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Thread: Views/Tyson Fury - Women/Homosexuality/Nonces

  1. #46
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    Default Re: Views/Tyson Fury - Women/Homosexuality/Nonces

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ross View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ross View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Christmas has fuck all to do with the Bible. While of course Fury is entitled to his opinion, anyone should be free to disagree with him without being threatened by his gang. That is the crux of the problem. That and the insistence that he is both foolish and uneducated and yet still a great role model, according to the man himself. It's also that he spouts born again Christian rhetoric, mixed up with misogynistic bullshit and tries to sell it as good advice for everyone.

    It's might make you feel all cosy to pretend that he is the one striking out for freedom of speech, but in reality he is just as stupid as those asking for him to be banned from SPOTY, in trying to insist that there are no consequences for saying dumb things.

    Chag Sameach -Happy Hannukah :-)

    Im not a christian or nor do I read the bible but I do know that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus and it even has a little clue in the name.....

    Some people should think before they post
    Greenbeanz is saying the meaning of Christmas is gone and it has been commercialised beyond what it should be about. Aside from the fact that it was taken from a pagan ritual was was never about Christ.
    Christmas is certainly about Christ. Perhaps manh don't celebrate it that way but a lot of us do. The Romans made the celebration in Dec as it was already a day of celebration in Roman times so it was thought it would be an easier way to bring the people together. The comercialization of Christmas was well done by the retail industry and economics but even gift giving has its roots in the celebration. Even if you don't celebrate it as such, Christmas is the celebration of Christ. Why do you think the atheist get so upset when they see a manager. The word Christ in Christmas is a hint to its origins. Celestial events reported at Christ's birth point to his actual birth being sometime in April but the date is not the important thing, the remembrance is. There are billions who don't celebrate or believe, but there are billions who do.
    Its like trying to educate pork in here.....

    Careful I know you come from an Island of Nazi sympathizers but no need for the anti-semitic stuff

    Go on then educate me. Start at the beginning,...with let's say...the Hebrews?

    Then you can tell me about all the instances of Birthdays in the Bible and what the Gentiles did whilst celebrating them.(beheadings etc) Then you can show me all the incidences of early Christians reminding people that Jesus Birth and not death was the important thing in their faith. Then you can wake up and have your cornflakes.

    A God coming down to earth in the shape of a man ? Sounds pretty Roman to me

    Nazi sympathisers? Wash your mouth out!

    We were occupied by the Nazis. There were more armed soldiers in Guernsey than there were Guernsey people you twat! We were left to rot by the british.

    You fucking clown!

  2. #47
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    Default Re: Man! Fury needs a muzzle or a filter installed in his brain.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    How do you Brits feel about his unfiltered tongue. He can't seem to realize he's being insensetive. Maybe he really doesn't care.

    Oh oh..... I feel another "disrespectful prick" in the making.....

    If you don't think Tyson has a problem with his tongue, you might be on the disrespectful side yourself. The thing is nobody/media cares what you or I think because we aren't the Heavyweight Champion.
    There a plenty of people out there who think boxing is made up of dimwitted goons, money grubbing users, and sadists. Tyson Fury, the Heavyweight Champion, comes along and unsolicited garbage starts flowing out of his mouth, reinforcing many minds that boxing is made up of dimwits.
    I can understand why many Brits are upset with Tyson and would like to punish him in some way. Do they want to punish him because they totally disagree with everything he says? No, they want to punish him because they don't want the rest of the world to think all Brits are dimwitted bigots and to teach him to get his mouth under control.

  3. #48
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    Default Re: Views/Tyson Fury - Women/Homosexuality/Nonces

    I don't think many Brits think Tyson Fury is embarrassing them. He has ignorant, uneducated views on certain things. This is not shocking to boxing fans that know who he is, but now he's in the spotlight, he has to justify his comments to a whole different audience. Which is all that's really happened.

  4. #49
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    Default Re: Man! Fury needs a muzzle or a filter installed in his brain.

    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    How do you Brits feel about his unfiltered tongue. He can't seem to realize he's being insensetive. Maybe he really doesn't care.

    Oh oh..... I feel another "disrespectful prick" in the making.....

    If you don't think Tyson has a problem with his tongue, you might be on the disrespectful side yourself.

    It's called a joke, @beenKOed . Turn your humor chip back on.

    The thing is nobody/media cares what you or I think because we aren't the Heavyweight Champion.
    There a plenty of people out there who think boxing is made up of dimwitted goons, money grubbing users, and sadists. Tyson Fury, the Heavyweight Champion, comes along and unsolicited garbage starts flowing out of his mouth, reinforcing many minds that boxing is made up of dimwits.
    I can understand why many Brits are upset with Tyson and would like to punish him in some way. Do they want to punish him because they totally disagree with everything he says? No, they want to punish him because they don't want the rest of the world to think all Brits are dimwitted bigots and to teach him to get his mouth under control.

    I think the rest of the world is educated enough to know one Brit does not a whole nation make.

    Before you make me out to be some sort of huge Fury fan...... I'm not.
    I'm ecstatic he embarrassed Wladimir, 'cause I was dying for someone to do it.
    But that's about it.
    I didn't like the style of the fight itself, and I hope Fury fights differently if there is to be a rematch.

    Do I agree with most of what comes out of Fury's mouth?
    Is he totally within his rights to express himself about whatever he wants?
    Is the media going to make a big deal out of it, because that's what the media always does?

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