Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
Quote Originally Posted by miles View Post
How do you know so much about the personality of Assange? Perhaps you are right, but at the same time perhaps you are way off base. I would avoid such assertions as they are irrelevant and avoid the facts. And the facts that matter are what Wikileaks tells us about the abuse of power.

You say I 'celebrate' Assange. I don't think I do. I make no pretence at knowing who he is, but like Chomsky and your friend Michael Moore, he is not afraid to release facts that show the extent of the corruption that is so blatantly apparent in your country. If the facts didn't exist then there would be nothing to reveal. It is the secrecy and lies that kill people, not the release of facts about the powers that be that commit such acts.

Sure, you live in the real world and the real world of your politics is savage and unjust. It isn't the real world of a lot of other far more civilised nations. I would much rather America keep its own savagery within its own borders and leave the rest of the world alone. Maybe then you wouldn't need to be so concerned about an organisation like Wikileaks.
#1 Let's just say I know of the type of people who would do what Assange does....I do not think highly of them and I am certain that he has nefarious motives

#2 Well first off Michael Moore is what you accuse Fox News of being, he's a liar and he twists and manipulates the truth until it fits his contorted derranged idea of truth. Chomsky is just a fucking nutjob liberal. So yeah I expect you to hold Assange in the same regard as those guys because you buy what they are selling, that's fine that's a personal choice do as you like.

#3 The US could be a lot more savage...compared to many other nations we're tame and I think we do what we do just to survive and protect our citizens and our standing in the world.

#4 There are weapons that can destroy all the human life on earth...we're bound with other countries in what is at times a very shakey peace, I fail to see how releasing secrets which may hurt us but definently won't help us makes the world a better safer place miles...is that impractical? Is that jumping to conclusions? and does releasing secrets knowing and understanding what I have just mentioned seem like something that will help the world become a better place? I'm trying to place my line of logic in your hands miles....I'm saying Assange COULD release cables that endanger not only America but the entire world we're talking nuclear apocalypse. How does he know that what he releases won't cause any friction between the US and China or Russia or North Korea or Iran etc. As World War I taught us, all it takes is for 2 countries to decide to duke it out and then bang it's World War 3 and it will be a doozy
You cad Sir!
You forced me into visiting Wicki house to look up nefarious.