Please don't compare apples and poisonous worms. Do you not have any standards or lines you will not cross? You said nothing when they made these claims , not one word, so don't pretend you are offended by Corbyn defending free speech or me refusing to play the identity politics the forum has become full of.

    Of course some Jewish people, bankers or not, are horrible corrupt money mad bastards, it would be pandering to stereotypes to suggest otherwise. You are working awfully hard to bury yourself. I am offering you a hand and here you are spitting on it and saying because I don't conform to the stereotype you have built in your head I must be a self-hating loser like your heroes.

    That is weak man.

    Utterly weak.
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  3. #3378
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Of course some Jewish people, bankers or not, are horrible corrupt money mad bastards

  4. #3379
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Key figure that Mueller report linked to Russia was a State Department intel source
    In a key finding of the Mueller report, Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Kilimnik, who worked for Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, is tied to Russian intelligence.

    But hundreds of pages of government documents — which special counsel Robert Mueller possessed since 2018 — describe Kilimnik as a “sensitive” intelligence source for the U.S. State Department who informed on Ukrainian and Russian matters.

    Why Mueller’s team omitted that part of the Kilimnik narrative from its report and related court filings is not known.

    So what is more likely here: 1. Mueller deliberately omitted this information 2. Klimnik is a triple or even quadruple agent!

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You yourself just posted a link from the Washington Post a couple posts up... MUST BE TRUE

    I won't add exclamation marks as it is a sign of insanity to use more than one.

    Here is a link you will not have to pay for.

    Are you a child? I ask because you comprehend things like you are a child.

    The story I posted from the Washington Post does not use UNNAMED SOURCES when you see UNNAMED SOURCES in relation to what is going on behind the scenes in the White House it COULD be true, but it is MORE LIKELY either a complete fabrication or someone with an COULD even be someone wanting to stir the turd with the WP I can't as a reader take it as 100% true because the source of the information isn't revealed in the story I posted it was about a child left behind by immigrants who no longer needed it and just left the little tike to die.

    As for YOUR post the one "You will not have to pay for" I won't have to pay for the link but I will as a tax paying citizen of the United States have to pay for someone aiding and abetting criminals illegally entering my country. These illegal immigrants aren't ONLY coming from Mexico AND it's worth noting that several African nations with current ebola outbreaks have had their citizens caught at America's southern @Beanz you're a caring father yeah? You really are invested in your family yeah? What if one of them were to get sick due to a sick illegal immigrant? And here's a less hypothetical situation (perhaps not for your neck of the woods, but just in general) what if someone you know or were related to was killed, murdered, raped, assaulted, by an illegal immigrant I mean I admit it would suck just as bad as if a regular citizen did it, but when the caveat is "the perpetrator should never have been in the country to begin with" then I would assume that's even worse as it's a failure on multiple levels not just the one.

    God I look forward to having to rehash that again when you incorrectly understand it.
    Um... no of course it would not be worse if someone I was related to were killed by an illegal immigrant than a regular citizen. Your hypothetical weirdness sounds logical until you actually think about it rather than just repeat your bullshit. People who have lost loved ones to murderous regular citizens are not wiping their brows exclaiming

    'Thank fuck they were murdered by someone like me down the road and not some foreigner"
    are they?

    Thank fuck a lot of people in your country do not share your views
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  6. #3381
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post

    Woke politics is big business these days especially for companies with negative images like Nestle, Proctor & Gamble. Shell is likely attempting to either gain a foothold in "green energy" so they can make more money with subsidies. Nestle uses child slavery in order to produce chocolate and I'm not certain about Mars but I'd assume either the same or worries of cacao plantations deforesting the earth.

    When I say population control I also mean control over the population, how they travel, what they eat, what they consume how much they have to work, what they get paid, what they have to pay out....when the Earth is at stake no cost is too high no freedom or liberty is too precious to give up to save the Earth right?

    Thank God for you though Slim, you've got well thought out posts and are actually willing to engage in a discussion which I heartily appreciate.

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post

    Yeah the Democrats spoke a good game, but they always wanted amnesty for illegals already here which would sink the Republican party sooner rather than later due to the sheer numbers of "citizens" that would now be eligible to vote. Now I do believe that some Democrats were truthful in wanting a wall (yeah a lot of folks wanted that) but their party isn't accepting of that position at all these days for whatever reason.

    Cesar Chavez (Democrat and Chicano hero) used to go to the border with his migrant worker allies and beat up illegals for depressing wages and stealing jobs...he's Mr. "Si se puede" which is ironic that Obama used it's English translation as a slogan since Obama was big on doing nothing to stop the influx of illegals and he created DACA which is just a clusterfuck.

    I think establishment politicians on both sides enjoy benefits from illegal immigration. There's the Democrats who like getting folks hooked on the government dole which earns the Dems votes (legal or illegal doesn't matter to them) and there's the establishment Republicans the Chamber of Commerce folks who enjoy paying workers less, stagnating wages, increasing profits in that way rather than pay the price of doing legitimate business. The far left don't want any borders at all "No borders, no wall, no USA at all" is their chant which I'm shocked hasn't gotten more coverage for what that literally means.

    Thanks again for the actual discussion, I quite enjoyed responding I wish I had more time for it

    When I say population control I also mean control over the population- wow, that went over my head, I got it now; agreed.

    Yeah the Democrats spoke a good game, In every arena. talk no action. I have to sit at work & listen all night long the crying about how bad Trump is, how could Republicans vote for him, to which my response was 2 words: uh, Hillary?

    Damn, if I can get tired of this, what must conservatives feel?
    the establishment Republicans the Chamber of Commerce folks 1st time hearing this take as it relates to a body in gov, I got a new bullet in the holster.

    I agree with Dems that the UE rate was dropping under Obama to which he gets no credit, but to turn around and do the opposite and refuse to acknowledge it has fallen to a near never before seen %. I get heckled with..."Obama did that, not Trump" To my reply, it's 3 years now, his policies are not in effect. Like it loathe it, Trump's policies in effect.

    I can't say I'm against the wall rather I'm down for Ron Paul's rationale: We give them reasons to come in. Free hospital care, county & city entitlements of energy, foodstamps aka quest card, rental assistance to name a few. I'm Setting aside long history of Mexico/Treaty of Guadalupe, puppet governments aka rabbit hole argument in this post.....looking at the here and now: I don't hear any of the hundreds of Democrats running for President addressing the issue about our taxes paying for those who have made it here illegally.

    Democrats have not even touched on how they will address securing borders, rather deflect to pathway to citizenship, we're a nation of immigrants dare I say? Blah-blah?

    Treat them well , just don't treat them to my taxes.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 06-13-2019 at 09:22 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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  8. #3383
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Oh look England is going to war with China

  9. #3384
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Just about every country in the world can critique the US for invading too many countries. Except for England as they invaded far more than we and are with in the modern invasions but beanz keeps ignoring this fact. I’ve seen the Brits fight with us. Get ready to take up the rear if we go into Iran beaner.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    China's got some major BALLS with that South China Sea sovereignty claim.

    So basically Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines all have to ask permission from China to go fishing if they venture a few miles beyond their own territorial waters.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Just about every country in the world can critique the US for invading too many countries. Except for England as they invaded far more than we and are with in the modern invasions but beanz keeps ignoring this fact. I’ve seen the Brits fight with us. Get ready to take up the rear if we go into Iran beaner.
    I am not the British Empire, or some deluded Brexit supporting idiot yearning for a return to that Empire, whilst you most certainly were paid to be part of an American invading force. You seem to think that I would support or did support Britain invading anywhere in order to render any criticism of your own country and actions mute. Let me disavow you of that notion right now.

    Your logic is about as solid as a soggy biscuit.
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  12. #3387
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Just about every country in the world can critique the US for invading too many countries. Except for England as they invaded far more than we and are with in the modern invasions but beanz keeps ignoring this fact. I’ve seen the Brits fight with us. Get ready to take up the rear if we go into Iran beaner.
    I am not the British Empire, or some deluded Brexit supporting idiot yearning for a return to that Empire, whilst you most certainly were paid to be part of an American invading force. You seem to think that I would support or did support Britain invading anywhere in order to render any criticism of your own country and actions mute. Let me disavow you of that notion right now.

    Your logic is about as solid as a soggy biscuit.
    OK so what exactly makes you British then? Do you share culture or do you just happen to live there and speak the language? I'm genuinely curious about how you see citizenship through your lens on the world and I expect we all probably differ a bit in how we see it but I'm curious to understand how you view it.

  13. #3388
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Anyone catch the rally in Florida....that doesn't look too good for Democrats in fact you could say that looks exceptionally bad for Democrats. Trump had people lined up almost 2 full days before he held the rally which is mind boggling to me.

    Now I know the Democrats are currently split in 80 different directions and there are debates to be had (which Trump is going to live tweet the first one ) so enthusiasm could very well build...but 2020 is closing in fast and they've got a lot of ground to make up and an identity to find.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Just about every country in the world can critique the US for invading too many countries. Except for England as they invaded far more than we and are with in the modern invasions but beanz keeps ignoring this fact. I’ve seen the Brits fight with us. Get ready to take up the rear if we go into Iran beaner.
    I am not the British Empire, or some deluded Brexit supporting idiot yearning for a return to that Empire, whilst you most certainly were paid to be part of an American invading force. You seem to think that I would support or did support Britain invading anywhere in order to render any criticism of your own country and actions mute. Let me disavow you of that notion right now.

    Your logic is about as solid as a soggy biscuit.
    OK so what exactly makes you British then? Do you share culture or do you just happen to live there and speak the language? I'm genuinely curious about how you see citizenship through your lens on the world and I expect we all probably differ a bit in how we see it but I'm curious to understand how you view it.
    This is addressed to Walrus and is crystal clear. You question is beyond insulting but i will try and address it later when I have the time to do so.
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  15. #3390
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    This is addressed to Walrus and is crystal clear. You question is beyond insulting but i will try and address it later when I have the time to do so.
    My question wasn't meant to be insulting, I'm sorry if you feel it was. I'm just curious as to what in your view brings citizens together....I'm asking it the way a sociologist would ask it. You act like I'm not asking the question of myself and my state and country as well, but if you want to take it as an insult then don't bother answering it then and I'll be fucking damned if I'm going to bother ever asking another God damned question ever again to anyone because this is what I get every time.

    Every single time I've got to perfectly assemble my words out and ask in bowed reverence and STILL with this?!?!? Still you parse my words to make them fit some narrative like I'm attacking you personally?

    Dude, I thought we had been over all of this and that we weren't going to head down this path AGAIN.

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