what part of your opponent do you like to focus on? His eyes? His left hand? His right hand??

I tend to look at his face... or looking elsewhere to try to find an opening. But after eating too many jabs, I wondering why that is (when I've always had great reflexes and hand-eye coord). I also find it takes your ability to slip and parry away because you don't see the hand coming at you as well. It's tantamount to a batter watching a pitcher's face and not the ball. ie, to hit the ball you have to WATCH the ball.

I'm going to try watching his jab hand a little more and letting the targets become part of my background and perriphery since it's easier to see background objects than it is to see foreground objects.

Cus D'amatto once said something like "He doesn't hit you with his chest or eyes...he hits you with his hands, so why watch anything else?"

so what do YOU like to focus on, and why?