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Thread: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

  1. #16
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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    We stopped war games but they can be started if need be. This isn’t new news, there have been other reports NK is building things seen on satellite. Fact is when obama left office he told trump this was the biggest threat we were dealing with and for a time it seemed like war was inevitable, or a lot of people were calling for it. We don’t know for sure if best Korea isn’t doing something funky behind the scenes but from what it was a year or two, and longer, and does seem calmer. Could be a snow job nonetheless
    The way I see it. The South has stopped the provocative drills and in turn the rocket lobbing has stopped. Diplomatically there has been a lot of progress made. I think this thread is a lot of hot air over nothing. Nothing in the media here is over the top like CNN. Whenever I go home people ask me 'Do you not fear the crazy North?' and I always have to tell them that they live in project media fear. They are much more concerned and bothered because their media sells them fear 24/7. It isn't like that out here. Even at the height of the crisis I knew someone with an in law fairly high up in the military who laughed it all off over dinner saying it was all under control. Turned out he was completely right. Obviously I was quite concerned myself until that point. Do not believe everything you hear in the media. When the rockets start flying pay attention, but otherwise, take things with a pinch of salt. North Korea hasn't been building airports, golf courses and beach resorts for fun. There is an obvious plan. Tito ranting about mental instability is ironic really. I do not agree with the regime, but it is definitely working with an agenda and that does not seem to be war. I have a friend going there next year actually. Trying to get me to go, but I am not having it as I know it is not a proper open holiday and do not endorse it as it is.

  2. #17
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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    We stopped war games but they can be started if need be. This isn’t new news, there have been other reports NK is building things seen on satellite. Fact is when obama left office he told trump this was the biggest threat we were dealing with and for a time it seemed like war was inevitable, or a lot of people were calling for it. We don’t know for sure if best Korea isn’t doing something funky behind the scenes but from what it was a year or two, and longer, and does seem calmer. Could be a snow job nonetheless
    The way I see it. The South has stopped the provocative drills and in turn the rocket lobbing has stopped. Diplomatically there has been a lot of progress made. I think this thread is a lot of hot air over nothing. Nothing in the media here is over the top like CNN. Whenever I go home people ask me 'Do you not fear the crazy North?' and I always have to tell them that they live in project media fear. They are much more concerned and bothered because their media sells them fear 24/7. It isn't like that out here. Even at the height of the crisis I knew someone with an in law fairly high up in the military who laughed it all off over dinner saying it was all under control. Turned out he was completely right. Obviously I was quite concerned myself until that point. Do not believe everything you hear in the media. When the rockets start flying pay attention, but otherwise, take things with a pinch of salt. North Korea hasn't been building airports, golf courses and beach resorts for fun. There is an obvious plan. Tito ranting about mental instability is ironic really. I do not agree with the regime, but it is definitely working with an agenda and that does not seem to be war. I have a friend going there next year actually. Trying to get me to go, but I am not having it as I know it is not a proper open holiday and do not endorse it as it is.
    It would be fascinating to see but I imagine u look as white as me so it may not be a good idea.

  3. #18
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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    It is perfectly safe, but you are essentially 'minded' and follow a set plan. If you haven't seen it yet check out Michael Palin in North Korea which is probably on You Tube. He got to see a lot more than most will. I really wonder how they will make beach resorts work if everyone is in need of a minder though. It is a curious paradox. You can even teach there as long as you are not American.

    Very childish for the corpse pisser Tito to be wanting 'hits' on people because of nukes. I never see him advocating the elimination of Israeli, British, Russian, Chinese or American nukes. Yet somehow NK is somehow more unhinged and dangerous. It makes no sense from a logical standpoint. He is addled by the mainstream media.

  4. #19
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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    We got the gamut of reactions on this. From it's fake news don't believe it.... to NK isn't really a threat.... to the U.S. is the devil and NK shouldn't be feared.

    The reality of the situation is that the U.S. is attempting to use different means to get NK to give up its nuclear armament program. Nothing wrong with that. The less nuke-ready nations in the world the better. Especially when dealing with nations with borderline unhinged leaders. I believe NK pretty much qualifies under that criteria.

    Verification should be the cornerstone of any agreement. It's like buying a house or a car. Hopefully you'll want to take a look at it first before deciding to buy. Anything short of that, or any excuses offered as to why that can't happen is usually a sign that the other part is hiding something. Yes.... you can take a look at the house, but you can't go into the basement. Yeah... right.

    As wacky as Trump can seem on occasion, I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that IMO Jong-Un has got him beat in that regard. He just doesn't strike me as the stable, world leader I'd bet my house on. He's just as liable to push the red button as any other world leader with a red button to push. Very likely he's more so.
    One question. Will America also give up its nuclear weapons?

    Was that a serious question?

    You obviously didn't read my post, so I'll regurgitate it again.

    In the overall scheme of things..... who is most likely to push the red button and start a nuclear holocaust?

    The U.S.? With its 325 million people and its system of checks and balances? With everything to lose and nothing to gain?

    Or North Korea.... with NOTHING to lose. With a dictator (yes... that's the correct word) with several personality disorders, who holds a Hollywood-type facade in front of his people to where they all seem like the Korean version of Stepford wives.

    Why should the U.S., one of the accepted world powers for many decades, give up its nuclear weapons just so NK will do the same? Is Russia also going to give up ITS nukes? Is China?

    I'm afraid you're comparing apples to oranges here. No.... scratch that. You're comparing apples to aircraft carriers.

    North Korea should concentrate on its own economy, on the well-being of its people, you know....... meaningless shit like that. People can't eat or drink nuclear missiles.

  5. #20
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    At the end of the day what is the problem? Is it Kim Jong Un? Is it there being a North Korea? I mean shit I think most everyone would be happy if there was only 1 Korea, 1 Korea would be Best Korea IMO....but from 1950 until Trump became President it's been tough, we've seen the most progress in the relationships between North Korea, South Korea, and the United States in that time. In that time the Korean War, the one started in 1950, was FINALLY ended, American KIA were returned home, drills have slowed if not stopped, missile tests and missile launches have stopped.

    So why the rush to "OMG shit's going to hit the fan very soon?"

    I think things have been going alright. We'll see where things go, but I for one don't think Lil Kim is going to say "Well I've finally be treated like a big boy....let's blow this joint" it makes no sense to me from America's standpoint because it's not like we CAN'T hit them with a KO punch if they did anything dumb and it makes no sense from their perspective either, they have JUST been invited to the adults' table, why would they fuck that up on purpose?

    I think it's ok to be concerned about Kim Jong Un, it's ok to keep an eye on them, but I think they're feeling better about how things are going than in the past so I doubt they'll fuck it up, but we'll see.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    The US and everyone else have everything to lose while NK doesn't.

    BUT the last thing a regime like NK would do, with its elite living like kings (or like gods while their people are gaunt and low average IQ), would be to start getting serious with nukes. Because that's when all those fancy countries —with their comfortable stabilities— would have absolutely nothing to lose. Not a good move by North Korea.

    The best option would be to just let it die a natural death (like Franco in spain). Because imagine if we did take out this Kim Jong Un (sniper on a roof? Poison? A "small" nuke?); who'se going to deal with a massive flood of hungry unskilled North Koreans the next day?

    It's basically a regime holding several million people hostage and I don't think it really is a danger to anyone (not to downplay how horrible it is for their people). Swat teams can handle hostage situations easily, but nobody is interested in a shootout.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Tito, I will once again say that it is a very poorly thought out question. North Korea has no track record in recent decades of invading countries or making more than belligerent statements on state TV (akin to the CNN you hold dear actually). They are not a threat to the US. They are a threat to SK and likewise SK is a threat to them thus peaceful moves have and are being made.

    A thread like this is a bit random and clearly induced by you being manipulated by your media. Calm down and think things through. Right at this very moment progress is being made. Nothing needs to be done about NK. If you want to go agead and take out Baba Booey then go ahead, but otherwise stop virtue signalling based on very little.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    North Koreans are poor but they do not have low IQ's. That is something I have had people in the UK say and I have had to point out that when it comes to intelligence the average Asian is smarter than they are. The people are propagandised but they go to school and learn much as anywhere else. All East Asian countries have very high IQ's.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Tito, I will once again say that it is a very poorly thought out question. North Korea has no track record in recent decades of invading countries or making more than belligerent statements on state TV (akin to the CNN you hold dear actually). They are not a threat to the US. They are a threat to SK and likewise SK is a threat to them thus peaceful moves have and are being made.

    A thread like this is a bit random and clearly induced by you being manipulated by your media. Calm down and think things through. Right at this very moment progress is being made. Nothing needs to be done about NK. If you want to go agead and take out Baba Booey then go ahead, but otherwise stop virtue signalling based on very little.

    North Korea has no track record of invading countries Miles, because they can't. They know they'll be beaten down like a red-headed stepchild. I think you're the one who should think this through a bit. Having nukes is sort of the "equalizer" in the global stage. When you rule over a country that depends on repression and make-belief to put on a happy face to the outside world, you need something that will take people's minds off their own troubles and galvanize them against "The Enemy." You also need something you can use as a bargaining chip to try and get a seat at the table.

    But of course you'll blab about media manipulation, virtue signalling, blah, blah, blah. You sound like a broken record, Miles. But since you mentioned media manipulation, I'll be kind enough to put this out there, so you can tell us how it's all made up of doctored pictures and made up shit.... just to manipulate us sheep.

    In all honesty Miles, I couldn't give less of a flying one about Kim Jong-Un. As long as he stays in his cage and doesn't threaten this side of the world, he can do what he wants in NK. He can put on his charades, and march his people out for Stepford Wives photographs so the outside world can see how much of a "paradise" NK is. After all, appearances are 90% of the game, right?

    A word of advice for you would be to drop that Gibraltar-sized chip on your shoulder regarding the Evil American Empire. You sound as if all invasions and bombings in history have been perpetrated by the Evil Empire. It is such a tired, skewed, and outdated view of the world. Not that I'll ever convince you..... but just a friendly suggestion.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Now I would of course like to add that I am not seriously suggesting that Puerto Rico should be invaded. Irony tends to get lost in translation, but I am suggesting that America has its own problems and that NK which the media is daily talking about here is not causing any new problems. Unlike Tits I do not see the need to assassinate anyone, but then again I seldom urinate on corpses either. Each to their own I guess.

    Puerto Rican debt levels are obviously a far more significant concern than nukes that have never been used on anyone and which are owned by many nations and similarly unused. All things considered NK is a bizarre thing to be waffling on about.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    I think miles and Brock have an attack treaty on tits.

  12. #27
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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Miles Miles Miles..... you sad, metrosexual pussywhipped little person..... you get soooo personal about things. I wish you could be a happier soul, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much hope for you. Tell you what..... I'll pray for you.
    That's what we do with lost souls such as yourself.

    You again resort to island insults in the hopes of getting a rise out of me, and all you're succeeding in doing is putting your sad little petty, pitiful self out there for all to see. I feel "verguenza ajena"..... a sort of 3rd party embarrassment one gets when someone's making a fool of themselves.

    Let's not even mention that NK has fuck all to do with PR, 'cause that's rather obvious and this is just an argument between me and, well....... your little pitiful self. Beanz is gone, but I'm here to put you in your place and slap you down like the adolescent, pipsqueak, princess, prancing little queen you are. But I do it for your own good.

    Are you so hurt that I would talk about assassinating Jong-Un? Geez, little dude..... take a pill for that. You ARE capable of discussing something civilly without getting your panties in a knot, aren't you? If I thought you'd take it so personally, I would've thought twice about it. Relax princess..... I haven't put out a hit on Baby Huey...... ok?

    Walrus humors you and talks about having a crush on you, but in real life he must feel sorry for you, like most of us here do. Remember, you've put a lot of your personal life out there, so we all happen to know all the little phases you've gone through..... from wanting to cut yourself with razor blades, to rhapsodizing about what color hair looks better on you, to having diaries where you write your shit (I don't know about your planet..... but in this planet only teenage girls keep diaries), and all sorts of other weird stuff. And still we like to have you around for the comic entertainment value. Although I must say..... you've fallen down on the job regarding your Brock Crusade Thread. I'm extremely disappointed in your for that. You need to pick that shit back up, little dude.

    Listen babe.... I sense you're the one with anger management issues. They come out periodically on here. Wanting to punch babies..... getting all frothy at the mouth regarding Special Olympics.... not to mention the wars you carried on for years with Beanz. We know your life isn't all peaches and cream. You're a frustrated English teacher living in a country not your own, because you can't cut it where you're from. I get it. It must be fucking frustrating. Then you've had these sexual identity issues which you've plastered all over the forum, wanting us to give you a hand in identifying which gender you actually belong to. That's all well and good. I feel like we've formed part of that growing up process you're obviously still going through. And frankly I'm proud to have put my little grain of sand in that process. I'll take the credit, but not the blame.

    The part of not being able to cut it back in England must be tough, I know. So you're reduced to criticizing the country from afar without actually having to personally contribute anything to it. Pretty pathetic, and something Beanz used to ream your ass over. It takes a certain type of person to persevere and adapt.... and not all of us are cut out of that cloth. The sexual identity part is a tougher nut to crack, though. You're married..... not that THAT proves anything. Lots of married men are just covering for their homosexual tendencies. I've read that makes them angry and petty.... having to hide their true selves. Does your wife know you're dying to come out of the closet? It's gonna happen one day, you know. You're not a heavy drinker (again from your personal diaries).... so all it takes is one too many drinks and that shit will come flying out of you like a gay tidal wave. Oh well..... your marriage will be ruined..... but the pressure will be off. You'll be free like a little hummingbird, and maybe turn into a kinder, gentler soul.

    But back to Korea, babe. So you're suggesting that back when Kim Jong-Un was threatening about nuking Guam and Alaska..... are you suggesting that all of that should've been shrugged off and ignored? Isn't that kind of a double standard? Don't you rake American leaders over the coals for much less than that? Why is your hate for the U.S. and your love for NK so strong and full of childish hatred? Why are you so incapable of discussing these topics without resorting to grammar school sandlot fights? I don't get you, Miles.

    Know what I think? I think in the 10+ years some of us have been here, I've observed subtle changes in everyone here except you. You've remained in some sort of time warp where your level of maturity has remained the same or even dropped in the number of years you've been here. Your style of fighting is the same..... your comical chest-beating is the same..... your know-it-all banter based on questionable sources remains the same. Everything about you remains the same. You're the same Saddo Court Jester we've enjoyed having here since you first joined. Cheers for that. You certainly are entertaining.

    Nothing personal babe. Just saying it like it is.

  13. #28
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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Again, that was satire. I am not looking for the expiration of Walrus whence the quotation marks. Having a laugh really about the notion that some think they are balanced and a voice of reason whilst others are 'nutters'. I feel the same about politics. The notion that some have to be assassinated whilst those doing the assassinations are only doing it for the good of the world. What on earth are you talking about? Did you forget what happened in Iraq? In Vietnam? In the case of Vietnam many veterans concede that they were on the 'wrong side' or else shouldn't have been there at all. North Korea is a threat to its own citizens, but you can say the same about many countries (Puerto Rico included). Beyond that NK largely keeps itself to itself. That is the only conclusion one can make. The idea that countries do not have a right to defend themselves is ludicrous. Is Israel dropping nukes on Palestine? Nope. Now do they use other forms of violence? Absolutely. The nuke is a last resort and that is why they seldom get used. America would not give up its nukes precisely because it would be at a disadvantage. That was my entire point. I wouldn't expect them too. I find all these sanctions and wars to be ridiculous and if countries would look to bully less and negotiate more then the world would be a better place.

    Miles Miles Miles....... why oh why do you insist on putting Vietnam in the same sentence as NK?? Again.... apples and oranges. Nobody...... repeat..... NOBODY is comparing NK to Vietnam. I'm among those who agree that the U.S. had no business in Vietnam. It is sad that so many lives were lost..... on BOTH sides.... because of some very unfortunate, unwise decisions regarding Vietnam. A more useless war is very hard to find. BUT..... and this is where the "but" comes in..... Vietnam was never a threat to anyone outside Vietnam. Nobody in Vietnam spoke about nuking Guam or Alaska. Vietnam didn't lob missiles over Japan.

    How come you never address Jong-Un's penchant for lobbing missiles over Japan? Is that not a fair and reasonable question? Is that subject out of bounds? Have you ever asked any Japanese how they feel about that?

    "The idea that countries do not have a right to defend themselves is ludicrous." Who's saying NK doesn't have a right to defend itself? But tell me...... do they need to continue and continue upping their nuke capacity in order to defend themselves? Who is this imaginary enemy who is going to march on their borders and invade them? The U.S.? Please don't say that, 'cause I'll urinate on myself (there's that fav word of yours) in laughter. What on god's green Earth would the U.S. want to invade NK for? For their vast oil reserves? For altruistic reasons? For the good of mankind? Hell no. The U.S. cares not one single solitary shit about NK. All it wants....... ALL it wants, Miles, is for NK to stop rattling cages and making ridiculous threats, whether they can carry them out or not.

    You gotta stop taking these criticisms of NK and Jong-Un so personally. It skews everything else you have to say.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Miles Miles Miles..... you sad, metrosexual pussywhipped little person..... you get soooo personal about things. I wish you could be a happier soul, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much hope for you. Tell you what..... I'll pray for you.
    That's what we do with lost souls such as yourself.

    You again resort to island insults in the hopes of getting a rise out of me, and all you're succeeding in doing is putting your sad little petty, pitiful self out there for all to see. I feel "verguenza ajena"..... a sort of 3rd party embarrassment one gets when someone's making a fool of themselves.

    Let's not even mention that NK has fuck all to do with PR, 'cause that's rather obvious and this is just an argument between me and, well....... your little pitiful self. Beanz is gone, but I'm here to put you in your place and slap you down like the adolescent, pipsqueak, princess, prancing little queen you are. But I do it for your own good.

    Are you so hurt that I would talk about assassinating Jong-Un? Geez, little dude..... take a pill for that. You ARE capable of discussing something civilly without getting your panties in a knot, aren't you? If I thought you'd take it so personally, I would've thought twice about it. Relax princess..... I haven't put out a hit on Baby Huey...... ok?

    Walrus humors you and talks about having a crush on you, but in real life he must feel sorry for you, like most of us here do. Remember, you've put a lot of your personal life out there, so we all happen to know all the little phases you've gone through..... from wanting to cut yourself with razor blades, to rhapsodizing about what color hair looks better on you, to having diaries where you write your shit (I don't know about your planet..... but in this planet only teenage girls keep diaries), and all sorts of other weird stuff. And still we like to have you around for the comic entertainment value. Although I must say..... you've fallen down on the job regarding your Brock Crusade Thread. I'm extremely disappointed in your for that. You need to pick that shit back up, little dude.

    Listen babe.... I sense you're the one with anger management issues. They come out periodically on here. Wanting to punch babies..... getting all frothy at the mouth regarding Special Olympics.... not to mention the wars you carried on for years with Beanz. We know your life isn't all peaches and cream. You're a frustrated English teacher living in a country not your own, because you can't cut it where you're from. I get it. It must be fucking frustrating. Then you've had these sexual identity issues which you've plastered all over the forum, wanting us to give you a hand in identifying which gender you actually belong to. That's all well and good. I feel like we've formed part of that growing up process you're obviously still going through. And frankly I'm proud to have put my little grain of sand in that process. I'll take the credit, but not the blame.

    The part of not being able to cut it back in England must be tough, I know. So you're reduced to criticizing the country from afar without actually having to personally contribute anything to it. Pretty pathetic, and something Beanz used to ream your ass over. It takes a certain type of person to persevere and adapt.... and not all of us are cut out of that cloth. The sexual identity part is a tougher nut to crack, though. You're married..... not that THAT proves anything. Lots of married men are just covering for their homosexual tendencies. I've read that makes them angry and petty.... having to hide their true selves. Does your wife know you're dying to come out of the closet? It's gonna happen one day, you know. You're not a heavy drinker (again from your personal diaries).... so all it takes is one too many drinks and that shit will come flying out of you like a gay tidal wave. Oh well..... your marriage will be ruined..... but the pressure will be off. You'll be free like a little hummingbird, and maybe turn into a kinder, gentler soul.

    But back to Korea, babe. So you're suggesting that back when Kim Jong-Un was threatening about nuking Guam and Alaska..... are you suggesting that all of that should've been shrugged off and ignored? Isn't that kind of a double standard? Don't you rake American leaders over the coals for much less than that? Why is your hate for the U.S. and your love for NK so strong and full of childish hatred? Why are you so incapable of discussing these topics without resorting to grammar school sandlot fights? I don't get you, Miles.

    Know what I think? I think in the 10+ years some of us have been here, I've observed subtle changes in everyone here except you. You've remained in some sort of time warp where your level of maturity has remained the same or even dropped in the number of years you've been here. Your style of fighting is the same..... your comical chest-beating is the same..... your know-it-all banter based on questionable sources remains the same. Everything about you remains the same. You're the same Saddo Court Jester we've enjoyed having here since you first joined. Cheers for that. You certainly are entertaining.

    Nothing personal babe. Just saying it like it is.

    Is that the best you have got having called for the assassination of a leader
    ? Hair color, razor blades, and alcohol? I am absolutely devastated. For a man that one allegedly couldn't get a rise out of, you sure have gone to a lot of effort and I knew you would as I can read you like a book. Not a very interesting book mind you as it is is the kind square nonsense that you see in a CNN article. It is as limp as your music taste and all that flamenco nonsense. Unlike the average Puerto Rican I have not abandoned a baby and left a woman on welfare that the government cannot even afford, so all things considered I would look in your own backyard first before questioning how decent I am. Unlike half the people in your country I have never harmed the outcome of a child. Unlike all of the people in your country I have never put at financial risk the future of a child. You should sort yourselves out before looking to KILL the leaders of countries that have nothing to do with you.

    The problem with you Tito is that I know exactly what you are like and have seen the kinds of messages you send people and how you respond when people criticize your bankrupt island. Beanz, Beanz, Beanz, are more obsessed with him than Brock ever was. Every time we have one of these 'exchanges' you bring him up. I don't bring him up. He is dead to me, but you are obsessed. I know that you hate Brock and we saw how you flew off the handle several times because he found you easy to wind up. You are very easy to get a rise out of.

    Still good job on abstaining from the water sports. I guess you are growing. Oh, but then the assassination based on a CNN report. Still a long way to go. You are old already so good luck with that.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    You know I think Kim is actually going to be a good leader for north Korea, north Korea is totally buggered and I think he knows, he fools the world with his fake crazy person going to nuke haiwai and guam (:S), gets the rest of the world in a media induced frenzy, gives the portly git a good bit more negotiating power to get the best deal for a failing to stop doing something that they more than likely wouldn't do anyway. Kim plays the game well good for him, and as deranged as trump is he is probably the best git to be us leader to sort this out.. I predict this will have a happy ending... although it's going to take a lot more years and hardships for north Korea not to be spasticated. .. I have faith in Kim though :S

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