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Thread: Today In Biden Land

  1. #601
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    First I would like to see several examples of posters on Saddo who you have lumped together due to Biden Derangement Syndrome claiming that Biden is infallible.
    Hi, my name is Beanz and I don't understand that turnabout is fair play. Hi Beanz welcome to what's good for the goose is good for the gander anonymous.

    Now for the accusations in your link

    1. Instead of draining the swamp, he’s made it much dirtier.: That's the author's opinion and he doesn't seem to hold the same standard across the board.
    2. He’s personally pocketed millions in taxpayer, lobbyist, donor, and foreign dollars.: Wow a whole $12 million at his properties when the government would have to pay for their accommodations anyway & if Trump was staying at one of his hotels wouldn't the Secret Service stay at the same place? How much did Hunter Biden get from Burisma and China? Hunter has yet to fully divest from that China entanglement as well....but nothing about that.
    3. He’s corrupted the tax system and fudged his own taxes.: As an American tax payer I appreciate Trump making things easier and the federal government taking less of my money. Again when it comes to Trump's taxes, if he did anything wrong they would have nailed him on it, he hasn't and so they continue to be pissed off about it.
    4. He’s gutted health care.: He got rid of the mandate which means if you do not wish to have insurance you don't have to have it and you don't pay a penalty/taxes for that choice...that's a GOOD thing. He also kept the price of Insulin & EpiPen's low...which Joe Biden then changed back to what it was....Hooray Biden right Beanz? Hooray making insulin unaffordable for diabetics right? Right? That's what you like about him yeah? He does the opposite of Trump
    5. In the pandemic, he’s sacrificed American lives to a failed re-election strategy.: He said "the cure can't be worse than the disease" and he was right to say that because the shutting down of the economy has ruined people in many ways. Also he wasn't helped by certain governors who murdered the elderly by placing the sick in nursing homes. Trump had 0 control of that.
    6. He has sought to undermine the integrity of our elections: Unlike Democrats have ever done like for example in 2016. This shit doesn't happen in a vacuum you know....or hell maybe you don't maybe you only see your side of the argument, I don't know how your brain works.
    7. He has shown devotion to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin: Yeah maybe that's why instead of sending blankets to Ukraine like Obama did Trump sent missiles. Give me a fucking break it's so easy to dispute that claim and yet the author is very vague and very leading in saying "Putin has something on Trump" fuck right off with that shit that is 100% pure projection because there ARE foreign leaders who have the goods on American politicians (from both parties) CHINA being a big one: see Swalwell & Feinstein.
    8. He’s engaged in repeated obstruction of justice: More Russia Russia Russia nonsense, the Steele Dossier is bullshit they (the Obama Administration) spied on Trump they got caught and they've covered it up.
    9. He has tried to make the Justice Department do his corrupt bidding: More projection. Did he spy on the Biden campaign?
    10. He has driven racism and racist violence.: No, there are other parties cheerfully doing that work and they're not Trump's base, they're not Republicans, they're not your average everyday person either. It's the media pushing bullshit lies and Academia pushing out Communist propaganda under the guise of Social Justice/Racial Justice. "He called the racists who marched in Charlottesville “very fine people” "...if anyone, ANYONE still buys that is what President Trump said they're too dumb to have any sort of discussion with. Are you one of those people Beanz? I mean I can provide the evidence that it's NOT what he said, I HAVE in the past provided that evidence did that just not sink in or do you just enjoy your narrative too much?

  2. #602
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    First I would like to see several examples of posters on Saddo who you have lumped together due to Biden Derangement Syndrome claiming that Biden is infallible.
    Hi, my name is Beanz and I don't understand that turnabout is fair play. Hi Beanz welcome to what's good for the goose is good for the gander anonymous.

    Now for the accusations in your link

    1. Instead of draining the swamp, he’s made it much dirtier.: That's the author's opinion and he doesn't seem to hold the same standard across the board.
    2. He’s personally pocketed millions in taxpayer, lobbyist, donor, and foreign dollars.: Wow a whole $12 million at his properties when the government would have to pay for their accommodations anyway & if Trump was staying at one of his hotels wouldn't the Secret Service stay at the same place? How much did Hunter Biden get from Burisma and China? Hunter has yet to fully divest from that China entanglement as well....but nothing about that.
    3. He’s corrupted the tax system and fudged his own taxes.: As an American tax payer I appreciate Trump making things easier and the federal government taking less of my money. Again when it comes to Trump's taxes, if he did anything wrong they would have nailed him on it, he hasn't and so they continue to be pissed off about it.
    4. He’s gutted health care.: He got rid of the mandate which means if you do not wish to have insurance you don't have to have it and you don't pay a penalty/taxes for that choice...that's a GOOD thing. He also kept the price of Insulin & EpiPen's low...which Joe Biden then changed back to what it was....Hooray Biden right Beanz? Hooray making insulin unaffordable for diabetics right? Right? That's what you like about him yeah? He does the opposite of Trump
    5. In the pandemic, he’s sacrificed American lives to a failed re-election strategy.: He said "the cure can't be worse than the disease" and he was right to say that because the shutting down of the economy has ruined people in many ways. Also he wasn't helped by certain governors who murdered the elderly by placing the sick in nursing homes. Trump had 0 control of that.
    6. He has sought to undermine the integrity of our elections: Unlike Democrats have ever done like for example in 2016. This shit doesn't happen in a vacuum you know....or hell maybe you don't maybe you only see your side of the argument, I don't know how your brain works.
    7. He has shown devotion to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin: Yeah maybe that's why instead of sending blankets to Ukraine like Obama did Trump sent missiles. Give me a fucking break it's so easy to dispute that claim and yet the author is very vague and very leading in saying "Putin has something on Trump" fuck right off with that shit that is 100% pure projection because there ARE foreign leaders who have the goods on American politicians (from both parties) CHINA being a big one: see Swalwell & Feinstein.
    8. He’s engaged in repeated obstruction of justice: More Russia Russia Russia nonsense, the Steele Dossier is bullshit they (the Obama Administration) spied on Trump they got caught and they've covered it up.
    9. He has tried to make the Justice Department do his corrupt bidding: More projection. Did he spy on the Biden campaign?
    10. He has driven racism and racist violence.: No, there are other parties cheerfully doing that work and they're not Trump's base, they're not Republicans, they're not your average everyday person either. It's the media pushing bullshit lies and Academia pushing out Communist propaganda under the guise of Social Justice/Racial Justice. "He called the racists who marched in Charlottesville “very fine people” "...if anyone, ANYONE still buys that is what President Trump said they're too dumb to have any sort of discussion with. Are you one of those people Beanz? I mean I can provide the evidence that it's NOT what he said, I HAVE in the past provided that evidence did that just not sink in or do you just enjoy your narrative too much?


    You bullet pointed the link?

    I didn't even read it that was just to give you something to do

    Anyway nice deflection but YOU made the assertion that everyone was calling Biden infallible which i told you was risible nonsense and yet you still have not provided one example to prove you were not making a strawman argument. You don't get away with it that easily.

    EXAMPLES please.

    This gets to the core of the problems you have been having over the last four years. I like many here, do not have a side of the argument. I am no more rooting for the Democrats and Biden or the Clintons before him, than i would be Blair and 'New Labour' or any other centrist neocon bullshit.

    Unlike you I really have never bought into the mainstream media driven politics that tells you what to do and how to think.

    Trump was not an outsider, he was an still is one of the Elite who proved he can get away with anything and yet here you are again not holding him accountable.

    You are being played.

    Get out of the swamp, because just like beetroot, it sure as hell stains.

    Be your own man and use your God given brain instead of just repeating the rhetoric, propaganda and newspeak of others.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  3. #603
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    I guess you'll just have to make me Beanz.

  4. #604
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    People see the world in totally opposite ways. Never ceases to amaze me.

  5. #605
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    I guess you'll just have to make me Beanz.
    Nobody thinks Biden is the new Messiah.

    Unfortunately there are an awful lot of people, (many of whom are bizarrely fundamentalist evangelical Christians) who are willing to die for Trump.

    Even yourself, who of course is not looking for a new Messiah or wanting to be an orange martyr, are still willing to believe and spread ridiculous conspiracies to explain his followers odd behaviour. Even you, a seemingly rational normal conservative man are willing to suspend all normal rules and conventions to excuse him an extraordinary range of lies and terrible behaviour.

    So you see nobody needs to make you do anything.

    You never answer questions.

    Its not like it is anything new.
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  6. #606
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    February 25th the year 2021. Currently 5:53 pm. Temperature locally 72 degrees with expected low of 58' and partially cloudy overnight. Tomorrow is Friday. Still your President.

  7. #607
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    He's not my president :S

  8. #608
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Speaking of which, I hear Trudeau's pretty happy.

  9. #609
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    February 25th the year 2021. Currently 5:53 pm. Temperature locally 72 degrees with expected low of 58' and partially cloudy overnight. Tomorrow is Friday. Still your President.

    B-b-b-but..... you just wait until

    December 8

    December 14

    December 23

    January 3

    January 6

    oh fuck.

    Ok... 2024.

  10. #610
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Nothing on Biden claiming there was no vaccine before he got in office despite his receiving the vaccine prior to assuming office?

    Wow, y'all are doing a bang up job holding this guy to the standard you held Trump to. Bravo!

    That's because he didn't say it.

    Oh he didn't?

    Guess that wasn't him saying and I quote "It's one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn't have when I came into office"

    He meant a plan for getting the vaccine into peoples' arms. He just misspoke. The Biden administration is not claiming that the vaccine didn't exist when it obviously did.
    he still said it

    If Biden misspeaking and saying something he obviously didn't mean is the best conservatives can come up with in outrage in over a month since he took office it's going to be a difficult four years for the rage salesmen in conservative media.

  11. #611
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    February 25th the year 2021. Currently 5:53 pm. Temperature locally 72 degrees with expected low of 58' and partially cloudy overnight. Tomorrow is Friday. Still your President.

    B-b-b-but..... you just wait until

    December 8

    December 14

    December 23

    January 3

    January 6

    oh fuck.

    Ok... 2024.

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  12. #612
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Speaking of which, I hear Trudeau's pretty happy.
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  13. #613
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    February 25th the year 2021. Currently 5:53 pm. Temperature locally 72 degrees with expected low of 58' and partially cloudy overnight. Tomorrow is Friday. Still your President.

    B-b-b-but..... you just wait until

    December 8

    December 14

    December 23

    January 3

    January 6

    oh fuck.

    Ok... 2024.

    March 4th baby. You just wait. Trump is back in the White House in just a few days.

  14. #614
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Nothing on Biden claiming there was no vaccine before he got in office despite his receiving the vaccine prior to assuming office?

    Wow, y'all are doing a bang up job holding this guy to the standard you held Trump to. Bravo!

    That's because he didn't say it.

    Oh he didn't?

    Guess that wasn't him saying and I quote "It's one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn't have when I came into office"

    He meant a plan for getting the vaccine into peoples' arms. He just misspoke. The Biden administration is not claiming that the vaccine didn't exist when it obviously did.
    he still said it

    If Biden misspeaking and saying something he obviously didn't mean is the best conservatives can come up with in outrage in over a month since he took office it's going to be a difficult four years for the rage salesmen in conservative media.
    Dude he had said enough to scare everyone that this poor guy is in charge, the media doesn’t cover it. Look how cooper coddles him during interviews. His own party doesn’t want him controlling the nukes. What do they know that we don’t. You still at Russia thing? Trumps a double agent right? Any thoughts on Biden and China? Nah right, Russian misinformation of course, let’s circle back to Russia, how’s Boris, who is he working for?

  15. #615
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Nothing on Biden claiming there was no vaccine before he got in office despite his receiving the vaccine prior to assuming office?

    Wow, y'all are doing a bang up job holding this guy to the standard you held Trump to. Bravo!

    That's because he didn't say it.

    Oh he didn't?

    Guess that wasn't him saying and I quote "It's one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn't have when I came into office"

    He meant a plan for getting the vaccine into peoples' arms. He just misspoke. The Biden administration is not claiming that the vaccine didn't exist when it obviously did.
    he still said it

    If Biden misspeaking and saying something he obviously didn't mean is the best conservatives can come up with in outrage in over a month since he took office it's going to be a difficult four years for the rage salesmen in conservative media.
    Dude he had said enough to scare everyone that this poor guy is in charge, the media doesn’t cover it. Look how cooper coddles him during interviews. His own party doesn’t want him controlling the nukes. What do they know that we don’t. You still at Russia thing? Trumps a double agent right? Any thoughts on Biden and China? Nah right, Russian misinformation of course, let’s circle back to Russia, how’s Boris, who is he working for?

    You seem distressed.

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