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Thread: Sharla's Log

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Got up early - cycled to city to catch train (40 mins) out to Elizabeth for state squad training. Get there 15 mins early - waited another 20 minutes and decided it had been cancelled. Had to wait again for next train and that pretty much used up all the time I had for training that day. Had made plans for the afternoon so I didn't get a session in. This has been a screwed up week for training!

    Next time I'll text Don to double check whether or not it's still on. Really he can't be expected to contact everyone since it seems it's usually only the guys from his own club who show up. That's SA boxing for you - too small to keep many obsessive boxers and not enough obsessive boxers to make things like state training as good as they could be. A lot of the other gyms have boxers who live too far out to get to Dons gym anyway.
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  2. #17
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log


    Went for a 30 minute jog at lunch.

    Kept getting harassed by flatmate's dog banging on my door, late night phone calls and the sound of adjacent bathroom tap dripping since flatmates forget it's on it's way out and needs to be turned off hard. Didn't sleep well and also was up late getting my washing put away since being locked out Friday night and half of Saturday took away a lot of my usual cleaning and washing time. After all that getting up early in the morning to swim was a no go. I don't know if I'll make it to club swims for a while since have too much uni work to get here late and am always an hour late on swimming training mornings since cycling back takes so long.

    Night Boxing
    This weeks going to have to be a bout super time efficient sessions - uni sucks right now. Did the following with between 20 and 30 second breaks.
    3 X 2 min shadow
    3 X 2 min floor to ceiling
    15 X 1 min bag rounds

    Then did chin ups (palms foreward 6 reps and in 5 reps X 3 sets), back extensions on the mat (25 reps X 3 sets) and medicine ball walking in a circuit (ring length - 4 sets). Need to do even numbers of medicine ball walking since the balls are different sizes.

    Plan to move most of my resistance training to morning workouts since night tend to be a bit random in closing time of the gym etc.
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  3. #18
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Tuesday 24th of July

    did lunch session 30 mins on the bike - 6 mins warm up, 20.5 mins (1 min fast, 30 secs easy) 4.5 mins easy. Then finished off with ball exercises - 3 X the following circuit:

    single leg squats - 10 each leg
    double leg squats - 30
    20 push ups (feet on ball)
    25 back extensions
    DB back exercises - 10 horizontal, 10 oblique each hand
    30 crunches
    10 supine thingies (nice back stretch)

    Whole lot took just under 1 hour - nice lunch workout when time limited! (started work early)

    Night Boxing + Swim

    4 rounds shadow - 2 mins rounds, 1 min break (gym bell)

    Round Robin light sparring with tound out spent doing shadow instead. 2 min rounds - 30 to 40 sec breaks (timer set for 30 but handling takes a few seconds) 8 sparring, 4 shadow

    Sparring with Kristine and a woman who trains about twice a week for fun only. Very light. Tried to work on movement.

    4 bag burn rounds with Kristine - ten times combo explosive then swap quickly and repeat until end of round. 2 min rounds 20 - 30 secs break
    Combo (one per round) - 1 -2, 1-2-3, any 4 punches, any 5 punches (swapped every 5 so didn't get too much rest).

    Then cycled to the pool for a 30 min swim. The pool is close to the boxing gym so it saves time to do both in one trip. My back has been bothering me ever since I mowed the lawns that day and i suspect not being able to make morning swimming trainings has stopped it from loosening up. I am trialling a swim every night after weekday boxing trainings for a while to see if it helps.

    One other niggle I noticed while sparring was a strange pain in my left shin which was not too severe and I could ignore it but it moved up to my knee. Trained through it and didn't feel it before bed but had a limp later that night. Felt like something just clicked out of place or something. Weird.
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  4. #19
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Wednesday 25th July

    Yet another day off. As advised my new osteopath and the fact I'm i sooky s**t at feeling knee pain again.

    My back felt slightly better after swimming last night but with the knee trouble thrown in I decided to try out an osteopath my flatmate's found helpful. This will be the fourth specialist i've emptied my bank accounts for and I have two more appointments with her before my next pay day next Thursday so my bank account is taking a big hit.

    Her diagnosis looking at my back (she wouldn't look at the knee and assumes as they all have it's not related - that's for my Saturday appointment) is as follows:

    - Areas of hypermobility and hypomobility in mid back and neck
    - C5 to C7 facet joint restrictions causing stiff neck
    - T4-T6 and T8-T10 facet joint restrictions with some costo transverse restrictions
    - Scoliosis in lower and mid spine and possibly my neck
    - Possibly post-Scheurmans disease causing stiffness
    - Step defect at L5 in lower back possibly indicative of Spondylolisthesis

    I have to stop cracking my neck and back. The more strenuous chest stretches etc i have been doing and given in the past are too much for my current condition. I have been given a gentle stretch lying on my back with knees bent and arms lying out to my side to do any time I'm feeling tight. Self massage is also OK.

    She didn't ban me from sport but said i need to be very careful and advised against doing anything when i'm sore. A large amount of this is worsened by cycling but backstroke is good. ironically the only way i have of getting to the pool is by cycling!

    My reaction to hearing all this was to sulkily go buy myself some comfort food (6 inch meatball sub with cheese and 3 subway cookies - very bad!). Also extremely grumpy which i know because when the neighbour's dog tried to scare me by barking as i walked past i barked back and scared it. I'll soon be known as "that psycho lady that barks back at the dogs" if this keeps up!
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  5. #20
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Am overloaded with uni work right now and since my body is against the idea of training right now I'm going to have a few days off or light at least.

    Reducing to pile of uni work I have to something manageable might be good for my back anyway. I used to take time off when I became busy with study. I don't know why I feel guilty doing that these days when I have the biggest study load of my life which is proving more difficult than all full time jobs I've had.

    I think I will aim to swim after every boxing training from now on though too keep the back happy which means early mornings are not happening as I'll get home from night trainings at 10 pm or later. I'll use my lunch hours for resistance training and other cardio now instead.
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  6. #21
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Saturday 23rd July

    Bused to osteopath so she could check out my knee. I felt good about how the appointment went. This osteopath has bad knees herself (sounds like gravel crunching on gravel when she moves her knees ) so I feel she understands exactly what I'm going through.

    Turns out I probably have chondromalacia patella in both knees but it's my left knee being a little twisted and having adhesions occasionally that causes the pain. Hence the random off and on nature of the pain.

    She sort of clicked my knee back in and massaged it. I'm meant to be icing it twice today sometime.....

    No stretching for a few days but then do more quad stretching etc. Also leg weights. She said my leg muscles were not weak but I have laxity in the ligaments running along either side of the left knee cap which allow it to twist out of place. She could show me the difference in movement between my left knee and my right. Leg weights will build up the muscles and allow them to sort of do part of the job of those lax ligaments.

    I'm thinking looking over my right shoulder to check for traffic when cycling with my feet secured in my bike shoes is bad. To my fashionable triathlete mother and her cyclist boyfriend's disgust I'll have to put an extremely uncool looking rear vision mirror on the handle bars of my bike.

    Also I know now that not being allowed to pivot is not good for me. I never felt comfortable with it anyway but now I know I need to allow the foot to move to avoid twisting my knee as I turn.

    I'm relieved to know it's not going to be months again before I can run.

    I walked home from my appointment - approx 1 hour. I still don't know how to make walking good exercise - if I ever do it regularly I'll have to concentrate on keeping up the tempo because I mentally drift off and then saunter along a little too relaxed.
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  7. #22
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    I had planned to make Monday my first day back in training but a couple of things interfered with that

    1) Went to babyshower Sunday afternoon and ended up with nasty, nasty gastro from the fingerfood along with some friends who went. Had to prepare a presentation to give on Monday at uni and was spending about 5 mins on my computer and 5 mins on the tiolet continuously Sunday night. Even when I did go home to bed my sleep was interupted by dashing to the toilet a little too often.

    2) Had another osteopath appointment on Monday afternoon and was banned from exercise until FRIDAY!!!! She wants me to give the treatment a chance to work for a while before I get back into it.

    She says if I get grumpy and want to train to remember all the money I've spent trying to get things fixed over the last couple of years and the frustration of it not working and I think she has a point there. I might do as I'm told even though it means my arse is going to be double it's original size by the end of the week!

    Good news though - she said "I see no reason why we won't be able to get your knee back to ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!"

    She's not so optimistic about my back because looking at my back x-rays which show my upper back and some of my lower back she says I do have Post Schermanns disease so I will get sore from time to time and have to relieve the pain with swimming and that lying down stretch she showed me.

    I also have some degradation in my back from an injury which is likely to have occurred 10 to 15 years ago - so I guess that's partially irreversible but we might be able to try to prevent more degradation.

    She showed me on the x-ray how the scoliosis in my back looks like it's actually more in my lower back than my upper back. We will have to get another x-ray of my lower back sometime to check that out and to find out for sure whether or not I also have the spondylolisthesis she suspects there.

    Still after thinking for so long that my long distance running days were over I'm really happy since I think i should be able to manage the back problems enough to enjoy my sport.
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  8. #23
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    That's great news. It looks like your best running days are still ahead of you.
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  9. #24
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    I was hoping so but first training back Friday night the knee moved again. I felt it move while doing light sparring again! Maybe I need to strap it until it's more stable? Something to quiz the osteopath about when I see her this Thursday!

    Friday 3rd August

    Cycled to the gym
    4 rounds shadow boxing to warm up
    about 30 mins of light sparring - 2 min rounds , 20 to 30 sec breaks
    Then felt knee twang -
    Stopped and went to the pool -
    30 mins stretching outside the pool
    30 mins swim,
    some time in the spa stretching the leg and massaging the knee
    cycled home

    Saturday 4th August
    Nothing - knee not happy

    Sunday 5th August
    Cycled to the pool, 1 hour swim
    Knee still not good - slight limp so need to be careful!

    Later at night about 40 mins stretching before bed.
    I'm not too good at this and don't have a set routine yet but aim this week is just to fit stretching into my routine and begin to make it a habit.
    I'm also aiming to drink more water since my main fluid intake is coffee
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  10. #25
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Monday 6th August

    Cycled to boxing training. Also brought everything I needed to swim afterwards ......... except my bathers! My ditzyness is forever sabotaging my efforts!!!

    So boxing training:

    Stretch whole body
    Rounds all 2 mins with 30 secs break
    4 rounds shadow
    6 rounds floor to ceiling ball
    6 rounds bag
    Another whole body stretch with a little resistance training in between stretches -
    abs exercises - 4 sets on mat, 2 sets using roman chair, andback weights - 3 sets each of back dumbell exercises and chin ups.
    cross ring 4 times balancing on medicine balls - a bit unco after not doing it for a week.

    I wore a knee brace while training tonight and the knee was OK.

    I did make it my goal not to be so heavy on my front foot though which helped and maybe stretching before starting slightly loosens up those muscles and/or ligaments which might be pulling on the knee.

    I also made a conscious effort to keep my punches working on one level and not rising at the end of each punch - tried to stop hopping around like a jack rabbit basically!

    I wasn't as fluent on the bag as I'd like since this still takes a bit of concentration. I might need to focus on that for a while to make it automatic.

    Cycled home

    Thought about doing time on the windtrainer but by the time I get home tonight (posting from uni as had 5 min job to do on the way home) my flatmates will be in bed and i don't want to wake them up with the noise.

    It's probably best to let the knee have one more easy day anyway.
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  11. #26
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Cool log Sharla CC. I know how it feels to have injuries, I'm currently off training while a Physio is trying to sort out my harmstring.

    One comment I'll make about your knee, perhaps you already know this, when you're doing squats ensure your knee is directly above your ankle/foot (i.e arse further back) with your weight on the heel rather than leaning forward with the weight on the ball of your foot, this should put less pressure on the joint. I only mentioned it since this is harder to do when you do one legged squats.

    Anyways, good luck with the back as well.

  12. #27
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Thanks CC Bomp,
    I'm always a bit nervous that my form might not be correct doing squats etc so I'll keep your advice in mind.

    Tuesday 7th August

    Cycled to boxing training:
    Stretched out legs well and chest before starting this time. I'm hoping that not having tight muscles in my legs before beginning training will stop my knee getting pulled out of alignment.

    I wore the knee brace again and probably will wear it for all boxing trainings for a while.

    4 rounds of shadow to warm up - 1st normal and then put eye patch over my left eye.
    I think my left eye is my dominant eye and I'm trying to get my right side stronger so I'm trying the eye patch thing Scrap often recommends in his posts.

    I kept the eye patch on for some light sparring with Kristine then
    About 30 mins with 2 min rounds and 20 to 30 second breaks.

    For the first time in AGES I actually brought my back foot up instead of leaving it behind and I managed to work in my correct range rather than being too far away. I could take advantage of Kristine's openings more easily. Although I wore a couple more jabs i felt better than usual overall and really enjoyed it. I didn't bounce around as much perhaps because I found my range more easily?

    4 rounds floor to ceiling ball with patch still on

    3 rounds mirror work working on diagonal movement with patch off (it gets a bit sweaty and gross!)

    6 times across the ring with bare feet on the medicine ball

    Then did some resistance work 3 sets of the following:
    - Sat on medicine ball and swung ball from outside to centre with arms out straight holding the ball - 15 reps from each direction.
    - feet on the fit ball holding medicine ball in hands doing crunches - 30 reps
    - normal crunches sitting on the fit ball - 30 reps
    - 8 tricep dips with full bodyweight using roman chair thingy
    - seated rows 15 reps with 18 kg
    - back extensions on the stand thingy - no weight, 15 reps

    Then cycled to the pool and downed a protein shake while stretching for about 30 mins. Wore short fins for the whole swimming workout which was somewhere between 40 and 50 minutes.

    swimming warm up - 500 m
    50 m freestyle with fingertrailing between each of the following for 50 m: backstroke, breast stroke with dolphin kick, freestyle and butterfly. Finished warm up with 100 m freestyle fingertrailing.

    Then sprint set - 25 m sprint, 25 m freestyle fingertrailing recovery with each sprint and recovery completed within a one minute cycle before the next one.

    Sprints were medley order ie. backstroke, breastroke (with dolphin kick so can wear fins), butterfly and freestyle. Did 4 sprints in that order and then had a full 1 minute cycle rest before repeating until I'd completed 5 sets (20 sprints)

    Cool down - 200 m with alternating 25 m backstroke and 25 m freestyle fingertrailing.

    This workout felt good. I think it got my circulation going and stretched all the muscles in my back. I have a good feeling afterwards that's not quite the same as that post hard run buzz - not from pure aerobic work. Fingertrailing was included with the aim of leading with my elbow rather than my hand which stretches my back more and makes the movement a little different from the way i box.

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  13. #28
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Sharla, great log and interesting to see how somebody who actually cares about their physical fitness actually lives.

    You do more exercise in a week than I do.......well ever!

    Anyway hope you recover from your knee injury soon, I'm mighty impressed how you manage to juggle your boxing and science career, you've certainly got a lot of drive.

    If you don't mind me asking how old are you? And have you actually turned professional yet?

  14. #29
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Hi Bilbo. I'm 26 which means I have a few more years of the amateur scene. There's not much of a women's pro boxing scene where I am so I'll get more bouts as an amateur here. I'll worry about pro boxing when I'm 34 and too old for the amateurs perhaps. It's too far away for me to predict really.

    Wednesday 8th August

    Had to get up at 6 am to work out in the field out at Roseworthy. A relatively early morning since I've been swimming after boxing training.

    Boxing training started at 7 pm:

    Stretch - took about 15 mins - not sure how to spend an hour stretching as Scrap recommends - I've got plenty of books filled with ideas and things to look up on the forum though so I think it's a matter of finding the time to plan a routine some time on the weekend.

    4 rounds of shadow
    About 6 rounds of light sparring with Kristine
    The above all on a 2 minute round with 20 - 30 sec breaks

    About ten 30 sec burn rounds on the bag with 30 sec breaks - not feeling very explosive doing 1 minute burn rounds so trying a shorter round but I think they were too short or had too long a break. Will do it differently next time.

    I worked the floor to ceiling ball for 3 rounds on the 2 minute round with 20- 30 sec break.

    All of the above was done wearing the eye patch.

    Then got to work with coach Paul until 9 pm doing light sparring without the eye patch - it's annoying when it gets sweaty!
    Had a ball

    I felt able to freestyle easily without trying to concentrate too hard on something particular about my guard which often happens when I'm being coached while sparring.

    I ended up doing some things which are a little unorthodox to get in like switching to southpaw to step in with a right jab to cut distance.

    I don't know that I'd ever risk that in a bout but I doubt there are any girls in my weight division who are 6 foot 6 either! i used a lot of overhand rights and somehow did something to my little finger but it's just a little swollen so I'm not worried.

    When finished only had time to the pool to gym and jump in straight away to do a 30 minute easy swim. lots of finger trailing freestyle and backstroke. A day in the field plus a fairly continuous afternoon at training proved a little tiring and since did sprints yesterday I thought stretching out was more important for this swim.

    Had my protein shake in the shower when I got out.
    cycled home.
    Intended to stretch before bed but since it was 11 pm when I got home and it'd been a big day i just went to bed.
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  15. #30
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Thursday 9th August

    Went to osteopath this arvo. She decided to look at the knee hoping she could treat it one more time and not again. She examined it, massaged it and pulled it around a bit to release any 'adhesions'. She also massaged the muscles around the knee. She wants me to start building more muscle now but I'm not to overdo it. She said "don't train as much as you've been known to". An odd comment since I don't know how she knows how much I've been known to train. 

    I have another appointment with her in one month to look at my back but I'm to change the appointment to an earlier date if I get too much pain. She's not sure if she's being too optimistic about my back or not yet.

    Then cycled to boxing training - after buying a snickers bar - I've been eating a lot lately and not all good food either - had TWO lunches today - perhaps my eating patterns are out of whack with these later nights I'm having to swim after boxing. Need to settle into a routine again!

    Boxing 5:45 to 6:45

    Good stretch - not sure how long but felt like I was able to 'feel' the stretches more tonight. The hamstrings, and little muscles int he front of my hips at the top of my quads - groin probably - felt like they needed a lot of stretching. Felt good.

    Did all boxing training wearing the eye patch again. jarred my right elbow doing bag work a few times which is weird but I didn't jar it badly so I'll kepp using the eye patch. My training partners and coaches have already noticed an improvement in my distancing so I think it's worth it.

    4 rounds shadow to warm up
    bag work about 6 ish
    floor to ceiling
    more shadow

    Can't remember how many rounds but all 2 minute rounds, 20-30 sec breaks

    Didn't feel powerful or explosive tonight - I think the nights are all endurance workouts at the moment with swimming straight afterwards. I might need to rearrange things a bit next week to get some more power work in there.

    Some resistance training:
    Abs oblique crunches - 30 reps each side, normal crunches 30 reps, plank hold 1 min
    All these done consecutively HURT! I need to work on this since i think abs should be stronger than that.
    Back - 8 chin ups, 15 back extensions on the stand.
    Above circuit 3 times then started another circuit

    Lunges - 15 each side bodyweight only and 15 squats - 2 sets alternating exercises. Felt knee clicking so didn't do a third.
    Tried one set of one legged squats with the ball to finish legs off - 15 each leg.

    Hamstring exercise with fit ball - 15 reps - 3 sets - short rest between.

    Then cycled to the pool.
    Tired. Swam easy for 30 mins and felt a bit dizzyish. Had my protein shake bought at the boxing gym first but really needed some sugar. Might get into a habit of packing jelly beans for some long workouts. I guess boxing followed by a swim is similar to a long run in training time and I used to like my energy gels to keep me going after the first hour when i used to do two or three hour runs. Same principle i think.

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