Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
I was defending the people in that community not Tommy Robinson. The innocent victims attacked by a ranting and raving mob. The people you seem to have judged without knowing what their thoughts or feelings were?

Frankly i'm glad you didn't just pluck something out the air? Feel free to explain your expertise in hooliganism? Facebook meetings? And Policing?
I know you are not defending Robinson. It is his narrative that is full of shit and people are eager to buy it. Doesn't mean he never tells the truth. I am not attacking anyone just the idea that all the people on Robinsons side were innocent bystanders. There are a huge percentage there to kick off.

I am not an expert in hooliganism but I have known a few guys who part of that scene (thankfully ecstasy and the rave scene changed them) and been at matches home and away in the thick of it (not by design) when it kicks off. I then saw it from the other side reviewing evidence etc for the Prosecution and the Police will escort known thugs thru a city in order to deter trouble. Happens most weekends all over the country. Could not see them escorting anyone in either video though. I may be mistaken and have missed it but it seems Tommys defenders just made that bit up.

There is a reporter there at the beginning and Tommy has been urging his thugs to attack them for a while now. I would never bring my kids and grandkids to an event like that but Tommies mob did knowing what would happen. It is not just those in the estate.
I never said everyone with Robinson was innocent, clearly many of his supporters reveled in it and enjoyed themselves.

However, the only person "making things up" to suit a narrative is you. No, sorry, maybe you truly believe the muslim mob had every right to violently attack that community? Or you truly believe all the people in that area were prepared and ready for the "planned" attack.

The point is the trouble was started by a mob TRAVELLING to an area they didn't live, facilitated by the police. It wasn't a barren industrial estate it was peoples homes. But it doesn't matter as being poor white people they are all evil, nasty racist Robinson supporters.

As you've just proved through your "experience" in hooliganism - Police will escort known thugs thru a city in order to deter trouble. Exactly! The police prevent mass punchups not encourage them. That is exactly the same as my own experience of football matches.