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Thread: Set-ups for the left hook

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    Default Set-ups for the left hook

    So, I'm a lefty that fights orthodox. I got a big left hook as can be expected, and I have alot of success landing it. Naturally, everyone in the gym knows it and I have been having to get crafty and sneaky to land it. I got a bunch of ways that I set it up, but I'm looking for any advice that may help me.

    Throw me whatever good set-ups you have and what subtle things you do to set it up. I'd also like some tips on how to make it quicker. And any good drills you may do to further develop it.

    I've been doing alot of studying on good ol youtube. Watchin all the left hookers I can find. Who are the best guys to watch? I've been watching alot of Tommy Morrison clips, he definetly had a badass left hook, and I fight somewhat similar to him.

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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    several things you can do to set it up. several punches i use to do it. one punch in paticular I came up with is a punch that is somewhere between a left jab and an uppercut. it forces the opponent to bring his right glove across his body to block , thus leaving his right side open to a left hook .

    best of luck mate. - LG

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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    And you would not want two of them
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    boxingbournemouth - Cornelius Carrs private boxing tuition and personal fitness training

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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook


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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    The left hook is not a punch that can be landed without setting up. It must be sneaked in as there has not been one person fighting in the history of boxing with an ounce of brains to just let left hooks land on them like that. This is because theyre fairly simple to avoid - unless of course you were made to walk into one. Grey has some posts around here that you should be able to find easy about basic left hook counters. Here's some other interesting set ups for the left hook and also some counters for those counters.

    Left hooks can be countered with a left hook. In my opinion this is one of the most fascinating exchanges in boxing. The thing with the left hook is that whilst throwing it the body naturally turns in such a way that turns right into the opponents left hook. I call it double hooks. In such a scenario both opponents are exposed to being hit in either the head or the solar plexus. Both are moving into each other's punch and if caught will be be caught off balance as consequence to being hit while punching. If hit during this exchange the results are typically devastating. The exchange itself is responsible for many of the knockdown/knockouts in boxing and I always cringe when I see two fighters preparing to go into it. When Felix Trinidad fought Fernando Vargas this sort of thing happened very often as both fighters like to look
    for the left hook. I really recommend trying to get a hold this fight and studying it if you want to learn more about left hooks.

    Here are some shots of the first knockdown of the fight. Commonly people tend to think Tito landed the perfect example of a left hook counter to the jab. What most people don't know is that what he actually ended up countering was a left hook.

    Here you see Tito slipping the jab so that it passes over his right shoulder. (on a side note notice that Tito is in a position to be hit by a right hand )

    Here Tito starting his left hook counter in response to the jab. Whats important to note here is that Vargas could have very easily blocked the punch as you can see.

    Instead of blocking Tito's left hook Vargas opts to throw left hook of his own in response to Trinidad's. You can see him getting tagged as he starts his left hook.

    Vargas finishing up his left hook and eventually wobbling to the canvas

    The main point I wanted to illustrate here was how devastating the left hook is when countering a left hook.

    Here is another scenario that plays out later in the fight. Once again I recommend getting a chance to see the fight for yourself as it is loaded with information.

    Here we see Tito slipping the straight right over his right shoulder (notice that Tito couldve thrown a right hand with his slip here)

    Tito starting his counter left hook

    Vargas - also in a position to throw a left hook as he had just completed a right hand - also starts a left hook effectively putting both men into a double hooks scenario.

    Here we see Tito taking the Vargas hook flush. The punch would knock him down instantly.

    The question to ask is why was Vargas able to land his left hook whereas Tito was not. This becomes evident from a different angle.

    What Tito had thrown was a left hook counter to the body. The reason for going to the body and not the head in response to a right hand is due to the fact that the head is naturally slipping as it is being carried in the movement of the right hand. The body however is exposed as the right arm is straightened out and raised, revealing the liver. In retrospect we can see that Tito, believing to have an open window to the liver - bit the bait accordingly. What we also see, however, is that Vargas was already finishing up his right hand as Trinidad was starting up his left hook. This allowed Vargas to bring back his right arm to block the left hook to the body whilst throwing a left hook to counter Tito's left hook. Vargas ends up landing a flush left hook with a comfortable degree of safety. He triggers Tito's left hook to the body by giving him a right hand to counter, then blocks it in the same motion as he counters with a left hook of his own. Try to get into your stance right now and act out what Vargas did while imagining Tito slipping your right hand and throwing that left hook towards your body. Try it a few times and get a good feel of it. If you notice a guy trying to use the same counter Tito was on you, this is a way to make him pay for it.

    If anybody remembers The Mosley/Vargas rematch they remember seeing one of the biggest left hooks anyone has ever seen. Anyway throughout the fight Vargas was looking to parry Mosley's jab. Parrying Mosley's jab had some consequences though. Namely that by putting your hand in front of your face to parry the jab you expose the side of your face to left hooks.

    Vargas, in believing what Mosley was throwing was a jab, moves his hand out to parry.
    [img width=700 height=477][/img]

    [img width=700 height=477][/img]

    I believe this punch is best set up when you're opponent comes to expect your jab and begins to parry it automatically without thinking. You can eventually get a sense of this as the fight progresses. After you allow him to develop this habit for some amount of time it becomes very hard for him to expect that something different may happen. He has no reason to think that after all as you've given him nothing that would lead him to believing something unexpected might happen to him. In my opinion its most effective when you throw your jab as a counter to his jab. Because his committed to the act of punching, its more difficult for him to maneuver out of the way. Also, because he is currently in the mindset of punching, its more difficult for him to factor in other information. He is very narrow minded and purely focused on 1. jabbing and 2. parrying your counter jab. Its decided in his mind before he even starts the jab.

    Essentially, if he is automatically expecting a counter jab as he jabs then the left hook - from his disposition - literally comes from nowhere.

    The last one I'll talk about is a pretty simple one using a fat yet surprisingly quick version a heavyweight James Toney and John Ruiz as examples.

    Here's Toney rolling a right hand

    Here's Toney starting a counter right hand coming off his shoulder roll and Ruiz starting a left hook coming off of his right hand.

    Toney here landing his right hand inside Ruiz's left hook as his head moves away from a left hook. The yellow line represents a potential left hook to the head with the dotted line representing a potential left hook to the body

    This frame is pretty interesting because as you can see Toney's liver was very open. His arm is raised up in order to throw that roll counter exposing his body. Toney's head is moving away but his body isnt. Had Ruiz dropped the left hook to the body instead of the head he would have hurt Toney badly. It's important to note that note that the roll counter can be thrown while still protecting the body but typically those who throw it like this expose the head. Throw right hands at your opponent and make sure to watch him to see if he throws a roll counter in response. If you see him leaving something open, give him the right hand for him to counter and throw your left hook at the the exposed area.

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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    The reason why they got hit was because of there lack of oral stability because there feet are wrong. Every shot you throw you can be countered by the same shot its the biomechanics of the opposite side of the body to the shot youre throwing that give the clues
    Pain lasts a only a minute, but the memory will last forever....

    boxingbournemouth - Cornelius Carrs private boxing tuition and personal fitness training

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    watch alot of joe frazier videos

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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    The reason why they got hit was because of there lack of oral stability because there feet are wrong. Every shot you throw you can be countered by the same shot its the biomechanics of the opposite side of the body to the shot youre throwing that give the clues
    Whats a lack of oral stability and what do you mean by the feet are wrong?

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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    Oral Thomas, is above the kneck, head the bodys biomechanics stablise it volentary its the bodys job to do so 2 major things that give us balance are the inner ear and our big toe depending on there allignment tells us whether someone is in balance, simple example is when someone is walking. Its the first thing we do when as a child we learn to walk its a natural trait. most good balaced fighters box in there walking gait with the back foot turned to suite shoulder movement and defence and punching mechanics with the back foot being able if it had an eye to see the other guys chin. Tito in the photos back foot cant see vargas chin so he starts with a wide left hook in that position the body recruitment pattern will make him drop his right hand for balance bad technique bad balance trouble. In fairness vargas isnt much better hes all over the place too
    Pain lasts a only a minute, but the memory will last forever....

    boxingbournemouth - Cornelius Carrs private boxing tuition and personal fitness training

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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    Thanks Thomas I checked out that fight. Great example and thanks for frame by frame break down.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Tito in the photos back foot cant see vargas chin so he starts with a wide left hook in that position the body recruitment pattern will make him drop his right hand for balance bad technique bad balance trouble. In fairness vargas isnt much better hes all over the place too
    When you say his back foot cant see the chin, do you mean because his body is blocking it? I'm not sure I understand.

    On another note, I've been throwing a better tighter hook lately, and was wondering these two things

    1.) When I drop my shoulder to set the punch, is it better to have my thumb pointing up or left?

    2.) What is better when it makes contact with the chin, thumb up or thumb facing towards you?

    I've been feeling most comfortable with thumb facing towards me on impact, but I know what seems comfortable isnt always best in the long term. Feel fine both ways at the starting position.

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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    To the 1st question yes about the body and front foot 2nd why drop the shoulder 3rd turn it to you it gives you protection shoulder to chin stabalises the shoulder and puts the knuckles in line with his jaw less risk of injuring yourself plus it moves the right shouldermore fluent a good left hook is caused by the work done by the right side
    Pain lasts a only a minute, but the memory will last forever....

    boxingbournemouth - Cornelius Carrs private boxing tuition and personal fitness training

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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    To the 1st question yes about the body and front foot 2nd why drop the shoulder 3rd turn it to you it gives you protection shoulder to chin stabalises the shoulder and puts the knuckles in line with his jaw less risk of injuring yourself plus it moves the right shouldermore fluent a good left hook is caused by the work done by the right side
    I think I just got used to dipping my shoulder from when I would real wide hooks, just a bad habit i guess. Didnt realize it till i just tried it out, guess i dont need to do it lol.

    Thanks, everything made sense.

    I have some other questions

    1.) What is the proper way to throw a lead hook? I know its a once in awhile punch to throw and not a staple, but the weight distribution seems strange as you need to step in, yet you are throwing a hook.

    2.) Assuming im at an equal distance between two opponents, one taller and one shorter, besides either lengthening or shortening the angle of my elbow, are their any other adjustments to mechanics that should be made?

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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    Funny I boxed orthodox and am a leftie. When doing it, its all about where the back foot is as with everything.Im assumming you are talking the shot Tyson use to throw. Give them something else to look at whether it be a jab or right turn the shoulder by turning the back foot and bending the knees without leaning its all about posture and fast feet its all part of a complete package which is why I never try this as a rule on here. I havent a clue who and what you are your style or stature and ability what you do with your coach, everybodys different, but what I can do is put a demo up of one of the lads doing it. It will take a few days. I at the uni next week and a bit busy bare with me
    Pain lasts a only a minute, but the memory will last forever....

    boxingbournemouth - Cornelius Carrs private boxing tuition and personal fitness training

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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    thats one hell of a post thomas, thanks

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Set-ups for the left hook

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Funny I boxed orthodox and am a leftie. When doing it, its all about where the back foot is as with everything.Im assumming you are talking the shot Tyson use to throw. Give them something else to look at whether it be a jab or right turn the shoulder by turning the back foot and bending the knees without leaning its all about posture and fast feet its all part of a complete package which is why I never try this as a rule on here. I havent a clue who and what you are your style or stature and ability what you do with your coach, everybodys different, but what I can do is put a demo up of one of the lads doing it. It will take a few days. I at the uni next week and a bit busy bare with me
    I am the same way Scrap. I am leftie and box orthodox. I'm 5'9 163 very lean, 71inch reach, smaller frame more muscle(like holyfield at hw) noticable speed/power but nothing standout. very good strength. long legs, shorter upperbody, lots of back strength.

    I'm not sure who my style most resembles, but I do throw alot of left hooks lol. I'm pretty adaptable and can switch between out fighter/inside depending on my opponents build though I do like to throw my hooks from more of a middle range. I'm more of a slugger on the inside though, but I do work the body and not just headhunt. I can philly shell from the inside well if i feel like doing that. Medium punch output with distance, lower punch output in close(usually cause im against a taller opponent who either backs away or locks up so I cant stand toe to toe.

    Yeah, i've seen tyson do it, i've seen mayweather from lead hooks which is strange cause alot of the time he does it from such a wide stance. I guess PBF is just a freak.

    That would be awesome if you could post up some stuff when you get a chance. Thanks

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