Quote Originally Posted by Beanflicker View Post
What does all this mean @Greenbeanz
What it means is that not only was Brockton so desperate to troll and attack other posters and rep himself that he created an alt account and called it Orangeclock, but he also invented the character of a virtually illiterate and poorly educated black guy and used that invented persona to justify his own judgemental lazy stereotyping.

This was something he denied during the whole charade until it became impossible to maintain the deceipt. Now he thinks that it is somehow clever and radical to constantly refer back to that to show how untouchable he has become. So much so that he can casually drop things like "ass-rape" into thread titles and just ratchet up the desire to outrage with thread after thread about his anal fixation which when commented on gets you accused of being abused by your own father.

Then there is holding a grudge and then there is involving everyone else in that grudge and desperately dragging the same group of posters in to back him up. Anyone who feels they may have been slighted, real or imagined by the object of that grudge are encouraged to also become hypersensitive and default to their most judgemental and ignorant. That way his own delusions can be justified and he can continue to transform what was a laid back and funny place to discuss boxing and the world in general, into a personal perverted soap box, littered with the faecal debris of a shit slinging simian.

That's what I think it means, but I could be wrong so maybe you should ask him.