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Thread: Sharla's Log

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    Default Sharla's Log

    I'm crap at keeping training logs but find I need to know why I'm especially low on energy or have aches or pains and don't remember what I did to deserve them so I'm making an effort to keep one now.

    I might also write in the occasional bad food indulgence since I often complain I have trouble making weight but if I wrote every little cheat meal they'd probably add up to more than I really need 

    I'm a Bantamweight (although currently 3 kg over) female. returning from a knee injury. Also have a history of back pain. I keep those factors in mind with my training. No plyometric jumps or skipping allowed just yet. Also need to do a lot of back strengthening compared to other resistance training.

    I've been competing for a few years - total of 10 bouts with mixed success. Still have a lot to learn - apparently by trial and error  Last bout was September last year - Australian national titles. Lost to a southpaw - the first I have ever experienced in competition or training. Then injured my knee and got sick due to excessive, extended dieting in preparation for the nationals.

    Am aiming to have my first bout back later this month but it all depends on whether or not there are any matches around. I've fought and beaten all the other bantamweight girls in the state (there aren't many  ) so I might have to give away weight.

    I feel like a geek for being the first one to enter anything in this but I am one anyway - trying to juggle training and PhD studies at the moment. It doesn't always work.

    I'm a transport cyclist - downhill on the way to training and uphill home. I live very close to my uni campus so don't have to cycle far for that. The swimming pool is close to the boxing gym. Usually works out to be about 40 mins to the pool or gym and 50 mins home. I don't really count going to the gym or pool as exercise but I feel it coming back uphill.
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Easy morning jog 30 mins - wanted to do more but knee felt a little dodge. Not game to push for speed yet. Did it on grass. Included some backwards jogging and side stepping.

    Apple Scroll - at least it has fruit!
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    for taking the initiative and beating us all to the punch. You're doing good getting back up to speed, nice to hear you can run again even though that it's on grass. I've mentioned before that Ali ran sideways, backwards and forwards. You're doing alright, don't be afraid to throw in a little shadowboxing while doing your roadwork.
    If you hear a voice within you saying that I am not a painter, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.

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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Thanks for the encouragement Chris
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Sharla Bollocks to the running, find a longish hill and try power walking as fast as you can 200 metres or less then jog back and go again try 8 reps see how you go.
    Pain lasts a only a minute, but the memory will last forever....

    boxingbournemouth - Cornelius Carrs private boxing tuition and personal fitness training

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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Thanks Scrap   Power walk up or down the hill? I feel uneasy jogging down hill at the moment.

    Finished the day with boxing training. 6 pm to 8 pm - all rounds 2 mins long, 30 secs break -

    3 rounds shadow and 3 rounds floor to ceiling to warm up

    Light sparring in a round robin with 1 round in sparring, 2 on the floor to ceiling.

    Then sparred the last 4 rounds straight.

    Total sparring maybe 8 rounds (wasn't counting)

    Finished off technical work with more floor to ceiling work - another 4 rounds

    Then did the following strength training circuit 3 X- Circuit One:

    pushups with bars to go deep - 20 reps
    back extensions on mat (raised feet and head) - 25 reps
    Chin ups - 12 reps (pathetic I know but I'm working on it  )
    Sidestepping and ducking under height of the floor to ceiling ball left and right with hands up- 15 X each way
    Leg raises - knees up, straighten legs, bend legs, knees down X 15 reps
    Lunges (bodyweight only) X 15 each side
    Crunches X 30
    Back exercise on hands and knees - dumbell in one hand lateral raises X 10 each side
    As above except diagonally across body - X 10 each side
    Holding plank position 1 min 30 sec

    I usually do something like this before starting boxing technical stuff and finish with stretches and a few more exercises but had offer of sparring as soon as i arrived so usual order of things went out the window a bit.

    Sparred a taller more experienced guy and a complete beginner. It felt good. It was very light but I made a conscious effort to not get POed about being short and managed to get in a bit more than usual.

    I landed some nice overhand rights, a good number of jabs to the body, right uppercuts to the body and one nice left hook when I usually can not get in at all against the tall experienced dude.

    I was all happy until the coach who had no other comments for me at all said "stop doing this" and mimicked my overhand right. Not what I was expecting for the following reasons:
    (1) surely he knows what an overhand right is called?!
    (2) it was landing well.
    Communication is not always the greatest! One day I'll find out he meant something else maybe.

    Sparring the inexperienced guy was fun - easy to forget how far you've come without doing that occasionally!

    Cycled home - about 50 mins.
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log


    Morning cycling on the wind trainer - bores the crap out of me but can do intervals without hurting myself or having to cycle ages to get to the pool and back again.

    Total 35 mins - 10 min warm up, and the Monaghetti:
    1.5 mins hard, 1.5 mins easy X 2
    1 min hard, 1 min easy X 4
    45 secs hard, 45 secs easy X 4
    30 secs hard, 30 secs easy X 4
    15 secs hard, 15 secs easy X 4
    Short cool down.

    Cadence was high for the fast intervals but heart rate was not as high as it usually gets. I'm either getting fitter or exercising later than usual (started at 9 as had a late night at uni after boxing last night) - meant I was more easily warmed up and found it easier. Strange. Maybe I have to cut down my recovery time next time I do this.

    Had lunch with mum (although I'd already eaten) and had half a baguette made with white bread, bacon bits, avocado, probably some cheese - all very naughty! ....The things my mum makes me do

    Boxing training at night -

    New resistance circuit I plant to alternate with the other one.
    Went easy since I haven't done these particular exercises in the recent past and want to get the technique right - will up reps or weight after another session or two.

    Resistance Circuit 2 - did following 3 times:
    5 pushups on bars, 5 explosive clap push ups on mat (need to get more height before the clap - will keep low reps until I'm happy)
    Back extensions using stand thingy (having a dislexic day) X 20
    Chin ups palms facing in to use more biceps X 8
    Tricep dips using parallel bar thingies (whole body weight) X 8
    Seated row - only 18 kg - 25 reps (want to isolate middle back properly - harder with heavy weight)
    Step ups with 12lb dumbells X 12 (6 reps each foot) - found difficult to control because of height of the bench - with knee in mind won't push it until feel more balanced.
    Sit ups on incline bench X 20
    mat abs legs extended, pulled in and pushed up to the ceiling X 20
    bridging with fit ball X 20

    Then 3 rounds shadow, 4 floor to ceiling ball, 6 bag

    Finished night with balancing exercise - 2 fit balls, walking them across the ring next to ropes to grab if needed. Did it 4 times - 1st was messy, 2nd better, 3rd made whole way without needing to grap the ropes and 4th got cocky and had to grab the ropes once.

    Our gym doesn't have 2 fitballs the same size so they are slightly different and I alternate each way with different balls.

    Finished with 2 exercises Scrap gave me - 3 sets each.

    Cycled home

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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Friday morning

    Swam with swimming squad. Fridays are technique days. Easy but good fro stretching out and improving my balance I think. Pool was cold this morning even though it's in door - i think the aquatic centre owners are getting stingy on upkeep costs. Ate protein bar and cycled home.

    Had breakfast afterwards - decided to add fruit to cereal - don't naturally grab fruit as often in these cold months - don't want to get scurvy.

    Just had to carry about 10 medium sized pots around since - as per usual - all the trolleys were taken. I only carried one at a time and don't anticipate any problems but I'll record it here just in case my back decides to hate me tomorrow.

    Ate a few chips with lunch. I precook all my lunches on the weekend and that was a pork stir fry but a friend bought hot chips to share and I had a few - one more little indiscretion that's going to come back to haunt me next time i'm making weight!

    Friday Night Boxing 6 - 8 pm

    4 rounds shadow and 5 rounds light sparring with coach Paul (I'll name them now since there are 3 of them and could get confusing if I call them all coach.
    Paul hasn't done much work with me recently until this session so it was a good update. Paul allows me to talk through stuff with him until I get it which requires more patience than most people have .

    After this we did mit work. Paul stopped for a few minutes to go do something and coach George hopped in the ring with me to practice blocking the jab. Not really sure whether or not he had something specific in mind he wanted to work on but sometimes reminded me to keep my elbow in while doing it so I'll go with that. Then Paul came back.

    I think Paul is getting that I need skills to help me cope with the taller guys even if I'll never fight a girl that tall. Just to get more out of my sparring especially when the guys are able to use their weight to walk through many of my punches. We worked on cutting angles with larger steps to the side while slipping or parrying. I think I need to strengthen my calves to get a good enough push off the back foot. Maybe also work on flexibility and balance with these larger steps.

    Felt like a good session but not a physically challenging one.
    Cycled to nearby pub to meet friends for one of the girl's birthday drinks. I don't drink but tried to pump in the caffiene. It didn't help a lot and I went home at 11 pm since had been up at 5 am for swimming and not got a full 8 hours sleep the past couple of nights.
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    Saturday 14th July

    No morning training - slept in until 8:30.

    Did have to mow the lawns though. I have a push mower with no motor and have neglected the lawns for a while. It took 1hr 50 mins of continuous pushing to get the lawn done since the grass was so long I had to go over each patch several times. Back is now a bit tight so might need to stretch it out tonight before bed.
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Sunday 15th July

    Woke up at 6 am to cycle to city to catch a train out to Elizabeth where state squad trainings are held on Sunday mornings. Trainings went from 10 am to 12. This is the first one I've attended since knee injury. Also the first one I've been to without a coach from my own club attending. I was a bit nervous because Don is known for being staunch but it went really well. I think he's probably different when dealing with Boxing SA political matters than he's when actually coaching.

    Sundays are usually my endurance session day so will have to shift this around again.

    We worked on diagonal movement, getting the power in and did pad work. Don's fighters al know how to do pad work for each other and they're good at it. I found the pace faster and more natural than what I get in my gym. The pads are held closer together rather then a metre or more apart like in my gym - a long way for a short arse like myself! There were even times when I was about to get confused but didn't because my punches just flowed from the verbal commands. makes me wonder how many times I'm 'confused' at boxing when I don't actually have to be. Strange mental glitch that tells me I'm dumber than i actually am!

    Things to work on until next state training:
    Bring back leg up more,
    Don't come up on toes when trying to get power at end of punch - stay on same level,
    work on upper body core -hip and abs strength - sitting and swinging medicine ball side to side,
    diagonal movement co-ordination

    Caught train back out to the city and cycled to mum's for a free feed - approx 45 mins. Got a lift home with the bike.

    Monday 16th of July,

    Alarm didn't go off so didn't wake up in time to get to swimming. You'd think being a PhD student I could handle my alarm clock radio but apparently not! Instead I went for a 30 min jog. No pain but it did feel slow. I sold one of my Kidney's recently to buy a new heart rate monitor which measures cadence.

    My cadence is too low which might be part of the reason I hurt my knee - I will use my HR monitor to train myself to run with higher cadence. Right now Ave is 79 - want to get it up to over 100.

    Well I dipped into my car saving budget but I won't be legally allowed to drive until around Christmas anyway so I've got time to save. I should have gotten my licence years ago but didn't have anyone to teach me any have been too stingy to pay for lessons - getting knocked off my bike for the THIRD time a few months ago has motivated me to finally go for it for safely reasons. Have to do 50 hours though and with one lesson a week that takes time.

    Car drivers are always sorry and completely accept their fault but when I'm in a bike lane and not doing anything wrong and I still get hit by people accidentally it's only a matter of time before some cyclist hating A**hole runs me down and kills me.
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Monday Night
    Got to the boxing gym and found out they'd be closing early. I realized I had to try fitting a 2 hr workout into 1.5 hours. I decided to do part of my strength training before as usual and spread the rest out over the night between my technical rounds instead of a break. It hurt a little bit 

    Did push ups, chin ups, roman chair abs exercises (raising bent legs, extending, bending and lowering) and crunches as per circuit one - 3 sets continuous.

    Then between 3 rounds of shadow work to warm up I did the 2 dumbell back exercises,
    Then between 3 rounds of floor to ceiling ball I did plank holds for 1 min 30 sec,

    Then 1 minute burn rounds on the bags with:
    ducking and sidestepping now with bodyshot added (hitting air) and 15 lunges each way X 3,
    then 1 of Scrap's leg exercises between - 1 side/leg per round (each side 3 times) = total of 9 burn rounds

    Finished off with Scraps figure eight exercise X 3 sets, medicine ball seated swinging left and right 20 reps 3 setc and medicine ball walking length of ring 4 X

    One minute burn rounds on the bag hurt - need to do that mroe often!
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Tuesday 17th of July

    Morning jog - a bit over 5 km. No pain. Wasn't hard. Still aiming to increase cadence. This time average was 84 and max was 91. This is a slight improvement but one I have to think about still. My goal is over 100 which will take a while to achieve since it's over my max now. I'm not trying to run fast yet so I guess when i feel ready to pick up the speed with my knee my cadence might rise a little automatically (fingers crossed).

    Cycled home

    Boxing at night - another 1.5 hour session.
    2 rounds shadow and then did rest of night sparring with coach Arthur.
    Arthur is very stocky and short for his weight. It suits him to defend with his hands on his head rather than slipping or parrying and countering a lot. He wants me to do the same and it just feels WRONG!

    I don't know if I'll ever get it and it frustrates me to have such a big emphasis placed on this one thing which feels so unnatural to me. I want to attack more and work with a higher tempo. I want to cover up as a last resort if someone gets through my punches rather than going into my guard and taking punches on it before i really need to. i feel it just puts me off balance and makes me feel vulnerable to a follow up attack. Arthur is my height but 25 - 30 kgs heavier. He can walk through a lot of my punches which makes them less useful defensively but I doubt another girl in my weight division could to the same degree.

    One thing that dawned on me while discussing it with him was that he's trying to get me to just practice the guard first but since I like to punch defensively it might actually suit me to learn it backwards - ie. work on the angles and counter punches out of the guard as I'm learning it. i already like to slip and counter so potentially it will feel less foreign to me than going into a shell, bracing myself and not coming out until my opponents arms get tired or worse - mine are knocked away and I'm off balance.

    Poor Arthur is also trying to adjust his style to suit sparring with me more too. He walked through my attack less tonight. I also caught him holding my left arm as soon as he gets inside and hooking me with his left. He didn't even realise he did it but did it 4 times tonight. This is illegal as far as I know in amateur boxing so learning to deal with it is not a high priority for me right now. It just reminds me that he's heavier and POs me!

    Arthur's whole style seems like something that would suit a pro fight more than amateur. I hope we can find a middle ground on this guard issue!

    Was a bit bad with food today - am in a workshop for uni this week and they supply food. I get hungry enough to each a sizable lunch around the time we have morning tea. They bring out cakes and biscuits for morning tea - not good!
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Wednesday 18th July

    Power went off last night and reset my alarm clock - I didn't wake up in time to do a morning workout and planned to do a lunch run instead but morning workshop talks went overtime and lunch has been cut in half so it's not going to happen  Serves me right for not getting up.

    Mars bar  I shouldn't stew on things I don't get at boxing - puts me in a less productive mood all round.

    Night -
    Had to help move furniture so didn't get to boxing training. Instead went for an easy about 6 km run and played mith my fitballs at home. Did exercises in pairs alternating rather than circuit otherwise will forget new exercises and have to stop too much. Did however need to pause to clean up after puppy still being toilet trained (stench was to strong to wait which is saying something since i grew up on a pig farm!) and when being attacked by said puppy attempting to lick me to death. I think I've forgotten half of what i did but this is what i remember.

    Fitball exercises:
    Pushups (feet on ball hands on ground) 20 reps, Double leg extensions 20 reps X3 sets
    Supine extensions 15 reps, sidelying single leg raises 20 reps each way X3 sets
    Ball crunches 30 reps, new very hard ab wheel toy - hips on ball wheel away and back 3 reps X3 sets
    DB back exercises hands raised laterally (as in circuit 1) 10 reps each hand, ??forgot?? X 3sets
    DB back exercises hands raised diagonally (as in circuit 1) 10 reps each hand, kneel and balance on fitball over 1 min X 3
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Went for morning jog and included semi speed work for first time. In the context of this run hard is about 70 % which is hard enough since I restricted myself to a jog recovery and never once walked or stopped.

    10 min warm up
    2X hard 600m with 400m recovery jog,
    2X hard 400m with 200m recovery jog,
    2X hard 200m with 100m recovery jog,
    Cool down jog to total time just over 30 mins.

    A workout like this would be insultingly easy pre-knee injury but i found the recovery time pretty short. haven't had a chance to look at HR monitor data yet but I suspect my heart rate didn't fall much between intervals. Still felt good to do first session like this since being injured 

    Night boxing

    Felt a bit drained - wasn't really up for being explosive so light sparring with Kristine was good. Did a little shadow to warm up (ok only one round but I'd cycled 40 mins to the gym so maybe that's not too bad??) and about 1 hour of 2 min rounds with 30 sec breaks. Breaks probably worked out to 40 secs though since I had to take my glove of stop and reset the timer each round.

    Technically might have been a bit messy at times but i'm aiming to be a bit more creative and get out of my usual rut - use a few more new combos and work body and head inside and out. Was fun

    Finished of with half a resistance circuit before gym closed.
    Chin ups palms facing in 8 reps, back dumbell exercises as per set one to reps each hand horizontally and ten reps diagonally, 30 oblique crunches each way. All that 3 times.

    Coach Arthur was there closing up the gym so I had a chance to discuss my frustration at learning his style of defence with him. He's a pretty reasonable guy. He did say he teaches only what he was taught as he's had limited exposure to other gyms and other styles but was open to the idea that I might need to do things differently.

    I'm not sure either of us know how to do tings differently but I suspect improving my balance and movement will let me bring in his style of guard as a back up to other forms of evasion.

    I doubt I'll ever use that sort of guard as a first line of defence though because if I can hold it up there's no back up. However if I slip of parry neatly enough I can bring my hand back to guard at the last second if I see it's not going to be successful.
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    Default Re: Sharla's Log

    Friday 20th July


    30 mins cycling on the trainer thingy - 5 warm up, 5 mins cool down 20 mins between with 1 min fast 30 seconds slow.

    Friday Night

    I planned to go to boxing training. I packed my bag with my training clothes and everything I needed after finishing my cycling on the trainer, detached my road bike from the trainer, cariied it outside and closed the door .... with my bag, phone wallet and house keys inside!!!

    I was able to get back into work but couldn't get into my house until Saturday lunch. Cycled 40 mins to mums to sleep Friday night and got lift back Saturday. My flatmates have phones but I couldn't remember their numbers and we didn't (until now) keep a spare key outside.

    My flatmate's dog was in her room and despite being an unusually hyperactive puppy the last time I could get him to jump up to he bedroom window was the second I realized her number was on his dog tag - of course I'd have to cycle to mum's to use her phone to call her anyway. We don't have a home phone or answering machine so leaving a message from my mums wasn't an option either.

    No one was at my mums house but luckily I know how to break in there. Such a monumental stuff up as only I can achieve! It has to be the week I've already missed boxing training one night to move furniture and ate lots of bad uni supplied workshop food too!
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