Quote Originally Posted by superheavyrhun View Post
Awww, I guess you're right Lyle. Fuck those war vets who can't work because of what they've been through and get screwed by the government. Fuck those unfortunate people who haven't had the privilege of good schools and a college education. Fuck everyone who isn't already among the wealthy. When it comes to the opportunity to redistribute wealth, the US is one of the most disproportionately balanced countries in the world. If you're rich, you're likely to stay rich. If you're poor, you're pretty much gonna stay poor. You've got a better chance of joining the equivalent of the wealthy elite in Swaziland, Central African Republic, South Africa, Haiti and even Cambodia than you do in the United States.

I'm not taking you seriously, I'm just putting forward the case why nobody else should take political tips from across the pond.
If you literally cannot work due to what has happened to you there's something called "Disability" in which you are taken care of by tax payers. However, with the poor economy there has been a spike of citizens claiming disability....over 10 million Americans are claiming disability at the moment. A smidge excessive wouldn't you imagine? Add that to the 92 million Americans who have dropped out of the labor force altogether and you'll see that's roughly 1/3rd of the American population that is no longer able to work, no longer working, and no longer looking for work.

Good schools, ah but the government provides schooling does it not? And the government also closes off school choice (not sure if you have this issue overseas) so IF a child was in a bad school district and although they might be eligible for scholarships to better PRIVATE schools, the government says "Nay, nay" and the child is forced to go to the poor public school.

Mobility works both ways, I have a cousin that pissed away $15 MILLION in his lifetime, when he dies he will leave his children nothing....nothing IF THEY ARE LUCKY! (because he could leave them massive debt). My own family (to answer your first question before we get to the details: we never got to touch 1 single solitary cent of that $15 mil, and although I would have loved a chance to spend that cash [who wouldn't?] I'm thankful for what I have and what I earn)....so my family has been between the very wealthy and the very poor, we've come very close to losing the roof over our heads and from a position of decent wealth too (showing that YES you can be well off and lose everything) but we've scratched and clawed our way back up the ladder (yes, upward mobility, it CAN be done, I've seen it, I've lived it).

You've no doubt got facts to back up your suggestion that upward mobility is easier in those 3rd world countries?

My political and economic stance is viewed as "harsh", "draconian". Am I opposed to giving time and money to charities? Hell no, I am a happy, smiling, willing participant in giving back to my community and to those in need. If I need to give money I give money, if I need to give my blood I give my blood, if I need to give my time I give my time, my strength, my advice, etc I give from myself, from my hard work...but the government gives from my hard work as well, they don't do a very good job of limiting waste and fraud, but I suppose pointing that out makes me a bad person. I suppose having a community rally together and support each other on their own without the intrusion of the government is a bad thing? Teaching those who have, to share what they have of their own free will is a HORRIBLE suggestion right? That's what I advocate.

Behavioral Psychology helps shape my view of politics and economics. If you take the time to understand Behavioral Psych then you'll understand my take on things. Behavioral Psychology is used in training be it children or pets or what have you. Let's use a dog as an example, let's say you're training your dog to sit. It's a simple enough task that involves a direction, an action, and a reward and it's typically always in that order. Direction then action, then reward. You want the dog to sit, you direct the dog to sit via verbal command, hand signal, whatever...the dog completes the action and is then rewarded. The dog learns if they complete an action when directed they will be rewarded and boom that training session is over and done with. You don't give the dog the treat first, you don't give a direction and then give the dog the treat figuring the dog will accomplish the task afterwards. Now you treat a citizen the way the government does, when the person is unemployed you pay them before they get another job which is fine and necessary but when those benefits last for 99 weeks, it gets to the point where a person is being "rewarded" for not working. Or in the case of welfare, if your income is above a certain level benefits are cut off which again, "rewards" shiftlessness, it "rewards" not doing 100%. Where's the motivation to improve oneself if the "rewards" flow whether you work or not?

I am FULLY aware of the plight of the less fortunate, but I will NEVER coddle able bodied adults because in my opinion that is the most demeaning thing you can do to a person. "Awwww honey, we don't need you doing this job, we're actually better off if you sit on the sidelines and stay out of our way, but don't worry, we'll take care of you"....part of a person's value is what they contribute, if I contribute nothing what does that make me?