Quote Originally Posted by RP33 View Post
That was enjoyable.

I don't know why everyone is responding so negatively.. Clearly he didn't want to talk about boxing. Wouldn't that be the equivalent of the paparazzi constantly asking celebs questions and taking photos and them responding negatively.. He has made it clear that he's retired, and never once said he planned on returning.. All of that was speculation when articles come out saying that Floyd's niece's cousins best friends uncle said he wanted to fight..

As of right now, he's retired.. If he actually said, in the interview, that he wasn't going to fight the winner of Hatton/Pac, everyone here would be saying he's ducking Pac-man or something.. so whatever.
I agree RP I laughed my ass I thought it was a very funny, humourous interview with Money May in good spirits and having a laugh. He just didn't want to talk about his boxing career but rather than be rude he just turned it into a running joke, the interviewer had a big grin on his face as well.

I thought he came across as quite endearing in that vid, funny guy.
He'd make a great successor to Don King one day