Hey c'mon guys.... it's a bonafide argument, being carried out more civilly than 99% of the arguments on the forum lately. That in as of itself is refreshing to see.

On the topic itself, I'll just put it this way. The moon landing conspiracy theory, for lack of a better description, hasn't really taken off until relatively recently (I believe), at least as compared to the timeframe of the moon landings themselves. In other words.... the hoax claim didn't come out right off the bat after the landings. Thus, for many years, the vast majority of people were content with believing what they were seeing, hearing, and reading. That majority would include me. I never found it necessary to go back and dig deep to find out whether the landings were a hoax or not. Surely the motives were there. The space race with the Russians..... the commitment from JFK that it would be done..... and just plain old national pride. But I'll say right off the bat..... I'm generally not a fan of conspiracy theories. It seems everything nowadays is a conspiracy. This all sort of blends in nauseatingly with the Fake News phenomenon made so popular nowadays by President Trump. It's mind-boggling to think that nothing's real anymore. Maybe we were too innocent back then. Maybe we needed to become more jaded and skeptical about everything. But boy, does it suck to live this way.

I'm not going to weigh in on the lunar landings, because honestly I haven't been moved to read about them till now..... and hadn't had any reason to question them before now. Obviously it's an important topic, but TBH I'm just not moved to dig deep to find the real answers. Enough of the fake news and bogus facts spewed regularly on this forum by agenda-driven people, for me to take on yet another "truth that isn't really true."

It's all a bit sad, really.