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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #2701
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    @Kirkland Laing I’m surprised u didn’t put this up right away. It’s not true and it’s against Republicans your favorite type of shit

    I’m sure it was an honest mistake because we all know all republicans are racist so they just figured he must be as well
    Final proof of liberal media/deep state bias then. When they have GOP talking hrads arguing with Democratic talking heads who are endlessly repeating the fact that this fucker is a Democrat they make a mistake and it's headlines on Fox. What a bunch of fucking clowns.

    In related news:

    I await the forthcoming several day wall to wall media coverage of this along with the entire GOP asking him to resign. Followed by Trump.
    Damn that reminds me of the Clinton Gore hats sold as official campaign shit with the rebel flag.

  2. #2702
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    @Kirkland Laing I’m surprised u didn’t put this up right away. It’s not true and it’s against Republicans your favorite type of shit

    I’m sure it was an honest mistake because we all know all republicans are racist so they just figured he must be as well
    Final proof of liberal media/deep state bias then. When they have GOP talking hrads arguing with Democratic talking heads who are endlessly repeating the fact that this fucker is a Democrat they make a mistake and it's headlines on Fox. What a bunch of fucking clowns.

    In related news:

    I await the forthcoming several day wall to wall media coverage of this along with the entire GOP asking him to resign. Followed by Trump.
    Damn that reminds me of the Clinton Gore hats sold as official campaign shit with the rebel flag.

  3. #2703
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    Here's what actually happened once the tax cut bill was signed. Remember this tax cut was going to help workers. The corporations concerned were going to pass that tax cut onto their employees. Amazingly it didn't work out like that. It worked out exactly like all the previous corporate tax cuts did. Candidate Trump got elected by saying, quite correctly, that the economy was rigged against the American worker and he was going to fix it. Instead he's rigged it even further in favour of the tippy top people.
    stick buy backs are not a new phenomenon. If Apple didn’t do stock buybacks they would need to be six times physically bigger than they are. Buybacks in themselves are not purely bad. Not every American actively buys stocks but buybacks help with 401k and other retirement vehicles. We have been through this 100 times. I’ve already said I wish more of the money has been put back out. I said from the beginning I wish some legislation could have been written saying that the tax cuts must direct some percentage into reinvestment but I don’t know if such a thing can be demanded by government. I know under the 8 years of obama which saw the market do very well with the fed loading up its balance sheet and giving money away the market did not translate to anything different. Unemployment has gone down, we had one of the highest corporate tax rates in the western world which didn’t help things but you keep on hammering the same point I’ve already told you I agree with to an extent but I guess that doesn’t matter, you don’t conversate you troll. I don’t focus on deep state or that group that was releasing info saying this would happen etc, I forget the name right now but if you deny media bias against trump u are blind. Nothing has changed for years as no politician has wanted to take a chance with short term pain for possible future gain. Trump is not the greatest but he didn’t create any of these messes we have. No matter who is in office we are always facing a possible future recession or war. I think Trump does play a dangerous game when he touts how well the market is doing. Reagan learned that lesson. He just left it as it went up since i was in office. I just don’t get your hatred or inability to look at things through any side other than hate which is why I chalk you up to trolling. Emails fluttered with activity from podestas account just prior to trumps grab em but the pussy clip release and a CNN team just happened to be outside Stones home during the SWAT raid, yes, they used SWAT to arrest stone. Could it all have been coincidence and timing, perhaps. All these fake news articles popping up that u jump right on is it all just poor journalism, maybe. Hillary colluding with Russia for the Steele dossier which although no action was taken by Comey to validate but used for FISA ah it could all be nothing. Finding the Russian troll farms were posting both pro trump and pro Hillary then anti trump and anti Hillary news that doesn’t matter right. You can not and will not be objective, you should work for a Russian troll farm or CNN, wait, you probably do. So go post the same old graphs but remember you need to change your narrative a bit cause Trump is now trying to start a war with Russia as he is backing out of a treaty that’s been around since Reagan so now he is for no reason at all trying to start a war with Russia. Maybe he wants to take Putin out so Putin can’t testify against him. Post a few graphs on that cause it shows again how he has been working with Russia since the USSR days and is a foreign agent, but wait, the non existent trump tower in Moscow proves it right. Mueller lying before Congress now arresting everyone for lying to Congress. You think this is bad, wait till Ruth Bader Ginsberg has to step down. Sexual harassment charges are already being prepared for who ever he appoints next or the impeachment shit will go into overdrive. At least we have Keith Ellison running for President, like obama another buddy of Farrakhan. What a joke. You are a joke

  4. #2704
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

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  5. #2705
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by ruthless rocco View Post
    Damn Rocco I gotta say that’s impressive especially since you didn’t use crayon. Every letter your mom writes me begging for penis is in crayon, I just figured that’s how she taught u to write

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

  7. #2707
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    Here's what actually happened once the tax cut bill was signed. Remember this tax cut was going to help workers. The corporations concerned were going to pass that tax cut onto their employees. Amazingly it didn't work out like that. It worked out exactly like all the previous corporate tax cuts did. Candidate Trump got elected by saying, quite correctly, that the economy was rigged against the American worker and he was going to fix it. Instead he's rigged it even further in favour of the tippy top people.
    stick buy backs are not a new phenomenon. If Apple didn’t do stock buybacks they would need to be six times physically bigger than they are. Buybacks in themselves are not purely bad. Not every American actively buys stocks but buybacks help with 401k and other retirement vehicles. We have been through this 100 times. I’ve already said I wish more of the money has been put back out. I said from the beginning I wish some legislation could have been written saying that the tax cuts must direct some percentage into reinvestment but I don’t know if such a thing can be demanded by government. I know under the 8 years of obama which saw the market do very well with the fed loading up its balance sheet and giving money away the market did not translate to anything different. Unemployment has gone down, we had one of the highest corporate tax rates in the western world which didn’t help things but you keep on hammering the same point I’ve already told you I agree with to an extent but I guess that doesn’t matter, you don’t conversate you troll. I don’t focus on deep state or that group that was releasing info saying this would happen etc, I forget the name right now but if you deny media bias against trump u are blind. Nothing has changed for years as no politician has wanted to take a chance with short term pain for possible future gain. Trump is not the greatest but he didn’t create any of these messes we have. No matter who is in office we are always facing a possible future recession or war. I think Trump does play a dangerous game when he touts how well the market is doing. Reagan learned that lesson. He just left it as it went up since i was in office. I just don’t get your hatred or inability to look at things through any side other than hate which is why I chalk you up to trolling. Emails fluttered with activity from podestas account just prior to trumps grab em but the pussy clip release and a CNN team just happened to be outside Stones home during the SWAT raid, yes, they used SWAT to arrest stone. Could it all have been coincidence and timing, perhaps. All these fake news articles popping up that u jump right on is it all just poor journalism, maybe. Hillary colluding with Russia for the Steele dossier which although no action was taken by Comey to validate but used for FISA ah it could all be nothing. Finding the Russian troll farms were posting both pro trump and pro Hillary then anti trump and anti Hillary news that doesn’t matter right. You can not and will not be objective, you should work for a Russian troll farm or CNN, wait, you probably do. So go post the same old graphs but remember you need to change your narrative a bit cause Trump is now trying to start a war with Russia as he is backing out of a treaty that’s been around since Reagan so now he is for no reason at all trying to start a war with Russia. Maybe he wants to take Putin out so Putin can’t testify against him. Post a few graphs on that cause it shows again how he has been working with Russia since the USSR days and is a foreign agent, but wait, the non existent trump tower in Moscow proves it right. Mueller lying before Congress now arresting everyone for lying to Congress. You think this is bad, wait till Ruth Bader Ginsberg has to step down. Sexual harassment charges are already being prepared for who ever he appoints next or the impeachment shit will go into overdrive. At least we have Keith Ellison running for President, like obama another buddy of Farrakhan. What a joke. You are a joke
    This is just you parroting a load of random nonsense you've half remembered from the talk radio idiots you listen to. The point you make about buybacks is irrelevant. The Trump tax cut was sold as a tax cut that would mean employers would pay their employees bigger wages. It hasn't happened. Neither has there been any increased investment by the corporations.

    That's because the whole thing is ass backwards. You do not get increased investment by giving corporations more money. You get it by increasing aggregate demand in the economy (putting money in the pockets of the 99 percent), then corporations have an incentive to invest some of their record profits (record even before the tax cut) into catering for/supplying this increase in demand. That's the way economies have worked since their advent.

    But since Reagan the idea that you give incentives to the supply side of the economy and this will create investment and prosperity has been proved wrong endlessly over forty years now. All it does is create bigger corporate profits and an unbalanced, some might say "rigged" economy. That's why corporations are sitting on record profits and trillions of dollars and have nothing to invest it in (because demand is slack because American workers don't have any increased level of money to spend) but buy their own shares back, enriching their stockholders and their executives who get paid according to how well the stock price is doing.

    It's really quite simple. If you read this through enough times you'll be able to understand it.

    Also notice the paragraphs, punctuation and grammar. You could give it a go. If you're going to parrot a load of old rubbish you could at least present it well.

  8. #2708
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    In the wake of President Donald Trump’s renewed attacks on the U.S. intelligence community this week, senior intelligence briefers are breaking two years of silence to warn that the President is endangering American security with what they say is a stubborn disregard for their assessments.
    Citing multiple in-person episodes, these intelligence officials say Trump displays what one called “willful ignorance” when presented with analyses generated by America’s $81 billion-a-year intelligence services. The officials, who include analysts who prepare Trump’s briefs and the briefers themselves, describe futile attempts to keep his attention by using visual aids, confining some briefing points to two or three sentences, and repeating his name and title as frequently as possible.
    What is most troubling, say these officials and others in government and on Capitol Hill who have been briefed on the episodes, are Trump’s angry reactions when he is given information that contradicts positions he has taken or beliefs he holds. Two intelligence officers even reported that they have been warned to avoid giving the President intelligence assessments that contradict stances he has taken in public.


    In another briefing on South Asia, Trump’s advisors brought a map of the region from Afghanistan to Bangladesh, according to intelligence officers with knowledge of the meeting and congressional officials who were briefed on it. Trump, they said, pointed at the map and said he knew that Nepal was part of India, only to be told that it is an independent nation. When said he was familiar with Bhutan and knew it, too, was part of India, his briefers told him that Bhutan was an independent kingdom. Last August, Politico reported on president’s mispronunciation of the names of the two countries during the same briefing.
    But the disconnect between Trump and his intelligence briefers is no joke, the officials say. Several pointed to concerns regarding Trump’s assessment of the threat posed by North Korea’s nuclear capabilities. After Trump’s summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un last summer, the North claimed to have destroyed its major underground nuclear testing facility at Punggye-ri, and Trump has gone out of his way to credit the claim.
    The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGIA), which oversees the spy satellites that map and photograph key areas, had tried to impress upon Trump the size and complexity of the North Korean site. In preparing one briefing for the President on the issue early in his administration, the NGIA built a model of the facility with a removable roof, according to two officials. To help Trump grasp the size of the facility, the NGIA briefers built a miniature version New York’s Statue of Liberty to scale and put it inside the model.
    Intelligence officials from multiple agencies later warned Trump that entrances at the facility that had been closed after the summit could still be reopened. But the president has ignored the agencies’ warnings and has exaggerated the steps North Korea has taken to shutter the facility, those officials and two others say.

    In the last three months Trump has averaged just under two hours a day of work. Normally one hour of this a day is an intelligence briefing like the ones described above. Any more than a few sentences that keep mentioning him and he loses interest. So basically the fucker just watches cable news and calls his friends for a rant all day.

  9. #2709
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    Here's what actually happened once the tax cut bill was signed. Remember this tax cut was going to help workers. The corporations concerned were going to pass that tax cut onto their employees. Amazingly it didn't work out like that. It worked out exactly like all the previous corporate tax cuts did. Candidate Trump got elected by saying, quite correctly, that the economy was rigged against the American worker and he was going to fix it. Instead he's rigged it even further in favour of the tippy top people.
    stick buy backs are not a new phenomenon. If Apple didn’t do stock buybacks they would need to be six times physically bigger than they are. Buybacks in themselves are not purely bad. Not every American actively buys stocks but buybacks help with 401k and other retirement vehicles. We have been through this 100 times. I’ve already said I wish more of the money has been put back out. I said from the beginning I wish some legislation could have been written saying that the tax cuts must direct some percentage into reinvestment but I don’t know if such a thing can be demanded by government. I know under the 8 years of obama which saw the market do very well with the fed loading up its balance sheet and giving money away the market did not translate to anything different. Unemployment has gone down, we had one of the highest corporate tax rates in the western world which didn’t help things but you keep on hammering the same point I’ve already told you I agree with to an extent but I guess that doesn’t matter, you don’t conversate you troll. I don’t focus on deep state or that group that was releasing info saying this would happen etc, I forget the name right now but if you deny media bias against trump u are blind. Nothing has changed for years as no politician has wanted to take a chance with short term pain for possible future gain. Trump is not the greatest but he didn’t create any of these messes we have. No matter who is in office we are always facing a possible future recession or war. I think Trump does play a dangerous game when he touts how well the market is doing. Reagan learned that lesson. He just left it as it went up since i was in office. I just don’t get your hatred or inability to look at things through any side other than hate which is why I chalk you up to trolling. Emails fluttered with activity from podestas account just prior to trumps grab em but the pussy clip release and a CNN team just happened to be outside Stones home during the SWAT raid, yes, they used SWAT to arrest stone. Could it all have been coincidence and timing, perhaps. All these fake news articles popping up that u jump right on is it all just poor journalism, maybe. Hillary colluding with Russia for the Steele dossier which although no action was taken by Comey to validate but used for FISA ah it could all be nothing. Finding the Russian troll farms were posting both pro trump and pro Hillary then anti trump and anti Hillary news that doesn’t matter right. You can not and will not be objective, you should work for a Russian troll farm or CNN, wait, you probably do. So go post the same old graphs but remember you need to change your narrative a bit cause Trump is now trying to start a war with Russia as he is backing out of a treaty that’s been around since Reagan so now he is for no reason at all trying to start a war with Russia. Maybe he wants to take Putin out so Putin can’t testify against him. Post a few graphs on that cause it shows again how he has been working with Russia since the USSR days and is a foreign agent, but wait, the non existent trump tower in Moscow proves it right. Mueller lying before Congress now arresting everyone for lying to Congress. You think this is bad, wait till Ruth Bader Ginsberg has to step down. Sexual harassment charges are already being prepared for who ever he appoints next or the impeachment shit will go into overdrive. At least we have Keith Ellison running for President, like obama another buddy of Farrakhan. What a joke. You are a joke
    This is just you parroting a load of random nonsense you've half remembered from the talk radio idiots you listen to. The point you make about buybacks is irrelevant. The Trump tax cut was sold as a tax cut that would mean employers would pay their employees bigger wages. It hasn't happened. Neither has there been any increased investment by the corporations.

    That's because the whole thing is ass backwards. You do not get increased investment by giving corporations more money. You get it by increasing aggregate demand in the economy (putting money in the pockets of the 99 percent), then corporations have an incentive to invest some of their record profits (record even before the tax cut) into catering for/supplying this increase in demand. That's the way economies have worked since their advent.

    But since Reagan the idea that you give incentives to the supply side of the economy and this will create investment and prosperity has been proved wrong endlessly over forty years now. All it does is create bigger corporate profits and an unbalanced, some might say "rigged" economy. That's why corporations are sitting on record profits and trillions of dollars and have nothing to invest it in (because demand is slack because American workers don't have any increased level of money to spend) but buy their own shares back, enriching their stockholders and their executives who get paid according to how well the stock price is doing.

    It's really quite simple. If you read this through enough times you'll be able to understand it.

    Also notice the paragraphs, punctuation and grammar. You could give it a go. If you're going to parrot a load of old rubbish you could at least present it well.
    What a frickin idiot can’t even have a rational conversation. Look the whole market is a Ponzi scheme propped up by the government. It’s all fake anyway. We are twenty trillion in debt, trump didn’t do that. By the I only use my phone for this forum so I skip the pun a lot of proper grammar but my phone is an apple although made in China it’s still one of the greatest companies in the history of many, the first trillion dollar company which granted didn’t last long but impressive. Enough Apple products have been sold where 1 out of 7 people in the world have one, granted they don’t as a lot of people have several Apple products. We have Facebook which I don’t like but connects billions of people. Google, which I don’t like but is amongst the most powerful company’s the world has seen and I could go on. Trump will be president for 4-8 years corporate buybacks have been legal since 1982. What the fuck have you done lately. Trump isn’t an evil racist, we have had much worse presidents but things work out. If u are gonna flip out about trump for eight years while you sit in your little island god bless you, have fun. Me I’m just along for the ride, I have little control over things just opinions like you. You flip out and can’t handle this shit. You should get a job with MSNBC and yell into the mic with the other snowflakes who can’t handle shit, now stop bothering me I’m trying to enjoy a movie as I sit in one of the most amazing countries in history, by the way the movie was filmed here, u have probably seen it.

    Ps I find it very odd that Kirk spends so much time on US politics, what about brexit and your PM hanging on by a thread. You guys are a mess, spend some time on that it will serve u better. @Master give Kirk a warning for trolling or I’m gonna post the last batch of pics you sent me.
    Last edited by walrus; 02-05-2019 at 08:23 PM.

  10. #2710
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Kirkland please stop talking sense and using statistics to prove your points.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Kirkland please stop talking sense and using statistics to prove your points.
    Talking sense u buy that bullshit pics will be in everyone’s mailbox tonight

  12. #2712
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    Here's what actually happened once the tax cut bill was signed. Remember this tax cut was going to help workers. The corporations concerned were going to pass that tax cut onto their employees. Amazingly it didn't work out like that. It worked out exactly like all the previous corporate tax cuts did. Candidate Trump got elected by saying, quite correctly, that the economy was rigged against the American worker and he was going to fix it. Instead he's rigged it even further in favour of the tippy top people.
    stick buy backs are not a new phenomenon. If Apple didn’t do stock buybacks they would need to be six times physically bigger than they are. Buybacks in themselves are not purely bad. Not every American actively buys stocks but buybacks help with 401k and other retirement vehicles. We have been through this 100 times. I’ve already said I wish more of the money has been put back out. I said from the beginning I wish some legislation could have been written saying that the tax cuts must direct some percentage into reinvestment but I don’t know if such a thing can be demanded by government. I know under the 8 years of obama which saw the market do very well with the fed loading up its balance sheet and giving money away the market did not translate to anything different. Unemployment has gone down, we had one of the highest corporate tax rates in the western world which didn’t help things but you keep on hammering the same point I’ve already told you I agree with to an extent but I guess that doesn’t matter, you don’t conversate you troll. I don’t focus on deep state or that group that was releasing info saying this would happen etc, I forget the name right now but if you deny media bias against trump u are blind. Nothing has changed for years as no politician has wanted to take a chance with short term pain for possible future gain. Trump is not the greatest but he didn’t create any of these messes we have. No matter who is in office we are always facing a possible future recession or war. I think Trump does play a dangerous game when he touts how well the market is doing. Reagan learned that lesson. He just left it as it went up since i was in office. I just don’t get your hatred or inability to look at things through any side other than hate which is why I chalk you up to trolling. Emails fluttered with activity from podestas account just prior to trumps grab em but the pussy clip release and a CNN team just happened to be outside Stones home during the SWAT raid, yes, they used SWAT to arrest stone. Could it all have been coincidence and timing, perhaps. All these fake news articles popping up that u jump right on is it all just poor journalism, maybe. Hillary colluding with Russia for the Steele dossier which although no action was taken by Comey to validate but used for FISA ah it could all be nothing. Finding the Russian troll farms were posting both pro trump and pro Hillary then anti trump and anti Hillary news that doesn’t matter right. You can not and will not be objective, you should work for a Russian troll farm or CNN, wait, you probably do. So go post the same old graphs but remember you need to change your narrative a bit cause Trump is now trying to start a war with Russia as he is backing out of a treaty that’s been around since Reagan so now he is for no reason at all trying to start a war with Russia. Maybe he wants to take Putin out so Putin can’t testify against him. Post a few graphs on that cause it shows again how he has been working with Russia since the USSR days and is a foreign agent, but wait, the non existent trump tower in Moscow proves it right. Mueller lying before Congress now arresting everyone for lying to Congress. You think this is bad, wait till Ruth Bader Ginsberg has to step down. Sexual harassment charges are already being prepared for who ever he appoints next or the impeachment shit will go into overdrive. At least we have Keith Ellison running for President, like obama another buddy of Farrakhan. What a joke. You are a joke
    This is just you parroting a load of random nonsense you've half remembered from the talk radio idiots you listen to. The point you make about buybacks is irrelevant. The Trump tax cut was sold as a tax cut that would mean employers would pay their employees bigger wages. It hasn't happened. Neither has there been any increased investment by the corporations.

    That's because the whole thing is ass backwards. You do not get increased investment by giving corporations more money. You get it by increasing aggregate demand in the economy (putting money in the pockets of the 99 percent), then corporations have an incentive to invest some of their record profits (record even before the tax cut) into catering for/supplying this increase in demand. That's the way economies have worked since their advent.

    But since Reagan the idea that you give incentives to the supply side of the economy and this will create investment and prosperity has been proved wrong endlessly over forty years now. All it does is create bigger corporate profits and an unbalanced, some might say "rigged" economy. That's why corporations are sitting on record profits and trillions of dollars and have nothing to invest it in (because demand is slack because American workers don't have any increased level of money to spend) but buy their own shares back, enriching their stockholders and their executives who get paid according to how well the stock price is doing.

    It's really quite simple. If you read this through enough times you'll be able to understand it.

    Also notice the paragraphs, punctuation and grammar. You could give it a go. If you're going to parrot a load of old rubbish you could at least present it well.
    What a frickin idiot can’t even have a rational conversation. Look the whole market is a Ponzi scheme propped up by the government. It’s all fake anyway. We are twenty trillion in debt, trump didn’t do that. By the I only use my phone for this forum so I skip the pun a lot of proper grammar but my phone is an apple although made in China it’s still one of the greatest companies in the history of many, the first trillion dollar company which granted didn’t last long but impressive. Enough Apple products have been sold where 1 out of 7 people in the world have one, granted they don’t as a lot of people have several Apple products. We have Facebook which I don’t like but connects billions of people. Google, which I don’t like but is amongst the most powerful company’s the world has seen and I could go on. Trump will be president for 4-8 years corporate buybacks have been legal since 1982. What the fuck have you done lately. Trump isn’t an evil racist, we have had much worse presidents but things work out. If u are gonna flip out about trump for eight years while you sit in your little island god bless you, have fun. Me I’m just along for the ride, I have little control over things just opinions like you. You flip out and can’t handle this shit. You should get a job with MSNBC and yell into the mic with the other snowflakes who can’t handle shit, now stop bothering me I’m trying to enjoy a movie as I sit in one of the most amazing countries in history, by the way the movie was filmed here, u have probably seen it.

    Ps I find it very odd that Kirk spends so much time on US politics, what about brexit and your PM hanging on by a thread. You guys are a mess, spend some time on that it will serve u better. @Master give Kirk a warning for trolling or I’m gonna post the last batch of pics you sent me.
    Which market is a Ponzi scheme and why? What significance does the twenty trillion dollars of debt have for you?

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    Here's what actually happened once the tax cut bill was signed. Remember this tax cut was going to help workers. The corporations concerned were going to pass that tax cut onto their employees. Amazingly it didn't work out like that. It worked out exactly like all the previous corporate tax cuts did. Candidate Trump got elected by saying, quite correctly, that the economy was rigged against the American worker and he was going to fix it. Instead he's rigged it even further in favour of the tippy top people.
    stick buy backs are not a new phenomenon. If Apple didn’t do stock buybacks they would need to be six times physically bigger than they are. Buybacks in themselves are not purely bad. Not every American actively buys stocks but buybacks help with 401k and other retirement vehicles. We have been through this 100 times. I’ve already said I wish more of the money has been put back out. I said from the beginning I wish some legislation could have been written saying that the tax cuts must direct some percentage into reinvestment but I don’t know if such a thing can be demanded by government. I know under the 8 years of obama which saw the market do very well with the fed loading up its balance sheet and giving money away the market did not translate to anything different. Unemployment has gone down, we had one of the highest corporate tax rates in the western world which didn’t help things but you keep on hammering the same point I’ve already told you I agree with to an extent but I guess that doesn’t matter, you don’t conversate you troll. I don’t focus on deep state or that group that was releasing info saying this would happen etc, I forget the name right now but if you deny media bias against trump u are blind. Nothing has changed for years as no politician has wanted to take a chance with short term pain for possible future gain. Trump is not the greatest but he didn’t create any of these messes we have. No matter who is in office we are always facing a possible future recession or war. I think Trump does play a dangerous game when he touts how well the market is doing. Reagan learned that lesson. He just left it as it went up since i was in office. I just don’t get your hatred or inability to look at things through any side other than hate which is why I chalk you up to trolling. Emails fluttered with activity from podestas account just prior to trumps grab em but the pussy clip release and a CNN team just happened to be outside Stones home during the SWAT raid, yes, they used SWAT to arrest stone. Could it all have been coincidence and timing, perhaps. All these fake news articles popping up that u jump right on is it all just poor journalism, maybe. Hillary colluding with Russia for the Steele dossier which although no action was taken by Comey to validate but used for FISA ah it could all be nothing. Finding the Russian troll farms were posting both pro trump and pro Hillary then anti trump and anti Hillary news that doesn’t matter right. You can not and will not be objective, you should work for a Russian troll farm or CNN, wait, you probably do. So go post the same old graphs but remember you need to change your narrative a bit cause Trump is now trying to start a war with Russia as he is backing out of a treaty that’s been around since Reagan so now he is for no reason at all trying to start a war with Russia. Maybe he wants to take Putin out so Putin can’t testify against him. Post a few graphs on that cause it shows again how he has been working with Russia since the USSR days and is a foreign agent, but wait, the non existent trump tower in Moscow proves it right. Mueller lying before Congress now arresting everyone for lying to Congress. You think this is bad, wait till Ruth Bader Ginsberg has to step down. Sexual harassment charges are already being prepared for who ever he appoints next or the impeachment shit will go into overdrive. At least we have Keith Ellison running for President, like obama another buddy of Farrakhan. What a joke. You are a joke
    This is just you parroting a load of random nonsense you've half remembered from the talk radio idiots you listen to. The point you make about buybacks is irrelevant. The Trump tax cut was sold as a tax cut that would mean employers would pay their employees bigger wages. It hasn't happened. Neither has there been any increased investment by the corporations.

    That's because the whole thing is ass backwards. You do not get increased investment by giving corporations more money. You get it by increasing aggregate demand in the economy (putting money in the pockets of the 99 percent), then corporations have an incentive to invest some of their record profits (record even before the tax cut) into catering for/supplying this increase in demand. That's the way economies have worked since their advent.

    But since Reagan the idea that you give incentives to the supply side of the economy and this will create investment and prosperity has been proved wrong endlessly over forty years now. All it does is create bigger corporate profits and an unbalanced, some might say "rigged" economy. That's why corporations are sitting on record profits and trillions of dollars and have nothing to invest it in (because demand is slack because American workers don't have any increased level of money to spend) but buy their own shares back, enriching their stockholders and their executives who get paid according to how well the stock price is doing.

    It's really quite simple. If you read this through enough times you'll be able to understand it.

    Also notice the paragraphs, punctuation and grammar. You could give it a go. If you're going to parrot a load of old rubbish you could at least present it well.
    What a frickin idiot can’t even have a rational conversation. Look the whole market is a Ponzi scheme propped up by the government. It’s all fake anyway. We are twenty trillion in debt, trump didn’t do that. By the I only use my phone for this forum so I skip the pun a lot of proper grammar but my phone is an apple although made in China it’s still one of the greatest companies in the history of many, the first trillion dollar company which granted didn’t last long but impressive. Enough Apple products have been sold where 1 out of 7 people in the world have one, granted they don’t as a lot of people have several Apple products. We have Facebook which I don’t like but connects billions of people. Google, which I don’t like but is amongst the most powerful company’s the world has seen and I could go on. Trump will be president for 4-8 years corporate buybacks have been legal since 1982. What the fuck have you done lately. Trump isn’t an evil racist, we have had much worse presidents but things work out. If u are gonna flip out about trump for eight years while you sit in your little island god bless you, have fun. Me I’m just along for the ride, I have little control over things just opinions like you. You flip out and can’t handle this shit. You should get a job with MSNBC and yell into the mic with the other snowflakes who can’t handle shit, now stop bothering me I’m trying to enjoy a movie as I sit in one of the most amazing countries in history, by the way the movie was filmed here, u have probably seen it.

    Ps I find it very odd that Kirk spends so much time on US politics, what about brexit and your PM hanging on by a thread. You guys are a mess, spend some time on that it will serve u better. @Master give Kirk a warning for trolling or I’m gonna post the last batch of pics you sent me.
    Which market is a Ponzi scheme and why? What significance does the twenty trillion dollars of debt have for you?
    Well our market is a big Ponzi scheme. 20 trillion in debt just shows it’s all a joke

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Welp I'm all outta booze after that. Not bad, not great but probably the only time I've seen both sides high fiving when he applauded the new female members . He seriously flubbed some line right midway going without pause from third term abortion into National security. "Political solutions" with Isis and Taliban . Imagine is so and so would have said it. Great lines wrapping it up and putting a bow on it touching on members from every town USA. Bit unicorn cliché but it worked. Only the 2nd address I didn't take notes in . Stacey Abrams..dear god.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I think trump handled the SOTU well. I saw spics talking about several of trumps verbal missteps. If you watch some of Nixon’s old SOTU speaches he would screw up countless times. I usually watch the address but never take too much out of them, I did see a drudge poll and I have no idea how it was sampled but over 70% of people gave it a positive review

    Here it is CNN and CBS poll results right after the speech

    CBS News and CNN released instant polls taken immediately after President Trump’s State of the Union address with both polls finding 76 percent of those who watched approved of the speech. The CBS poll 72 percent approved of Trump’s immigration proposals while the CNN poll showed 76 percent approval with 59 percent “very positive.”
    Last edited by walrus; 02-07-2019 at 06:26 AM.

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