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Thread: Are the Beatles overrated?

  1. #31
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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    I also remember when I was at school and we were going through the obligitury music history and the the teacher asked the class to name all 4 of the beatles, fucking smug she was, of course everyone got Lennon, McCartney and old Dingo Starr, no one knew poor old George, so I called out from my seat 'George Harrison' she looked shocked and said well done.

    Next question she asked was 'can anyone name a Beatles song' of course the odd person in the class called out 'let it be' yellow submarine' hard days night' and all the songs that everyone knows, once everyone was scratching their heads I called out 'Blue Jay Way' teacher looked at me and said 'no Lee that isn't a Beatles song' so I called out 'I've just seen a face' she didn't even answer me, someone called out 'HEY JUDE' teacher clapped like a fucking seal 'well done yes thats a beatles song' so I called out 'Rocky Racoon' she didn't answer me, someone else called out 'IMAGINE' she jumped up and down and said 'YES WELL DONE'

    I shouted out 'Blue jay way is off the magical mystery tour album and I've just seen a face is off the Help album...and imagine isn't even by the fucking beatles'

    she told me to stand outside for the rest of the lesson...I was probably about 14 at the time, I knew more about music than the person teaching me music.

    yeah this is the same school that shouted at me for reading a book.

  2. #32
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    I also remember when I was at school and we were going through the obligitury music history and the the teacher asked the class to name all 4 of the beatles, fucking smug she was, of course everyone got Lennon, McCartney and old Dingo Starr, no one knew poor old George, so I called out from my seat 'George Harrison' she looked shocked and said well done.

    Next question she asked was 'can anyone name a Beatles song' of course the odd person in the class called out 'let it be' yellow submarine' hard days night' and all the songs that everyone knows, once everyone was scratching their heads I called out 'Blue Jay Way' teacher looked at me and said 'no Lee that isn't a Beatles song' so I called out 'I've just seen a face' she didn't even answer me, someone called out 'HEY JUDE' teacher clapped like a fucking seal 'well done yes thats a beatles song' so I called out 'Rocky Racoon' she didn't answer me, someone else called out 'IMAGINE' she jumped up and down and said 'YES WELL DONE'

    I shouted out 'Blue jay way is off the magical mystery tour album and I've just seen a face is off the Help album...and imagine isn't even by the fucking beatles'

    she told me to stand outside for the rest of the lesson...I was probably about 14 at the time, I knew more about music than the person teaching me music.

    yeah this is the same school that shouted at me for reading a book.
    Hahaha poor ol' Batman

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    completely off subject I know but I've had a wee drink so I'm gunna have a ramble as well

    I get rather possessive over music, I don't begrudge anyone professing to be a big Beatles fan or Queen fan but it really fucks me off these days when you get the greatest hits fans, music is so readily available that people don't put the effort into discovering a band in its entirety these days, for instance I mentioned Nick Cave to a mate at work and he said 'I've not heard of him, I'll listen to him tonight' he came into work the next day and said 'yeah I downloaded his discography, I don't like him' I replied 'well that's fair enough so you've deleted him off your iPod then' and he said 'nah I'm keeping it all on there, I'm not going to delete it'

    and the only reason he keeps it (probably till this day) is just in case anyone mentions Nick Cave he can turn around and say 'yeah I've got loads of his stuff' even though he's never listened to a fucking song

    Back in the day when I was buying 3 or 4 CD's a week he would feign interest in the band so I would do a copy of the album for him, after a while he asked me to burn him a cd (I can't remember what album broke the camels back) and I told him NO he asked why and I told him that I had worked it out and I'd given him something like £80 worth of music in 4 weeks, he couldn't comprehend why I was pissed off and actually said 'it doesn't cost you anything to put it onto disc and you have already paid for it so whats the harm' I tried to tell him that I would give him a list of CD's that he could buy and then burn them all for me for free and he laughed and said no chance, even then he didn't understand why I was pissed off.

    Its funny because it got to the point when I would buy a CD put it on my iPod and then just give it away, I miss having the anticipation of waiting for an album and obsessing over the booklet and reading the lyrics and shit like that, these days its released its downloaded and its gone

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    I also remember when I was at school and we were going through the obligitury music history and the the teacher asked the class to name all 4 of the beatles, fucking smug she was, of course everyone got Lennon, McCartney and old Dingo Starr, no one knew poor old George, so I called out from my seat 'George Harrison' she looked shocked and said well done.

    Next question she asked was 'can anyone name a Beatles song' of course the odd person in the class called out 'let it be' yellow submarine' hard days night' and all the songs that everyone knows, once everyone was scratching their heads I called out 'Blue Jay Way' teacher looked at me and said 'no Lee that isn't a Beatles song' so I called out 'I've just seen a face' she didn't even answer me, someone called out 'HEY JUDE' teacher clapped like a fucking seal 'well done yes thats a beatles song' so I called out 'Rocky Racoon' she didn't answer me, someone else called out 'IMAGINE' she jumped up and down and said 'YES WELL DONE'

    I shouted out 'Blue jay way is off the magical mystery tour album and I've just seen a face is off the Help album...and imagine isn't even by the fucking beatles'

    she told me to stand outside for the rest of the lesson...I was probably about 14 at the time, I knew more about music than the person teaching me music.

    yeah this is the same school that shouted at me for reading a book.
    Hahaha poor ol' Batman

    You mock me but that school is the main reason I am the way that I am today, I never had any problems with the other kids, it was the teachers they were inept, The ones that should have taken me under their wing (music and English especially and probably science and history as well) felt intimidated by me, they were probably relieved when they heard that little batman was getting off his cape on vodka at the age of 14

    My school was fucking terrible, it was that bad that in the summer they used to just cancel school uniform, I used to wear a Villa shirt to school and it was allowed, people rocked up in trackie B's and it was the norm, if I could change one thing about my life it would be the school I went to

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Also you can't help but mention Roy Orbison the pipes on that dude....crazy
    Agreed. Arguably would've been bigger than Elvis if he'd had his looks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    I also remember when I was at school and we were going through the obligitury music history and the the teacher asked the class to name all 4 of the beatles, fucking smug she was, of course everyone got Lennon, McCartney and old Dingo Starr, no one knew poor old George, so I called out from my seat 'George Harrison' she looked shocked and said well done.

    Next question she asked was 'can anyone name a Beatles song' of course the odd person in the class called out 'let it be' yellow submarine' hard days night' and all the songs that everyone knows, once everyone was scratching their heads I called out 'Blue Jay Way' teacher looked at me and said 'no Lee that isn't a Beatles song' so I called out 'I've just seen a face' she didn't even answer me, someone called out 'HEY JUDE' teacher clapped like a fucking seal 'well done yes thats a beatles song' so I called out 'Rocky Racoon' she didn't answer me, someone else called out 'IMAGINE' she jumped up and down and said 'YES WELL DONE'

    I shouted out 'Blue jay way is off the magical mystery tour album and I've just seen a face is off the Help album...and imagine isn't even by the fucking beatles'

    she told me to stand outside for the rest of the lesson...I was probably about 14 at the time, I knew more about music than the person teaching me music.

    yeah this is the same school that shouted at me for reading a book.
    Hahaha poor ol' Batman

    You mock me but that school is the main reason I am the way that I am today, I never had any problems with the other kids, it was the teachers they were inept, The ones that should have taken me under their wing (music and English especially and probably science and history as well) felt intimidated by me, they were probably relieved when they heard that little batman was getting off his cape on vodka at the age of 14

    My school was fucking terrible, it was that bad that in the summer they used to just cancel school uniform, I used to wear a Villa shirt to school and it was allowed, people rocked up in trackie B's and it was the norm, if I could change one thing about my life it would be the school I went to
    We had teachers strikes so missed lessons and went to cinema watching back to the future hundreds of times.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    Get a real job

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    What a nice thread with no one calling one another names

    Batman I used to do the same with my old mans Donovan records, listened to them over and over in my room when no one was around.

    When we'd get on the car and he'd be in charge of the tape deck of course, he used to say with a smile on his face 'Im sticking a Donovan tape on' like it was some kind of torture. I'd go along with it of course 'Dad no dont put that rubbish on!!' Im not quite sure if I had him sussed, or him me.
    When God said to the both of us "Which one of you wants to be Sugar Ray?" I guess I didnt raise my hand fast enough

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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    Quote Originally Posted by Memphis View Post
    What a nice thread with no one calling one another names

    Batman I used to do the same with my old mans Donovan records, listened to them over and over in my room when no one was around.

    When we'd get on the car and he'd be in charge of the tape deck of course, he used to say with a smile on his face 'Im sticking a Donovan tape on' like it was some kind of torture. I'd go along with it of course 'Dad no dont put that rubbish on!!' Im not quite sure if I had him sussed, or him me.
    Shut up turd face

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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    Unrelated but how to u feel about the Grateful Dead. Jerry was a very under appreciated guitar player. The dead were an important, influential American band

  11. #41
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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    The Beatles are not overrated, they were a fine band with a talented group of songwriters. I think they started off as more of a singles band with some of those early albums being very uneven. However, they really progressed very quickly and their best work is of a very high standard. When I was an early teen I thought the Beatles were the bees knees, but they have never really managed to quite recover from me discovering the work of Bowie a few years later. That to me really took music to a different emotional and intellectual level and I haven't really seen anything to compare with the depth and range of Bowie's 1970's output. Some albums come close, but not an entire body of work that goes on for a good dozen consecutive albums.

    I would argue that in terms of advancing alternative music the work of Bowie has been more important than the Beatles. Not in terms of his own sales or anything like that, in terms of his influence. Sure you get a meat and potatoes rock band like Oasis worshipping at the altar of Lennon and McCartney, but in terms of general influence I think you can argue that Bowie influenced The Sex Pistols, The Smiths, Suede, Smashing Pumpkins, Arcade Fire, all kinds of bands all through the ages. Just more edgy, clever, they click with that oddness in you too.

    The Beatles almost seem a bit Mumsy compared to the apocalyptic visions, the existential dread, the balls of releasing albums half filled with instrumentals. That to me is the pinacle of what popular music has achieved, so by comparison the worship of the Beatles is a little bit much, but they are not overrated. They progressed pop music to the stage that led to the developments that followed. I just think the 1970's was were pop music really reached really it's zenith. It has kind of been rinse and repeat a lot since then. The 80's was terrible production and drum sounds and the 1990's onwards was an attempt to reclaim and then this century it has kind of gone again.

    I would rate Bowie higher, but maybe the Beatles in at number 2. I think other bands have made better albums than the Beatles, but not many have made a consecutive sequence of great albums like they did and that is what elevates them. I just think Bowie had more consecutive great albums and had more range and emotional and intellectual depth to his work. Just take Bowie's Blackstar and McCartney's New as a side by side recent comparison. One is something almost ephemeral and the other is more of a really solid, strong album which doesn't quite have any of the same depth or innovation. That kind of sums up the comparison for me. I enjoy both, but the one that has the bigger impact is Blackstar. Mind you I look forward to hearing each McCartney release, but you know it will be a bit more of the same.

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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    no Beatle influenced this ***ASTEROID*** from the ***VIRGO GALAXY CLUSTER*** sorry folks.

  13. #43
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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    no Beatle influenced this ***ASTEROID*** from the ***VIRGO GALAXY CLUSTER*** sorry folks.

    Yeah Hendrix was so uninfluenced by the Beatles that he didn't cover Sgt peppers

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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    The Beatles are not overrated, they were a fine band with a talented group of songwriters. I think they started off as more of a singles band with some of those early albums being very uneven. However, they really progressed very quickly and their best work is of a very high standard. When I was an early teen I thought the Beatles were the bees knees, but they have never really managed to quite recover from me discovering the work of Bowie a few years later. That to me really took music to a different emotional and intellectual level and I haven't really seen anything to compare with the depth and range of Bowie's 1970's output. Some albums come close, but not an entire body of work that goes on for a good dozen consecutive albums.

    I would argue that in terms of advancing alternative music the work of Bowie has been more important than the Beatles. Not in terms of his own sales or anything like that, in terms of his influence. Sure you get a meat and potatoes rock band like Oasis worshipping at the altar of Lennon and McCartney, but in terms of general influence I think you can argue that Bowie influenced The Sex Pistols, The Smiths, Suede, Smashing Pumpkins, Arcade Fire, all kinds of bands all through the ages. Just more edgy, clever, they click with that oddness in you too.

    The Beatles almost seem a bit Mumsy compared to the apocalyptic visions, the existential dread, the balls of releasing albums half filled with instrumentals. That to me is the pinacle of what popular music has achieved, so by comparison the worship of the Beatles is a little bit much, but they are not overrated. They progressed pop music to the stage that led to the developments that followed. I just think the 1970's was were pop music really reached really it's zenith. It has kind of been rinse and repeat a lot since then. The 80's was terrible production and drum sounds and the 1990's onwards was an attempt to reclaim and then this century it has kind of gone again.

    I would rate Bowie higher, but maybe the Beatles in at number 2. I think other bands have made better albums than the Beatles, but not many have made a consecutive sequence of great albums like they did and that is what elevates them. I just think Bowie had more consecutive great albums and had more range and emotional and intellectual depth to his work. Just take Bowie's Blackstar and McCartney's New as a side by side recent comparison. One is something almost ephemeral and the other is more of a really solid, strong album which doesn't quite have any of the same depth or innovation. That kind of sums up the comparison for me. I enjoy both, but the one that has the bigger impact is Blackstar. Mind you I look forward to hearing each McCartney release, but you know it will be a bit more of the same.
    Miles you are talking some shit but I like the bees knees saying

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    Default Re: Are the Beatles overrated?

    ​Who are the Beatles?
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