I don't have to explain shit. I'm not the one trying to debunk the most accepted of truths.

YOU explain the sun setting to us. Or rising. Sorry, but the model of a gyrating sun above the Flat Earth doesn't cut it.

YOU explain why daylight travels throughout different Earth locations, and why people speaking to each other on the phone (you believe in those, right?) can vouch for the differences in different parts of the world.

You don't believe in space. You don't believe a plane can circle the Earth. You obviously don't believe in satellites, or anything that's up in space.

You dismiss very basic geometries of scale when talking about curvature.

You continue to regurgitate the same tired "experiments" with containers of water.

YOU explain to US why the Earth is flat, and make it believable.

I'll stop with the ridiculing when you stop with the insult-hurling. You've gone downhill before our very eyes.

Iceberg my ass. Damn thing got too close to the edge.

Poor bastards.