Ever the optimist, I'm looking forward to this fight on Jan 17th. Lots of bad things can happen, like Wilder crashing and burning after the first clean shot by a legit HW fighter. Another scenario would be Stiverne mysteriously crumbling from the first glancing blow from Deontay (ala Malik Scott). But what a boom for the HW division it would be to have these two engage in a terrific, competitive fight, preferably lasting at least into the middle rounds! It's not gonna be a chess match. These two guys have serious power, and hopefully will provide us with the kind of show we haven't seen in..... well..... let's just say in quite some time.

I hope they're both up to the task. Furthermore, even if it ends in a highlight reel KO, I hope the loser rebounds from the loss (I guess I'm thinking more about Wilder when I say this). ..... and if it's a great fight...... REMATCH.

Oh what the hell.
While I'm at it, I hope I hit the lottery, and the prize money is delivered by Monica Bellucci, Kate Upton, Scarlet Johansson, and Halle Berry.