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Thread: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

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    Default Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    Dems claim Trump is spreading "conspiracy theory" that Voter Fraud is a real issue.

    Boy, though, were they FUCKING WHINING in 2000 about ELECTION FRAUD, HANGING CHADS, ETC.

    what a bunch of fucking HYPOCRITES!

    the entire system is ~RIGGED~ against Trump.

    People are so blind not to see it. The human race is DONE if this has become so difficult to understand.

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    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    Brockton, are you really a supporter of Trump?

    We just get endless media coverage of what a narcissistic and unstable character he is, who seems to say the most ridiculous, genuinely nasty and stupid things (not that Hilary is exactly batting in the pantheon of presidential greats either)

    That may be our generally left wing neoliberal media though, are we missing something about the guy?
    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

  3. #3
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    Quote Originally Posted by X View Post
    Brockton, are you really a supporter of Trump?

    We just get endless media coverage of what a narcissistic and unstable character he is, who seems to say the most ridiculous, genuinely nasty and stupid things (not that Hilary is exactly batting in the pantheon of presidential greats either)

    That may be our generally left wing neoliberal media though, are we missing something about the guy?
    I'll tell you my stance...I was initially voting Gary Johnson, but when Hillary Clinton stole (check the facts, she stole) the nomination from Sanders (not that I like Sanders) and I was face to face with a 4 year term of THE Queen Bitch of all Queen bitches I decided, fuck it I'm voting Trump he's why we have separation of powers and checks and balances.

    Donald Trump is liked because he pisses off all the right people....THE ESTABLISHMENT

    Globalism the way the Germans, the EU, the UN, the Democrats and Establishment Republicans want ain't working, it is causing death, poverty, and destruction PURPOSEFULLY. Trump is just a figure, the movement behind him is a dangerous one and if he fucks up we're going to have to call for his ouster too. Americans who are voting for Trump are fed the fuck up.

    These are strange times, they are scary times....a gun ban by Executive Order?!?! NO MA'AM! That is going to cause armed's why Obama and the DOJ are trying to Federalize the police.

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    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  5. #5
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    Beanz, you've just swooped in here so let's ask you some questions.

    #1. Brexit or Remain, which were you and why?

    #2. You're PRO-refugees and that's admirable and all, but do you not think that this is going to cause a bigger issue? Culture clashes and all? These people didn't leave Syria when it was peaceful, they didn't leave until they were pushed by the violence which seems to me like that means they enjoyed their own culture they had in Syria(or whatever Islamic nation they are coming from Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, etc) which MIGHT be slightly "at odds" with English culture.

    #3. Do you think England should maintain it's sovereignty or should it form a European government. Should English voters have more of a say or less of a say in what their government does or does not do? Should other European countries have a say in what England does?

    #4. Why do you care about American politics?

    #5. Have you read any WikiLeaks doc drops? Especially the Podesta Emails?

    I am interested in what your views are and would hope you answer, but if you decide not to that is fine as well.

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    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    Lyle those are killer questions that will be pranced and ~primped~ around like a pansy.

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    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    @X yes you've hit the nail right smack on the head: you are indeed only reading demonizing media slurs on Trump. It is the Largest Witch Hunt On Record, excluding my trip to nearby Cardiff.

  8. #8
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Lyle those are killer questions that will be pranced and ~primped~ around like a pansy.
    Ha, Beanz will answer if he feels like it and if he's just trolling he'll avoid answering the questions or keep trolling to irk you. I mean it ain't like you've never trolled on him Brock it's fair play.

    Not like the man has a vote in the United States....he's Jeee....English, yeah that's what I meant Tzom Kal you heathen bastard ...and when you're done fasting (yeah right) treat yourself to some bacon.

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    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    How mean! Suggesting pork like that. Its like a "porker" getting "porked"--- like Chelsea was "jogging around Lower Manhattan on Sept. 11, 2001".

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    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    I posted a YouTube video. In a thread about whining. In which a man whines. This is a man whining in defence of a man who is lauded as the second coming by the whining thread starter. By any definition that is not trolling.

    The 'person' starting the thread then suggests

    'Lyle those are killer questions that will be pranced and ~primped~ around like a pansy'

    As though I was running for office. I have not even offered an opinion. I just posted a video guys, lighten up FFS, who put a squirrel up your arse.

    The Ironic fact that Trump like Clinton never answers any questions on policy with anything of substance seems to be lost on the thread starter or deemed irrelevant.

    Lyle are you Trevor McDonald or Jeremy Paxman ? Why always with the questions ?
    (It's happy fasting or have an easy fast by the way)

    1. I voted remain. Not that I think the EU is some peerless shining example of democracy, far from it but because I could see that the Tories would use it as an excuse to push through their own agenda and forget the regions, the arts, the minorities, anyone who was not blue blooded landed gentry with shares or a place on the board in companies that they pushed papers thru for whilst in Government. The Tories will abolish human and workers rights and without the European Union funding many projects Devon and Cornwall will be even more cut off from the rest of the UK. For over 100 years there has been Polish in Plymouth (many joined the RAF in the war) and Jews in the South west for hundreds of years with few problems and within days of Brexit shops are vandalized and minoroty groups are turned on. It has become the red light for xenophobic attitudes that people used to be embarrassed about to be openly displayed locally. Nationally you have the Tories suggesting Mothers bring passports to the delivery room and that companies list all foreign workers. They are even talking about 'a crackdown on foreign students' .Really? How is that anything but regressive. The fact that foreign students choose to come to the UK and PAY for their degrees is brilliant both economically and culturally for the country. It pushes forward science and culture and keeps us on the cutting edge in many fields. It's like the most backward of Brexiteers are being told that somehow incestuous and nepotistic tendencies are the right way for a society to thrive because that is how the Conservatives do it, when we all know it leads to defective and regressive genes. You could not make it up.

    2. The biggest issue for Refugees is that everybody else is bombing the fuck out of their country and they have no way to fight the massive business machine that is War waged by corporations and powerful people form both the East and West. Cultural clash is something pushed by those same powers. In Syria as in much of the middle east Muslims, both Sunni and Shia, Christians, Jews and Atheists often live along side of each other but it is in the interests of those who seek to control things that this is not allowed to continue. War is big business and division keeps the manys eyes off the assets being grabbed by the few. Britain's culture is like most of the west not some distinct pure vein that flows independently. Judeo/Christian culture is largely responsible for things as basic as our legal systems and our cuisine, literature, music, everything is and continues to be influenced by the fact that we have colonised half the world and now we are supposed to start moaning that people want to come here ?

    3. I am not sure what you are asking here ? England or the UK? I think that British voters should have even a tiny say in what the Government does. Just last week the local council in an English County decided that they would not grant permission for an international corporation to frack the local area for Gas. The local people demonstrated against it and set up a petition to voice their disapproval. The Tory Government decided they would over rule both and allow it to happen. This is what passes for democracy. It is why sometimes direct action is necessary. Europe and Britain are inextricably interlinked. There is a lot of bollocks talked and myths believed that The Welsh (who have their own Parliament) and the Scottish (Who also have their own Parliament) are somehow more Celtic and Noble than the English who as Anglo Saxons oppressed them both as well as the Irish. That is probably the earliest example of SJW BHL bullshit. It's uncomfortable for people to acknowledge but there is hardly any Anglo Saxon DNA in 'English' Peoples DNA and they are just as Celtic as the Jocks, Paddies and Taffs. People never mention St Patrick being English or West Wales once encompassing Devon and Cornwall, or the bagpipe and kilt coming from the Cornish and the Bretons. Or that we all spoke French until very recently, or that all the Celts came from the space between Spain and France. So actually where i live we often have more in common with the people across the water than those in London or Birmingham. It was the EU that protected the Cornish mining landscape and helped redevelop some as tourist space as and helped support thousands of small enterprises including a new tungsten mine on Dartmoor near where I live. It was the EU that helped fund the preserving of the Cornish language and the distinct way it is treated from Devon, It was the EU that has helped develop infrastructure including the Universities in which up until this year I mentored and supported young people and supplemented my income so that I could make art and write and take photographs for the local press. It is the EU that enabled my youngest brother to do his anthropology field work on hunting and finish his masters study in Northern Cyprus and my other brother to continue his work highlighting those fighting against government censorship all over the world and educate young people. It was the EU that helped fund a young female Syrian reporter to finish her masters and travel back to her country teaching other women to empower themselves and report there. I could go on. So yes I don't see it as us and them, i don't see it as simply other European countries saying what England or the UK does. It works both ways and international agreements like the Geneva convention on Human Rights etc are not just a European invention. Co-operation and solidarity, common purpose these are not communist conspiracies. There is not enough of this in the world and it makes for better decisions and smarter answers. Forgive me but ALL i hear from pro Brexit people and Conservatives like yourself and Brockton is NEGATIVITY and moaning. You do not seem very happy and being so isolationist is not going to change that.

    4. It's not so much that I care about American politics. Posting a video mocking a daft man who is crying about another daft man in a thread started by a daft man is not really indicative of caring...but

    America is very powerful and it's influence in my lifetime has grown exponentially. I love much of American art and Culture but what is taking over and has been for 20+ years is not really culturally or socially empowering at all. It is really a dumbing down of debate and a desire to homogenise the world to make everywhere like little Americas. You, and I am sure Brock, will not like or believe it, (though Brock will no doubt have experienced a little of it outside of Asia where they seem to fawn over you) but most people don't like it and resent it. They consider it loud, brash, rude, obnoxious and pretty shallow stuff. The focus on Business and profit at all cost, the need for everything to be instant or drive in. No more independent family companies and the rise of bland chains the same the world over. BOTH Trump and Clinton represent that to us. The Corporate mega rich with no idea or care for the local community. When Trump fucked over everyone to get his Golf Course in Scotland resorting to bullying old people like he does, even the most xenophobic Scottish hating English thought "Typical Brash American with no respect for history or heritage or the environment, wrecking a small community for profit and vanity, Fuck him, i hope the Jocks win"

    So either way with such dire choices the rest of the world is fucked with Clinton or Trump marching toward World War 3.

    5. Really. You do not get it do you ? Because people find Trump laughable does not mean they somehow support Hilary. In the early nineties I was in a band in which one song whose title I can not mention for various reasons started

    George Washington was a Freemason
    A fact that you'll have no trouble tracing
    Bill Clinton Fucking Dictator
    Maybe the President but isn't the creator

    So it does not take a genius to see that even if I were American I would never vote for a Clinton. Not so long ago you were haranguing Miles about Assange not facing Justice and calling Snowden a traitor and now Wikileaks is your bible ?

    I hope that answers some of your questions and that neither of you take anything too personally.
    Last edited by Beanz; 10-13-2016 at 10:55 AM.
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    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I posted a YouTube video. In a thread about whining. In which a man whines. This is a man whining in defence of a man who is lauded as the second coming by the whining thread starter. By any definition that is not trolling.

    The 'person' starting the thread then suggests

    'Lyle those are killer questions that will be pranced and ~primped~ around like a pansy'

    As though I was running for office. I have not even offered an opinion. I just posted a video guys, lighten up FFS, who put a squirrel up your arse.

    The Ironic fact that Trump like Clinton never answers any questions on policy with anything of substance seems to be lost on the thread starter or deemed irrelevant.

    Lyle are you Trevor McDonald or Jeremy Paxman ? Why always with the questions ?
    (It's happy fasting or have an easy fast by the way)

    1. I voted remain. Not that I think the EU is some peerless shining example of democracy, far from it but because I could see that the Tories would use it as an excuse to push through their own agenda and forget the regions, the arts, the minorities, anyone who was not blue blooded landed gentry with shares or a place on the board in companies that they pushed papers thru for whilst in Government. The Tories will abolish human and workers rights and without the European Union funding many projects Devon and Cornwall will be even more cut off from the rest of the UK. For over 100 years there has been Polish in Plymouth (many joined the RAF in the war) and Jews in the South west for hundreds of years with few problems and within days of Brexit shops are vandalized and minoroty groups are turned on. It has become the red light for xenophobic attitudes that people used to be embarrassed about to be openly displayed locally. Nationally you have the Tories suggesting Mothers bring passports to the delivery room and that companies list all foreign workers. They are even talking about 'a crackdown on foreign students' .Really? How is that anything but regressive. The fact that foreign students choose to come to the UK and PAY for their degrees is brilliant both economically and culturally for the country. It pushes forward science and culture and keeps us on the cutting edge in many fields. It's like the most backward of Brexiteers are being told that somehow incestuous and nepotistic tendencies are the right way for a society to thrive because that is how the Conservatives do it, when we all know it leads to defective and regressive genes. You could not make it up.

    2. The biggest issue for Refugees is that everybody else is bombing the fuck out of their country and they have no way to fight the massive business machine that is War waged by corporations and powerful people form both the East and West. Cultural clash is something pushed by those same powers. In Syria as in much of the middle east Muslims, both Sunni and Shia, Christians, Jews and Atheists often live along side of each other but it is in the interests of those who seek to control things that this is not allowed to continue. War is big business and division keeps the manys eyes off the assets being grabbed by the few. Britain's culture is like most of the west not some distinct pure vein that flows independently. Judeo/Christian culture is largely responsible for things as basic as our legal systems and our cuisine, literature, music, everything is and continues to be influenced by the fact that we have colonised half the world and now we are supposed to start moaning that people want to come here ?

    3. I am not sure what you are asking here ? England or the UK? I think that British voters should have even a tiny say in what the Government does. Just last week the local council in an English County decided that they would not grant permission for an international corporation to frack the local area for Gas. The local people demonstrated against it and set up a petition to voice their disapproval. The Tory Government decided they would over rule both and allow it to happen. This is what passes for democracy. It is why sometimes direct action is necessary. Europe and Britain are inextricably interlinked. There is a lot of bollocks talked and myths believed that The Welsh (who have their own Parliament) and the Scottish (Who also have their own Parliament) are somehow more Celtic and Noble than the English who as Anglo Saxons oppressed them both as well as the Irish. That is probably the earliest example of SJW BHL bullshit. It's uncomfortable for people to acknowledge but there is hardly any Anglo Saxon DNA in 'English' Peoples DNA and they are just as Celtic as the Jocks, Paddies and Taffs. People never mention St Patrick being English or West Wales once encompassing Devon and Cornwall, or the bagpipe and kilt coming from the Cornish and the Bretons. Or that we all spoke French until very recently, or that all the Celts came from the space between Spain and France. So actually where i live we often have more in common with the people across the water than those in London or Birmingham. It was the EU that protected the Cornish mining landscape and helped redevelop some as tourist space as and helped support thousands of small enterprises including a new tungsten mine on Dartmoor near where I live. It was the EU that helped fund the preserving of the Cornish language and the distinct way it is treated from Devon, It was the EU that has helped develop infrastructure including the Universities in which up until this year I mentored and supported young people and supplemented my income so that I could make art and write and take photographs for the local press. It is the EU that enabled my youngest brother to do his anthropology field work on hunting and finish his masters study in Northern Cyprus and my other brother to continue his work highlighting those fighting against government censorship all over the world and educate young people. It was the EU that helped fund a young female Syrian reporter to finish her masters and travel back to her country teaching other women to empower themselves and report there. I could go on. So yes I don't see it as us and them, i don't see it as simply other European countries saying what England or the UK does. It works both ways and international agreements like the Geneva convention on Human Rights etc are not just a European invention. Co-operation and solidarity, common purpose these are not communist conspiracies. There is not enough of this in the world and it makes for better decisions and smarter answers. Forgive me but ALL i hear from pro Brexit people and Conservatives like yourself and Brockton is NEGATIVITY and moaning. You do not seem very happy and being so isolationist is not going to change that.

    4. It's not so much that I care about American politics. Posting a video mocking a daft man who is crying about another daft man in a thread started by a daft man is not really indicative of caring...but

    America is very powerful and it's influence in my lifetime has grown exponentially. I love much of American art and Culture but what is taking over and has been for 20+ years is not really culturally or socially empowering at all. It is really a dumbing down of debate and a desire to homogenise the world to make everywhere like little Americas. You, and I am sure Brock, will not like or believe it, (though Brock will no doubt have experienced a little of it outside of Asia where they seem to fawn over you) but most people don't like it and resent it. They consider it loud, brash, rude, obnoxious and pretty shallow stuff. The focus on Business and profit at all cost, the need for everything to be instant or drive in. No more independent family companies and the rise of bland chains the same the world over. BOTH Trump and Clinton represent that to us. The Corporate mega rich with no idea or care for the local community. When Trump fucked over everyone to get his Golf Course in Scotland resorting to bullying old people like he does, even the most xenophobic Scottish hating English thought "Typical Brash American with no respect for history or heritage or the environment, wrecking a small community for profit and vanity, Fuck him, i hope the Jocks win"

    So either way with such dire choices the rest of the world is fucked with Clinton or Trump marching toward World War 3.

    5. Really. You do not get it do you ? Because people find Trump laughable does not mean they somehow support Hilary. In the early nineties I was in a band in which one song whose title I can not mention for various reasons started

    George Washington was a Freemason
    A fact that you'll have no trouble tracing
    Bill Clinton Fucking Dictator
    Maybe the President but isn't the creator

    So it does not take a genius to see that even if I were American I would never vote for a Clinton. Not so long ago you were haranguing Miles about Assange not facing Justice and calling Snowden a traitor and now Wikileaks is your bible ?

    I hope that answers some of your questions and that neither of you take anything too personally.
    No this was all in good fun there was no feeling of anything don't worry everything is cool

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    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    Now I will explain it from my position. We have been waiting for a very long time for someone to come from the outside. Donald Trump is from the outside no matter how many billions of dollars he has and no matter how he looks like the elite to people he is not in the same group of elite has the career politicians are. It is true he has taken nothing from special interests will corporate donors and it is true that nobody can ask anything of him. He has financed everything with his own money. A poor person could never do that it would take a pretty wealthy person to challenge the left-right Paradigm the Republican Democrat paradigm that I have been talking about it for about 10 years now. He represents that group he represents that possibility that we have been waiting for for a long time.

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    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    It was alliterative teasing. No malice intended. @Beanz

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    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    The fact that the Bush family is deciding to vote for Clinton is Clear Proof what George Carlin and Alex Jones have both been saying for a long time. That they are all on one team. How could the bushes be voting for Clinton? It doesn't make any sense at all. Their agendas have publicly been so different for the past 25 years and now suddenly it is just so easy to slide over to the other side and vote for Clinton?. I think this clearly shows that they are all on one corporate backed special interest special donor team and that Donald Trump is threatening to upset those sweetheart backroom deals between foreign governments special donors and the politicians.

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    Default Re: Dems says "Conspiracy theory" but WHINED in 2000 when Gore lost!

    It's depressing, isn't it. The circus, the pantomime. The corruption, the rogue nature of it all. It is like being alone in a cage with a great white shark and it is thrashing you about with your innards splaying all over the place. There is no hope in a world like that. Death is the blessed relief. I see no way out and wonder why on earth people are living long lives and having children when all I see is damage and pain. There is no hope. All the conspiracies were true and we are in cages being thrashed around by great whites and the dizziness is overwhelming and you breath in the water and bleed and you lose consciousness and you are just glad it is over.

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