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Thread: Sharla's Log

  1. #241
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    I didn't finish in time to go to the pool!

    I got out at 8:15 which would not allow me quite enough time to get home, get my swimming stuff and have an hour at the pool ...............but I came up with an alternative plan

    I walked home so I've walked more than 24 kms today. I didn't really feel it after the first walk (except for the blister) but now I've gotten home i feel it!

    Mostly in my upper hip flexor area, more the right side than the left.

    To finish off I finally had a go at my attempt at mimicing of a titilating system

    My alternative equipment comprised a pair of strap on weights and a fit ball. The fitball part didn't really work so it was probably less supported than it is meant to be. The ball still served as a reference though.

    I was aiming for 10 mins straight but I ended up needing 2 thirty second breaks in that time. It burrrrrrned!

    It's amazing how much better i feel with the stress of finding a job off my mind. Theoretically I should have been more into exercise because it could have been a stress relief in itself but it didn't work out that way.

    I think it's important not to let things just drop when overwhelmed. I had a coach in Japan who was coach by Floyd Patterson. He said the reason Floyd Patterson and his son made it and he didn't was that when things went wrong they just kept training.

    They were able to focus on it just as if nothing had happened even if a family member had just passed away or something horrific like that. They just went on but he couldn't - things brought him down.

    Obviously i do expect to have a break down if I loose a loved one. I doubt I'll ever be immune to something like that but i think stress over job hunting etc shouldn't be allowed to inhibit my ability to move forward with other things as best as possible.

    I think part of it might be having more relevant visualization practices. If i have an event to train for I'm always motivated. I love feeling a fitness benefit from my training. Still the idrea of training purely for fitness doesn't inspire me as much. Fitness has been something I enjoy as a co-incidence when I have been driven by competitive goals.

    Really having maximal quality of life and fitness and health should really be motivation enough. There will always be times when a competitive goal is not realistic because you're circumstances are changing or you are injury rehab etc etc but you need to apply yourself anyway.

    I think it's because I don't visualize it properly and I can improve on that. I just don't imagine it the same way I might imagine a particularly satisfying boxing session or run against an opponent. I'm going to give that some thought and practice over the next few months and I'll be interested in any input other people have.

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    Default Re: Sharla's Log


    cycled to the city (not far), did pilates class, cycled to uni (12 to 14 kms roughly).

    Then did about four hours work before heading out for a run.

    Walked to a nearby oval, did a few jogging laps and some dynamic stretching to warm up.

    What I call dynamic stretches (whether that's what it is or not) was:

    6 lunges, 6 controlled knee raises, 25 long strides, 25 but kicks, 25 strides jogging with knees as high as possible - all that X 3

    Then 8 X 400 m intervals with walk recovery of 200 to 300 m.

    Still found this hard but a bit better than last time. I think a better warm up helped and perhaps even having done some cycling helped.

    Walked back to uni and meant to stretch a bit while I worked but I had a lot to do and wanted to finish so I kinda forgot! Opps!

    Finished after 10 pm and cycled home. It's an easy cycle home mostly down hill. Pity I couldn't get home earlier though. I'd like to be able to get back into early mornings again but it's difficult when I finish late at uni.

    Still loooooving the pilates! I've been told by one person already pilates is a girls thing but believe it or not it was developed by a male boxer!

    It's makes it sooo much easier to feel when and which muscles are tight and to understand what pelvic stability is and how to maintain it. I'm a HUGE fan already!

  3. #243
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Sunday I got a lift to uni and intended to run home but didn't finish until 12:30 am Monday.

    It's summer here and still light until about 8:45 pm which makes an early evening run or walk ok but it was pitch black and I was tired so I caught a taxi home.

    Had to be at uni at 9 am to collect some gel solutions out of the autocalve before they cooled and set so with the late night on Sunday I didn't train this morning.

    I did cycle to uni today and had to cycle at lunch time to drop off a form (my last unemployment form for at least 12 months - yay!) but that's it so far today.

    Looks like I might have another late one tonight but I am soooooo over being here!

    I don't know how it's going to work with me attempting to finish my PhD part time while I work.

    I was hoping to go back to judo (now it's obvious that boxing in Adelaide is out) but I don't want to go if I can't honestly commit to showing up 3 times a week.

    Fing PhDs! I dont' recommend them - they don't even make you more employable because you become specialized in some obscure little field and have to beg for employment competing with people who have half your education!

    ok rant over - back to my Fing wheat root assays!

  4. #244
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Hang in there!

  5. #245
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Quote Originally Posted by sourpuss View Post
    Hang in there!
    Thanks mate!

    I feel like a bit of a knob writing a lot about not being able to train or not focussed in my training lately though!

    I find it a bit embarassing. When you know what you should be doing and how to get from a to b and what b you are aiming for i think a little embarassment kicks you up the but and helps to keep you focussed.

    lately though it just makes me feel a bit useless.

    For that reason I'm giving my log a miss for a little while. Not ages hopefully jst until I know how much time i have to train and what kind of goals are realistic.

    At the moment I'm steering towards aiming for another marathon but I've checked out the Aussie marathon calendar and nothing really sticks out around 4 or 5 months when i'd aim to run. Still have to think about it!

    I'm also curious about tennis since a lot of things I like about boxing movement which are missing from Judo seem to be in tennis. I've never played though so I don't think i have a really education opinion just yet.

    If i did enjoy it i guess it would be missing a lof of the problems which are annoying in boxing - lack of matches, coaches, mentors etc etc.

    At the moment we are in the middle of a record breaking heat wave so I'm probably only managing to get a brief workout in 3 out of 4 days and not with any great structure. Running is hard and maybe dangerous but the pools are full especially at night so it requires a bit or organization.

    This week was the first week of my new job so i've been spending ages getting ready in the mornings to give a professional first impression, organizing orientation etc so i haven't had my act together for training but I aim to work it out over the next few weeks.

  6. #246
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Ummm yeah - not heaps to report.

    I'm getting into the pilates - fully converted actually. Really enjoying it. It's like I knew for ages I had weaknesses somewhere but I really struggled to understand them and work out what to do about them but pilates just seems to have the answer to everything.

    Of course other things like PNF stretching etc all contribute but this has been the last piece of the puzzle. I think part of it is in trying to perfect my technique I became fixed in particular patterns of movement in boxing and it made my other hinges rusty basically.

    Perhaps there were a few slight errors in what I thought was perfect technique but because that was all I was taught or understood at the time I probably deliberately practiced incorrect technique which would not have helped.

    As for boxing i think i am really finished. I think it comes with a culture here and while I've gotten a lot out of and met a lot of wonderful people, learnt a lot about myself etc but I'm onto other things now and happy for it.

    I have considered going back to Judo but now I feel I want to get into pilates properly until I have a more stable base. I have been doing cheap mat pilates classes with a really good instructor and she has been awesome! It's given me a really good understanding of how to engage the deep core muscles to make movements safe for the spine and only go as far as you can safely.

    In great contrast to her I did a 'pilates class' as a free trail at an expensive gym with reformers and I could tell straight away the instructor was not pilates certified at all. He just got us to use the reformer for something like a hard pulley weights workout in which either your core is good enough or you strain your back - no in betweens.

    I was ok because I'd learnt my limits with the other instructor but a girl in the class complained of pain in her lower back and he just explained it away as if it was just a normal part of pilates! He has no idea! Frigging con-artisit wanted to charge either $30 per 45 min group class session or $90 a week too! Screw that! I'm sticking with my $8 per 2hr mat pilates lessons!

    Apart from that I'm gradually getting back into the running but I have no exciting goals at the moment. I want to bring some resistance training back into it but I want to integrate it with pilates form perhaps with some band resistance set up to make the resistance less the further my arms or legs are from my core but I have to suss out where I can tie bands in my little unit first.

    New job is fantastic and I'm still plugging away with the PhD part time so I think with those and learning pilates I have enough technical things to learn without a martial art at the moment.

    I'm not online a lot anymore since i'm in the lab away from the computer more in my new job and there are strict it security rules which won't allow me to get onto non-work email accounts or forums etc so for now the log stops here. I'm going to check in occasionally to see how everyone else is going though so good luck with everything.

  7. #247
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    OK i know I said the training log is finished and I guess i really don't have time to keep updaily reports because I'm not on the net much anymore but I have to commit to my newest goal here so I can't wimp out.

    I've already told my mum the plan who was already planning to walk it but the more anti-wimping out insurance I have the better.

    This is what i plan to do - 56 km hilly but beautiful terrain. It'll hard but local so not expensive and fairly casual. So basically no one will care what my time is nor will they care what proportion i actually manage to run versus walk.

    It's a personal challenge and demands fitness without ultr-competitiveness etc so i think it'll be fun!

    This is it:

    South Australian Road Runners Club | Yurrebilla Trail Ultra

    I'm probably not going to keep a daily log but I may continue to use you poor Saddo members as anti-wimping out insurance every now and again. From this point on this is mainly a running and core training log so it'll probably bore you senseless though sorry!

  8. #248
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharla View Post
    OK i know I said the training log is finished and I guess i really don't have time to keep updaily reports because I'm not on the net much anymore but I have to commit to my newest goal here so I can't wimp out.

    I've already told my mum the plan who was already planning to walk it but the more anti-wimping out insurance I have the better.

    This is what i plan to do - 56 km hilly but beautiful terrain. It'll hard but local so not expensive and fairly casual. So basically no one will care what my time is nor will they care what proportion i actually manage to run versus walk.

    It's a personal challenge and demands fitness without ultr-competitiveness etc so i think it'll be fun!

    This is it:

    South Australian Road Runners Club | Yurrebilla Trail Ultra

    I'm probably not going to keep a daily log but I may continue to use you poor Saddo members as anti-wimping out insurance every now and again. From this point on this is mainly a running and core training log so it'll probably bore you senseless though sorry!
    Am glad to see you quit your training log. Because you are actually posting more now. haha

    I think this is exactly the right reason to be here. For training and health related stuff, and using the logs as a check and balance on yourself. This does sound like fun, but I still maintain ther is something wrong with marathoners,

  9. #249
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Quote Originally Posted by Youngblood View Post

    Am glad to see you quit your training log. Because you are actually posting more now. haha

    I think this is exactly the right reason to be here. For training and health related stuff, and using the logs as a check and balance on yourself. This does sound like fun, but I still maintain ther is something wrong with marathoners,
    ..........And boxers aren't the least bit nutty?

    OK update

    Last Sunday:

    12 km trail run with a trail running group - was meant to be 11 but I was silly enough to run alone for some of it and missed a turn off.

    I had to double back and find the right track again, Seriously when you yell out "cooooeeee" a few hundred times don't people know you need them to yell back so you can work out where the hell they are! Apparently not!

    Monday - Legs killing me from the hills so I did a 1 hour walk in new "earth" shoes. I'm wearing these for work too. They have a negative heel which balances pretty much all other shoes which have the heel raised above the toes.

    They let your calves and hamstrings stretch out properly and do a lot to help correct poor posture. I plan to stick to this brand for all shoes except my runners from now on because my lower back doesn't get as sore wearing them.

    Tuesday - 20 min walk warm up and 30 min jog - still have really sore legs.

    Wednesday - the day off - needed to let my legs recover. The Sunday run was really hilly on rough terrain and my legs just were not used to it!

    Was meant to go to yoga in the morning but underestimated how long it would take to walk there and missed out. Ended up starting work early instead. I could have cycled but my bike has really been pissing me off lately.

    Thursday - After work I caught a bus to uni to do some work there and ran home. About 20 mins walk walm up and 40ish minutes run home. It's downhill which isn't the best. I have to hold my core muscles as tight as I can to stop my pelvis rocking forward and tightening muscles in my lower back.

    Friday - Cycled to meet the road runners for a 6 am run. Got there too late! Had no where to put my stuff - would normally get it locked in a car - so I couldn't do it.

    I had allowed 30 mins to get there which should have been heaps! I got overtaken by a really obese guy pedalling at a third of the pace I was and decided my bike is definately ready for the junk yard!

    Saturday - Went for another trail run. Had the option of turning to the finish at the 15 km mark for a total of a 16 km run or going on to do 22 km.

    The terrain was harder and hillier than last time by a looong way. I did 16 km and a lot of people who had planner 22 decided 16 would be enough after all. Really I would have been stupid to jump from 12 to 22 anyway!

    Not just because it's a big jump but also because I didn't carry water. The 12 km without water was fine but while it started off being really chilly it warmed up quickly and the long sleeved running top I wore was real overkill!

    I decided early on if I really had to I could rest at the tops of hills if I ran up them. As the run went on I cursed that decision! Everyone else would walk up the steeper slopes and I would try to run with teeny tiny little steps and buurrrrrrning gluts! I made it though.

    Some of the down hill slopes were pretty steep also though. The terrain often included a lot of slippery sand/pebbles which would slip out from under you at the wrong time. I really couldn't run down them and had to climb down holding onto shrubbery with white knuckles for dear life. At least I got my breath back from the up hill parts!

    I had some good luck too - at one stage where the track ended for a hundred metres going through a pine plantation area I had to walk over logs etc and weave my way around areas with lots of branches etc. My S sensor footpod worth AUD $150 got snagged and came off. I didn't know until my heart rate monitor beeped at me and I thought it was gone for good.

    Everyone behind me in the group started looking for it though and we found it. This little silver pod amongs all those sticky and old bark and greyish dirt! I could have kissed the woman who found it! I didn't though.

    Also another runner was nice enough to share his water with me closer to the end. Everyone was so friendly and staying with a group rather than running at exactly my pace paid off as far as not missing turn offs this time! I'm really enjoying it! I'm going to try to run with these people every weekend from now on.

    My mother's partner Micheal meawhile had been working on my bike (slept at mum's Friday night to get a lift to the run).

    We found out The rear wheel thingy holding the ball bearings etc had frozen up so it didn't turn properly, the front brakes were gone, the rear brakes only worked on one side.

    The chain had stretched and the tyres were on backwards which is apparently like "stroking a cat the wrong way" plus half flat. The tape inside the wheel beneath the tube had worn and moved so the tyube would get punctures where the spokes joined the rim easily too.

    He spent all day fixing it all except the chain which i need to buy and he put some better tyres on which are a bit slicker than the thick mountain bike ones for me to try. He had them sitting in his shed so i can buy them if i decide i'm not going to ditch my bike and buy a new one after a month.

    He's an absolute legend! Does more for me without expecting anything in return in one day than my real father did ever total!

    The thing which I thought was really bad about my bike though was I had the seat too high and I didn't even know. I was rocking my hips from side to side to pedal rather than just using my legs.

    Being bent over to reach the handle bars with my lower back bent and my pelvis basical training itself to be unstable had to be really really bad for me! What an idiot I am!

    It's Sunday morning now and I don't feel too sore so hopefully I'll get a bit more in this coming week and make up for the two yoga and one pilates class I missed!

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    Thumbs up Re: Sharla's Log

    Sharla - keep us posted on the negative heel shoes?

    sounds like you're keeping busy

  11. #251
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Hi Missy

    Yeah so far i can recommend the Earth shoes. I was able to try on the first pair I bought here and bought a pair of boots online. I'm usually about an 8 but in the shoes I was a 7.5 because your toes are not pushed into the front of the shoes unlike most others and they have heaps of space.

    I bought an 8 in the boots just in case it was a one off. I think they are a little big but that gives me space to wear thick socks and tuck my jeans into them so I'm not too worried.

    These are the two pairs I bought:

    The shoes are really really comfy, the boots are still being worn in but reasonably good. I had to get the boots shipped from the USA which was a real pain in the arse because i had to do it through another company since for some reason US companies don't seem to recognize Australia as a country which might buy women's shoes from time to time.

    I have to wear closed toe shoes in the lab at work and it's coming into winter here so sandals and open shoes were out for me but they have more of those styles if that appeals to anyone.

    My sister needs to get some closed in leather ones for work and is considering trying one of the men's styles! To be honest it is easier for guys to find good looking Earth shoes than women I think.

    I guess it's more common to associate at least a small heel with women's shoes as the norm and it's a bit of an adjustment to see it slightly the other way.
    Last edited by Sharla; 04-03-2009 at 07:24 AM.

  12. #252
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Um ok training for the last week and a bit:

    Monday 23rd March - off

    Tues - 20 min walk warm up, 15 min jog - began to feel a slight twinge in the knee so walked to make the time up to an hour.

    Wednesday - First run with the Athelstone running group - part of the SA Road Runners I've never trained with because they train Wednesday nights and I've always had other trainings then. They're awesome!

    They have a set up where they hire a school staff room and for 50 c (BARGAIN) members get toast, orange juice and watermelon on returning from the run and can use the staff room before and after to gather and stretch etc.

    Overall costs would be far greater than 50 c per person but they have an easter fun bun run with a raffle and hot cross buns which makes up the rest and a bit more for a pizza night and a pub night once a year plus some for charity. VERY clever set up!

    Thing which is good (or extremely cruel) is they do more hilly runs. The first one I did with them was a run they call the cork screw. I could have joined the 22 km course runners but I didn't bring water for a run that long and probably wouldn't have managed too well anyway.

    I got a lift with a bunch of others to the start of the hilly bit and di 12.5 km.

    Thursday - off

    Friday - cycled to meet the road runners. Fidgeted for ages to get my stuff in the new bag rack bag my mum gave me (she upgraded) and ran rate again! Ran anyway but took it easy - 8.9 km with 12.5 mins walk warm up. Finished strong though so felt good.

    Yoga plus class at night - this is half pilates and half yoga from the pilates instructor - she's an awesome instructor - always find I feel good afterwards.

    Saturday - no running, pilates class though 1.5 hrs.

    Sunday - Went with the long run group and did 20.1 km, They did 28 but I knew that would be a bit too much for me just yet and turned back early. Reasonably happy with the pace although it was pretty flat so naturally the terrain for the Yurebilla trail will be much harder!

    Monday - off

    Tuesday - Cycled to uni and back before work to grab something i'd left there. Since it's 40 mins each way I'm going to ocunt it although it made for an easy recovery day. Probably needed it though to be honest!

    Wednesday - 11.2 PAINFUL kms with the Athelstone group. The worst hill I've ever been up - would love to say i ran it my 98 % of people there walked a good proportion of it. One freak ran all the way but you have to admit the elite dude's hill endurance is going to be better than mine so I'll give myself some time to build up to that.

    I think mentally I wasn't prepared for it either. most hilly roads have some undulation and flat bits but every time we reached a prt of the path we couldn't see before it was - more hill! No rest from incline at all really!

    Coming down called for some walking too because it was steep and too easy to slip. We had one fall - my mum - who fell on a flat bit apparently (i was further ahead) just due to the gravelly surface so it would have been suicidal to run it. When mum fell she slid for a reasonable distance and has the wounds to prove it so I don't really need any more convincing than that!

    Still when it was safe to run i had some people around to push me a felt like I finished strong again - even if it is just being really eager to get to the damn finish!

    Thursday - nothing - ouch sums it up!

    Friday (this morning) - ran with the road runners. An uphill run on streets - gentle compared to Wednesday but hard because my loegs were still sore. I had to concentrate to not let my form go which meant I ran maybe a little slower than my max but the alternative would have hurt within a short distance. Felt like work trying to hold good form but I am feeling reasonably happy with the pace.

    Will have tomorrow off running because I'm completely stuffed now though. Still not up to the stage where I recover fast enough to do more frequent runs. That's ok though since I'm happier to feel the recovery working and to be seeing some progress than to push more often right now and have inevitable decline and knee pain!

    I'm coming back to the Sa Road Runners and keeping up with some runners who never miss a day. They look stiff with a restricted, jerky running gait and i wonder if they took it a little easier and got into some stretching etc they'd actually be much better than me right now since they've been training consistently. Sometimes I think being too 'tough' is counter productive.

    Didn't have yoga plus class tonight - the 8 week block for this class is finished and doesn't start again until early May! Still have pilates tomorrow though.

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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    I feel so lazy reading your logs +rep when I can

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