I enjoyed Kessler/Froch the other night but I had HUGE issues with Kessler's performance, although guttsy.

Granted, I had a bit to drink the other night but I don't know what the hell he was doing for most of the fight. For one, he constantly moved to his left putting him in possition to get cracked my right hands... Two, his hands were constantly at chest level lacking his normal defensive prowess... and Three, with his hands at his chest he was hit with regularity for 12 rounds with a FUCKING up-jab from a guy like Froch who is not known for blinding speed.

Although the fight was crowd pleasing and I enjoyed myself, Kessler's performance was far from spectacular. He made the fight difficult on himself by ignoring text book shit...

I wasn't listening to his corner cuz I had alot of people over my house but I would have been screaming at him that this is fucking amatuer shit he's doing...

Anyway, Hell, I think Green will give him a run for his money after that highly flawed performance. I like Kessler but all the king's shoulders and all the kings men won't be able to put Kessler together again.

I think he's falling out of favor as the favorite. He definitley has in my eyes.