how about moves? there was a move michael spinks used to do a lot. instead of parrying a jab, he'd just jerk his head away, sort of off to the side from it, like this.

he explained in an interview that wherever he put his head is where he knew you'd put your jab. so since he already knew where your jab would go, since he was the one who put it there, all he had to do was move his head some place else. no trainer in the world will teach you that move. but when you think about it, its so simple, you'd do the same move if somebody threw something at your head without even thinking about it. thats why trainers dont want you to do it. because in the end if boxing is mostly just instincts, what do you need a trainer for?

heres another one. i love this move. willie pep did it all the time. heres willie pastrano doing it.

when you're circling to your right you feel ok about his right hand since youre circling away from it. but when youre circling to your left, which you'll be doing most often, you'll get a little anxious about getting too close to his right hand. but if you get into your skip, and skip to your left as a southpaw, you create a lot of space from his right hand instead of feeling like youre circling right into it. a lot of guys have that problem. so what happens is they just stop and stand still or panic instead of continuing to turn him. i see that happen so much.