Perception and balance...
Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
Heres a thing you can try, Stand on your good leg with the other of the floor in balance. Then shut your eyes, what happens next is the primory reason for you not improving your speed, understanding it is the key.
Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
I call it the Oral principal of balance, every thing I try reverts back to it. Keep getting some amazing results. Wonder if theres anybody out there, whos working in the same field.

Actually it shows, our balance isnt to good because off our eyes. The motorization of the body is affected by the eyes ears and mouth and neck posture and the inabiltey of the two eyes seeing the same.
Quote Originally Posted by MD
Scrap I am intrigued by this. The exercise standing on one leg with your eyes shut is basically a proprioception exercise. As far as I'm aware sensory nerves in the ankle for example, tell the brain that there is movement - once that movement reaches a certain point the brain then releases an impulse to contract the necessary muscles to maintain balance. The muscles generally overcompensate then the same thing happens on the opposing side. The greater the movement on either side means the poorer the balance is and has more of an effect on the equilibrium of the inner ear which detects the amount of movement and the velocity of the movement produced in the head.

The same principles can apply to multiple dynamic movements. The way I understand it, is that if you can decrease any additional movements apart from the desired ones, including head movement the muscles will receive the correct signals from the brain to produce the optimum movement.
Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
Basically for effect, and for you to feel what happens when you eliminate a primory sense what causes the problem. The head is at the top of the body for a reason, and its not so you take a better photo, different animal types have radar in different positions in their head for a reason, also different size attributes for doing so to alert the brain. I dont know about other speices, but our eyes are the only sense that doesnt go directly to the brain, and both eyes dont see the same thing. Eliminate the eyes and make the muscle neurons adapt to speed qiucker, thats one way. there are others md hit on one, non movement of the oral cavety, the head.