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Thread: I sparred today!!!

  1. #31
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    Default Re: I spar in ONE week.

    Quote Originally Posted by Poom

    I dont really understand whats going on here, this seems like a buildup to a real fight, Seriously Gyrokai stop thinking about it or you will get so tense when you get in the ring :P

    Sparring is just sparring and the point of it is to practise without getting hurt so there is no reason to stress or get worried about it, it is just another element of training getting introduced to you like skipping or hitting the bag, something regular that you will do

    In a normal gym they will just start you off jabbing at eachother or something anyway , dont "Prepare" to spar, do it and then after you know what it is like think about it more.

    Your enthusiasm is great but just dont build it up in your mind much, it will all be for 2 minutes of gentle jabbing probably !
    Haha, I know.

    Your right.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    I just sparred today!

    I have to go to sleep now,

    but I just have to tell you guys and gals.

    "I love you guys!!!"

    Your advice HELPED me in every way!!!

  3. #33
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    Thats cricket

  4. #34
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gyrokai
    I just sparred today!

    I have to go to sleep now,

    but I just have to tell you guys and gals.

    "I love you guys!!!"

    Your advice HELPED me in every way!!!
    how was it?... :P you talked more about sparring during your 'build up' than you did about the actual experience (are are you still typing it up? )

  5. #35
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    Heheh, whatevah Adam.

    Dude, it was insane! Just like you guys said it would be. That first time sparrers will go wild on each other.

    I basically gambled on it, when I shouldn't have, but in the end it was better for me.
    All I got was a right black eye and a very small mouse under my right eye. I went to school the next day, not even banged up, nobody really noticed really.

    So here it goes...

    I shadowbox to get ready, about 3 rounds, then I do the ropes for about 2 minutes, to get my balance ready. I didn't even use the pads to get ready, but just shadowboxed. I also shadowboxed that morning, to relay what I should do. Jabs, Hands Up, Feints, Bodyshots, and circle to my left. I even took a short 15-20 minute nap before I went to the gym, and I didn't eat too too much either that day.

    They say, how many rounds do you want to go. And I decided earlier that I wanted to go 3 rounds, because everybody says that it feels horrible for 3 rounds the first time, so I want to see how it REALLY is.

    So we get ready and my bud puts headgear on me, it smells, stinks of old sweat and I say so, but it fits snugly. My bud says,"It ain't headgear if it doesn't stink." He puts on vaseline on my nose, and lips since my lips chap easily (could cut).

    I climb into the ring, my buddie tells me to throw Lefts (jabs) and rights, as I'm in the ring. And as it gets closer, I tell myself I don't have enough adrenaline in me, because I know I should be very up on this, in case it gets bad.

    Round starts and I circle to left, jab, jab, jab. He automatically follows me. At this gym they don't emphasize defense, so there was always a sense that this could get bad. Then this guy throws a One-Two! I don't know if he's scared, trained to only punch, or wanted to prove something, but it ain't no half-assed 1-2. That right was a MONSTER punch with all mustard behind it! Somehow, I slip down to the right or left, I can't remember, but I make him miss. (All my favorite boxing workouts include head movement, and THAT saved my life! I work the slip bag, double-end bag, and the reflex bag alot, I also try to shadowbox with head movement.)

    By the way, but that day the gym was packed for some reasone, with everybody working out. But anways afterwards, I'm told that 45 seconds into this, the whole gyms watching now.

    I also have to say that I have bad eyes, meaning I have to wear glasses. Of course, I'm not wearing contacts, so it's blurry, but I also train without my glasses all the time.
    I just had to say that because, I don't know I saw those rights coming! But I kept sliping them and coming back with a punch. I slip left & down, I threw a straight left to his body. I slip right, I throw a straight right somewhere just to land it, up or down I think. After this, I keep up my circling and jab jab jab. I also throw in a feint, which makes him raise his hands, and afterwards I throw either another jab, or a jab to the body, at one time I hit him with a right to the body (I hear him breath out a little).

    But this guy keeps throwing 1-2's with Right Hands with KO intentions! The round ends perfectly! Didn't get caught at all. My bud says,"You did Awesome!" and I say "It's not over yet" while I breath heavily. My bud says to "Take Deeep Breaths." I do, more than a couple to get ready. My bud in my corner was very relaxed.

    Round two, I keep it up. But he had to land that right sooner or later right? Well it hit, and it hit hard!!! I thought to myself, that was hard! Then later he hits me with another shot. And remember when SalTheButcher says he sees static when he gets hit hard? Well I saw exactly that! I'm circling as always. And I think I had a lot of ring behind me, and he was almost to the ropes when I try to take him to the ropes with punches. I think thats when he catches me with three zingers! This is where I got dizzy for a moment. Then he doesn't persue... maybe because he thought I was going to land a jab. By the way, every time I catch him with my jab, his head goes up and back. Sometimes I throw a right with it. At one point I throw slip to the left, he misses his right, and as I slip I throw one of the best straight rights ever. It misses, because I throw it too close to my head, but around this time I think "One of us is going to get hurt!" Round two ends I go back to my corner.

    I think to myself,"Why the f*ck did I say 3 rounds!" haha
    I ask my bud what should I do, he says keep your distance, don't trade or go in with him, use jab. And I tell him that this guy even got me dizzy at one point. Breathing hard of course...

    Round 3 starts, this time I know not to go crazy on him, cause this guy hits HARD! I don't know if he's trying to prove something or whatever but he throws that bomb right with bad intentions. So I circle and keep up my jab etc. And by this time my opponent learns how to feint too! But I don't think it matters cause I just keep my head moving. (At least I think) Someone yells to me, "Keep your hands up!" As I put my hands down slowly. So I listen. At some point some point my corner yells, "Use your Jab!" So I use it three quick times in a row, they were low and he blocked them... I didn't care, he was kept away from me. (Even though I used it throughout, it was the first time I realized it was very effective way to keep him away, even if he did block it.) I don't concentrate on speedy jabs anymore, just jabs with a lot of power on it, which moves his head back a bit again. He stops his aggressive attack right about two thirds into it, I think, I'm so glad, because he was very aggressive all the time beforehand. He's very tired. After throwing and missing Monster shots and I do a little bit of body shots throughout too. This is a guy who has more conditioning and stamina than me, so I know something had to make this guy more tired than me.

    Last thirty second bell rings and I know he's going to try to go on strong, so I keep head moving every time. By the end, he lands a headshot, wasn't powerful, and closing seconds I hit him with my left and a right, I see his head go up and back again, as the final bell rings.

    I go to my corner, and then I go the the other guy's corner, and say it was a good fight at the end (Like a good sportsman).

    It went by so fast, no time to think almost. I always thought it would be long where I would think,"When is this going to end?!?" But I didn't even had time to think about that. Went by so fast. The only time I had time to think about that stuff, was in my corner after the 2nd round. Most of the stuff I tell you, I remember by me really thinking hard on it, and my bud and my Uncle who happened to be there telling me what I did wrong or right.

    At one point I did something horrible, I move my head straight back. Stupid! Right when that happened, the guy rushed me like I was a small deer ready to be killed.

    My bud did say I had a little bounce when I circled and that my jab was strong and he said he couldn't believe I was countering (slip a punch then throw one back while I was crouched a little).

    Also, the other guy had a mouse under one of his eyes. Noticable I hear, since I can't see it, since I have to wear glasses to see that clearly!!!! heh My high cheek bones hid my mouse and my black eye hadn't formed yet. So I looked ok, I think. I think. haha

    At a distance, I did bounce a little with my hands a little down. I was way out of range, but still... I think that was stupid. Maybe I'll learn how to do it right.

    Also I realised I let my emotions get a hold of me, in the second. The reason I tried to trade with him, was because it pissed me off he was going MONSTER on me and that he landed some really good shots, and I wanted to hit him back. Also, there was a moment I wanted him to throw a head shot, so that I would counter with a Massive Right of my Own. But I realized I was putting my gloves too down to "see" what he was doing and bating too much... Stupid!!! But fortunately someone yelled to me "Keep Your Hands Up!" and I listened.

    Next time, I'll have more discipline, let no emotions or anger, keep to the jab, and don't go inside with them. Be disciplined or I can get rocked again!

    Conclusion: It did go crazy, he did try to freakin' KO me, but my jab and the rest saved me! haha I was the busier fighter throughout, and thankfully I didn't get hurt. Looks like I rely on jab, speed, defense, and not power cause boy he could hit!

    The only reason I did good was My Buddie, YOU GUYS, and Boxing educational references. I try to listen.

    Seriously I read you guys, and asked for advise for about 2 and a half weeks, you guys know that. And I re-read what you guys had to say the week and the day of the spar.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    Also, after he hit me hard, It looked like I didn't know what to do. I didn't cover up or duck. That's what my bud said. Another said, my jab slowed down later on too, significantly. Ummm, I think that's it.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    Sounds like you did well. All the training paid off.

    Sounds a little crazy with the guy trying to KO you, but that's how a lot of beginners are, however they rarely land on experienced guys. You managed to survive against a brawler using your boxing skills and not go crazy when you were caught so good on you.

    Are you looking forward to your next session?

  8. #38
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    Congrats man it sounds like you did well, i guess its lucky you got that reflex bag after all

  9. #39
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    Actually, even though I do so good, I'm quite scared to get into a fight. But I know I have what it takes to fight back.

    Right now, I just want to lightly spar, to learn.

    I don't think he hit me in the back of my head, but...
    both sides of the back of my head are sore, not hurting sore, just noticeable. Not the far back of my head, but the left back and the right back too. Weird. Not hurting, only when I press against it, I can feel a little tenderness.

    That's how HARD this kid hits OR how BAD my chin is. I hope to gawd I don't have a Vargas Chin!!! haha

    Had I not gotten so rocked, I would have loved to return.

    Another thing I found out about this kid, the other guys tell me he can jump all the way to the basketball rim and grab the rim with BOTH HANDS! I can't even touch the net's halfway point! Dude, I bet this kid has so much punching power, base on his leg strength and his Polymetric training. The kid trains HARD on Polymetrics and very athletic.

    I'm actually lucky I survived without hitting the canvas! Had I not known some of the stuff, I would EASILY been humiliated and kissed the canvas, I know this!

    Kid wanted to kill me so much, I'm glad I kicked his *ss. And why the hell did that gym send me in with a Monster Puncher!
    Just as Missy said, it's my fault.

    But yeah, I survived the big Tyson test. "Everybody has a plan until they get hit."

    I'm glad I did it, I really am. This tells me I have what it takes.
    But next time I get into a bonefide fight, I'm getting credit for it the amatuer records.

    ***Also, so you guys know, he did hit me in the first round, but it wasn't clean (I slipped), so I didn't feel it at all and mix that with adrenaline, I felt like he never hit me. Wasn't till the second he hit me cleanly.

    I won't spar with this kid ever again. Only if I get even better training. If I ever spar with him again, and I will be even MORE ready. And if he tries to pull that right hand again, I'll do exactly what I did last time and slip to the left, and throw a powerful straight right hand... only this time I'm going to point the right hand 20 Degrees to the right. BANG! His face will run right into it, this time, rather than missing it.

    Also, I'm glad I said I wanted to go 3 rounds, because the 3rd was big for me. Had it ended in the 2nd, I would have left a little defeated.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    It was also, 3 Three Minute Rounds.

  11. #41
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    I think you sort of get used to getting hit, I've only sparred for a few weeks but I already take punches a little better, though I'm still a little hesitant to get too involved in a brawl.

    Would your experienced buddie consider sparring you? you'd learn a lot from him, as long as he takes it easy on you to begin with.

  12. #42
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bomp
    I think you sort of get used to getting hit, I've only sparred for a few weeks but I already take punches a little better, though I'm still a little hesitant to get too involved in a brawl.

    Would your experienced buddie consider sparring you? you'd learn a lot from him, as long as he takes it easy on you to begin with.
    I think that's the smartest thing to do, BUT he's a southpaw and very awkward. Not conventional at all.

    Maybe that's good? Very good? But I need to get ready for conventional right hand stances, I believe.

    I'll spar next week. Not this week.

  13. #43
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    very glad to hear that it went well...the thing is this, you didn't panic when you got hit, avoided most of his right handed blows and even managed to give someback off of the misses. Have any new ideas about what to work on on the heavy bag? Like where your feet are in relation to each other and to the rest of you? About weight shifts as you slip that facilitate hard punches?
    And why not spar this guy again? You KNOW a bit about him after all. Sounds to me like he came straight forward, pawing his jab and whistling his right, probably pretty square up, chin in the air. Did he follow the right with a hook or what? You found your wind to be deeper than his and took his best punch..
    Try again with smaller tighter circles, to your right, wt to your back foot and left low. (you are moving away from his right, and should be in a semi-crouch; you want him to throw the right) Off his jab you can hook as you pivot right and rt foot lands, or jab from low bringing it up. This punch works if timed- as they all do I guess- properly because everybody has an instant with the chin wide open when throwing a right, no matter how well.
    Take a chance at deflecting his right with your left shoulder- if he loops it you're mostly riding it over your head like an 'influence-block' in the NFL- and see the shots to land effetive uppercuts and rights of your own. As he throws a right bump that elbow with your left glove....
    What I'm getting at is that the possibilities are endless and change with each new or different action, and they only way to learn is to try...While the exuberance is still there milk it because I assure you that there is nothing like it on earth- hearing a punch whistle past you and knowing it hurts because the last time it didn't quite get past but this time it did and, not only that, you managed to land one of your own that made him grunt or gap or back up...
    Glad it went well my friend

  14. #44
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    Why do you get vasaline put on ur nose??

  15. #45
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    Default Re: I sparred today!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by greynotsoold
    very glad to hear that it went well...the thing is this, you didn't panic when you got hit, avoided most of his right handed blows and even managed to give someback off of the misses. Have any new ideas about what to work on on the heavy bag? Like where your feet are in relation to each other and to the rest of you? About weight shifts as you slip that facilitate hard punches?
    And why not spar this guy again? You KNOW a bit about him after all. Sounds to me like he came straight forward, pawing his jab and whistling his right, probably pretty square up, chin in the air. Did he follow the right with a hook or what? You found your wind to be deeper than his and took his best punch..
    Try again with smaller tighter circles, to your right, wt to your back foot and left low. (you are moving away from his right, and should be in a semi-crouch; you want him to throw the right) Off his jab you can hook as you pivot right and rt foot lands, or jab from low bringing it up. This punch works if timed- as they all do I guess- properly because everybody has an instant with the chin wide open when throwing a right, no matter how well.
    Take a chance at deflecting his right with your left shoulder- if he loops it you're mostly riding it over your head like an 'influence-block' in the NFL- and see the shots to land effetive uppercuts and rights of your own. As he throws a right bump that elbow with your left glove....
    What I'm getting at is that the possibilities are endless and change with each new or different action, and they only way to learn is to try...While the exuberance is still there milk it because I assure you that there is nothing like it on earth- hearing a punch whistle past you and knowing it hurts because the last time it didn't quite get past but this time it did and, not only that, you managed to land one of your own that made him grunt or gap or back up...
    Glad it went well my friend
    So move circular to the right occasionally next time?
    When he comes in, slip to the right as I throw a left hook to his head? Is that what your saying?

    And as I crouch, with left shoulder covering chin, couch so if he throws a looping right?
    I have a feeling he's going to throw a looping right next time. His trainers may tell him so, so that next time I slip, he'll hit me, at least I think?

    And as he comes in with a right, throw a jab, from low?

    I'll probably spar with him in a month. One of the people I trust (Uncle), someone who helped me a little bit, said I should wait a month before I get back with him. I think that is fair. By that time I'll be trained to look for that right.
    In the meantime, I'll figure out someone else to spar with, next week HOPEFULLY.

    But having my Uncle pop shots at me, while I try to block them, take them, or slip them at half speed, is good for me right now. Right now, I want to work on my blocking, since I'm okay at slipping.

    Next time I think I need to practice a left hook counter, powerful 1-2, block the right, and uppercuts because I have a feeling he's going to try to get in very close this time. Last time I made it a distance fight with my footwork and jab, but this time
    I have a feeling, since he never quit, he'll have the balls to try to get even closer next time. So I want to land an uppercut next time, if he tries to get in close.

    "Why do you get vasaline put on ur nose?? "--ringside

    They put fight grease on me. Closest thing I could think of to that was Vasaline. Didn't expect for them to put grease on my nose. It was then, that I had a feeling that this would be very serious.

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