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Thread: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

  1. #106
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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    That might even be a 10-8 round for the blue.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Tito why did you not posts quotes from the three female boxers who were quite happy to fight a trans opponent? The ones who had no problem with it and the ones who said with all the steroids around what's the difference? Why did you not post the quote from the female boxer who said bring it on and that the question was just another excuse to portray women as weak?

    What is hilarious is how you moan about people going with the flow as though you are making some brave stand, but you and a lot of others here are actually insisting on imposing your own weird version of some kind of political correctness.

    You want to decide for other adults. You and Miles have just proven how sexist you both are in both wanting to tell women what they can do. What they are allowed to do. Why can't each boxer decide for themselves?

    Like most old fashioned weak men you and Miles etc are seemingly threatened by people choosing to not conform to the very narrow stereotypes you want to impose on them. Do you want to be seen like a nanny state government, brainwashed religious loon or some agenda driven politicaly correct zealot? Because that is what you guys sound like. Let people decide for themselves.
    I am not telling women what to do. I am just suggesting that all things being equal that a man will batter a woman. Women are weaker than men generally speaking. Just a fact. It is why we do not hit women. Chopping off a willy and adding a few hormones is not going to reduce height by several inches.
    Actually that is exactly what you are doing. Nobody is talking about forcing anyone to do anything. Tito and his five imaginary IFS are just something he has to invent, to pretend he has anything approaching a reasonable argument.

    The thread title explicitly asks whether transgendered people should be ALLOWED to box.

    Of the actual female boxers asked, three were quite happy to box them. They apparently did not count because as men you both think you should be able to decide for them. If not, why are their thoughts excluded?

    So here you and Tito are telling those women who they can box. Nobody else has suggested anywhere that boxers, female or male should be forced to fight anyone. In fact I quite explicitly stated again and again all through the thread as adults they should be able to decide who to box themselves.All this mandatory stuff is hypothetical nonsense like the crap you have to make up to not even give women the right to think and decide for themselves.

    Plenty of women smaller than you, could beat the living shite out of you. That is a fact however superior your untrained, inexperienced skinny/fat body may feel. it is all in your head.

    A fight against a pro female boxer at almost any weight would be ...beyond you.
    You are just making things up, Lawrence. I said that in most cases the man would beat the shit out of the woman. Cut off Manny's tackle, pump him full of hormones and see what happens. I am not saying a woman cannot make her own decision, I am saying she would would most likely get beaten up. This is why men do not hit women. Stop making things up.

    I could probably beat the living shite out of you too and you are dickless wonder, so all is fair in your world.
    Also, why would I have to face professional women? Surely as a novice with a recent chop and hormone stimulus, I should be fighting ordinary women on the street. I am quite sure that most women would turn down the offer of a duel with a drag queen incarnation of Paul Williams saying "Sorry luv, but I am watching Coronation Street in a bit". It would be like suggesting I go in with professional men in my current penis enhanced condition. Of course I would have a hard time as I am not a boxer. But the average bloke in the street around my weight? It is a more even contest. Would win some and lose others. It all depends on my camp, my campness, and how well Walrus guides me with his military routines and Brock with his psychological game. My own natural intelligence is also key. I have that chess player intelligence like Wlad and I am not afraid to make it ugly to get my way. Following the rules of boxing one is going to have to close the gap and get me. I challenge you to be a real Jew and cut it off, Beanz. You can't go around fighting the Gentiles with that thing flopping around like an elephant trunk lost in the safari. Once you deal with the elephant in the room we shall talk.


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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to boc?

    What is ironic/funny/tragic about the whole argument is how the very 'identity politics' that are seen as being so distasteful are being employed by those supposedly arguing against them.

    So Ron can post this

    'What should be considered and is ignored in this is that no woman would be forced to fight a transgender woman, or more correctly another woman. But when you say “you can’t because...” someone is being forced. Someone is having their rights taken away. The simple and fair solution is let people decide who they want to fight and don’t want to fight. That couldn’t possibly be more obvious and if you return to this debate in 20 years it will be as obvious as it should be now. '

    And purely because Ron posted it, people can't bring themselves to be aligned to it, even if they agree.

    Am I missing something? Only there seems to be a theme here that has seeped across the forum. Sure we can all agree to disagree still. Even take the piss out of opposite opinions but inventing enemies, by creating your opponents and their position for them is just daft.

    You cannot argue some kind of libertarian position and then deny that freedom from those you are so valiantly claiming to defend. The only people forcing anything on anyone are those claiming that transgender women should not be able to fight 'born' women. Even when those 'born' women are happy to fight them.

    It's no coincidence those female boxers are not quoted here. It's no coincidence the thread title is suggesting even trans boxers being able to box anyone (each other?) is supposedly up for debate. Allowed?

    It's a sad indictment where merely liking a post morphs into a ringing endorsement of every word and can become the tinder(oooh er) to ignite a flame war. Hell, even using the word 'nuance' becomes a supposed indicator of God knows what.

    Why is it such an anathema for posters to admit to being in agreement?
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  4. #109
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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to boc?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    What is ironic/funny/tragic about the whole argument is how the very 'identity politics' that are seen as being so distasteful are being employed by those supposedly arguing against them.

    So Ron can post this

    'What should be considered and is ignored in this is that no woman would be forced to fight a transgender woman, or more correctly another woman. But when you say “you can’t because...” someone is being forced. Someone is having their rights taken away. The simple and fair solution is let people decide who they want to fight and don’t want to fight. That couldn’t possibly be more obvious and if you return to this debate in 20 years it will be as obvious as it should be now. '

    And purely because Ron posted it, people can't bring themselves to be aligned to it, even if they agree.

    Am I missing something? Only there seems to be a theme here that has seeped across the forum. Sure we can all agree to disagree still. Even take the piss out of opposite opinions but inventing enemies, by creating your opponents and their position for them is just daft.

    You cannot argue some kind of libertarian position and then deny that freedom from those you are so valiantly claiming to defend. The only people forcing anything on anyone are those claiming that transgender women should not be able to fight 'born' women. Even when those 'born' women are happy to fight them.

    It's no coincidence those female boxers are not quoted here. It's no coincidence the thread title is suggesting even trans boxers being able to box anyone (each other?) is supposedly up for debate. Allowed?

    It's a sad indictment where merely liking a post morphs into a ringing endorsement of every word and can become the tinder(oooh er) to ignite a flame war. Hell, even using the word 'nuance' becomes a supposed indicator of God knows what.

    Why is it such an anathema for posters to admit to being in agreement?

    "Agreeing to disagree" is obviously something not programmed into your DNA, so I'd rather you not mention something you've never had any intention of doing.

    The "inventing enemies" and "creating opponents and their positions" part is just as hilarious as it's always been. It has always been the proverbial straw you clutch at when all else is falling apart.

    Now... if you were to practice what you preach regarding the "agreeing to disagree" part, you'd accept the fact that some of us do not agree with transgenders fighting born women boxers. In addition, if you had an objective, unbiased bone in your body, you'd admit the whole mess started when your buddy Ron called me "sexist" for having an opinion. Never mind he probably hasn't got the foggiest idea what "sexist" actually means, nor that he knows diddly squat about me as a person, which completely disqualifies him from having the right to make such a damning statement. But no. Being the flawed personality you are, and having that knee-jerk reaction to all things transgender, you rushed to thank him for the insult hurled at me. Does that describe the facts in a nutshell?

    I've clearly stated my reasons for having the opinion that I do, but I'll gladly state them again at the risk of repetition but for the sake of clarity.

    1. Allowing transgenders to fight women boxers would begin benignly enough, with those who refuse to fight them being allowed their position. In an ideal world, the story would end right there. But we don't live in an ideal world, do we. At some point there would be more and more transgenders in women's boxing, and at some point any woman choosing to pursue a professional boxing career would have to face the prospect of having to fight a transgender. The idea that gets scoffed at.... as the scenario of a women having a mandatory for her title.... shows how tight your blinders are. For as much as you beat your own chest about how open-minded you are, you certainly have a narrow view of the future.

    2. The very definition of transitioning to the other gender is weak and flimsy. That much was shown in Smashup's video of the transgender football player. If you bothered to see the entire video, you'll see the hilariously frightening flimsiness of the definition in some instances. You basically have to "identify" as a woman, and have a low testosterone level. That's all. We're playing with fire here. We don't even know what the hell a transgender female is, yet we're letting them loose on women's boxing. When some of us raise a caution flag, you start waving your "equal rights flag" and lecturing us with your predictable bullshit.

    3. You continue harping on those women who have said they'd have no problem fighting transgenders, as if that automatically makes it ok. You dared to tell me it's not "mob rule", yet that is EXACTLY what you're arguing for. Never mind those who don't want any part of that. The fact that some said they'd have no problem with it, automatically cancels out those who would have a problem. It is ME who should tell YOU it's not a mob rule. In this case, where the health and livelihood of women athletes is at stake, even ONE objection should be enough to take a long hard look at what we're about to permit. We're not taking a damn vote here, Beanz.

    You and I have been on opposite sides of most a lot of arguments. And like you hypocritically stated above, we should always be able to agree to disagree. But this particular argument sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb. This is where you have disclosed your true self FOR ALL TO SEE. There is no hiding anymore for you.

    Again, to hammer the point home.

    1. I stated my opinion. I'm not in favor of transgenders in women's boxing. (That is my opinion, the one we're supposed to agree to disagree on). All I'm thinking about is women's safety. I've never been in favor of men beating up on women.

    2. For my trouble, I get called a sexist by Ron Swanson, the paragon of knowledge and Mr. Personality on this forum.

    3. In comes Beanz, thanking Ron for calling me a sexist because God forbid TitoFan should post an opinion about transgenders and women on the forum.

    4. I respond as anyone here would, defending myself.

    5. And here we are, more than a hundred posts later, immersed in the same tired old bullshit we always manage to devolve into.

    Frankly, I think nothing more need be said.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to boc?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    What is ironic/funny/tragic about the whole argument is how the very 'identity politics' that are seen as being so distasteful are being employed by those supposedly arguing against them.

    So Ron can post this

    'What should be considered and is ignored in this is that no woman would be forced to fight a transgender woman, or more correctly another woman. But when you say “you can’t because...” someone is being forced. Someone is having their rights taken away. The simple and fair solution is let people decide who they want to fight and don’t want to fight. That couldn’t possibly be more obvious and if you return to this debate in 20 years it will be as obvious as it should be now. '

    And purely because Ron posted it, people can't bring themselves to be aligned to it, even if they agree.

    Am I missing something? Only there seems to be a theme here that has seeped across the forum. Sure we can all agree to disagree still. Even take the piss out of opposite opinions but inventing enemies, by creating your opponents and their position for them is just daft.

    You cannot argue some kind of libertarian position and then deny that freedom from those you are so valiantly claiming to defend. The only people forcing anything on anyone are those claiming that transgender women should not be able to fight 'born' women. Even when those 'born' women are happy to fight them.

    It's no coincidence those female boxers are not quoted here. It's no coincidence the thread title is suggesting even trans boxers being able to box anyone (each other?) is supposedly up for debate. Allowed?

    It's a sad indictment where merely liking a post morphs into a ringing endorsement of every word and can become the tinder(oooh er) to ignite a flame war. Hell, even using the word 'nuance' becomes a supposed indicator of God knows what.

    Why is it such an anathema for posters to admit to being in agreement?
    Ha I find it funny cause I’ve liked a few posts that set you off but here u are deflecting it on others.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    I will fight any of you at a CW of 125 pounds which is the weight I will need to go to minus my penis.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I will fight any of you at a CW of 125 pounds which is the weight I will need to go to minus my penis.
    You can keep it and weigh over at 125.03 to be fair. I’ll stick to cutting my right leg off and go with a bone marrow extraction. No shark costumes though, that way I wouldn’t know if you’ve had hormone replacement to try and grow a pair of balls or not.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by p4pking View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I will fight any of you at a CW of 125 pounds which is the weight I will need to go to minus my penis.
    You can keep it and weigh over at 125.03 to be fair. I’ll stick to cutting my right leg off and go with a bone marrow extraction. No shark costumes though, that way I wouldn’t know if you’ve had hormone replacement to try and grow a pair of balls or not.
    When the council puts up a sign saying 'No ball games' are they trying to tell us something? I think all this gender lark is going way too far.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    I don’t know much about councils, aside from that clearly wasn’t the reason you fled yours for Korea .

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    ​So, would Buffalo Bill beat Serena Williams over ten rounds then?
    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by X View Post
    ​So, would Buffalo Bill beat Serena Williams over ten rounds then?

    Serena?? She would beat Buffalo Bill into submission and then break him in half with a deathly leg grip.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    I can't be bothered to read through the entire thread, fuck me we might as well bring Brock back

    my opinion is that NO transgendered people shouldn't be allowed to participate in professional sports.

    Male to Female - they are going to obviously have a huge advantage and potential to seriously fuck someone up in boxing
    Female to Male - yeah it may be the transgendered persons choice but what if the male boxer doesn't feel comfortable punching a woman in the face, so they aren't technically a female anymore but I know that I would have a bit of a problem with it.

    going back to the videos that I posted earlier in this thread, that Hannah mouncey person as already snapped some birds leg whilst playing in the Australian Football League

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Hmm... things have gotten quite chippy on the forum.

    I guess the only thing worse would be a Muslim, transgender woman who wanted to fight born women while wearing a MAGA hat, had previously fathered a child who was now a famous drag queen ...... and also knew the Earth is flat. Only to find out in the end it had all been Fake News anyway.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    No the whole thing is stupid.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by X View Post
    ​So, would Buffalo Bill beat Serena Williams over ten rounds then?
    10 rounds of whiskey or pints sure.
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    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

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