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Thread: sourpuss's training log

  1. #151
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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    Erg! Fight in one week and no chance of any other sparring. Boooo I watched my last match against this girl as a refresher for what I need to be working on and I realized that I've stopped doing all the things that worked against her. The girl that I mostly spar with in the gym is a bleeder and has a sensitive nose so I stopped throwing uppercuts all together. This is really frustrating, every time there is a newbie, I get stuck with them for 3 months and then I have to spend the next three months getting back to where I was when they started. No wonder I'm not getting any better. This is really frustrating.

    I'm going to focus mostly on conditioning early this week and just hope for the best. I can't change a whole lot at this point. I feel like last spring (the last time I fought this gal) I was much better than I am now. I can't un-do all the bad habits I've formed trying to help this new girl out in just 5 days either. So I think if I just focus on conditioning and the basics it's better than nothing.

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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    Quote Originally Posted by sourpuss View Post
    Erg! Fight in one week and no chance of any other sparring. Boooo I watched my last match against this girl as a refresher for what I need to be working on and I realized that I've stopped doing all the things that worked against her. The girl that I mostly spar with in the gym is a bleeder and has a sensitive nose so I stopped throwing uppercuts all together. This is really frustrating, every time there is a newbie, I get stuck with them for 3 months and then I have to spend the next three months getting back to where I was when they started. No wonder I'm not getting any better. This is really frustrating.

    I'm going to focus mostly on conditioning early this week and just hope for the best. I can't change a whole lot at this point. I feel like last spring (the last time I fought this gal) I was much better than I am now. I can't un-do all the bad habits I've formed trying to help this new girl out in just 5 days either. So I think if I just focus on conditioning and the basics it's better than nothing.
    That is frustrating!

    I've read papers where they compared groups of athletes practicing something (wish i could remember what) physically to those just visualizing it. In reality there was not a huge difference in retention of what they visualized compared to what they actually practiced.

    I guess the good thing is you don't need to learn anything new against this girl - you have done it before - you're just rusty. Perhaps if you spend some time visualizing what you're going to have to do in shadow sparring and say for 10 minutes before bed every night you'll still pull it out when you need it.

    I think you need a good night's sleep to retain information at your best also so don't sleep deprive yourself - except for those days where you just learn nothing you want to keep!

    I think from memory it's only the last few hours of a restful nights sleep which has you consolidating your memory or something - can't remember the specifics but under sleep and your visualization practice won't be as effective.

    Good luck!

  3. #153
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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharla View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sourpuss View Post
    Erg! Fight in one week and no chance of any other sparring. Boooo I watched my last match against this girl as a refresher for what I need to be working on and I realized that I've stopped doing all the things that worked against her. The girl that I mostly spar with in the gym is a bleeder and has a sensitive nose so I stopped throwing uppercuts all together. This is really frustrating, every time there is a newbie, I get stuck with them for 3 months and then I have to spend the next three months getting back to where I was when they started. No wonder I'm not getting any better. This is really frustrating.

    I'm going to focus mostly on conditioning early this week and just hope for the best. I can't change a whole lot at this point. I feel like last spring (the last time I fought this gal) I was much better than I am now. I can't un-do all the bad habits I've formed trying to help this new girl out in just 5 days either. So I think if I just focus on conditioning and the basics it's better than nothing.
    That is frustrating!

    I've read papers where they compared groups of athletes practicing something (wish i could remember what) physically to those just visualizing it. In reality there was not a huge difference in retention of what they visualized compared to what they actually practiced.

    I guess the good thing is you don't need to learn anything new against this girl - you have done it before - you're just rusty. Perhaps if you spend some time visualizing what you're going to have to do in shadow sparring and say for 10 minutes before bed every night you'll still pull it out when you need it.

    I think you need a good night's sleep to retain information at your best also so don't sleep deprive yourself - except for those days where you just learn nothing you want to keep!

    I think from memory it's only the last few hours of a restful nights sleep which has you consolidating your memory or something - can't remember the specifics but under sleep and your visualization practice won't be as effective.

    Good luck!
    Firstly sourpuss, I feel you. Am there with the newbies now, taking punches in the head letting them learn and getting nothing but frustration back.

    Secondly, I really like Sharlas advice here given your situation. You got to work with what you got. I would consider visualizing what u need to do to win and then maybe practice using shadow boxing, then the heavy bag, maybe even mitts to try to work that out some. I mean, sure...having a capable sparring partner to work it out on would be better along with more time to prep...but you gotta take what u got. Anyway, I don't really know and am shooting from the hip on this...but I think if I was in your shoes, that is what I'd do.
    Last edited by Youngblood; 12-08-2008 at 01:59 AM.

  4. #154
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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    Thank you guys, I will do that. I usually spend a good amount of time meditating on what I'm going to do, but I will make an effort to do a lot more to make up for the other stuff.
    I'm also going to spend a lot more concentrated effort in shadow boxing this week rather than just using it as a warm up.

    Thanks for the advice!

  5. #155
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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    I didn't get to work out last night because I ended up working a 12 hour day so I figured a good night's sleep would be better.

    Tonight I'm heading to the gym early and I'll run 1.5 miles before training and another 1.5 after. I have no idea what our coach will be having us do. But if he doesn't have us do sprints I'll do them afterward. He usually splits the two hours up like this:
    10 jump rope warm up
    30 minute interval drills; stairs, sprints, push ups, burpees, etc. (just 30-40 mins of intense exercises for fitness, agility, strength...whatever he feels like)

    Then wrap up and for the next hour+ is bag drills, defense drills and sparring.
    I imagine we'll do a lot of sparring this week since most of us are fighting this weekend.

  6. #156
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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    Ok, so here's a question for you competitors.
    A: how often do your bouts fall through? and...
    B: how do you stay focused when it seems to happen ALL THE FREAKING TIME!?

    My opponent for Saturday canceled tonight. I don't know if the reason she gave was true or if they just didn't feel like driving for only one bout. But either way, nothing I can do about it. She was the only one who would agree (after MUCH begging, offering to pay hotel and trying to find bouts for other guys from her club) Everyone else either wouldn't return my coach's calls or flat out said no. So this was my only option.

    Anyway, in four years my parents have only seen me fight four times and they haven't seen a match of mine since March of 2006. They were going to be able to attend because it was within driving distance and they were planning on bringing friends of theirs as well. I've only had a couple of friends ever come to my fights and I've never had a bout in the town I live in. All of my fights are in my opponents home town. (that gets old, once in a while I'd like for the crowd to cheer for me, especially if my mom and dad can be in the crowd)

    So how often does this happen to you? And how do I stay focused and not just throw my hands up and say f*ck it?

  7. #157
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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    Sorry to hear, sourpuss. It sucks so bad and I know you are frustrated.

    I went through a bad patch of it, cancellations or no shows, so I know the feeling...and then ran into a good patch just recently but even then it wasn't smooth, and even in a big tour. But ultimately I think it is what you told me some time ago, is that tours are the safest bet. And even then it is risk of sorts at times.

    It's nerve wracking fighting in front of your own town or city. I was a mess, much worse then fighting away. But also, is nice to have your friends and family there and people cheering hard for you for a change.

    I suppose you just need to vent, for you know the answers to your questions.

  8. #158
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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    Quote Originally Posted by sourpuss View Post
    Ok, so here's a question for you competitors.
    A: how often do your bouts fall through? and...
    B: how do you stay focused when it seems to happen ALL THE FREAKING TIME!?

    My opponent for Saturday canceled tonight. I don't know if the reason she gave was true or if they just didn't feel like driving for only one bout. But either way, nothing I can do about it. She was the only one who would agree (after MUCH begging, offering to pay hotel and trying to find bouts for other guys from her club) Everyone else either wouldn't return my coach's calls or flat out said no. So this was my only option.

    Anyway, in four years my parents have only seen me fight four times and they haven't seen a match of mine since March of 2006. They were going to be able to attend because it was within driving distance and they were planning on bringing friends of theirs as well. I've only had a couple of friends ever come to my fights and I've never had a bout in the town I live in. All of my fights are in my opponents home town. (that gets old, once in a while I'd like for the crowd to cheer for me, especially if my mom and dad can be in the crowd)

    So how often does this happen to you? And how do I stay focused and not just throw my hands up and say f*ck it?
    Yeah it sucks. It was always the same for me too and it can get really expensive travelling a lot for amatuer competition. That's not so bad when you feel like the preparation is structured and your opponent weighs in at the correct weight etc.

    I think you'd know that's not the way it often goes though. You get there after having crap sparring and not a really structured preparation, deal with whatever the home town side want to serve up because you've invested too much to pull out when an opponent weighs more or you are ripped, you empty your pockets on the travelling and training expenses and come home again.

    If you're lucky you'll get a vid of the bout but often people will be too disorganized to arrange that when they say they will. Maybe you can show that to your folks but it's not the same as having their support at the time and maybe being on the home town side once in a while!

    Yes it sucks. It has bothered me a lot.

    Still I think I miss the training and I am starting again as soon as I have my new flatmate moved in and work undercontrol.

    I think for me it was so rare in the end that i did get a bout or even that it looked like my coach was in the mood to accept one (because I can't say he ever looked but just accepted offers) I grew to depend mostly on getting satisfaction from seeing improvement in training.

    That in itself can be difficult when your sparring isn't great or the coaching logical or conflicting commitments limit you but i guess those things are usually phases and one way or another they will pass.

    Things will get better again. Maybe because you start using more resources outside of your boxing club - maybe by driving yourself to interclub sparring as a non negotiable thing your coach has to accept.

    Maybe by getting more into your running and other little comps and training challenges you can use as indicators of your boxing fitness so you always feel like you are achieving something?

    I personally have found Scrap's riddles and just trying to get my own head around training principles motivating even when I haven't been in the right physical shape to perform at my best.

    Even when injured I enjoyed the pool and the swimming club. It's not the same but I think many of us get into this because we are happiest being active people regardless of competitive results and tribulations.

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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    I realized something, sourpuss. When you said my one of my trainers was hot...I think it is because he has a bit of that Roberto Duran thing going on.

    So, in an effort to cheer you up, I am ditching the flowers and going with this instead.

  10. #160
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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    Youngblood, you rock!

  11. #161
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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    Since my fight fell through I decided to get a good cardio workout in this morning.

    10 mins warm up on treadmill
    15 abs class
    45 minutes spinning class
    45 minutes yoga class
    10 minute jog on the threadmill

    felt good. Now I can relax. I think I'll spend the afternoon watching Duran fights.

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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    BAH! I'm having a boxing meltdown!

    So on Sunday I pretty much decided that I am done boxing. I told my coach that I would not be available for our next show (jan 17th) and booked a trip to go visit a friend. Then I proceeded to go eat a ton of nachos to celebrate. yum I was bummed all day and that evening but I had pretty much made up my mind that I'm done.

    I described it to a friend today. Me and's like a bad relationship. I give it 110% everyday and I REALLY want it to work, but it's just not. And I got to the point yesterday where I had come to terms with letting it go. I'm one of those people that is all or nothing. When I wanted to play drums I didn't just get a set and tinker with it. I went out, got a set, learned how and was in a band within a year. So boxing is the same....only X10. I've never loved doing something so much before. I liked drums, I liked swim team, I liked college....but I LOVE boxing. So when I'm giving so much and setting my goals so high, it's extremely frustrating when I can't get there because of the lack of resources available.

    So I decided that once again it was all or nothing.

    So from the moment I made the decision and decided that I was OK with it. Every person I ran into...."Hey, how was your last fight?" "Hey, this is my friend Amy, she's a boxer..." "When's your next bout, how's boxing going?" I kid you not, at least 10 people brought it up!

    Then my coach comes in to my work this morning and asks if I want to fight on the 3rd of January. WTF?! Erg. So now I have to reevaluate my decision or straight up say no. I hadn't said anything to my coach yet. (I was going to be a pussy and just not show up to training again) I didn't say anything because I know he'd try to talk me out of it. (or act like it didn't bother him, just to get at me)

    I don't know what to do. I know I'm not going to be happy only getting a few bouts a year and letting it peeter out. But I'm not a quitter. So I'm stuck in a pickle. I'm sacrificing a lot to do this, I want to be able to get out of it what I put in. Otherwise it's a waste of time for me.

    I'm not sure what to do.

    This post was really long and obnoxious. Kudos to anyone who actually read the whole thing.

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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    Sometimes i think you're actually just regurgitating my experiences!

    Really i think part of ay situation is setting boundaries. I have had a terrible history of being able to do this and only now am I beginning to think about it.

    At uni i did not set boundaries for what I would and would not accept and as a consequence a pattern i find hard to cope with developed basically with my supervisor treating my like child slave labour from a 3rd world country rather than an adult seeking a quality postgraduate education.

    I wish i'd set boundaries from the beginning and if he didn't like them it would have been obvious soon enough for me to drop him as supervisor and get someone with a brain instead.

    The same goes for training i think.

    I didn't set boundaries. i just gratefully took what i could get and after a while people tend to expect that it's ok.

    Your coach thinks it's ok to send you into compete without proper preparation and it has been on several occasions i guess.

    You've gone in and survived and probably felt a little discontent but just expected him to get his act together in his own time, you didn't want to be assertive about it.

    Thing is now you know you don't want to compete in january. You don't have to re-evaluate anything, just stick to what you've decided.

    Ultimately most coaches have been fighters and they know what they needed as far as sparring etc goes.

    It's not your role to have to tell them how to coach especially since you have hinted at needing sparring. I doubt most coaches would like to be told either.

    Perhaps it would be more mature to tell them everything that's been on your mind but would they not have to be a bit blind with their own competitive experiences to not know anyway?

    I spoke to a psychologist about my supervisor. Her take on it was that people generally have three choices in these situations. Live with it, change it or leave it.

    Do you think from your position you can change it? Are you going to be happy living with it? I'm guessing the answer to both of those is probably no. In which case leaving it is ok.

    Perhaps you may decide not to leave permanently. In many ways you might find that you can draw on what you have gained in future in another club or another sport. I don't think you need to see it as wasted time.

    I'd say no to the bout and give yourself the Christmas season to decide what path you wanna take.

    I think like you i'm happiest being competitive but only if i can do it well. I feel crap not doing something well or as much as I can - just as you do.

    I hate not sticking to training programs, i hate doing substandard experiments because my supervisor is threatened by me coming up with my own ideas.

    I find it difficult to describe but I guess most people would have to feel some pride in what they do and i think if you are not able to do things the best way for no good reason it's a direct self insult in some way.

    Um gotta go but while i really feel like i've just blabbed a lot rather than adding anything of any real help I get where your coming from.

    I guess my own advice would be to be assertive, set some rules and boundaries and don't be taken for granted - in whatever you choose to do.

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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    If you're not a quitter, and you truly do love it..then why quit? Look at it like a relationship that just went through a bad year. Relationship being your analogy for it. From what I hear, they often take some work and compromise. Now your partner here, boxing...hasn't really been living up to it's end of the deal, and not meeting your boxing needs, correct? But has it not also given you much?

    I could be wrong, but I think you are making this post because you might be experiencing a knee jerk reaction and fearing you're going to regret it. If you still feel there is a chance, and as you say, do love it...then maybe try setting some guidelines and a target date. Like this...

    "Hey boxing, this is the deal. Not happy with the way things are, but I care about you and want them better. So if you want to stick around, you have 1 year to get your shit together and start treating me right. Or we are parting ways..."

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    Default Re: sourpuss's training log

    Thanks guys. Youngblood, your post made me chuckle. Good stuff. I'm going to give it some thought, and make a decision. My coach is a good guy, just clueless. He's never had anyone be so serious about it before, so he doesn't have a lot of experience taking boxers beyond 5 or 6 bouts.

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