Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
Can it be just an NFL football player that suffered a traumatic blow to the chest and went into cardiac arrest?
it could just be that exactly but could it not also possibly be something else?

At this point I'll take the story presented as true... until something to the contrary pops up (AND IS SUBSTANTIATED).

As you know, I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories... nor do I leap at the first hint of one.

The human suffering of my fellow man gives me no joy... and I normally don't go looking around for conspiracy theories to whet my appetite.


Right now the only important thing is that Hamlin fully recovers and goes home to his family.
it's your right to believe whatever you like. neither of us will ever know the truth because we won't be able to verify the cause ourselves. information will be provided & you & i will take that on board. it won't be us verifying the claims as true. where was the conspiracy theory in my question? i asked if the cause could be possibly something else. where is the leaping in my question? where is the joy in my question? what does the man's health have to do with my reply to your question about possible causes? different topics