Right so here is my dilema

I can box, Im not a great boxer but im not terrible when i try hard enough..

I so badly want to work on my boxing and develop what ideally would be a slick style and do more counter punching..

But what ive done for the most part and i seem to be 'best at' is bieng a puncher, going after people and trading shots..

I can take punches well but i would much rather not if you get my idea..

Most of my sparring partners are either lighter and quicker amatuer fighhters who are undoubtedly great fighters..

Or pros that are just so good that you have to think about every punch you throw or you'll get a nasty counter punch.. Which just ends up in three minutes of constant slipping feiting jabs and body punches on my side and alot of covering up..

I think one of my main flaws is that i just cant seem to work the jab right ..

If i do try to box i usually flck out a few jabs, two or three at a time, parry away incoming jabs.. fient and try strait punches and then every time i finish i try to begin to circle to my right again and get away from right hands..

but when i do this all i get is my partner staying close and giving me no room so when i go to the ropes or start getting hit i just stand and trade again.. Its near impossible to keep lads off me because of my lack of power in the jab..

I suppose the question is.. Are there any specific tips i can use to help me when i want to box concerning my jab movement and counter punching..

Its hard to explain but i will try elaborate as conversation begins to flow
