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Thread: Covid- 19 - Second wave

  1. #316
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    We do full face shields w masks at work. Especially since we've had both canine and feline cases confirmed now. As well as a couple ass shats who tested positive try to come in recently.
    Luckily you've only had canine and feline cases in Tanzania they've had positive tests returned from a goat and a pawpaw fruit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Most people do not cough out of their eyes. Masks are surely more about protecting others but it seems for many it is all or nothing stupidity and the selfish notion that other people should be forced to buy a lottery ticket on the unmasked gobshites virtual signalling their independent thinking whilst blindly following Qanon, Trump, the House of Saud and expert YouTube knob heads like PJW.

    Viruses/diseases are absorbed via mucous membranes which are located in your mouth, your nose, and your eyes. So the goggles/eye protection are to keep droplets/aerosolized particles out of the mucous membranes in your eyes. But that's cool, I guess someone super healthy like yourself who is in contact with other super healthy people throughout your day to day life shouldn't bother. I mean @NoSavingByTheBell isn't worried about it, are you Steve?

    As for masks working....hey, don't take it from me, how about 'The New England Journal of Medicine'? (when they use ACTUAL studies with ACTUAL doctors and not the bullshit they got hoodwinked on recently)
    We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic

    From the same article
    It is also clear that masks serve symbolic roles. Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans that may help increase health care workers’ perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals.

    And you might say "Well YEAH, but are there any drawbacks to that?"

    Again from the same article
    What is clear, however, is that universal masking alone is not a panacea. A mask will not protect providers caring for a patient with active Covid-19 if it’s not accompanied by meticulous hand hygiene, eye protection, gloves, and a gown. A mask alone will not prevent health care workers with early Covid-19 from contaminating their hands and spreading the virus to patients and colleagues. Focusing on universal masking alone may, paradoxically, lead to more transmission of Covid-19 if it diverts attention from implementing more fundamental infection-control measures.

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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    I love you, Lyle, and there's nothing you can do about it.

  3. #318
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    I watched Dr. Fauci and that C. Everett Koop lookalike in the Congressional hearing today....what political theater. The masks only do good (if at all) if you're not touching them, grabbing them, fiddling or fucking with them and Dr. Fauci and that Amish bearded goofball next to him were CONSTANTLY putting their masks on, taking their masks off, putting them on again, no hand sanatizer adjusting the masks taking them off putting them back on.

    Added to which Dr. Fauci couldn't bring himself to denounce mass amounts of people gathering together NOT observing social distancing, in order to "MOSTLY peacefully protest...MOSTLY"

    What the fuck are we doing here? If you're immunocompromized isolate! Follow the distancing, hand washing, mask wearing. If you're healthy just go about your daily life. How difficult is that?

  4. #319
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    I watched Dr. Fauci and that C. Everett Koop lookalike in the Congressional hearing today....what political theater. The masks only do good (if at all) if you're not touching them, grabbing them, fiddling or fucking with them and Dr. Fauci and that Amish bearded goofball next to him were CONSTANTLY putting their masks on, taking their masks off, putting them on again, no hand sanatizer adjusting the masks taking them off putting them back on.

    Added to which Dr. Fauci couldn't bring himself to denounce mass amounts of people gathering together NOT observing social distancing, in order to "MOSTLY peacefully protest...MOSTLY"

    What the fuck are we doing here? If you're immunocompromized isolate! Follow the distancing, hand washing, mask wearing. If you're healthy just go about your daily life. How difficult is that?

    I will say THIS.

    Dr. Fauci or anyone else who supports and defends mask use are doing themselves and everybody else no favors by refusing to identify protests (peaceful or not) as equally conducive to spreading the virus.

    It can't be one activity "yes" and the other one "no." It doesn't work that way, and furthermore....... it widens the divide between mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers.

  5. #320
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I will say THIS.

    Dr. Fauci or anyone else who supports and defends mask use are doing themselves and everybody else no favors by refusing to identify protests (peaceful or not) as equally conducive to spreading the virus.

    It can't be one activity "yes" and the other one "no." It doesn't work that way, and furthermore....... it widens the divide between mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers.

    My stance is either we have rules (Constitutional rules mind you) and we follow those OR we don't. The picking and choosing is bullshit and weakens the public's trust in leadership people like Dr. Fauci rely on in order to address the virus.

    Shouting down and dismissing Hydroxychloroquine, banning mention of it, censoring it while promoting a study against it which WASN'T based in reality, WASN'T properly researched, WASN'T even done by a real academic group or institution not only isn't right, it foments doubts people have in regard to the authorities and their plans in addressing the elephant in the room which is "how do we beat this virus?".

    In previous years, in previous epidemics we've NEVER brought our economy to a screeching halt, we've NEVER quarantined the healthy. Why have things changed?

    I'll tell you this much, the fucking quarantine ain't doing so great for people with psychological issues, it ain't helping those who are alcoholics or drug addicts, it's not helping kids who can't play with their friends. There's a lot more to this than JUST the virus itself and I am not sure Fauci really grasps that.

    I'm not of the belief that the virus doesn't exist or anything like that. I AM of the belief that where we find ourselves at this moment is no mistake though.

  6. #321
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    What about Trump? He didn't wear a mask for four months and now suddenly he wears a mask. Why don't you ever want to speak about that? Why only fauci

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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    How has that not sent mixed messages? Is the president of the United States. From the very beginning he should have worn a mask and told people to wear masks.

  8. #323
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Had we all wore masks from the very very beginning we would not be where we are now

    of course you will disagree with that and call it speculation but what about your position? It is also pure speculation that we are here for a certain reason as you put it.

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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Where we find ourselves right now is no mistake? How ironic that you would choose that wording

    By the way you take your wording I believe in my opinion it is dead wrong

    We are here because of a mistake and that mistake is not wearing masks or believing that this virus was real

    In the other sense if you are saying we were deliberately taking to this place that you also have a hard time proving that as well. That is Alex Jones conspiracy theory stuff of the highest level

  10. #325
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    The citizens of South Korea for example do not need to have an Anthony falchi in order to tell them that it is common sense to wear a mask during a pandemic. So quit trying to put the whole thing on him. I lived in South Korea for almost four years and people wear masks over there during flu season anyway.

    It is just good common Sense. Rather than sit here and try to poo poo the efficacy of a mask like an anal retentive

  11. #326
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    The citizens of South Korea for example do not need to have an Anthony falchi in order to tell them that it is common sense to wear a mask during a pandemic. So quit trying to put the whole thing on him. I lived in South Korea for almost four years and people wear masks over there during flu season anyway.

    It is just good common Sense. Rather than sit here and try to poo poo the efficacy of a mask like an anal retentive
    If people are going by Dr. Fauci's rules (and they are) then he's going to be looked at the hardest. That's how life goes, it's called "leading by example" and he sucks at it.

    It's not good common sense to keep touching your mask. Want to know where I heard that from? EVERYONE! The WHO, the CDC, Dr. Fauci, all of them "wear the mask, don't fuck with the mask once you wear it"

    But you were saying Dr. Steve?

  12. #327
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    The citizens of South Korea for example do not need to have an Anthony falchi in order to tell them that it is common sense to wear a mask during a pandemic. So quit trying to put the whole thing on him. I lived in South Korea for almost four years and people wear masks over there during flu season anyway.

    It is just good common Sense. Rather than sit here and try to poo poo the efficacy of a mask like an anal retentive
    If people are going by Dr. Fauci's rules (and they are) then he's going to be looked at the hardest. That's how life goes, it's called "leading by example" and he sucks at it.

    It's not good common sense to keep touching your mask. Want to know where I heard that from? EVERYONE! The WHO, the CDC, Dr. Fauci, all of them "wear the mask, don't fuck with the mask once you wear it"

    But you were saying Dr. Steve?
    Absolutely none of that addresses anything at all that I wrote.

    The citizens of South Korea for example do not need to have an Anthony falchi in order to tell them that it is common sense to wear a mask during a pandemic. So quit trying to put the whole thing on him. I lived in South Korea for almost four years and people wear masks over there during flu season anyway.

    It is just good common Sense. Rather than sit here and try to poo poo the efficacy of a mask like an anal retentive

  13. #328
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    The citizens of South Korea for example do not need to have an Anthony falchi in order to tell them that it is common sense to wear a mask during a pandemic. So quit trying to put the whole thing on him. I lived in South Korea for almost four years and people wear masks over there during flu season anyway.

    It is just good common Sense. Rather than sit here and try to poo poo the efficacy of a mask like an anal retentive
    If people are going by Dr. Fauci's rules (and they are) then he's going to be looked at the hardest. That's how life goes, it's called "leading by example" and he sucks at it.

    It's not good common sense to keep touching your mask. Want to know where I heard that from? EVERYONE! The WHO, the CDC, Dr. Fauci, all of them "wear the mask, don't fuck with the mask once you wear it"

    But you were saying Dr. Steve?
    Absolutely none of that addresses anything at all that I wrote.

    The citizens of South Korea for example do not need to have an Anthony falchi in order to tell them that it is common sense to wear a mask during a pandemic. So quit trying to put the whole thing on him. I lived in South Korea for almost four years and people wear masks over there during flu season anyway.

    It is just good common Sense. Rather than sit here and try to poo poo the efficacy of a mask like an anal retentive
    OK try posting all that again, one more time, and if that doesn't work turn off your cpu and then turn it back on again and see if anything changes.

  14. #329
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave


    You and I are two of those people in this world, as we have seen, and seen some more, who simply will not see eye-to-eye.

    I am therefore no longer going to point out your logical fallacies and red herrings which you employ at almost every turn, without you even being aware of it at all for God knows what reasons, all the while thinking you are so clever. Just like a typical 30 something year old.

    You can either go ahead now and reply with your normal "style" or lack thereof, or not reply at all, or something somewhere in between.

    Let it be known I think you are a decent guy and thought it was funny that time you called me up for a couple of seconds, I believe it was the summer of 2017, and then said there was a lightning storm in your area and that you had to hang up.

    I really enjoyed your everything Halloween thread and look forward to you posting more often in that thread you had about recipes and things that you are cooking, wines and drinks and things of that nature.

    I will not be responding to any response you make, if you make any at all, and though you continue to try to derail my threads and be a troll, I will also not respond.

    I prefer to do my talkin in the ring.

    Bless up.

  15. #330
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I will say THIS.

    Dr. Fauci or anyone else who supports and defends mask use are doing themselves and everybody else no favors by refusing to identify protests (peaceful or not) as equally conducive to spreading the virus.

    It can't be one activity "yes" and the other one "no." It doesn't work that way, and furthermore....... it widens the divide between mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers.

    My stance is either we have rules (Constitutional rules mind you) and we follow those OR we don't. The picking and choosing is bullshit and weakens the public's trust in leadership people like Dr. Fauci rely on in order to address the virus.

    Shouting down and dismissing Hydroxychloroquine, banning mention of it, censoring it while promoting a study against it which WASN'T based in reality, WASN'T properly researched, WASN'T even done by a real academic group or institution not only isn't right, it foments doubts people have in regard to the authorities and their plans in addressing the elephant in the room which is "how do we beat this virus?".

    In previous years, in previous epidemics we've NEVER brought our economy to a screeching halt, we've NEVER quarantined the healthy. Why have things changed?

    I'll tell you this much, the fucking quarantine ain't doing so great for people with psychological issues, it ain't helping those who are alcoholics or drug addicts, it's not helping kids who can't play with their friends. There's a lot more to this than JUST the virus itself and I am not sure Fauci really grasps that.

    I'm not of the belief that the virus doesn't exist or anything like that. I AM of the belief that where we find ourselves at this moment is no mistake though.

    Fauci has made his mistakes... I have no doubt about that. The first one is he's allowed himself to get caught up in the political football bullshit that the virus has been made into. He should have maintained his stance of SOLELY a health professional and leave it at that. He's allowed himself to get dragged into mud-slinging battles with mostly Republican congressmen who want nothing more than to impress their boss and undermine Fauci.

    But let's not stop the blame at Fauci. Trump is the leader of the nation. The one who people look to for leadership in times of crisis. He's failed miserably. He blames everyone but the White House dog. He contradicts himself almost daily. He doesn't let a little thing like a global pandemic get in the way of his Gibraltar-sized ego. IMO, he's done everything wrong, and refuses to admit it.

    Other nations got over the hump. Why not the U.S.? Trump is the POTUS and like they say..... "the buck stops here." Other nations are literally scratching their heads over the runaway numbers coming from the U.S. as compared to other countries where they had true leadership, combined by a cooperative population..... and now they can say they've beaten the pandemic. Trump just blusters his way through interviews and says asinine thing after asinine thing.

    Shit..... even Trump FOLLOWERS are jumping ship. Even THEY realize "why keep defending this egotistical bozo down the shitter?"

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