Erg! Fight in one week and no chance of any other sparring. Boooo I watched my last match against this girl as a refresher for what I need to be working on and I realized that I've stopped doing all the things that worked against her. The girl that I mostly spar with in the gym is a bleeder and has a sensitive nose so I stopped throwing uppercuts all together. This is really frustrating, every time there is a newbie, I get stuck with them for 3 months and then I have to spend the next three months getting back to where I was when they started. No wonder I'm not getting any better. This is really frustrating.

I'm going to focus mostly on conditioning early this week and just hope for the best. I can't change a whole lot at this point. I feel like last spring (the last time I fought this gal) I was much better than I am now. I can't un-do all the bad habits I've formed trying to help this new girl out in just 5 days either. So I think if I just focus on conditioning and the basics it's better than nothing.