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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #2596
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

  2. #2597
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by mrbig1 View Post
    I'm still waiting for Mexico to pay for the wall.
    Go Fundme seems to be going swimmingly just a few billion more to go but hey it's progress. Those who refuse to donate will have their addresses handed over to the scariest looking single men and given a brand new Walmart machete, a 30 second jail tat and sent on their way. Trump sounds like he's doubling down on turning our Military into full time layers of razor wire and ditch diggers and says they can 'build' it. Not sure he understands that still really doesn't fund it but maybe that's splitting hairs. If he was a real out of the box thinker he would implement a lottery program or something for all the inbound immigrants. Biggest free labor program in the Nations history, you put in a month of new brick building and section laying you win your legal status or a short ankle bracelet vacation at least. He'll get a win win..Mexico. will after all play a part in funding and building it. Bottom line..Mexico isn't paying for a thing . That was all auctioneering rabble rabble speak.
    There will be plenty of ways to charge Mexico for a wall. Taxes on western union transfers that Mexicans send back when they work here, border crossing charges, tariffs the list is almost endless.
    There was actually meat on that bone for a bit but I don't think the bill has even made it out of subcommittee? And they could even be 'American' and send money back but with a higher tax proposed on single businesses, how is that enforced. Or a flat across the board tax? The steel slates with spikes ..has turned into the Nations anchor. We've gone complete over simplification and cartoon Game of thrones with this wall..that Mexico won't pay for..nonsense. The week has been a clusterfeck.
    Ya spics. Trump wanted 25 billion and in the news conference with Pelosi and Schumer he brought it down to 5 billion. Now they give him shit about 1.5 billion. Schumer and Pelosi give not one shit of having a wall at the border which people, including democrats, have been trying to get done for 30 years they just want to have tantrums telling trump he is wrong and the people who voted for him are wrong. Instead they will put another couple hundred billion in social programs that are at least 30% government red tape waste. It’s a gleeful moment for the left, nothing to do about what Americans voted for but the fact that they get to stick it to trump more. They would much rather spend a few trillion protecting Syrian borders and now have a fit that trump dare talk about removing the US from another middle eastern mess that have worked out for us so well over the past 50 years. As long as Pelosi can continue to personally enrich her family from her cherished lifelong seat of power helping administrations rack up 20 trillion in us debt, fuck it, now she is being fiscally conservative and won’t give a penny for the border wall. What a hypocrite.
    I've no love for The crypt keeper but if the President hopes to hang this around the Dems neck he's just taking us all for a spin and again neglecting his responsibility. The man owns the current state of affairs. We're so far removed from the initial guarantee that Meheeco will pay for it that we might as well be bent over pants around the ankles by giving that a pass. 25 Billion is insane. Best I can tell there was bi partisan support when the House tacked on 5 billion but they and Potus balked at it over a 1 yr reprieve for Daca? Oh and Mexico will pay for it. I'm no hawk and I can't hold a candle to men and women who have risked and given all, your self included, but I cannot wrap my head around bellowing about 'invaders' and 'terrorists storming the boarder'..most carrying trash bags and backpacks with their belongings yet the President unilaterally decides via tweet to vacate the battle field against Isis extremist carrying Kalashnikovs and ieds. Actual bonified killers spreading the seed. We've seen this movie before and we know how it will end or in this case just continue when it comes home to roost. One thing we're consistent at is shitting on our allies, kurds specifically, though and we burn bridges with the best of them unfortunately.
    Oh yeah no problem with middle easterners crossing at Mexico

    And what allies are u reffering to, our great one China
    who said it wasn't a reality and possibility? My point Wals, Trump knee-jerks to bunker mode with no apparent stated plan or intent while simultaneously yelling about invaders out of both sides of his mouth? Except to bunker up behind some symbolic trophy wall and wait for the doorbell to ring. Again. I think we've forgotten how hard we were smacked around that one fateful real terroists..and frankly a 'wall' would have not mattered. It's almost a bait and switch. Fact is and we don't want to admit it..but large parts of that shit show in the distance is on us. We're not talking battalions of front line infantry these are quick reaction, speial operators to break up plans, basically fobs, training advising etc. If we've learned anything as stubborn as we are in this Country it's that we don't throw our blood and treasure away for cheap political talking points, grandstanding and BS..known..BS about wmds anymore. But to think you can close your eyes and hide under the bed is a recipe to send more after we get punched in the puss all over again.
    I hear ya spics but if you look back at 9/11 that is when they actually started pumping up the idea of the US being weak at the Mexican border for terrorists and doomsday weapons. It was a big thing for quite a while. It was in the NYT, the Economists etc along with all of our smart spy people saying it was an issue. They caught a few shortly after 9/11 at the border crossing and have been catching some since. So it was a big issue, a priority under Bush and Obama, well for obama maybe it lasted for a year or two. Bush had a bunch of wars and one of his advisors woke him up one day and said “Mr President, the entire US economic system may shit the bed today we have a problem.” (Believe it or not what I just wrote is similar to what actually happened, Bush advisor part) anyway I certainly don’t think middle eastern terrorist are a main reason for building the wall. Terrorists groups work with the cartels but I don’t think they are in a rush to smuggle dirty bombs or bio hazard shit into the US for ISIS as they then yes, prob the next day a wall will be built from sea to shining sea and that would fuck up a multi billion dollar drug business. I just think there is enough evidence around that shows our southern border has been an issue talked about but ignored for enough years. It has been talked about long before 9/11 from both sides of the aisle. I think Nancy Pelosi clapped when obama talked about a wall. So let’s put the frickin thing up. It’s not like it’s a new idea. When Trump mentioned the wall in that televised squabble they had at the White House Pelosi said “now your just talking campaign promises” WTF does that mean Nancy. Either you think all campaign promises are bullshit or you are jumping on this because it is a campaign promise of Trumps and she ain’t letting none of that happen. One of trumps biggest problems is he is a guy who had got a lot of shit done in life. He comes in as president and was hoping to do the same but he is facing a system that is built not to change. Originally it was a good idea, the framers of the constitution didn’t want things too easily moved around. That was a good idea at the time and still is to a degree but the framers didn’t mean don’t do nothing, get together and do it right. Trump gave the Dems a very nice spending bill for some good social programs and what not so he could get his military spending. Anyway I wandered a bit. The border wall was part of a campaign promise which means a bunch of people in this country voted for it. Honestly, this is the first time in my life I’ve heard Nancy Pelosi say 5 billion dollars is too much money. I think about 80% of our Congress doesn’t anymore know what money is. It’s just stuff you poor into stuff to do stuff and if you need more they print it across the street
    Last edited by walrus; 01-04-2019 at 07:29 PM.

  3. #2598
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Just put this here for safe keeping

    WASHINGTON – It’s a simple question: You supported the border wall in 2006, so why not now?

    Six key Democrats have entirely flip-flopped on the issue and the mainstream media have not bothered to ask them why.

    WND asked each of them and did not receive a single response.

    Six current Democratic U.S. senators, including the party’s top leadership, all voted for the
    Secure Fence Act Of 2006, the very law President Trump is now using as lawful authorization to build a wall on the country’s border with Mexico.

    They are:

    Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
    Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.
    Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.
    Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del.
    Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.
    Not only do they all oppose the wall now, they are vowing to stop a Republican bill in the works to fund its construction.


    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif
    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif
    As the Republicans have 52 seats in the Senate, they need 8 Democrats to vote for funding the wall in order to avoid a filibuster.

    If such influential Democratic leaders as Schumer, Feinstein, Wyden and Nelson were to support the wall now, as they did a decade ago, a successful filibuster would seem unlikely and the wall would be funded.

    Feinstein said in 2006: “Democrats are solidly behind controlling the border, and we support the border fence.”

    But something drastic happened since 2006, whether it was a change of heart or change in politics.

    Schumer said in November: “We’re not going to help him (Trump) build his wall. We have a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that builds in much tougher border security and it had bipartisan support than he’s ever called for.”

    On Wednesday, Wyden said: “The bottom line here is this is another divisive policy and it’s another polarizing policy.”


  4. #2599
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    This gofundme stuff just goes to show that we don't need government. If people want something done (walls, roads, whatever etc) , they will get behind it and get it done. No government needed.
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  5. #2600
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    This gofundme stuff just goes to show that we don't need government. If people want something done (walls, roads, whatever etc) , they will get behind it and get it done. No government needed.
    Why what’s it up to alpha. I gotta take a look.

  6. #2601
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    This gofundme stuff just goes to show that we don't need government. If people want something done (walls, roads, whatever etc) , they will get behind it and get it done. No government needed.
    Why what’s it up to alpha. I gotta take a look.
    Not sure of the amount, but I like the example of doing without government.
    They live, We sleep

  7. #2602
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    This gofundme stuff just goes to show that we don't need government. If people want something done (walls, roads, whatever etc) , they will get behind it and get it done. No government needed.
    Why what’s it up to alpha. I gotta take a look.
    Not sure of the amount, but I like the example of doing without government.
    Definitely. Good to hear someone thought of it. Usually they only go fund me hurt feels

  8. #2603
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Well the border wall is 18 million on go fund me second highest donated amount in its history interesting

  9. #2604
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

  10. #2605
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Just put this here for safe keeping

    WASHINGTON – It’s a simple question: You supported the border wall in 2006, so why not now?

    Six key Democrats have entirely flip-flopped on the issue and the mainstream media have not bothered to ask them why.

    WND asked each of them and did not receive a single response.

    Six current Democratic U.S. senators, including the party’s top leadership, all voted for the
    Secure Fence Act Of 2006, the very law President Trump is now using as lawful authorization to build a wall on the country’s border with Mexico.

    They are:

    Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
    Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.
    Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.
    Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del.
    Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.
    Not only do they all oppose the wall now, they are vowing to stop a Republican bill in the works to fund its construction.


    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif
    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif
    As the Republicans have 52 seats in the Senate, they need 8 Democrats to vote for funding the wall in order to avoid a filibuster.

    If such influential Democratic leaders as Schumer, Feinstein, Wyden and Nelson were to support the wall now, as they did a decade ago, a successful filibuster would seem unlikely and the wall would be funded.

    Feinstein said in 2006: “Democrats are solidly behind controlling the border, and we support the border fence.”

    But something drastic happened since 2006, whether it was a change of heart or change in politics.

    Schumer said in November: “We’re not going to help him (Trump) build his wall. We have a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that builds in much tougher border security and it had bipartisan support than he’s ever called for.”

    On Wednesday, Wyden said: “The bottom line here is this is another divisive policy and it’s another polarizing policy.”

    From what I've seen this is somewhat apples and coconuts from what the act covered and what Trump has stated he wants. But I think much of the chaos is Trump has yet to be specific and propose a detailed plan and it's more catch phrases and talking point and now with this whole National emergency talk it's turning a little hysterical. Trying to keep it down the middle..isn't the fact that those same dems voted for barriers, funding and both the Bush Administration and Congress back then found compromise to get the act done go against all the Trump "open boarders" railing now? And members of both parties agreed early in yr to some initial funding in conjunction with dreamer deal, Trump agreed and then he bailed. He went out and dismissed what was passed as a nothing during the campaign..and now he's agreeing steel barriers may be better. He's off the rails trying to ramrod this wall blockade through and was whipped back in line by some media after again agreeing to a budget and bailing. It's all very much a clusterfeck and he owns it. These people in the swamp..allllll of them..need to get their collective stuff together.

  11. #2606
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I will say it's a bit screwball watching all the outcry about refunds being held up when some of us *cough..have had them stolen over the last couple of years because of some "shared responsibility" penalty BS from mandated healthcare.

  12. #2607
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    This gofundme stuff just goes to show that we don't need government. If people want something done (walls, roads, whatever etc) , they will get behind it and get it done. No government needed.
    It kind of proves the opposite. Assuming the wall was actually worth building it would take a couple of centuries to raise enough money to do it via crowdfunding at the current donation rate. That's whay we need some kind of government to collect taxes to pay for the things that actually are needed.

    If you don't like living in a country with a relatively effective government and would prefer a libertarian paradise with no government, taxes or regulation they do actually exist. I understand Somalia still has some nice beaches that haven't yet been used by modern day pirates to dump shiploads of toxic waste that no other country will accept. The rest of the country may not be as nice though. You may need to spend some of the money you pay in taxes on weapons and so on.

  13. #2608
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Just put this here for safe keeping

    WASHINGTON – It’s a simple question: You supported the border wall in 2006, so why not now?

    Six key Democrats have entirely flip-flopped on the issue and the mainstream media have not bothered to ask them why.

    WND asked each of them and did not receive a single response.

    Six current Democratic U.S. senators, including the party’s top leadership, all voted for the
    Secure Fence Act Of 2006, the very law President Trump is now using as lawful authorization to build a wall on the country’s border with Mexico.

    They are:

    Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
    Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.
    Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.
    Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del.
    Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.
    Not only do they all oppose the wall now, they are vowing to stop a Republican bill in the works to fund its construction.


    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif
    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif
    As the Republicans have 52 seats in the Senate, they need 8 Democrats to vote for funding the wall in order to avoid a filibuster.

    If such influential Democratic leaders as Schumer, Feinstein, Wyden and Nelson were to support the wall now, as they did a decade ago, a successful filibuster would seem unlikely and the wall would be funded.

    Feinstein said in 2006: “Democrats are solidly behind controlling the border, and we support the border fence.”

    But something drastic happened since 2006, whether it was a change of heart or change in politics.

    Schumer said in November: “We’re not going to help him (Trump) build his wall. We have a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that builds in much tougher border security and it had bipartisan support than he’s ever called for.”

    On Wednesday, Wyden said: “The bottom line here is this is another divisive policy and it’s another polarizing policy.”

    From what I've seen this is somewhat apples and coconuts from what the act covered and what Trump has stated he wants. But I think much of the chaos is Trump has yet to be specific and propose a detailed plan and it's more catch phrases and talking point and now with this whole National emergency talk it's turning a little hysterical. Trying to keep it down the middle..isn't the fact that those same dems voted for barriers, funding and both the Bush Administration and Congress back then found compromise to get the act done go against all the Trump "open boarders" railing now? And members of both parties agreed early in yr to some initial funding in conjunction with dreamer deal, Trump agreed and then he bailed. He went out and dismissed what was passed as a nothing during the campaign..and now he's agreeing steel barriers may be better. He's off the rails trying to ramrod this wall blockade through and was whipped back in line by some media after again agreeing to a budget and bailing. It's all very much a clusterfeck and he owns it. These people in the swamp..allllll of them..need to get their collective stuff together.
    After two years of draining the swamp the Department of Defence is being run by a defence contractor executive, cutting out the middle man, Interior is being run by an oil lobbyist, the Environmental Protection Agency is being run by a coal lobbyist, Health and Human Services by a big pharma lobbyist, and all the financial regulators are being run either directly by bank lobbyists or by lawyers who are temporarily not working either for the banks or law firms that earn billions defending banks against the same regulators and who will earn 99 percent of their lifetime earnings from banks either directly or indirectly. It's quite an impressive operation Trump is running.

  14. #2609
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Did you vote for this man?

    She seems like a nice girl. If I lived in Michigan or wherever she's from I would have voted for her as part of the Democratic party's historical popular vote margin win last year, yes.

    By the way , that secure fence act thing? Would have built a couple of hundred miles of a fence you can easily get over and supplied a few more bodies to police a border that neither side actually wants to stop immigrants coming over. It also would have legalised all the illegal immigrants currently in the country, given them a path to citizenship and so on. Ther ehave been a whole bunch of immigration deals done between the parties over the past couple of decades but they're always blown up by the Rush Limbaugh wing of the GOP. Same with this recent budget deal that Trump was going to sign until they blew it up. Trump is just too weak to stand up to the loonies in his own party.

  15. #2610
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Did you vote for this man?

    She seems like a nice girl. If I lived in Michigan or wherever she's from I would have voted for her as part of the Democratic party's historical popular vote margin win last year, yes.

    By the way , that secure fence act thing? Would have built a couple of hundred miles of a fence you can easily get over and supplied a few more bodies to police a border that neither side actually wants to stop immigrants coming over. It also would have legalised all the illegal immigrants currently in the country, given them a path to citizenship and so on. Ther ehave been a whole bunch of immigration deals done between the parties over the past couple of decades but they're always blown up by the Rush Limbaugh wing of the GOP. Same with this recent budget deal that Trump was going to sign until they blew it up. Trump is just too weak to stand up to the loonies in his own party.
    Ya dude your American history is always right on, arse

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