Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
Quote Originally Posted by sanatogen View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
Quote Originally Posted by smashup View Post
I saw some footage of that sparring session, it might still be on YouTube.
I remember thinking at the time that Jnr more than held his own.
putting this into perspective, this spar was a long time ago, BEFORE Eubank had even fought BJS. And we saw what Eubank was like against BJS. for the first 6 rounds , he was clueless and frustrated, only coming back into the fight in any way because of BJS's poor conditioning at that time.
Puzzling that for such a big domestic scrap and build up, BJS would flunk on the physical conditioning.

Makes zero sense.
I have a theory that the fittest fighters like Eubank and Holyfield train so hard that they know about getting tired and exhausted. So they make sure they keep some in reserve at all times.

Junior was inexperienced having not gone the distance and kept too much back and when he did start it was just too late to get a draw or victory. The fight was still close.
Firstly, BJS didn't see it as such a big domestic scrap, he thought it would be easy. He cut corners and everybody knows he wasn't that dedicated at the time. Infact, he only said a week or two ago, that he was gonna jack it all in, and Frank Warren begged/persuaded him to go to Ingle.
Secondly, the fight wasn't even that close! BJS Won the first 6 rounds hands down, and 2 of the last 6 rounds which were very scrappy. That means he won by 4 rounds, not close really.