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Thread: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

  1. #31
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    I like the meme making the rounds on Facebook about Samuel L. Jackson being the next debate moderator.

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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    [QUOTE=El Kabong;1561429]
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Why didn't Trump condemn the Proud Boys?
    What is there to condemn?

    There must be something otherwise he would not have been asked.
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Joe Biden needs to state his positions CLEARLY and UNEQUIVOCALLY.

    The time to pit Dem against Dem was back when they were choosing a candidate. The extreme left LOST... and along with it the ideas of free Medicare for every single American, the defunding of the police, etc, etc.

    Now it's time to pit Biden against Trump.

    Biden, the moderate Democrat with more centrist views (WHICH HE HAS MADE ABUNDANTLY CLEAR BUT OBVIOUSLY NOT CLEAR ENOUGH)... against a bullying, "backed-in-a-corner" alley cat Trump who will pull out all the stops to remain in the WH.

    By "all the stops" I mean bully his way through debates... rally his supporters to disrupt the election process and create havoc (again... visions of that Nobel Peace Prize presentation invade my mind)... blatantly LIE about the COVID fiasco much of it his own doing... etc, etc, etc.

    I wish instead of Biden it were a more youthful, energetic candidate. Think Buttigieg WITHOUT the obvious baggage that would at this time make him a liability.

    But Biden it is.

    Trump supporters will rip open any and all blunders, gaffes, stutters, and the like... in order to bring him down and get Trump re-elected.

    Maybe Trump SHOULD win.

    Bring the whole fabric of society and democracy crashing down around everyone's ears.

    At least that way Biden won't be blamed.

    Again..... Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Trump will win. Barring any catastrophic developments between now and election day

    Cannot see Biden winning anything

  5. #35
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    There must be something otherwise he would not have been asked.
    When you come to the realization that you don't always have to accept the premise of the mainstream media THEN my friend and ONLY THEN can you start to understand what they are trying to pull on you.

    I used to implicitly trust the news, I mean why would they lie to you? Right? What could they gain by lying to you? If you trust them and trust them completely why you won't even have to think for yourself or judge for yourself you could just take their word for it..... right?

    Now you don't have to trust someone like Alex Jones either, but if you looked at the "news" the way people look at Alex Jones what would it hurt? What would it hurt if you were dubious of the news? What would it hurt if you merely questioned the premise every once in a while?


    White Supremacists? Demanding that a black woman has a space to preach? That add up to you man? Doesn't add up to me

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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Let's call a spade a spade, shall we?

    Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes has been quoted on numerous occasions throughout the years with controversial remarks on violence, race, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim, sexism, and more. He's obviously not a choir boy and no one should mistake his group as the Boy Scouts of America. While McInnes himself may not be totally responsible for the violence attributed to Proud Boys, specific racist assholes like Jason Kessler have taken the opportunity to spread the hate and violence while calling himself a Proud Boys member.

    At the same time I've seen interviews with Proud Boys members and honestly feel that not everyone associated with that group is a racist White Supremacist. McInnes himself apparently tried to distance himself and the group from other extremist, violent hate groups... but IMO it's a case of too little too late. Once the perception is there, it's tough to get rid of it.

    On the other hand, nobody is mistaking Antifa for a bunch of Boy Scouts either. In fact, Antifa is being investigated by the FBI because is always the case... it's an example of a well-intentioned organization gone rogue. The idea of "anti-fascism" may be noble... but as always it falls into the hands of violent thugs who decide to take matters into their own hands.

    Now let's talk about something else.

    Let's think about this for a minute. Why oh why the continued insistence on having Trump utter the words "I condemn White Supremacy."??!??

    Does ANYONE in their right minds think this would make one iota of difference??

    Whether Trump says it out loud or not..... it doesn't matter. He doesn't feel that way!!!

    I know... tough one to digest.

    News flash for the whole wide world: TRUMP MAY SAY THE WORDS (he won't), BUT IN HIS MIND HE NEVER WILL.

    So why go through the childish and pointless exercise of coercing him to say the words??

    Next I'd expect people to ask him to cross his heart and hope to die.

    The guy's a fukking racist, no matter HOW MANY photo ops he takes with black leaders or how many times he hugs Kanye West or poses for pictures with Jim Brown.

    People who are influenced by that sort of superficial bullshit just don't see the big picture.

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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Let's call a spade a spade, shall we?

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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    the "reason" they want to hear lip service from Trump is precisely because of what I mentioned earlier: we are living in such SHALLOW TIMES, that even lip service has become satisfying enough in many people's minds, over sincerity. For past 20 years we have increasingly become a GOTCHA! culture where cute one-liners have replaced facts.

  9. #39
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Let's think about this for a minute. Why oh why the continued insistence on having Trump utter the words "I condemn White Supremacy."??!??

    Does ANYONE in their right minds think this would make one iota of difference??

    Whether Trump says it out loud or not..... it doesn't matter. He doesn't feel that way!!!

    I know... tough one to digest.
    Allow me to allow Nancy Pelosi to explain WHY this is happening @TitoFan ......

    There it's a tactic to smear Donald Trump by CONSTANTLY asking him. The answer has never changed from Trump. He's racist? Insanity. I mean feel how you like, but that is absolute insanity to me and once you are locked in on "he's racist" you're beyond coming back from that. You've crossed the Rubicon as it were in terms of judging the man.

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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Let's think about this for a minute. Why oh why the continued insistence on having Trump utter the words "I condemn White Supremacy."??!??

    Does ANYONE in their right minds think this would make one iota of difference??

    Whether Trump says it out loud or not..... it doesn't matter. He doesn't feel that way!!!

    I know... tough one to digest.
    Allow me to allow Nancy Pelosi to explain WHY this is happening @TitoFan ......

    There it's a tactic to smear Donald Trump by CONSTANTLY asking him. The answer has never changed from Trump. He's racist? Insanity. I mean feel how you like, but that is absolute insanity to me and once you are locked in on "he's racist" you're beyond coming back from that. You've crossed the Rubicon as it were in terms of judging the man.
    Maybe it's as simple as he's asked CONSTANTLY because in between these supposed condemnations he never fails to interject racial overtones, stereotypes and dog whistles into the political process. Literally, give it a day or two and he'll go chumming the waters with slamming members of Congress of another ethnicity and backgrounds, or spouting off about better greater genes or American cities becoming 'immigration' camps. Tomorrow or maybe yesterday I'm dizzy at this point .

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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    unfortunately (and this is no insult to actual dogs) we're living in doggish times and there's 2 dogs up there: a narcissistic junkyard dog and a comical, older worn-out dog, and it is common sense that the junkyard dog will fuck the worn-out dog up the ass before the worn-out dog can even turn around and see what is happening. And that just about sums up this election, with the possibly significant VICE-prez debates, which Im hoping Harris and Pence can do a more civil job with

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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Why didn't Trump condemn the Proud Boys?
    What is there to condemn?

    You. Lovely and peaceful for weeks. Your first posts back and you are calling everyone lazy spongers because just like Trump you project your own issues on everyone else. He is a Whiny , negative , spoiled brat, don't copy him.

    The Proud Boys?

    Where do you want to start? There pathetically sad cultural appropriation. There trying way too hard xtremist gay bear beards. The fact that they are happy and proud to boast abut wanting to shoot civilians dead.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Perfect storm for complete societal collapse.

    Race war, civil war, martial law, world war.

    Yankee Doodle Shit-Show ���������������� �⚰️������☢️⚠️��� ��������✖️������ ���������������� ���������������� ���������������� ���������������� ������❎9️⃣1️⃣1️⃣�� ���◾- .

    ������ ������ ���������������� ���������������� �������������� ������ ������
    Then why won't you leave? Can't take your food stamps with you?
    El Kabong like Trump and the fucking scumbag Proud Boys is and always has been all about cancel culture. He wants to deligitamize not only anyone not identical to him. but also cancel debate itself. Like Trump stuck inthe 1900's he does not want to change and so is asking you to leave the country. He would shoot me if i was in the USA without even pausing to weigh it up that is how angry the kid is.

    Like Don blaming Biden for the pandemic response it matters not to who is in the Whitehouse . They will never take personal responsibility. We have the same thing happening here . We have the UK government waging a culture war to stigmatise the struggles of minorities and to deflect away from their catastrophic handling of the pandemic. Thousands dead and Trump and Boris fans are blaming the Democrats in the USA and the Labour party in the UK.

    Look at how they hate free speech. They cheapen it and pretend it means never criticizing the status quo and turning a blind eye to the most traitorous politicians either country has EVER had.
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  13. #43
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Let's think about this for a minute. Why oh why the continued insistence on having Trump utter the words "I condemn White Supremacy."??!??

    Does ANYONE in their right minds think this would make one iota of difference??

    Whether Trump says it out loud or not..... it doesn't matter. He doesn't feel that way!!!

    I know... tough one to digest.
    Allow me to allow Nancy Pelosi to explain WHY this is happening @TitoFan ......

    There it's a tactic to smear Donald Trump by CONSTANTLY asking him. The answer has never changed from Trump. He's racist? Insanity. I mean feel how you like, but that is absolute insanity to me and once you are locked in on "he's racist" you're beyond coming back from that. You've crossed the Rubicon as it were in terms of judging the man.
    What a patronizing snide bastard you are.


    You not only support a racist, you are playing Devil's advocate for someone who does not respect the rule of law, who has spat on the graves of men who died for YOUR country and is responsible for the deaths of thousands.

    No ifs and buts, get the fuck down off your high horse. It was long ago kicked out from under you.
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  15. #45
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    There's no jobs, 60 million Americans lost their jobs since February or March.

    Whole industries have disappeared

    The language schools have reduced their staff to skeleton Crews

    Daycare centers have reduced their teachers because parents have taken their children out and are watching them at home because now they can stay home and watch them since their own offices are closed or they have lost their jobs

    Americans were already living paycheck to paycheck before this happened

    We better get our $2,400 stimulus check soon is all I know

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