Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
A secret service agent told AFP that she was thrown into the back seat "like a side of beef".

@denilson200 how dare you use the term white supremacist as if white people are supreme or Superior to any other race. God did not make any race Superior to any other race we are all the human race
White supremacy does not mean white people are better.

I'm saying that white people went into the lands of black people (And brown people) dominated them and put them under their yoke and way. So white people are in a superior position, no matter what the political or economic order is because of the evil they done in the past.

White people are not superior but as a collective, they are in a superior position. The same way your boss is in a superior position to you. That does not mean he's more intelligent or better than you. But he has power over you.

And their no place on this planet free from white supremacy and white supremacy is often not an angry thing. This is why Trump is so popular with white voters, he plays to their white supremacist mindset.