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Thread: Extremism is the WORST disease

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    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    I bought a minimum of 10 Goya products a week for years and years. Everything from coconut water to all kinds of beans, squid, octopus, mackerel, you name it, I dont give a rats ass who the CEO votes for. I'll keep buying it.

  2. #17
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    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Move over, COVID. There's a new sheriff in town.

    (I know extremism isn't new... I just wanted to say that ).

    Anyway, there's this bit of news now all over the media..............

    "Goya Foods: Hispanic brand faces boycott for praising Trump"


    Listen, I hate Trump as much as anybody. But to call for boycotts of Goya Foods because the company president praised Trump......

    That's just fucking ridiculous. What's this world coming to??

    Extremists on both sides need to get a grip.

    BTW.... before anyone has a heart attack.... I'm not minimizing COVID-19, as I hope the hyperbole is understood.

    With that said..... the pandemic will one day subside.

    Extremism will be with us forever.
    I thought it at first, but then again who knows how they got together- Did Goya have some goodies (cronyism) dangled in their faces? They will get sacked if they dont bow down. Just like with Blacks--Drumpf decides to participate in a loathed day by conservatives called JUneteenth his 4th year in office...the year of election...Interesting how Goya was given airtime....during election year.
    People who side with this orange diaper stain are making out well from blackwater still getting goodies from Dubya to Drumpf. How could his daughter have gotten 18 patents from China -without him as president. Goya should look at how everyone who has gotten our tax $- all had to express loyalty.

    CEO Tommy Fisher of the Build The Wall who got a contract for $1.3 billion on their "Build The Wall" team, was a frequent guess on FOX. The very group that are now being disdained by the president claiming they built an eroding few miles of wall- Cause they wanted to make him look bad. I'd like to know how Goya & Trump hooked up.
    Stay away Goya, you might get burned making a deal with the devil's MVP.
    Everyone who gets a nice gesture from him has to do what Tito claimed (PRAISED HIM) Hispanics are a prideful people and won't accept a trinket from this fraudulent in Commander. Goya got the praise, not the people. I understand that when people stand on principle- those who are not that group can't or won't understand it. Besides its time for a new civilization where the temple of God (human body) is maintained by family. Make your own food. - side note, peruse this site and others and see how Trumpers, cons-serving narrative brag about having a piece of land to grow their own or hunt their own. How did we become a nation dependent on others to feed us? Goya can come and go. Store down the street from my mother has every Goya product one could want & they are adamant: Someone else can replace them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    The right keep banging on about "cancel culture" as if the powerful establishment elitists they adore don't have a long proven track record of cancelling people and things.

    Yeah, I was on a site where a thread called Freedom Of Religion was questioned- but because I didnt go hate-lefty on them- I saw cancel culture and another leftist's responses to me. Insults and labels no substance. All because I had the audacity to chronicle the history of religious intolerance dating back to Patrick Henry whose claim to fame was defending Baptists against of all people: Puritans and asked- How was there ever Freedom of Religion here? Didn't eve desire to take on the claims of how Thomas Paine wrote of the African being enslaved was done at the hands of so-called christian. then he claime nay Christianized...they must answer to the Lord of All.

    That made me wake/woke or whatever sorrowful terms they come with as oppose to investigating- they slap a label on anyone they don't like or are to hateful, biased and shallow to engage in meaningful dialogue so just slap a label on - Cancel culture. Grown ass adults labeling folk & handing that thought process to their children. I have long here claimed what @Titofan is now stating- the worst is ideology- it allows a person to choose a side based on the philosophy- thus they can reject what is best for them simply because someone they have been trained to disdain took up the issue.

    🔵 The US boxing authorities tried to "cancel" the career of Mohammed Ali by revoking his titles and withdrawing his boxing licence when he refused to participate in imperialist war-mongering in Vietnam.

    & leave it to the biased to say- yeah well Ali was a racist. Skip the fact he has a Muslim as Angelo Dundee said- the Nation Of Islam never took issue with him & as a result he always got paid- unlike the Ray Leonard the Christian.
    Racism is no longer defined by unjust actions. Words are now sufficient.

    🔵 The NFL clubs have conspired to "cancel" the American Football career of Colin Colin Kaepernick for his protests against anti-black racism and police brutality.---And rarely let him speak- Just show him kneeling then add one's own commentary "Kapernick hate America, hates the flag...drag that son of a bitch off the field.

    It's funny how the right don't give a damn about all the actual "cancel culture" that has, for decades, denied people their livelihoods, their liberty, their freedom of expression, and even their lives for their left-wing, anti-racist, and anti-imperialist beliefs ... yet they erupt into "cancel culture" outrage whenever one of their extreme-right ideologues gets their YouTube/Twitter account taken down for brazenly and repeatedly defying the community standards with racist hate speech, bigotry, bullying, promotion of genocide, and celebration of acts of extreme-right terrorism.

    The right absolutely adore posturing as victims like this, because once you've inflated your audience's victim complexes to the size of hot air balloons, it only takes tiny puffs of right-wing ultranationalist rhetoric to get them all floating towards fascism.
    Nice way to word it.

    Thus the latest extreme-right bigot to get themselves booted off social media becomes their latest cause célèbre, while the plight of the hundreds of thousands of people to have actually suffered brutal state persecution like political imprisonment, blacklisting, and death is completely ignored, because it simply doesn't fit their victimhood narrative.
    It seems his worshippers either don't know or don't care that the first news org he branded as unfair was FOX. All because he was asked to respond on his infidelities. So the Crotch-Grabber in Chief just had to say- They were mean and nasty- so they kicked that chick off their FOX n Fool cast...AKAK canceled her career. Damn! This also happened beyond syndicated shows nationally down to a state level. Once Trump was declared winner & those who refuse to give in- were targeted by their own audience- if U can check out Charlie Sykes- he was the top dog in Wisconsin to fill in for Rush Limbaugh, whenever he took days off.

    The other guy was named Mark belling in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Belling gave in post @NEVerTrump & kept his base- Sykes stood on principle and said Hillary is no longer the issue- she lost, but he 'wouldn't bow down - so Wisconsin's conservative minded voters tuned out. He lost his job after 30 years of bashing liberals- His conservative career -canceled.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    The right decided that it was a good idea to make 'not wearing a mask' into a political statement in the middle of a pandemic with cases soaring.
    Amazing how this is supposed to be fake, yet fake enough for Drumpf to want to buy the anecdote for a phantom virus. Phantom virus has Herman Cain putting on a Oscar award winning acting job- he can't be sick, Trump's secret service men also chimed in on the fraud, Ivanka's team claimed fraud- We got it too!! Texas governor now in on the con of -numbers are rising..let us pretend and fill beds with healthy people and make them look sick. Let's become fraudulent on causes of death.
    And the fake false media is so great at this con job, there are now nations who fell for it? And don't want Americans coming in? Now I know why Donnie the I need an advance on my inheritance Trump decided to stop Europeans coming in before China...cancel china from coming in- all that loot him & his daughter make with them goes on hold.
    Drumpf sent me a Donald Trump coronavirus guidelines---yet it is imaginary.

    A bumper sticker theology. an ideology that can fit on a fortune cookie slip. All they have to do is say oh, another woke, oh the cancel culture, oh the leftist...regardless that America's best our brass our colonels, commanders, Generals, former NSA, former advisors, current and retired conservative news pundits are now saying the same thing- he is unfit. Answer? Throw them all in one bin- liberal.
    Under his hateful minions none of us are allowed to have our own position- they assign us one.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 07-14-2020 at 04:45 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  3. #18
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    Last edited by El Kabong; 07-14-2020 at 07:40 PM.

  4. #19
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    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    Somewhat interesting listening to those 2 Wiley Videos.

    I like when he pointed out:

    1. They combine race and class as deemed by society-in the hood, the ghetto.

    2. There was a time blacks couldn't think who they were- they were told and could not fight back all the way into Jim crow. If a person was 1/2 white 1/2 black you were still deemed as whites didnt have to be accountable.

    3. I bring up the condition because that is what the cause is about it is about police brutality- systemic oppression an racial discrimination.

    4. I started from the bottom- this country is capitalist- I am checking him because when you are black and poor is the heaviest.

    why is the middle class shrinking, why is the economic disparity.

    pt. 4 he mentioned Kappernick started speaking less and less. Wiley took issue with his Egyptian girlfriend speaking on his behalf. Well Jesus spoke on behalf of the whores, yet he was never a trick who bought cootchie. He spoke on behalf of those who had no voice. And then told his students to do likewise, so I am miffed at why he took issue with his woman speaking up. As he contradicts that statement in the 3rd part with the 4pt when he (Wiley) said he was speaking for those who didnt have a voice. Its ok for him cause he is extra dark and she is Egyptian? Sounds racist to me LOL!

    Yet Wiley at some point said on his woman helping:
    Which is fine- that she is helping...

    So he (Wiley) quotes Big Boi? A rapper. He is right none said they were leading the cause..well if they were leading- then she wouldn't have to speak up. Athletes or rappers or actors, but all of my heroes are branded as race baiters- those who sought & obtained degrees.

    Why question Kappernick as opposed to getting together with him- Jay Z...which Wiley quoted. When did conservatives respect a man like Jay Z who said he got 99 problems but a bitch aint one?
    A dude who allowed his woman ---to go on to the super bowl wearing Black Panther attire...did Jay Z comply? I read the responses here and elsewhere...the lot of conservatives had a problem- well Kap's woman didnt protest by wearing black panther attire, while shaking her ass to algorithmic digital beats, while simultaneously gyrating her vagina in the middle of the screen Not that I had a problem watching it- I had a problem on WTF was that supposed to solve? And did Wiley side with it? Or, was he silent?

    Jay Z has billions of dollars and does little for his people in any capacity to which is why the hood doesnt really respect him-

    While gives accolades stating Jay z helped out with hurricane relief, that is independent of the group Wiley is speaking on- blacks..
    When has that negro helped his own? Like lebron James who spent 8 million to open a school in Akron out his own pocket? That is doing for self, that is when a person has the right to speak indifferent on the positions blacks take that could be corrected. If you help? and make a mistake, it happens but if Jay Z doesnt help his own...who is he for Wiley to uplift?

    When Lebron opened that school- The POTUS called him stupid the same week...I wonder where was Wiley at then.
    Jay z knows his place. if he speaks on helping his Dr.Dre, 50 cent , they all got mad loot, they know how to keep it..dont get involved with helping your own. And they have the open. On the down low only.

    Jay Z said - we are past kneeling..meaning he was a black man checking a black man-when he said that. Did he say anything before we got to being past kneeling? What did this dude Wiley say when Jay Z rapped on a song claiming Jesus walked on water, but Jay turned the stove on & heated the water with the baking soda...aka crack cocaine?

    Lyrics like the devil is in the hell does that help the cause of blacks? Wiley wont talk on that either I imagine. Wiley- once you kneel and gained awareness...
    I ask awareness of what? Per Trump it is about hating the flag hating America. So back to Wiley - he said once U gain awareness it is time for action. I ask what action? And did Wiley help with that action? Jay Z? or did they stand on the sidelines and critique a somewhat decent QB who forsook spite of being 1/2 white or if most of us arent mixed, but I digress.

    We are pass kneeling, monetize, materialize. well Jay Z, Dr. Dre, 50cent got the billions- but they know how to keep those billions: STFU & protest in song only.

    Wiley said get some legislation & policy going. Is this dude for real? As what? Democrats? Everything they put out as a bill is labeled liberal. Republicans? Shit, they had us from 1850-1960...and when it came time to assist with voting & civil rights, they didnt do a damn thing. So this cat is tripping.
    This government is long pass helping blacks or gender, they aren't even helping on issues of poor whites. it is now all about liberal vs conservatism, as the author of this thread said it best- extremism is the worst disease.

    Extreme ideologues on both political sides...and Wiley thinks legislation for the benefit of black people will be taken up, Yeah right.

    Wiley is right on this: You got to bring value...but every black that tried that loss their value. Why dont blacks help themselves & when one does, they are labeled as black nationalists, racists. Shun from all media.

    So we as blacks are stuck with rappers, athletes to assist, while the Ben Carsons, the Herman Caines, the Clarence Thomas' the Alan Keyes, Corduroy and Zirconium aka Diamond & Silk, they all had the spotlight and rather than bring that value- they used their spotlight to denounce their own...while FOX news propped them up as heroes for blacks.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 07-14-2020 at 08:56 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  5. #20
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Wiley is right on this: You got to bring value...but every black that tried that loss their value. Why dont blacks help themselves & when one does, they are labeled as black nationalists, racists. Shun from all media.

    So we as blacks are stuck with rappers, athletes to assist, while the Ben Carsons, the Herman Caines, the Clarence Thomas' the Alan Keyes, Corduroy and Zirconium aka Diamond & Silk, they all had the spotlight and rather than bring that value- they used their spotlight to denounce their own...while FOX news propped them up as heroes for blacks.
    Ben Carson is HUD Secretary after having been head pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins after being raised by just his mother from poverty...."propped up" eh?

    Clarence Thomas grew up broke and homeless in Georgia ended up going to Yale and becoming a Supreme Court Justice...."propped up"?

    Herman Cain grew up poor in a single parent household and worked his ass off to wind up being CEO of Godfather Pizza and eventually ran for President..."propped up"?

    Diamond & Silk have made their own success on YouTube

    Alan Keyes was an Army brat who wound up going to Harvard. Surely he was "propped up" by the GOP to run against Obama in the Senate election in 2004, but as a speaker for "the race" no.

    In fact 100% of the people you've mentioned probably can't open Twitter without being called Uncle Tom's or "Coons" and why? They succeeded where others failed? They didn't need the entire system bent to their will in order to achieve what they did. That's the big fucking problem in "The Black community" it's that not only are you all treated like a voting monolith Blacks police themselves in order to keep it that way thereby wiping out any and all political power you could possibly muster because the Democrats have to do exactly 1 thing to win your votes.....and that thing is "not be Republicans".

    It's sad. Nobody expects any other group to vote 100% in lock step. Not Mexicans, not Cubans, not Gays, not Asians, not lefthanded people, not anyone, but black people...oh you had better vote Democrat or else you'll be called a "race traitor" by effete white liberals.

    That alone would have me wanting to burn down the Democrat party, but hey whatever. I'm an INDIVIDUAL it's the biggest minority group there is and I represent ME and I answer to ME and I'll have no-fucking-body dictate to me what is acceptable or unacceptable because it's my God given right......I hope one day to see such individuality, but right now I see effete white liberals attempting harass people into voting Democrat by FORCE.

    But perhaps I'm mistaken
    Last edited by El Kabong; 07-14-2020 at 09:20 PM.

  6. #21
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    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Wiley is right on this: You got to bring value...but every black that tried that loss their value. Why dont blacks help themselves & when one does, they are labeled as black nationalists, racists. Shun from all media.

    So we as blacks are stuck with rappers, athletes to assist, while the Ben Carsons, the Herman Caines, the Clarence Thomas' the Alan Keyes, Corduroy and Zirconium aka Diamond & Silk, they all had the spotlight and rather than bring that value- they used their spotlight to denounce their own...while FOX news propped them up as heroes for blacks.
    Ben Carson is HUD Secretary after having been head pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins after being raised by just his mother from poverty...."propped up" eh?

    Clarence Thomas grew up broke and homeless in Georgia ended up going to Yale and becoming a Supreme Court Justice...."propped up"?

    Herman Cain grew up poor in a single parent household and worked his ass off to wind up being CEO of Godfather Pizza and eventually ran for President..."propped up"?

    Diamond & Silk have made their own success on YouTube

    Alan Keyes was an Army brat who wound up going to Harvard. Surely he was "propped up" by the GOP to run against Obama in the Senate election in 2004, but as a speaker for "the race" no.

    In fact 100% of the people you've mentioned probably can't open Twitter without being called Uncle Tom's or "Coons" and why? They succeeded where others failed? They didn't need the entire system bent to their will in order to achieve what they did. That's the big fucking problem in "The Black community" it's that not only are you all treated like a voting monolith Blacks police themselves in order to keep it that way thereby wiping out any and all political power you could possibly muster because the Democrats have to do exactly 1 thing to win your votes.....and that thing is "not be Republicans".

    It's sad. Nobody expects any other group to vote 100% in lock step. Not Mexicans, not Cubans, not Gays, not Asians, not lefthanded people, not anyone, but black people...oh you had better vote Democrat or else you'll be called a "race traitor" by effete white liberals.

    That alone would have me wanting to burn down the Democrat party, but hey whatever. I'm an INDIVIDUAL it's the biggest minority group there is and I represent ME and I answer to ME and I'll have no-fucking-body dictate to me what is acceptable or unacceptable because it's my God given right......I hope one day to see such individuality, but right now I see effete white liberals attempting harass people into voting Democrat by FORCE.

    But perhaps I'm mistaken
    Sounds like anarchy.

    I like it.

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    'God given right' is surely a pretty extremist and dangerous stance to take. The cult of the individual. What it really means is 'I am more important than you and material things are more important than people, fuck you, I think so little of God I will debase the idea by using it as an excuse to deny you your rights in an arrogant attempt to justify my own selfish Intransigence '.

    Monarchs the very people you chose to extricate yourselves from in the states, have long claimed' God given right' as an excuse to trample people's rights. The uncomfortable truth is that 'we the people' were the original SJWs. Compassionate, ethical human beings who fought to secure human rights, and God never gave you squat.

    Forgive me if I am mistaken but I am pretty sure there is no mention of God in the constitution or Bill of rights. Its just passing the book and declaring the same feudal God given bullshit Lords of the Manor you all ran from, have used for centuries.

    So actually it is distinctly unAmerican to invoke God and try to reconnect church and state in some weird proto European model.
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  8. #23
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    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Wiley is right on this: You got to bring value...but every black that tried that loss their value. Why dont blacks help themselves & when one does, they are labeled as black nationalists, racists. Shun from all media.

    So we as blacks are stuck with rappers, athletes to assist, while the Ben Carsons, the Herman Caines, the Clarence Thomas' the Alan Keyes, Corduroy and Zirconium aka Diamond & Silk, they all had the spotlight and rather than bring that value- they used their spotlight to denounce their own...while FOX news propped them up as heroes for blacks.
    Ben Carson is HUD Secretary after having been head pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins after being raised by just his mother from poverty...."propped up" eh?

    Clarence Thomas grew up broke and homeless in Georgia ended up going to Yale and becoming a Supreme Court Justice...."propped up"?

    Herman Cain grew up poor in a single parent household and worked his ass off to wind up being CEO of Godfather Pizza and eventually ran for President..."propped up"?

    Diamond & Silk have made their own success on YouTube

    Alan Keyes was an Army brat who wound up going to Harvard. Surely he was "propped up" by the GOP to run against Obama in the Senate election in 2004, but as a speaker for "the race" no.

    In fact 100% of the people you've mentioned probably can't open Twitter without being called Uncle Tom's or "Coons" and why? They succeeded where others failed? They didn't need the entire system bent to their will in order to achieve what they did. That's the big fucking problem in "The Black community" it's that not only are you all treated like a voting monolith Blacks police themselves in order to keep it that way thereby wiping out any and all political power you could possibly muster because the Democrats have to do exactly 1 thing to win your votes.....and that thing is "not be Republicans".

    It's sad. Nobody expects any other group to vote 100% in lock step. Not Mexicans, not Cubans, not Gays, not Asians, not lefthanded people, not anyone, but black people...oh you had better vote Democrat or else you'll be called a "race traitor" by effete white liberals.

    That alone would have me wanting to burn down the Democrat party, but hey whatever. I'm an INDIVIDUAL it's the biggest minority group there is and I represent ME and I answer to ME and I'll have no-fucking-body dictate to me what is acceptable or unacceptable because it's my God given right......I hope one day to see such individuality, but right now I see effete white liberals attempting harass people into voting Democrat by FORCE.

    But perhaps I'm mistaken
    No sir you are not mistaken you just see it from a perspective different than those who call them as you stated: In fact 100% of the people you've mentioned probably can't open Twitter without being called Uncle Tom's or "Coons" and why? They succeeded where others failed?

    Sellout meanings -once they make it- they deride their own, and don't come back. Now if you can't hear this coming from a black man telling you why I call these people sellouts (not so much uncle tom, that is a misunderstood label) but I digress. Our dissing of them is based on how they are so willing to insult their own on television. How they don't come back, heck I will say Carson on occasion spoke at a school or two, thats nice.

    You are talking about how they raised themselves, while I am saying only those that raise themselves up- by way of politics, specifically Republican are accepted by whites overall. Whereas the ones who raise themselves up and reject ideology aka liberalism or conservatism are also labeled.
    Just as you stated they are labeled as sellouts, well they label other blacks as militants, racists. Not race baiters so much, thats the Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson crew that fits that bill-they gets no love from me & my history here bares witness.

    Ben is sec of Hud -that which is derided as frivolous government agency- that allows people like Sean Hannity to make money off it. & how did he qualify for it? What skills? Take him out & not too many others in this admin. Ben Carson wants Americans living on housing assistance to put more of their income toward rent and he wants to give public housing authorities the ability to impose work requirements on tenants. That way, when it happens for those of color the response is: well a black guy did it. Funny how this is now an issue- 30 mil are out of jobs and we can let potential slum lords dictate to them.

    Same for Thomas, as soon as he was sworn in - he began to gut shit under Reagan with the caveat, well it cant be racist a black guy is doing it.

    Wanda from Jamie Fox and Shenaena from Martin are on par with what silk and diamond are seen by conservatives...until Trump put those chocolate piglets on his team. How could they have been successful otherwise? No skills, they act ghetto as hell, so now its ok when they do it? Why else were you limited in saying a success on youtube.

    Have you seen the way the crowds act when Trump forced those 2 unbuhweavable sows on stage? One can hear applause in the clip below, then when the camera pans look at their faces. They look disgusted! LOL! Some are even walking I guess to the concession stand or the restroom to throw up. Successful? They were kicked off FOX for saying the same stuff others say- nonsensical drivel.

    This guy here was also an internet Youtube success, doesn't mean he is ready to help a political figure!

    Alan Keys is so loathed today, when was the last time he had a spot on anyone's show? he came out during the rise of Rush and everyone got a nationally syndicated show but him. He was reduced to local radio.

    And heck to the yes him & Cain was propped up. Who here has had Godfather's pizza? and liked it? Oh, he is a CEO, well there is one for Dollar Tree as well, so if we go by how much they brought in, he isnt that special other than a black guy that votes republican, take away that conservative mindset and what good could be seen in him or Thomas?
    Remember now; when Herman 9-9-9 Cain was accused of having two affairs? No one came to his aid. And as soon as he dropped out, so, too did those 2 over-the-hill women dropped their case. He blamed the liberal media as usual.

    Remember; Herman was a success for deriding Obama, then given the chance to tell how he would have handled affairs- shows him in an agonizing several moments where he cant name a damn thing he would have done different. And he wasnt propped up by conservatives?

    In other words what African Americans do you respect that dont vote Republican? I would prefer something here from your past as if you have to initiate one now...IMO would come across as trying to make a point-just to be right as opposed to revealing that you dont have criteria of one needs to be a conservative in order for your to give props to persons of color.
    See, I can name many successful people who pulled themselves up. But if they dont hollar I am a Democrat -liberals call them the same shit Republicans do: racists, black militants.

    My purpose for responding to the videos is simple: Where are these people at in turn of blacks who get shot while unarmed? That is what Wiley claimed- Your videos showed Wiley agreed blacks are unfairly targeted. but said we are past kneeling, so where are these people at that you think are more than just props..aka props for conservatives because they met the prerequisite of downing Democrats/Liberals.

    where are these conservatives who agree with Wiley that we are past kneeling as opposed to claiming: "kneeling was a sign of disrespect of the flag and of the United States.

    Where are their dollars to go back and do for others as Lebron James did? How is opening a school not worthy of your respect?
    And shuffle butt Ben carson claimed Obama Health care was the worst thing to happen to blacks since slavery...yet 4 years later he is ok with keeping it? That's not a dude looking to be accepted among conservatives?

    He wrote in his book how he helped whites from angry blacks while in school, lied about a knife being thrusted into a belt buckle, to which we both know Trump clowned his behind Called him a sick puppy. Compared him to a pedophile, then hired him for Hud, damn. Clowned him like a damn fool.

    Last I ran the gamut on Wiley mentioning rappers. Why? Is that the best he can identify among blacks? or the best without losing the respect of right wing media if he names those who are neither left nor right?

    & claiming blacks have to be lock step with Dems is a conservative narrative. A lie. Who is going to vote for a party that rejected us in 2008 to have debates? Only Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee and 2 others showed. Trump may have gotten 29% of the Hispanic vote, but look at where they occurred, same as with Dubya states that overlooked their illegal status. Did blacks vote for Sanders and his free stuff agenda? No they didn't. And while the % was high for Hillary significantly less blacks voted in 2016, a lot stayed home, yet the conservative narrative omits that having individual such as yourself literally thinking we are forced to vote Dem as opposed to looking at how the republican's party has made inclusive for all the racist southern democrats that turned Republican. How does one show up at a rally next to a confederate flag? How does one stand next to thousands chanting lock her up- to minorities & Muslims.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 07-15-2020 at 12:29 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  9. #24
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    'God given right' is surely a pretty extremist and dangerous stance to take. The cult of the individual. What it really means is 'I am more important than you and material things are more important than people, fuck you, I think so little of God I will debase the idea by using it as an excuse to deny you your rights in an arrogant attempt to justify my own selfish Intransigence '.

    Monarchs the very people you chose to extricate yourselves from in the states, have long claimed' God given right' as an excuse to trample people's rights. The uncomfortable truth is that 'we the people' were the original SJWs. Compassionate, ethical human beings who fought to secure human rights, and God never gave you squat.

    Forgive me if I am mistaken but I am pretty sure there is no mention of God in the constitution or Bill of rights. Its just passing the book and declaring the same feudal God given bullshit Lords of the Manor you all ran from, have used for centuries.

    So actually it is distinctly unAmerican to invoke God and try to reconnect church and state in some weird proto European model.
    You know I'd expect every so often you wouldn't deliberately read the absolute worst into what I post but I guess I think too highly of you.

    'God given right' meaning something MAN didn't bestow on you. MAN doesn't say "you can speak freely" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to defend yourself" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to own property and create wealth" ergo MAN can't take that away from you...or shouldn't be able to rather, but do please continue on with your assuming the stupid shit you're assuming. Read INALIENABLE unable to be taken away or given to by the possessor. I would think I wouldn't have to spell that out for you yet here we are and why are we here? Because you assume the absolute worst of me, you always have and you always will....and THAT would be your right to believe which I nor anyone else can take from you, do you understand?

    "What it really means is"....oh how kind of you to attempt to translate for me . What it means is, no government, no man, no person, no group, no nobody other than our creator (or whatever deity you follow or don't) endowed in each individual inalienable rights.....but hey I guess you don't accept that and so who gives you your rights? "We the people"? The MOB? They can & will take your rights in a heartbeat if you assume of course they gave them to you, but maybe you'll find that out on your own.

    No mentions of God in The Constitution or Bill of Rights, but certainly quite a few in The Declaration of Independence the most famous being: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”...and there's a reason for this Also each individual state has it's own Constitution and the majority of those mention God for example: "We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution." .

    So I'm sorry you were saying how "unAmerican" it was to invoke please continue

  10. #25
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    "Sellout meanings -once they make it- they deride their own, and don't come back." ... OK then then please explain how exactly they "deride their own" and as for "not coming back" what is there to come back to and why? Who do the people that make it out owe? Rockefeller didn't drag everyone up to prosperity with him, Carnegie didn't, Buffet hasn't Gates hasn't. Not everyone makes it and those people who do aren't responsible for those who don't. They give back in a charitable manner to the best of their abilities.

    People rejecting Conservatism and Liberalism are marginalized regardless of color.

    What qualifications does Ben Carson have to run HUD? He lived the life, he knows exactly what that is like. Is that not good enough? I guess don't give him the job then

    What you're arguing about Clarence Thomas has nothing to do with his color but how he interprets the I guess call him a sell out? I mean I guess I missed the day in Civics class where just because someone has a certain skin color they have to interpret the Constitution a certain way. I must have missed that one.

    Alan Keyes is a fringe political player at this point. I can't tell you why, maybe he's not as interesting or as entertaining as other people. This kind of thing happens to people of other colors as well, but hey chalk it up to whatever makes your case Larry Elder has a show, does that count? Or no? Charles Payne has a show, does he count?

    Diamond & Silk do well on YouTube and other social media sites because that's where they've established themselves. Terrence K. Williams has done the same. I mean I guess I don't understand what exactly you expect for these folks...I mean there's regular average white folks who attempt to do those things and fail miserably. There's people who make it huge on the internet and never help out their communities. How much do they owe their communities? Wouldn't that depend on how supported they felt from their community? I mean why attempt to feed a dog that will bite your hand?

    Politics is a full contact thing and Trump went over the line with a few people not just Cain & Carson. Ted Cruz got called the Zodiac Killer by Trump and Trump also said Cruz's father shot JFK....but no one came to his aid!!! Trump attacked Jeb and people attempted to help Jeb because he's an establishment guy, but a lot of good that did him. So yeah that kind of thing happens and will continue to happen in politics, it's nothing new and actually it's fairly tame these days.

    What African-Americans do I respect that don't vote Republican? Probably the folks I lift weights with and interact with on a daily basis more so than athletes or rappers or actors or whomever. I mean surely there are famous African-Americans I respect, but I personally am not as impacted by them as I am by my fellow citizens. I don't have to agree with them politically at all, respect is not a political issue for me.

    "claiming blacks have to be lock step with Dems is a conservative narrative" .."If you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black" - Joe Biden Democrat Presidential Nominee.

    So that's a conservative narrative ya say?

  11. #26
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    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    'God given right' is surely a pretty extremist and dangerous stance to take. The cult of the individual. What it really means is 'I am more important than you and material things are more important than people, fuck you, I think so little of God I will debase the idea by using it as an excuse to deny you your rights in an arrogant attempt to justify my own selfish Intransigence '.

    Monarchs the very people you chose to extricate yourselves from in the states, have long claimed' God given right' as an excuse to trample people's rights. The uncomfortable truth is that 'we the people' were the original SJWs. Compassionate, ethical human beings who fought to secure human rights, and God never gave you squat.

    Forgive me if I am mistaken but I am pretty sure there is no mention of God in the constitution or Bill of rights. Its just passing the book and declaring the same feudal God given bullshit Lords of the Manor you all ran from, have used for centuries.

    So actually it is distinctly unAmerican to invoke God and try to reconnect church and state in some weird proto European model.
    You know I'd expect every so often you wouldn't deliberately read the absolute worst into what I post but I guess I think too highly of you.

    'God given right' meaning something MAN didn't bestow on you. MAN doesn't say "you can speak freely" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to defend yourself" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to own property and create wealth" ergo MAN can't take that away from you...or shouldn't be able to rather, but do please continue on with your assuming the stupid shit you're assuming. Read INALIENABLE unable to be taken away or given to by the possessor. I would think I wouldn't have to spell that out for you yet here we are and why are we here? Because you assume the absolute worst of me, you always have and you always will....and THAT would be your right to believe which I nor anyone else can take from you, do you understand?

    "What it really means is"....oh how kind of you to attempt to translate for me . What it means is, no government, no man, no person, no group, no nobody other than our creator (or whatever deity you follow or don't) endowed in each individual inalienable rights.....but hey I guess you don't accept that and so who gives you your rights? "We the people"? The MOB? They can & will take your rights in a heartbeat if you assume of course they gave them to you, but maybe you'll find that out on your own.

    No mentions of God in The Constitution or Bill of Rights, but certainly quite a few in The Declaration of Independence the most famous being: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”...and there's a reason for this Also each individual state has it's own Constitution and the majority of those mention God for example: "We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution." .

    So I'm sorry you were saying how "unAmerican" it was to invoke please continue
    Wait.... God given right' meaning something MAN didn't bestow on you. MAN doesn't say "you can speak freely" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to defend yourself" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to own property and create wealth" ergo MAN can't take that away from you.

    MAN didn't say that?

    Wait..... SO YOU HEARD GOD SAY IT?

    Holy fucking shit.

  12. #27
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Wait.... God given right' meaning something MAN didn't bestow on you. MAN doesn't say "you can speak freely" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to defend yourself" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to own property and create wealth" ergo MAN can't take that away from you.

    MAN didn't say that?

    Wait..... SO YOU HEARD GOD SAY IT?

    Holy fucking shit.

    Yes Brockton, sure thing. I'm not going to ever question how fucking retarded you are.

  13. #28
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    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    'God given right' is surely a pretty extremist and dangerous stance to take. The cult of the individual. What it really means is 'I am more important than you and material things are more important than people, fuck you, I think so little of God I will debase the idea by using it as an excuse to deny you your rights in an arrogant attempt to justify my own selfish Intransigence '.

    Monarchs the very people you chose to extricate yourselves from in the states, have long claimed' God given right' as an excuse to trample people's rights. The uncomfortable truth is that 'we the people' were the original SJWs. Compassionate, ethical human beings who fought to secure human rights, and God never gave you squat.

    Forgive me if I am mistaken but I am pretty sure there is no mention of God in the constitution or Bill of rights. Its just passing the book and declaring the same feudal God given bullshit Lords of the Manor you all ran from, have used for centuries.

    So actually it is distinctly unAmerican to invoke God and try to reconnect church and state in some weird proto European model.
    You know I'd expect every so often you wouldn't deliberately read the absolute worst into what I post but I guess I think too highly of you.

    'God given right' meaning something MAN didn't bestow on you. MAN doesn't say "you can speak freely" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to defend yourself" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to own property and create wealth" ergo MAN can't take that away from you...or shouldn't be able to rather, but do please continue on with your assuming the stupid shit you're assuming. Read INALIENABLE unable to be taken away or given to by the possessor. I would think I wouldn't have to spell that out for you yet here we are and why are we here? Because you assume the absolute worst of me, you always have and you always will....and THAT would be your right to believe which I nor anyone else can take from you, do you understand?

    "What it really means is"....oh how kind of you to attempt to translate for me . What it means is, no government, no man, no person, no group, no nobody other than our creator (or whatever deity you follow or don't) endowed in each individual inalienable rights.....but hey I guess you don't accept that and so who gives you your rights? "We the people"? The MOB? They can & will take your rights in a heartbeat if you assume of course they gave them to you, but maybe you'll find that out on your own.

    No mentions of God in The Constitution or Bill of Rights, but certainly quite a few in The Declaration of Independence the most famous being: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”...and there's a reason for this Also each individual state has it's own Constitution and the majority of those mention God for example: "We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution." .

    So I'm sorry you were saying how "unAmerican" it was to invoke please continue
    Wait.... God given right' meaning something MAN didn't bestow on you. MAN doesn't say "you can speak freely" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to defend yourself" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to own property and create wealth" ergo MAN can't take that away from you.

    MAN didn't say that?

    Wait..... SO YOU HEARD GOD SAY IT?

    Holy fucking shit.
    Pretty sure it was Donald Trump who said that
    Remember reality is an illusion caused by a lack of alcohol .

  14. #29
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    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    'God given right' is surely a pretty extremist and dangerous stance to take. The cult of the individual. What it really means is 'I am more important than you and material things are more important than people, fuck you, I think so little of God I will debase the idea by using it as an excuse to deny you your rights in an arrogant attempt to justify my own selfish Intransigence '.

    Monarchs the very people you chose to extricate yourselves from in the states, have long claimed' God given right' as an excuse to trample people's rights. The uncomfortable truth is that 'we the people' were the original SJWs. Compassionate, ethical human beings who fought to secure human rights, and God never gave you squat.

    Forgive me if I am mistaken but I am pretty sure there is no mention of God in the constitution or Bill of rights. Its just passing the book and declaring the same feudal God given bullshit Lords of the Manor you all ran from, have used for centuries.

    So actually it is distinctly unAmerican to invoke God and try to reconnect church and state in some weird proto European model.
    You know I'd expect every so often you wouldn't deliberately read the absolute worst into what I post but I guess I think too highly of you.

    'God given right' meaning something MAN didn't bestow on you. MAN doesn't say "you can speak freely" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to defend yourself" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to own property and create wealth" ergo MAN can't take that away from you...or shouldn't be able to rather, but do please continue on with your assuming the stupid shit you're assuming. Read INALIENABLE unable to be taken away or given to by the possessor. I would think I wouldn't have to spell that out for you yet here we are and why are we here? Because you assume the absolute worst of me, you always have and you always will....and THAT would be your right to believe which I nor anyone else can take from you, do you understand?

    "What it really means is"....oh how kind of you to attempt to translate for me . What it means is, no government, no man, no person, no group, no nobody other than our creator (or whatever deity you follow or don't) endowed in each individual inalienable rights.....but hey I guess you don't accept that and so who gives you your rights? "We the people"? The MOB? They can & will take your rights in a heartbeat if you assume of course they gave them to you, but maybe you'll find that out on your own.

    No mentions of God in The Constitution or Bill of Rights, but certainly quite a few in The Declaration of Independence the most famous being: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”...and there's a reason for this Also each individual state has it's own Constitution and the majority of those mention God for example: "We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution." .

    So I'm sorry you were saying how "unAmerican" it was to invoke please continue
    Wait.... God given right' meaning something MAN didn't bestow on you. MAN doesn't say "you can speak freely" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to defend yourself" MAN doesn't say "You're allowed to own property and create wealth" ergo MAN can't take that away from you.

    MAN didn't say that?

    Wait..... SO YOU HEARD GOD SAY IT?

    Holy fucking shit.
    Pretty sure it was Donald Trump who said that

  15. #30
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Extremism is the WORST disease

    SJWs hardest hit

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