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Thread: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

  1. #16
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    Default EYE-HAND SPEED: "Z Ball"

    Z Ball
    This is a soft solid rubber ball with six protruding areas, so that it has an unpredictable bounce. It is useful in training eye-hand coordination when the subject has to catch the ball after it bounces, but it is not measurable.

    "EYE-HAND SPEED is the time required to perceive and respond with the hand(s) to a visual stimulus. It is the ability for the eyes and hands to be not only highly coordinated but fast. The best boxers are often said to have 'fast hands', ie, they can throw a volley of punches in a second. Table-tennis players, too, have very fast hands. A deficit in this parameter makes for slower responses, poor timing, and the sportsperson may appear sluggish."

    The Poor Man's Solution, get a soft solid rubber ball (about the size of a soft ball is good, depends on your preference), and glue bits of rubber for an unpredictable bounce.
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Joboxing
    I'm having trouble jabbing fast while moving to the right during my heavybag drills (orthodox stance). I usually do jab-step left-jab quickly while moving LEFT but when I'm moving right, it becomes real slow and awkward. Any advice?
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Youre having trouble because of eyes not balancing with your movement and distance. Elastic rope tied round bag and yourself, 3" longer than your jab when hitting the bag . Play ring around a roses with the bag youll soon pick it up
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    What causes mixed up biomechanics are the pscyhcodynamics by the change of structure to skills and posture.
    Quote Originally Posted by md
    What's the best material to use for that Scrap?
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Md, They sell elastic rope in sailing shops different sizes, also if you can pick up rubber called Super Red but you have to look about for it and have to pop rivet the stuff
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharla
    So a stretch band is not quite what you wanna be using for these exercises then Scrap? Why?
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Sharla, they usually have handles on them, but thinking about it as long as the ankle is padded you could use it.Its just that I have always used elastic rope for convenience I make all sorts of contraptions with the stuff, its easier. Plus you can alter distance better and its pretty cheap. But if you have a band try it. If you have a velcro ankle strap all the better
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    You havent mastered the basics sounds like thats the problem. Movement of feet, theres many ways to try ,your problem is moving the front foot first when going forward making the feet to wide then you reach to compensate with your punches losing balance as you do also notbeing to move back because youre of balance. The best way you could try to help the problem is get some elastic rope and tie your feet the same width as the shoulders and practice foot movement. Getting use to moving the back foot to go forward and the front to go back or go to the thread you want fast feet theres a couple on there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharla
    Hi Scrap,

    I was wearing a stretch band tied on my ankles a month or so ago to make sure remembered to bring my back foot up when I moved foreward. I thought it was pretty good but then started to think I was making the step with my front foot too small because I had to fight the resistance band to move it foreward. Ever had this problem? Suggestions on how to fix it?
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharla
    Hi Scrap,

    I was wearing a stretch band tied on my ankles a month or so ago to make sure remembered to bring my back foot up when I moved foreward. I thought it was pretty good but then started to think I was making the step with my front foot too small because I had to fight the resistance band to move it foreward. Ever had this problem? Suggestions on how to fix it?
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    What youre telling me sounds like you havent got the concept. The front foot is there for balance and direction the back foot is your distance, when throwing punches the nearer the head to the back foot the better otherwise your chin is nearer the thing thats trying to hit you throwing a long shot you cant make the fist go any furher from your chin if thrown correct. What people do is reach giving poor balance by leaving the back foot behind and all there weight on the front foot, now knowing the law of psyhics it tells you thats not a good place to be when theres something hard coming your way and the law of gravity is not what it should be in relation to where you are and the biomechanics arent in a position to assist the problem. Theres a how to do stance thread been put up, its wrong in my eyes you dont move the front foot first to go forward you slightly lift it and push of the back foot otherwise you lose oral stability, lose that your lost. Hope that makes sense just woke up
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by mastergooch27
    Maybe im a scrub but I cant get my hooks to flow correctly. Im a southpaw and I have decent reach so im all about jabs and straights. I still cant find myself being able to flow my hooks and uppercuts correctly. My footwork just seems sloppy and I know practice makes perfect but, I need to know how to practice. Thanks for any help in advance...
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    The long ones are long and it sounds like your reaching with your uppercut and hook. You want to get elastic rope tied to ankle on your back leg and ring post, so you are centre ring. Move back so you are under tension throwing jabs going back. Then move forward doing same, it will teach you to take your back foot with you, and stop you reaching, which I think is your problem
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Another little game you can have a lot of fun with,You with a partner. Put a rope across the Ring below ear hight, stand facing each other. Moving along the rope shadowboxing each other,try kidding each other to try and get the opposite side of the rope from your partner. Two evenly matched fighters can learn the mechanics of movement,distance,levels and laterel movement, take it in turnto try and bluff each other.Good fun ,gets you fit
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    A little game we play could help. Get a line acrossthe ring thick elastic preferd, get a partner about the same size on the same side as yourself then take it in turns trying to get the other side of the line from where your partner is by feinting by using your feet with head movement to con the other guy into moving the wrong way its a lot of fun and works
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    This little trick should help you all out. And a 60lb bag is all you need. Weight lifting belt round your waist, and belt round the bag, peice of 15mil elastic rope 4 inch longer than reach, tide to the bag and yourself through the belts.It makes your balance better gives corr stababity makes you move,is hard work makes you punch in balance, now you are punching your body weight, the bag is as heavy as you want it And it dont cost F*** all
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Great Elastic Training idea by Scrap:,34425.0.html
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  9. #24
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Actualy a good way to practice the biomechanics of it is get afit ball put the ball against thewall and your back against it . Then do 6" squats rolling on the ball while shadow boxing on the spot, slightly pushing against the ball for feel.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharla
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Actualy a good way to practice the biomechanics of it is get afit ball put the ball against thewall and your back against it . Then do 6" squats rolling on the ball while shadow boxing on the spot, slightly pushing against the ball for feel.
    Do we stay in normal boxing stance for this? Interesting exercise thanks Scrap
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Yes put the ball on the upper back between the shoulder blades put the feet central to the ball, so youre not square with the wall but central to the back. you will feel it in the lower back, and can move 6" side to side with the feet and get a nice rythem going lateraly pushing into the wall.
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    RE: Speed and Power

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Get a stake metal one 30 metres of bungy rope go to a track stake in the middle of the bend 40 metres back and run the bends both ways thats overspeed and theres lots of other ways of doing it thats one way. Another get a shoulder harness with 2 metres of bungie on the back stap get your partner to hold you back while running as fast as you can after 10 metres let you go youll fly been doing that one 30 years.
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Throwing to Wide:

    Quote Originally Posted by hydroman19
    So yet another question on the elbows.... yesterday trainer was noticing I swung the left arm out too much when throwing jabs on the bag. He pushed in my elbow and told me to throw from there, but it felt almost unnatural. I normally try and keep the elbows in as much as possible, but it felt like he pushed my arm too far in. Am I supposed to have my body that compressed when throwing?
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Youve probably got a muscle out of line usualy its the trapezius, deltoids, or over large pecks there are streches for it you can do with a broom handle youre going to have to wait . But a good way to put it right is, sit against a wall with your jabbing arms shoulder up to it. Then jab along the wall pushing the shoulder into the wall as you do, and dont let the fist leave the wall. After 1 min youll feel the shoulder, rest and go again spend 5mins on the routine every day. If you do it against a mirror or something smooth all the better. Give it a week and it should solve the problem
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Biomechanics, Breathing and the Chin:

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Ill give you a very good tip as regards breathing. Dont box with the chin more than 15% down it stops your chest from working by up to 50%. It stops the airways from working, its very rare yuoll see a world class fighter boxing that way. Ive never under stood why coaches tell boxers to do it. From that position you can see the floor, and thats where youre going to finnish up. Plus the eyes work primarily of oxygen, so its going to effect eyesight. Plus the muscle neurons in the back and shoulders are getting the wrong response for speed of movement, because they already have a response.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Boxing is about not getting hit,Ifyou drop your chin numerous things biomechanicaly happen and emotionly. by dropping the chin youre waiting to get hit and your head is 6 inch nearer his glove making it easier as a target. By dropping the chin, your spine and shoulders cant react as qiuckly you put pressure on the lower back, which in turn restricts the groin and your abductor muscles. In short you restrict movement, which is restriction of mobility to evade punches. Which in turn causes panic to the senses, because they are getting the wrong signals, to perform as nature intended. Tight shoulders ,and hips and being off balance isnt the best way to start throwing punches. As Ive said before Oral balance and posture is the secret of reaction and speed. In the end all things being equal speed in correct form is the winner. plus put your elbows on your chest with your hands on your chin pulled back okay, comfortable, now drop the chin onto the chest.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Even Rocky Marciano dropped his knees not his chin, He had it in not down.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    If your chins down your on your front foot or you cant move your hips. One or the other the mobility to ride a shot is affected and to see it coming is impaired plus keeping the hands up for a period of time is hard and stressfull. Id rather do things the easy way its easier to remember when the S*** hits the fan
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    I think youre missing the point Lords Im not saying put your chin out to dry far from it Im saying put the chin back. So its not over the front knee, it relaxes the shoulders and puts the chin above your bollocks, your centre of gravity instead of working against gravity let it be your freind not the enemy. Thats where the problems start in the first place
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Routine on Improving Speed:

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    At great expense to myself I will give you one of our routines for speed, this will help.

    Get hold of a bit of 4x2 wood, 2 foot long.

    The first time try it in a press up posistion off the knees.

    Put your hands on the wood and do a press up but only move an inch at a time.
    After every inch bounce off the wood onto the floor with your eyes shut.
    Then bounce back onto the wood with your eyes open.

    When you ahve got used to this try it with the press up posistion off the feet, not the knees. (the traditional stance)

    We have used this over a few years and it works. Your doing an isometric stretch with bounce. Unless your fit becareful, it knits the muscle nuerons and fibres and makes them react much quicker.

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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Improving your punches and coordination:

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    When shadow boxing shut your left eye
    Quote Originally Posted by Von Milash
    scraps, what will that do? thanks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Von, What makes right or left handed people is eyesight.Left handed people are left eye dominant, most of your eye memory and pariphiral vision comes from that eye the right eye is usualy short sighted compared to the left.By stopping vision from the left the body will become more adaptable on the right, or vice versa depending on the side youre dominant. It works better if you stretch regulary. most of the time the function of the opposite side is there to stablize the action of the side which is dominant this can be seen in many sports No in all sports if you observe, hope this helps you to understand it a bit better.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    What md says is true, as regards psycological side weve tried a patch over the dominant eye on 5 seperate times with outstanding results, but it needs looking at a bit more. GET IT but interesting.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Chris, your getting the idea, its very hard to change the dominant side but i think were as close to it as weve ever been from your walking gait to about everything we do is controlled by vision and genetics. Subconcesly are aim is to protect the head the body wants the best information it can get and its own help, helps whats above to give it. Ive gone a long way to improving running gait by something which should hit the market next year, and get you fitter than anything by up to 30% that there is at the moment without impact. the other thing which is the crux to many problems is we dont do enougth correct stretching, because of the eyes one side does the other supports the action depending on what form of work you do or sport. The stretches ive put up are now pretty old, im putting some more up for sharla in the next week to help her im running late at the moment my dear old mums had a stroke so at the moment im at the hospital 4 hours a day so im behind. by the way cc
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    Default Re: Different / Alternate Training Ideas

    Weighted belt made from ankle-weights:

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris N.
    By using a pair of ankle weights that have the velcro straps I was able to put them together and make a belt. I found this to be a lot better than having them around my ankles.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap
    Belt or jacket are Ok they are above the centre of gravity. On the ankles theres an imbalance with the adductors. Have a think.
    If you hear a voice within you saying that I am not a painter, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.

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