Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
A bit weird having you talk about me as though i am not here so just to make it clear El Kabong.
Well Memphis was the one who asked the questions and so I responded to him. I didn't know you wanted to be CC'd in my response. My apologies.

Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
The tests you think are so readily available here, are about as real as your Presidents claim that he is the one who has been taking this seriously all along, and that anyone who says otherwise is fake news.
Did I say they were "readily available"? Also if they AREN'T "readily available" then how do we have anything close to an accurate count of who has this virus?

Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
They are not available unless you are at deaths door putting it frankly.

The gap between being perfectly healthy and on Death's Door is a pretty big one and in no way proves your stupid suggestion that is all or nothing. Minor or no symptoms or Death. That is how reductive, binary and fucking stupid all your arguments are.
Why would they bother testing people at death's door? Wouldn't you test prior to that to see what they have in order to treat it? Does that not make more sense?

I didn't say there were "no minor symptons" I saw Idris Elba and he claims he had it and tested positive for it and he sounded absolutely normal. Do I find that odd? Yes, yes I do. Do I think he's lying, not necessarily...I just find it odd that Elba apparently had it and had no symptoms, Chris Cuomo has it and sounds normal as usual.....seems odd to me.

Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
Neither of us has Asthma, Chronic lung disease, Diabetes, Kidney or Liver Disease of the kind that would make us more vulnerable to respiratory failure. So no of course we have not been to hospital and no the Doctors is not just open for business as usual.
If you say so. I find it pretty incredible for someone afflicted with so many other ailments to not have been in respiratory distress due to such a serious disease. Kind of seems odd is all. Doesn't mean it can't be true, just seems odd. Seems less likely than "we got hammered by this disease and had to seek medical help"....no medicines? Just vitamins and sunshine? Yeah, seems odd.

Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
It is mental how much you are willing to assume and how little you are willing to believe. Is that because you are a compulsive liar yourself or something? Or are you just paranoid? I honestly don't know where your insane suspicion of everything comes from. Are you doing a cocktail of Ketamine and Acid like Trump everyday or something? I can't keep up with your mental gymnastics.
OK, if you say so

Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
It is amazing that you would think posters here, not just myself would be willing to makes stuff up purely in order to do what? Prove you wrong? Bloody hell man what is wrong with you?
No, not "posters here", just you.