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Thread: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

  1. #676
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    To sum up, some of us have happily gone with the medical advice and had the jab's, some have decided not to have the Jab.
    So is there any point arguing ?

  2. #677
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    To sum up, some of us have happily gone with the medical advice and had the jab's, some have decided not to have the Jab.
    So is there any point arguing ?
    to be more accurate, some have chosen to believe what others have told them & others have not. there is no point arguing unless you can prove your claims to be true
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  3. #678
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    TIC you have yet to provide any evidence that you are not a very gullible teenage idiot. Before you start asking anyone any questions whatsoever, first you have to prove that you are something more than a troll looking to antagonise and then you have to explain why you believe that there is no such thing as the scientific method or medical expertise.

    Then you have... and this is not optional... to prove beyond reasonable doubt why the hypothesis of covid being spread by droplets like the flu/common code etc, that has been tested hundreds of times in peer reviewed studies and labs around the globe should be dismissed simply due to your faith based belief in the contrarian fairy.

    The floor is yours.
    please show me the scientific method you used to isolate convid. medical expertise is a fallacy. just because so called experts say something is not you proving your claims to be true seven times spergy. show me how you proved your hypothesis to be true. i am asking you spergy. believing what others say they have done is not you proving those claims true. is there a reason you can't just provide me with proof of how you know your claims are true? just speak from your own proofs as everything else is just beliefs. just tell me how you know your claims are true & what you have done to prove that
    Answer the questions.

    You can't can you?
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  4. #679
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    To sum up, some of us have happily gone with the medical advice and had the jab's, some have decided not to have the Jab.
    So is there any point arguing ?
    to be more accurate, some have chosen to believe what others have told them & others have not. there is no point arguing unless you can prove your claims to be true
    Not at all I for one do not have to prove anything to you, I mean who exactly do you think you are?
    We are on a boxing forum, or is it so much more than than to you ?

  5. #680
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    TIC you have yet to provide any evidence that you are not a very gullible teenage idiot. Before you start asking anyone any questions whatsoever, first you have to prove that you are something more than a troll looking to antagonise and then you have to explain why you believe that there is no such thing as the scientific method or medical expertise.

    Then you have... and this is not optional... to prove beyond reasonable doubt why the hypothesis of covid being spread by droplets like the flu/common code etc, that has been tested hundreds of times in peer reviewed studies and labs around the globe should be dismissed simply due to your faith based belief in the contrarian fairy.

    The floor is yours.
    please show me the scientific method you used to isolate convid. medical expertise is a fallacy. just because so called experts say something is not you proving your claims to be true seven times spergy. show me how you proved your hypothesis to be true. i am asking you spergy. believing what others say they have done is not you proving those claims true. is there a reason you can't just provide me with proof of how you know your claims are true? just speak from your own proofs as everything else is just beliefs. just tell me how you know your claims are true & what you have done to prove that
    Answer the questions.

    You can't can you?
    why can't you show me the scientific method you used to isolate convid?
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  6. #681
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    To sum up, some of us have happily gone with the medical advice and had the jab's, some have decided not to have the Jab.
    So is there any point arguing ?
    to be more accurate, some have chosen to believe what others have told them & others have not. there is no point arguing unless you can prove your claims to be true
    Not at all I for one do not have to prove anything to you, I mean who exactly do you think you are?
    We are on a boxing forum, or is it so much more than than to you ?
    it's your right to believe what you want
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  7. #682
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    titofan has had the vaxx. so i would assume he believes covid is real. so he is starting from that bias. he is free to believe what he wants but that is not proof of how he knows that belief is true.

    I also stated months ago that I became ill on November of 2020. I had attended a wedding where many people came from stateside, and several members of my family got sick.

    I had a fever that lasted a week and a half... something I had never had before.

    I lost my senses of smell and taste... something I had never had before.

    Coincidentally, fever and losses of taste and smell had long been mentioned as symptoms of COVID-19.

    I was tested with the PCR test, the accepted method for COVID testing at the time, and the results came back positive.

    It was only in February and March of last year that I decided to become vaccinated.

    So you see... to say that upon vaccination, "that's when I started from that bias"... is an incorrect statement on numerous counts.

    To be clear, I'm not trying to convince you to change your opinions regarding COVID and the vaccines.

    You have a right to believe whatever you want... just like I have a right to keep to my beliefs.

  8. #683
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    titofan has had the vaxx. so i would assume he believes covid is real. so he is starting from that bias. he is free to believe what he wants but that is not proof of how he knows that belief is true.

    I also stated months ago that I became ill on November of 2020. I had attended a wedding where many people came from stateside, and several members of my family got sick.

    I had a fever that lasted a week and a half... something I had never had before.

    I lost my senses of smell and taste... something I had never had before.

    Coincidentally, fever and losses of taste and smell had long been mentioned as symptoms of COVID-19.

    I was tested with the PCR test, the accepted method for COVID testing at the time, and the results came back positive.

    It was only in February and March of last year that I decided to become vaccinated.

    So you see... to say that upon vaccination, "that's when I started from that bias"... is an incorrect statement on numerous counts.

    To be clear, I'm not trying to convince you to change your opinions regarding COVID and the vaccines.

    You have a right to believe whatever you want... just like I have a right to keep to my beliefs.
    you had the vaxx because you believe covid is real. that is the bias you are starting with. instead of starting your investigation from what you know to be true. you do have the right to believe what you want. i'm only interested in claims that can be proven to be true. i'm not trying to convince anyone of anything either. i am merely trying to point out the different between knowing & believing
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  9. #684
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    TIC what you have repeatedly been doing is lying.

    You claim to be trying to tell us all the difference between knowing and believing and yet when asked what that is, you fail to articulate it clearly.

    What experience have you had of isolating a virus and testing it in a lab?
    Do you accept the fact that there are thousands in fact probably millions of people in the world whose expertise in this field far exceeds our own?

    And again why do you not accept the long accepted scientific method of asking a question

    How is covid transmitted?

    Then you researching that question.
    Looking at existing virus transmission and creating the hypothesis that like the flu, covid is passed by droplets.

    You then test this hypothesis and find out that actually that doesn't seem to be completely born out by the experiments and data, and that actually it seems the new covid virus is dangerous when both aerosols and droplets containing large amounts of the live virus are present in the air.

    That is why superspreader events occur and why masks are useful in slowing the chances of them occuring.

    What you are asking everyone to do is to ignore the scientific method and trust faith and believe in you or themselves and other people with no expertise, ignoring science, experiments, data, real world experience and knowledge.
    Last edited by Beanz; 01-03-2022 at 10:43 AM.
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  10. #685
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    titofan has had the vaxx. so i would assume he believes covid is real. so he is starting from that bias. he is free to believe what he wants but that is not proof of how he knows that belief is true.

    I also stated months ago that I became ill on November of 2020. I had attended a wedding where many people came from stateside, and several members of my family got sick.

    I had a fever that lasted a week and a half... something I had never had before.

    I lost my senses of smell and taste... something I had never had before.

    Coincidentally, fever and losses of taste and smell had long been mentioned as symptoms of COVID-19.

    I was tested with the PCR test, the accepted method for COVID testing at the time, and the results came back positive.

    It was only in February and March of last year that I decided to become vaccinated.

    So you see... to say that upon vaccination, "that's when I started from that bias"... is an incorrect statement on numerous counts.

    To be clear, I'm not trying to convince you to change your opinions regarding COVID and the vaccines.

    You have a right to believe whatever you want... just like I have a right to keep to my beliefs.
    you had the vaxx because you believe covid is real. that is the bias you are starting with. instead of starting your investigation from what you know to be true. you do have the right to believe what you want. i'm only interested in claims that can be proven to be true. i'm not trying to convince anyone of anything either. i am merely trying to point out the different between knowing & believing

    You see... here's the thing. If you're honestly attempting to have a serious discussion about COVID, it's not coming through on your responses.

    Why else would you casually ignore the first six lines that I wrote? A chronological account of when I got sick and the symptoms I had.

    You just regurgitate your "bias" claim.

    It's great that you're "not trying to convince anyone of anything either", because if you were... you're going about it the wrong way.

    Science denial is all about semantics and trying to invert the burden of proof. It's the same tactic used by Flat Earthers. Science has proven the Earth is round beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    Yet Flat Earthers cling to "pseudoscience" and use the same tired techniques that COVID deniers use today.

    Invert the burden of proof - That's a remarkable skill. Something akin to a prosecutor inverting the burden of proof on an accused person. But it doesn't work that way. The onus of proof on science is on the very tiny minority that denies the science.... not the other way around.

    Wordage - The careless use of words like "science", "evidence", "research" is another technique. It's meant to convey knowledge without actually having the faintest idea on how scientific research is actually conducted. It's like people calling themselves "This" Engineer or "That" Engineer, without actually BEING an engineer or having studied the required courses to BECOME an engineer... as if by adding the qualifier "engineer" on your job title actually makes you an engineer.

    Semantics - Another remarkable skill. But in reality just a smoke screen to redirect the conversation in the desired path. Just like the repeated use of the same phrases over and over again... which just serves to fill up space and buy time for the logical arguments that will never come.

    There are reasons why science deniers exist, whether it's Flat Earthers or COVID deniers... in the face of age-old, overwhelming scientific evidence. Some of these reasons have been well documented.

    One is Social Media. Social media creates information filter bubbles created by powerful algorithms. It's a scary fact. A phenomenon that feeds on itself. For those who haven't seen it, I recommend "The Social Dilemma", a 2020 documentary.

    Mental shortcuts. Another way to say "lazy." It's too easy to latch onto "information" disseminated by influencers. Beats going out and doing your own (ahem) RESEARCH. When others counter you with beliefs based on very real personal experiences... these are just brushed aside with phrase repetition and regurgitation of unrelated claims.

    Motivated reasoning. It's an unconscious (or sometimes conscious) bias to come to a preferred conclusion. You WANT something to be so... so you only read or listen to opinions that reinforce that preference. It's ironic that the word "bias" would be used by people whose total reasoning process is based on bias.

    In the end, I can understand @Dark Lord Al coming in here and trying to play referee, wondering why is everyone arguing.

    But the truth is... I stopped arguing a long time ago.

    My personal life decisions are fortunately not shaped by what other people might think.

    I pick and choose when and where I get my sources to influence those decisions. And so far I'm happy to report that the results have been on point.

    I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.

    But I do feel the need to correct incorrect statements made about me or my thought processes on a topic of vast importance such as this.

  11. #686
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    TIC what you have repeatedly been doing is lying.

    You claim to be trying to tell us all the difference between knowing and believing and yet when asked what that is, you fail to articulate it clearly.

    What experience have you had of isolating a virus and testing it in a lab?
    Do you accept the fact that there are thousands in fact probably millions of people in the world whose expertise in this field far exceeds our own?

    And again why do you not accept the long accepted scientific method of asking a question

    How is covid transmitted?

    Then you researching that question.
    Looking at existing virus transmission and creating the hypothesis that like the flu, covid is passed by droplets.

    You then test this hypothesis and find out that actually that doesn't seem to be completely born out by the experiments and data, and that actually it seems the new covid virus is dangerous when both aerosols and droplets containing large amounts of the live virus are present in the air.

    That is why superspreader events occur and why masks are useful in slowing the chances of them occuring.

    What you are asking everyone to do is to ignore the scientific method and trust faith and believe in you or themselves and other people with no expertise, ignoring science, experiments, data, real world experience and knowledge.
    the difference between knowing & believing is that everyone knows a claim to be true & can test the claim themselves & prove it true. like reducing the temperature of water to turn it into ice. so called experts are not your seven times larry. you & i are talking remember. what others have allegedly done is not what you have done, it is just you putting your faith in what others have told you. i am asking you directly larry, what scientific method did you use to isolate convid?
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  12. #687
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    To sum up, some of us have happily gone with the medical advice and had the jab's, some have decided not to have the Jab.
    So is there any point arguing ?
    to be more accurate, some have chosen to believe what others have told them & others have not. there is no point arguing unless you can prove your claims to be true
    Not at all I for one do not have to prove anything to you, I mean who exactly do you think you are?
    We are on a boxing forum, or is it so much more than than to you ?
    it's your right to believe what you want
    It is anyone's right to believe what they want which was my point. Why argue ?

  13. #688
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    titofan has had the vaxx. so i would assume he believes covid is real. so he is starting from that bias. he is free to believe what he wants but that is not proof of how he knows that belief is true.

    I also stated months ago that I became ill on November of 2020. I had attended a wedding where many people came from stateside, and several members of my family got sick.

    I had a fever that lasted a week and a half... something I had never had before.

    I lost my senses of smell and taste... something I had never had before.

    Coincidentally, fever and losses of taste and smell had long been mentioned as symptoms of COVID-19.

    I was tested with the PCR test, the accepted method for COVID testing at the time, and the results came back positive.

    It was only in February and March of last year that I decided to become vaccinated.

    So you see... to say that upon vaccination, "that's when I started from that bias"... is an incorrect statement on numerous counts.

    To be clear, I'm not trying to convince you to change your opinions regarding COVID and the vaccines.

    You have a right to believe whatever you want... just like I have a right to keep to my beliefs.
    you had the vaxx because you believe covid is real. that is the bias you are starting with. instead of starting your investigation from what you know to be true. you do have the right to believe what you want. i'm only interested in claims that can be proven to be true. i'm not trying to convince anyone of anything either. i am merely trying to point out the different between knowing & believing

    You see... here's the thing. If you're honestly attempting to have a serious discussion about COVID, it's not coming through on your responses.

    Why else would you casually ignore the first six lines that I wrote? A chronological account of when I got sick and the symptoms I had.

    You just regurgitate your "bias" claim.

    It's great that you're "not trying to convince anyone of anything either", because if you were... you're going about it the wrong way.

    Science denial is all about semantics and trying to invert the burden of proof. It's the same tactic used by Flat Earthers. Science has proven the Earth is round beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    Yet Flat Earthers cling to "pseudoscience" and use the same tired techniques that COVID deniers use today.

    Invert the burden of proof - That's a remarkable skill. Something akin to a prosecutor inverting the burden of proof on an accused person. But it doesn't work that way. The onus of proof on science is on the very tiny minority that denies the science.... not the other way around.

    Wordage - The careless use of words like "science", "evidence", "research" is another technique. It's meant to convey knowledge without actually having the faintest idea on how scientific research is actually conducted. It's like people calling themselves "This" Engineer or "That" Engineer, without actually BEING an engineer or having studied the required courses to BECOME an engineer... as if by adding the qualifier "engineer" on your job title actually makes you an engineer.

    Semantics - Another remarkable skill. But in reality just a smoke screen to redirect the conversation in the desired path. Just like the repeated use of the same phrases over and over again... which just serves to fill up space and buy time for the logical arguments that will never come.

    There are reasons why science deniers exist, whether it's Flat Earthers or COVID deniers... in the face of age-old, overwhelming scientific evidence. Some of these reasons have been well documented.

    One is Social Media. Social media creates information filter bubbles created by powerful algorithms. It's a scary fact. A phenomenon that feeds on itself. For those who haven't seen it, I recommend "The Social Dilemma", a 2020 documentary.

    Mental shortcuts. Another way to say "lazy." It's too easy to latch onto "information" disseminated by influencers. Beats going out and doing your own (ahem) RESEARCH. When others counter you with beliefs based on very real personal experiences... these are just brushed aside with phrase repetition and regurgitation of unrelated claims.

    Motivated reasoning. It's an unconscious (or sometimes conscious) bias to come to a preferred conclusion. You WANT something to be so... so you only read or listen to opinions that reinforce that preference. It's ironic that the word "bias" would be used by people whose total reasoning process is based on bias.

    In the end, I can understand @Dark Lord Al coming in here and trying to play referee, wondering why is everyone arguing.

    But the truth is... I stopped arguing a long time ago.

    My personal life decisions are fortunately not shaped by what other people might think.

    I pick and choose when and where I get my sources to influence those decisions. And so far I'm happy to report that the results have been on point.

    I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.

    But I do feel the need to correct incorrect statements made about me or my thought processes on a topic of vast importance such as this.
    i ignored the first six lines because they are not proof of you isolating covid. you & some family members got ill. that is not proof of the cause of the illness. please show me the science you did to isolate covid & prove that was the cause of the illness. i am starting at the very beginning of the investigation, with no bias. establish that covid is real. that is the claim, that claim needs to be proven. you are happy to have faith in others & believe, i require proof so i can know. i haven't been arguing, i have been pointing out that people think their beliefs are actually proof when they are not
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    To sum up, some of us have happily gone with the medical advice and had the jab's, some have decided not to have the Jab.
    So is there any point arguing ?
    to be more accurate, some have chosen to believe what others have told them & others have not. there is no point arguing unless you can prove your claims to be true
    Not at all I for one do not have to prove anything to you, I mean who exactly do you think you are?
    We are on a boxing forum, or is it so much more than than to you ?
    it's your right to believe what you want
    It is anyone's right to believe what they want which was my point. Why argue ?
    there is no argument, a belief is not proof
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  15. #690
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    To sum up, some of us have happily gone with the medical advice and had the jab's, some have decided not to have the Jab.
    So is there any point arguing ?
    to be more accurate, some have chosen to believe what others have told them & others have not. there is no point arguing unless you can prove your claims to be true
    Not at all I for one do not have to prove anything to you, I mean who exactly do you think you are?
    We are on a boxing forum, or is it so much more than than to you ?
    it's your right to believe what you want
    It is anyone's right to believe what they want which was my point. Why argue ?
    there is no argument, a belief is not proof
    I think we wrapped this up by saying some had the vaccine based on what they thought was best, some chose not to based on the same reasons.
    Debate over, close the thread and lets move on.
    Neither party needs prove right from wrong.

    The end.

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