I just posted on another thread, but I'm thinking now this may not be a bad thing after all. Boxing has always been plagued by lousy decisions, but more so than normal, lately. And yet... we piss and moan for about a week, and it's on to the next fight. All is forgotten. And it's not just us... it's the press and the general public. Boxing authorities feel that, because boxing is such an ancient and traditional sport, that we boxing fans will forgive any shit they throw our way, no matter how outlandish and ridiculous. And they're right.

Maybe what we need are a few more of last night's decisions. Not that we can force the issue. These are still random, uncontrolled events. But I for one am starting to wish (in a sick, twisted way..... it's boxing's fault) that we get two or three more incredible robberies. I'm thinking if it gets SO BAD, as to force the attention of the general public, and even those on the fringes of the sport..... meaningful changes will have to be made.

It's a little like when your patio furniture is pretty banged up and rusted, but not enough to replace. So you keep on fixing and patching it, and hoping for the best. It's not until a gale-force wind comes through and beats the furniture all to shit, that you finally decide: "You know... maybe I should just go and buy new furniture."

Shitty example, but you get the drift. Something needs to be done..... and that something needs to be done NOW.