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Thread: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

  1. #1
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    Default Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    So Dr. Seuss now. Wtf is going on here.

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post

    So Dr. Seuss now. Wtf is going on here.
    I read one book showed (((gasp))) an Asian using chopsticks and another showed Africans wearing clothing made of grass. I HOPE to God they didnt show an Arab riding a camel or a Mexican with a sombrero FFS...

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    Not only are Dr. Suess books being banned, it goes back to the 1980s when Jesse Jackson attempted to diversify their characters

    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Not only are Dr. Suess books being banned, it goes back to the 1980s when Jesse Jackson attempted to diversify their characters

    Good point and another one

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    As per usual you've got all in a tizzy by something on Fox News or talk radio. Nobody is banning these books. The people who own the copyright are not going to keep printing them and they're doing this to protect whatever commercial worth the rest of the books have in the future.

    Let's have a look and see which side is really into banning books. Keep scrolling you fucking one eyed idiot:

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    And because you won't read that far:

    But wait, I've heard that schools DO ban books. Those filthy liberals with their cancel culture. So, I went to the Google to look up a list of the most banned books last year because that's a thing anyone with internet can do.


    And I found out that for the most recent year for which we have data (2019), of the 10 books most challenged and banned, *EIGHT* of them were solely because of LGBTQ themes. It seems social conservatives have worked overtime to, uh, "cancel" LGBTQ books.

    Keep reading.

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    Ok, now I see. I wasn't aware the new Liberals want to take us out argument is :
    1. Dr. Suess
    2. Mr. Potato head.

    Reminds me of when they went warpath on Barney The Dinasour

    "Barney is very much politically correct and liberal in its agenda. He leads kids into a world of miracles and fantasy. It's a New Age philosophy which is the antithesis to the Scripture."

    --Right Wing Televangelist

    Rather than discuss all the right wing preachers that went contrary to their bible and made prophecies- that turned out just wrong. Rather than to question why is a president being honored with an image made of gold, placed on gold colns. Rather than discuss how in the hell did our state capitial get overrun for 2 HOURS with no real response, they decide the best thing to talk about is Mr. Potato head going mister-less and Dr.Seuss, what god backs these people---so I can stay away from that pagan.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 03-04-2021 at 07:06 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    Or, the time their right wing media, tv, radio, cable- went on an tangent about Square Bob Sponge pants.

    SpongeBob SquarePants has been assailed by some conservatives as a cunning attempt to advocate homosexuality.

    SpongeBob and Homosexuality Sponge Bob, Barney promote 'gay' tolerance

    What a group- Their narrative has gone from look at liberals' gay purple dinasour, their faggoty sponge bob & their desire to take away Mr. from a friggin potato & now Dr. Suess....these are the issues Trump supporters not only find pressing, as a result it is in the media (their discontentment)...yet they will lie and say- Why isn't it being talked about?
    While it is being talked about.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    And because you won't read that far:

    But wait, I've heard that schools DO ban books. Those filthy liberals with their cancel culture. So, I went to the Google to look up a list of the most banned books last year because that's a thing anyone with internet can do.


    And I found out that for the most recent year for which we have data (2019), of the 10 books most challenged and banned, *EIGHT* of them were solely because of LGBTQ themes. It seems social conservatives have worked overtime to, uh, "cancel" LGBTQ books.

    Keep reading.
    You need to find out what’s actually go on in the US before you make yourself look more stupid. No one is in a tizzy here just pointing out the stupidity

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    "Tizzy for your Thoughts"

    by Kirk-o-Land-O-Lakes

    Up in a tizzy
    Knickers in a right twist
    Kirk listens to Thin Lizzy
    And slapped Walrus on the wrist

    But Walrus aint down for that shit
    He will antique your ass like Persian rug
    And if you keep doing it
    He will squash you like a bug

    See knick-knacks n shits
    Are good investments, Laing
    We know you know about pieces and bits
    And dont drive no Mustang

    So keep up the good work Kirk
    Your duties you cannot shirk
    And if you need a little perk:
    You can Zoom this Saturday with a Turk

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    And because you won't read that far:

    But wait, I've heard that schools DO ban books. Those filthy liberals with their cancel culture. So, I went to the Google to look up a list of the most banned books last year because that's a thing anyone with internet can do.


    And I found out that for the most recent year for which we have data (2019), of the 10 books most challenged and banned, *EIGHT* of them were solely because of LGBTQ themes. It seems social conservatives have worked overtime to, uh, "cancel" LGBTQ books.

    Keep reading.
    And in public schools, when they're not banning, they are rewriting history. Of all Presidents under Obama's tenure texas fought hard to change the Slave Trade to the triangular trade, their rationale? Board member Cynthia Noland Dunbar stated the curriculum is to “promote patriotism.” “We are adding balance. History has already been skewed. Academia is skewed too far to the left,"

    Wow, so talking about chattle slavery a fact is now a liberal fact.

    The recommendations include adding language to say the country's Founding Fathers were guided by Christian principles.

    They require that students learn that legislation like affirmative action should be tought as e 'unintended consequences' of Great Society legislation.

    Search as hard as you'd like, FOX news had about 2 articles on it

    Those links are disabled.

    In Right wing suburbs in Wisconsin teachers who are pro-right wing implement curriculums that speak of slavery as free enterprise.
    Essays asking kids to name the benefits to slavery.

    Everytime they change the history and blacks ask that it be left as is- we all get labeled as a people who can't move beyond slavery. Who would ask Jews to forget Hitler? Who would ask the Native Americans to forget the taking of their land, the infecting of small pox in blankets to murder them, the trail of tears?

    Given the chance right wing thinkers would cancel everything that doesnt make them look like god fearing christians who brought the civility to all darker peoples.

    I am sure you are aware of this, just not sure of the degree, but i'm sure you've read about the stifling of actions of American businessmen in the trade of rape, denial of rights of civility. To live as humans.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    There have been so many books banned overtime, but I can only speak of the few I'm aware of -and take issues with it. Just as right wingers have the right to question the banning of Dr. Suess by liberals, -they go moot on their wanting to ban books like Harry Potter.

    One book i question is The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, William Pynchon (1650).

    The author lived in Puritan times considered one of the founders of Springfield, Massachusetts.

    Just as with Roger Williams who wrote the Bloody Tenant (his treatment at the hands of Puritans) so, too did Pynchon become disenchanted with the way of life there, and wrote an explicit critique on Puritanism.

    End result: The book was banned in Massachusetts, and copies of the book were also burned for its heretical content. Wow, the very people kicked out of their homeland branded as heretics, came to a new world, lied to the future generations that they wanted to practice religion according to the dictate of one's conscience, but when that time comes for someone else to do it----they got branded as heretics.

    He fled back to England from what I read.
    And Roger Williams author of the bloody tenant fled into the hands of the so-called savages via Narangansett Tribe and their mightly Leader Massasoit.

    Throughout the lat 1700s-1800s most books by women or about women were banned. Christians of that day were the liberals of that day- they deemed anything not to their taste was vulgar, antigod, risque'

    Hateful, white racists in the south banned Uncle Tom's Cabin because of its anti-slavery content. Or as they would've put it anti-capitalism.

    If people can ban books that question people who claim christianity but behave other than that...
    If people can ban books that uplift blacks from the turmoil of a slavery that promotes rape, denies fatherhood for slaves...
    if people can ban books because it presents women outside the norm of what (ONE) demographic feels it should be as...

    Then who gives a damn about Dr. Suess being banned, other than the children whose parents banned everything they loathed?
    Karma's a (B) I heard...
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    Why does it delete the post when you try to edit on a phone. Oh well. One more try quickly.

    Apparently one of the offending images is a Chinese person using chopsticks. That is something that is still very ordinary. It is such a nothing issue.

    You need to be delicate with children of course, but an Asian using chopsticks? Nobody sane can be bothered by it.

    As for books being banned? You would have thought this nonsense would have ended with Naked Lunch. In literature anything goes and if it offends you then do not read it. It is that simple, but never tell other self aware individuals they can't too.

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    Default Re: Name a time in history it was the good guys banning books

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Why does it delete the post when you try to edit on a phone. Oh well. One more try quickly.

    Apparently one of the offending images is a Chinese person using chopsticks. That is something that is still very ordinary. It is such a nothing issue.

    You need to be delicate with children of course, but an Asian using chopsticks? Nobody sane can be bothered by it.

    As for books being banned? You would have thought this nonsense would have ended with Naked Lunch. In literature anything goes and if it offends you then do not read it. It is that simple, but never tell other self aware individuals they can't too.
    You need to come of mobile view before editing.

    Go to bottom of forum overview and hit full site.

    Then pinch and stretch and edit as though you were on your PC/Mac.
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