Ok, to all who support this gay stuff, here is my prediction:
Once they are all happy with the LGBTWhatever, Mexicans, Drugs, National Security, Terrorism, Taxes, Global Warming, etc
The life will seem peacefull with all major problems resolved ... except one ... The Jews.
Please help me to understand why/how you went from gay rights to singling out Jews? I understand it is your prediction, please help me to see: how did U come to this conclusion?
My prediction: They (no longer humans btw) will find serious reasons, why Jews do not fint into the New World Order and the Jews will be prosecuted BADLY. Many Jews will renounced their faith, etc...
So, when this time comes, and something tells me it is quite soon, @
Greenbeanz comeback to this thread and we will continue our discussion about God, Bible, Jesus and even satan ...