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Thread: Kronhjort's Training Log

  1. #1
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    Default Kronhjort's Training Log

    Age: 17
    Weight: 173.8 lbs
    Nationality: Norway
    Current goals: Win my first amateur match

    First off I would like to thank for a very nice and informative website. I've been around for some weeks now reading through the various posts and I realize having an online training log would be nice to keep track on my current training and also having progress written down can hopefully be a huge motivation factor.

    Brief boxing experience:
    I haven't been boxing for more than 3 months whereas I joined a boxing club back in August 2008. Working full time on the basics. For the last 2 months I've been actively taking part in sparring sessions and hopefully I can get an amateur match in January/February 2009.

    - Friday: Started of after school at 15.30 with a 4 mile jog.
    After some months my legs are getting severely hurt from running on asphalt and on command from both trainer and doctor I must find an alternate route in the woods. Earlier had an influence of boneretina-inflammation and I think it's not 100% gone yet.

    Home from roadwork exactly 35 minutes later, taking a short stretch then 4 rounds of rope skipping. Having a long stretch after this.

    4 rounds of Shadowboxing in the streets (everybody's watching from their windows... how stupid I must look ) bearing the basics of footwork, defense and proper punches in my mind when I move around and also trying to visualize an opponent in front of me from time to time, but having some problems with that

    Started up again at 18.00 with 20 push-ups 30s. rest, 10 knuckle push-ups, 30s. rest then 10 push-ups.
    Doing 20*4 sit-ups (alternating methods every 20)
    My legs hurt too badly for Squats today so I will let them rest until I get better. Working my back and shoulders on various dumbells exercises.

    - Saturday: Spending half the day waiting in the city for my car to show up so I'm not home at my parent's before 18.00.
    A little casual day today. Doing Geriljae Cardio (tabetha sprints?) 20s * 8 with 10s rest inbetween
    Skipping rope for 4 rounds whereas a long stretch follows and then shadowbox for 2 rounds.

    Immedietly starting up with 20 pushups, 10 pushups, 5 knuckle pushups with 30s. rest inbetween.
    A total of 50 sit-ups with varied methods and 40s. of lower abs exercise.
    Working the dumbells for 4 minutes with light weights focusing on strenghtening the erector spinea as I feel it's quite weak.

    - Sunday: No training today. Using sundays for pure rest.
    Last edited by Kronhjort; 11-25-2008 at 12:25 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Kronhjort's Training Log

    - Monday: Worked on shadowboxing & rope skipping an hour outside the gym before it opened. 2 hours practice in the gym. Today I got introduced to sidestepping i.e blocking a jab and work the opponent from the side.
    I spent alot of time on that together with a partner in addition to the normal training reutine. Also did some barrel-roll practice with one of the couch for some time which I feel I'm getting better at now.
    I feel my arsenal is growing wider now than what it originally was, slug-fest with an opponent head on, but I must be careful not to go too far ahead too fast.

    Did some dumbells exercises when I got home focusing on erector spinea (lower core back), shoulders and back.

    - Tuesday: Less of a workout than what I was hoping for. Didn't really get around to anything today Worked on some push ups, squats, sit ups and dumbells.

    - Wednesday: Shadowboxed an hour outside the gym before it opened. Had a very intensive training in the gym today. The couch wanted to drill us on pushups, situps and sprints over and over again. Many of us didn't get to the finish. Sparring today was a bit different. The couch didn't want me to team up with my usuals since they just goof around. So I was introduced to the 220lbs guys. Something I realized by sparring with them is that I move around alot more than what I would do with the ones at my own weight so that's good. The downside though is that I get utterly stressed and I mess up a lot of my punches which in return gives me a bleeding nose :P It's been bleeding all sparring sessions for 1 week now so I'm gonna visit a doctor to burn the bloodveins in the lower part of my nose.

    Biking home from the gym there's several ambulance cars in my neighborhood with the sirens on and It appears that the guy across the street from my house has gone and done something stupid as he's getting carried into the cars. Poor guy :8

    - Thursday: Today was alot of fun. There wasn't many people present at the gym today except a few so I got one of the trainers for myself the whole training session. At first we did the usual, jumping rope, shadowboxing and hitting the mitts. We had several sparring sessions whereas the first was a 4 round spar with my couch where we alternately swapped from defense to offense every round. My defence is improving significantly and it's getting more natural to move my hands around my body. Then I had a 4 round (2minute rounds) spar whereas I was only gonna defend myself and every 1 minute a new guy was sent in. 4 opponents in total which all had 1 round each. I got myself a breather while another guy was doing the same thing. Then I had a 2 minute sparring with the couch and he said we were only gonna go around and enjoy ourselves... What a lier... He launched a flurry of short and compact punches which was endlessly thrown at me for 2 minutes and I spent 90% of the time defending and 10% attacking. It was such a shock :O

    - Friday: Home to my parents place. Took my mothers dog out for a jog. Nothing fancy. Did 30+10 pushups, some situps & squats.

    - Saturday:

    - Sunday:
    Last edited by Kronhjort; 12-04-2008 at 08:08 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Kronhjort's Training Log

    Welcome to the training logs section, Kronhjort.

    You seem to be on track with the training and learning and especially so new to boxing.

    I too had problems when I was running on asphalt, and eventually turned most of my cardio over to tabata sprints, and hill sprints. Only when I needed to cut weight, was then I jogged. And then too, I tried to stay off the roads. I had a lot of lower back pain and ankle and especially knee pain. It all but disappeared once I got off the hard pavement.

    Another thing I felt that helped alot, and I think had a lot to do with my lower back pain...was that I was working out hard, but not recovering properly. I say this because I was experiencing many other strains during that time also. What I did was start to supplement with whey protein(30g) and L-glutamine (5g) within 10 mins of all workouts. The back pain and strains went away and rarely ever now come back. I also make sure to stretch really well, moreso then earlier in my training.

    It looks like you are learning good stuff at your gym, working onlateral movement and fighting, and getting lots of sparring. Sparring it what it is all about. Nothing has helped me more to improve then sparring.

    Good luck to you in training, and in getting and winning your first fight.

    If I can help answer any questions ever, please ask them.

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    Default Re: Kronhjort's Training Log

    Thanks a lot Youngblood

    Indeed you're right about hard pavement can be a nightmare. I'm trying to find alternate routes around the area, but it's rather hard as I live in the middle of a city. I was at a doctor some time ago and he took some measures of my foot and special-made me a shoe sole which adds up the unbalance on the rear- & front end off my foot (the middle part did not touch the floor). After I got these I have never experience much pain the days after a jog (earlier the pain would be there for 3-4 days), but only whenever I currently jog. Continuously running with that pain is likely a bad idea so I'm trying to find some alternate routes on a lighter pavement. Whenever I am home at my parents house in the weekend I usually go for long jogs in the forest as they live out on the country so the weekends are safe I was in the shop the other day and bought some Mizuno running shoes with full shock absorb so hopefully that will give me a breather aswell As for stretching I think I'm stretching my legs very well, but I must admit I have not ever stretched my back/neck.

    Just like you I have problems with my lower back being sore the next morning I wake up so I looked up L-glutamine in the supplement dictionary that is here on the forum and I realize the effects documented there could really have an effect on my body, but I don't fully understand if it's legal to use those kinds of supplements in competition or not. Say if Wladimir Klitschko would use L-glutamine, would that have any risk of him not being allowed to enter a match or not? I have already considered buying Whey Protein, but I really just can't afford it at the moment having to pay the rent and all I am traveling to Mexico in December so perhaps they sell it cheaper there.. Or is it safe to buy supplements in Mexico? :P

    Yeah, sparring is the bomb. :P It's really fun when the couch's participate aswell. They keep beating me up everyday

    I'm writing a list of tools to create a homemade slip bag. (Just like the one in this video) heading to the hardware store at once I get permition from the house owner to screw a hook in the ceiling

    Thanks for your reply Youngblood I'll definetly do my best in getting my 1st victory!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Kronhjort's Training Log

    Now that you've been introduced to side-stepping you can practice it at home. While you're practicing, try to coordinate your hands and feet, step and jab, step 1-2 all the while considering your stance and where you are relative to your imaginary opponent (also where your feet are in relation to theirs). This is a good way to get comfortable with the movement, and help you become aware of a few things which will help prepare you for the ring.

    Once you get into pivots, half steps and shifts that's when fun and magic begins. For now concentrate on your fundamental footwork, work it into shadow boxing and bag work to get natural.

    By the way, there's nothing in the rule book against L-glutamine, it's just an amino acid. Supplementing it will help relieve DOMS, as well as dealing with hunger and cravings. It's relatively cheap and worth it if you're training hard.
    Last edited by Chris Nagel; 12-02-2008 at 01:16 PM.
    If you hear a voice within you saying that I am not a painter, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Kronhjort's Training Log

    - Monday: Met up at the gym, but no one was there due to sickness so I head on back home. Didn't do much today except pushups, situps & squats. Also worked the dumbells for a while.

    - Tuesday: Got nothing done today except the usual pushups, situps, squats and dumbells training.

    - Wednesday: The couch called and said the gym wouldn't be open before Monday next week. I Went for a 4 mile jog, 4*3 minutes rope skipping and 4*3minutes shadowboxing. pushups, situps squats and dumbells training in the evening.

    - Thursday: Today was actually a little fun compared to the other days of the week. I found this football field where some kids played. I was allowed to use the lower part of the field for running (huge football field) so I started up with tabetha sprints. After that I did sprints across the short length of the field and walked back. Did about 7 or 8 sprints. Got home stretched. Skipping rope for 4*3minutes, shadowbox for 4*3minutes.
    Tried out a new exercise a friend showed me called Burpees, which was a hell of a conditioning nightmare. Did intervalls of 30 seconds with 30s. rest for 6minutes. After that pushups, situps and dumbells.

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