Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post

Yes there was another way. Corbyns version of Brexit was a credible option, based on five pillars. The customs union, the trade relationship, protection of consumer and environmental rights, and of course the Good Friday agreement.

Johnsons tories were never interested in any of that. They just wanted to avoid paying tax, remove peoples human rights (look already at the removal of the right to protest) reinstate fracking, and pander to the most reactionary of bigoted short sighted pensioners and nimbys.

You are right that the UK public voted for it, in many cases like Turkeys voting for Xmas. Here across the SW peninsula it has been devastating. Commercial fishermen shafted by the clowns they voted for, Cornwall a county transformed and sustained by EU money persuaded to stick their middle finger up to their European compatriots. Stupid stuff.
We will never know how successful Corbyn’s version would have been or more importantly how much the EU would’ve moved the goalposts in order to shaft and punish the U.K. for daring to leave the EU. Digging their heels in for one last payday.
And yes Cornwall benefited from EU money , but this was in return for restricting the fishermen’s ability to earn a living by imposing ridiculous fishing borders and unfair Quotas on them whilst allowing European fishing boats to fill their boots and work to a very different set of rules.
How can it be for example, that French and Spanish fishermen can pillage U.K. waters and have way more generous quotas to work to ? It’s fucking disgusting to be honest, and that is why 90% of the Cornish fishing industry voted for Brexit.
They were fucking imprisoned in their own waters while EU boats cashed in.
That is just the lie you have been sold. Farage and the other bullshitters lies worked even on someone who doesn't see himself as British like yourself. Farage never even turned up to any meetings at the EU to fight for more sustainable fishing rights for British fishermen. He used to claim it was 80% caught by the EU fishermen as opposed to 20% by Brits. The reality is much closer to 56% EU and 44% UK. The whole idea of fish being 'ours' is reductive nonsense anyway, the same as the invasive species bullshit as though animals should have passports etc. Crackers.

The Cornish EU money had absolutely nothing to do with fishing rights. It was to do with preserving Brittonic languages and Celtic culture. So many Cornish idiots hated the EU because they are bigots and despite economic migrants going to and from France since the 16th century many loved to pretend they had not.
Mate, I have no interest in what that bullshitting, lying, gutless cunt Farage has to say. I’m going by the facts from the Fishermen direct.
This is not specifically a Brexit issue , this is an issue of shit governance for decades, not just this government, but governments going back even to the 70s and the Icelandic Cod wars, where governments have not stood up for the fishermen of these islands ever.
As for the “nonsense of the fish being ours,” just imagine a Cornish trawler rocking up 10 miles off the Côte d’Azur or Costa del Sol and Fishing more Squid and Octopus than the locals are allowed to. Works both ways.
And the reason why Europe has been able to take the piss out of our Fishermen and Government after Government has let it happen, and you’re not gonna like this , so DON’T SHOOT THE MESSENGER, is because in their mindsets, Europeans know historically that the Brits have no desire or no clue what to do with the fish in the waters surrounding them.
They can’t believe that Brits used to throw away the likes of Langoustine and Monkfish or put them in breadcrumbs to make Scampi and chips in the basket. Even worse, would be fearful of Octopus!