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Thread: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fuck

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    Default White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fuck

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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    That is where Donald Trump gets his crap ideas and information from.
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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    Fake news

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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Fake news
    So this is where Walrus gets his ideas and views from.
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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Fake news
    So this is where Walrus gets his ideas and views from.
    I didn't read it I just figure it's fake news I'm very busy tracking fake vacations right now

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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    The worse thing about it is that it has now made it acceptable to be racist and ignorant online. Even here in the forum it has been like uncorking the bottle and the poison just flows freely. Wishing ill on people, and making assumptions about them because of the colour of their skin, their religion or ethnicity. It is an excuse for many to pretend that being offensive, ignorant and to be honest acting like a right cunt, is somehow just a reaction to having to be politically correct where people were offended for silly reasons.

    The idea that there are two camps and so people make blanket statements about even things as innocuous as professions. "Oh I don't like actresses" " Oh I have no time for journalists " and stupid things like lefty this and SJW that as though there was no need for any kind of social justice or that anything you don't agree with need only be labelled lefty or libtard, and it can be dismissed. It is like absence of ideas. An inability to see anything in anything but the most base and ridiculously child like terms. The death of debate to be replaced by outrage that is far worse and much more infantile than all the PC rainbow flag waving unicorns in history.

    Foolish, ill educated buffoons putting on airs and graces and pretending that what is in your bank account, or what property you own, is somehow a way to define yourself as superior to people who use their lives to do something other than chase the next paycheck. The idea that making statements to display how little you think of causes and movements, that have literally changed history, is somehow comparable and even more laudable than those things that people sacrificed their liberty and lives defending.

    Assuming that your opposition is defined by the extreme and stupid, feckless hangers on who hijack a worthwhile idea and then pretending that they represent the ethos of something which you know in your heart is good but you will rile against because you cannot think of anything original or useful yourself. It is how vacuous empty vessels like Milo and Trump can be turned into figureheads for a movement built upon nihilism and the worship of paper. A movement in which the surface is everything because anything deeper has been rejected as too much hard work and something that will require change and time which could be spent on ME. Me is the whole of it. No Us. No society, No community, Nobody owes anybody anything because these people live in philosophical cul-de-sacs, where chasing ones tale like a witless dog has been venerated as the only acceptable way to pass our short lives on this planet. Captive, domesticated and unable to think outside of the box don't believe the lie that they honour or respect tradition or want to conserve anything. They reject wildness and nature in favour of routine self mummification.

    Fuck that.
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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    Mate you would have to be living under a rock not to see that this entire country over the past 10 years has been hijacked by identity politics which deliberately calls attention to racial differences and tries to give a voice to every single possible sliver and group and sub group and identity whether it's real or imaginary of every single kind of section of the society they themselves have created the problem by pushing identity politics dude

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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Mate you would have to be living under a rock not to see that this entire country over the past 10 years has been hijacked by identity politics which deliberately calls attention to racial differences and tries to give a voice to every single possible sliver and group and sub group and identity whether it's real or imaginary of every single kind of section of the society they themselves have created the problem by pushing identity politics dude
    But this is even worse and way more feeble. Think about it. White people moaning about not being the majority? That is heinous shit right there. Begrudging minorities and disadvantaged people for simply wanting to be respected and not killed. Unarmed black teenage kid? Bang shoot the guy dead and then lets worry about the poor security guard? WTF is that all about? People being burned to death in social housing, because filthy rich investors wanted to cut corners and the politicians who gave then the contracts are sitting on millions? You don't get much more entitled than Trump and Milo, and yet what do they do? Spend their lives whinging and moaning. How fucking dare they? Trump wants to throw a hissy fit because he is not the centre of attention and the rest of the world have to kneel and grovel? WTF man. What you call identity politics exists because the racist and ignorant fuckers that were around in the 50'60's and 70's never crawled under a rock they just kept their mouths shut and now they are just speaking out loud what they have always thought. And that is not OK. It's not OK to take away financial support from disabled veterans so that they can't afford to pay for the electric that keeps the fridge running in which they keep their insulin, and it's not OK for them to die whilst the bankers and politicians who expect the tax payers to bale them out cut off measly support form those who really need it. That is the worse kind of identity politics. The kind of politics where disabled people are labelled as burdens and spongers, and black people are labelled Muslim terrorists, and feminism is not only compared to, but described as being worse than cancer. A movement that empowered half the population and the mothers that birthed us, along with our daughters and sisters, reduced to a inconvenient fellow human being and a toxic growth, a sex that dare to ask for parity in wages despite being the moan carers and now have the temerity to want to be involved in men's work, like running for president rather than being grateful for just being judged on appearance and having their pussies grabbed.

    And you blame the problem on anyone but the powerful white men born into luxury and corruption, ruthless immoral failures and losers, who have nothing to offer but an imaginary paper thin veneer, and a constant ear deafening whine that they are the victims?

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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    I think people just don't like excessive immigration or think it normal that London became a minority white city in a handful of decades. It would be like Tokyo being half white by 2050. Most would consider that extreme change. Nobody minds a bit of immigration but it should be consensual and incremental.

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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I think people just don't like excessive immigration or think it normal that London became a minority white city in a handful of decades. It would be like Tokyo being half white by 2050. Most would consider that extreme change. Nobody minds a bit of immigration but it should be consensual and incremental.
    Fucking hell

    London is not a minority white city. London has always been atypical of the UK and a melting pot, but even so 60% of London are white.

    Meanwhile elsewhere in the UK it is between 79 and 96 %

    Who cares what colour people are?

    and that was all you got from the posts above.

    It is the dominance of the alt-right and neo conservative corporation worship that is the real problem. The slow dehumanizing of the human race.
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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    But why can't we apply the philosophy that Master uses? Master says he doesn't see that the community is Muslim he just sees individual miscreants and criminals he doesn't judge it by the community it comes from. Why can't we use the same standard then in this situation beans?

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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    @Beanz what I meant in that post above I forgot to mention what I meant is that apply that same principle to those scumbag millionaires who I totally agree with you about completely screwed over the tenants in those faulty unzoned poorly inspected code violated buildings. Why can't we just say that those are scumbag landlords and leave race out of it? They are not targeting the tenants because the tenants just happened to be black or poor or Muslim. They would screw over anybody in the same way even if all the tenants were white. So don't lump in those scumbag millionaire slumlords into your argument about how white people are racist. Like Master says those rapist just happened to be Pakistani or just happened to be Muslim and we should not judge them on the fact alone that they are Muslim. Well beans those tenants just happened to be poor or black or Muslim or whatever those scumbag multi-billionaire landlords are simply scumbag multi-millionaire landlords and they should not be looked upon as scumbag racist white landlords. You can leave the race out of that as well like in Masters philosophy. You can't have your cake and eat it too

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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    I was posting based on the title and a British interpretation. Just read the article now and not see my last post was not really connected to that. The themes are there, but it's a different thing.

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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    @Beanz what I meant in that post above I forgot to mention what I meant is that apply that same principle to those scumbag millionaires who I totally agree with you about completely screwed over the tenants in those faulty unzoned poorly inspected code violated buildings. Why can't we just say that those are scumbag landlords and leave race out of it? They are not targeting the tenants because the tenants just happened to be black or poor or Muslim. They would screw over anybody in the same way even if all the tenants were white. So don't lump in those scumbag millionaire slumlords into your argument about how white people are racist. Like Master says those rapist just happened to be Pakistani or just happened to be Muslim and we should not judge them on the fact alone that they are Muslim. Well beans those tenants just happened to be poor or black or Muslim or whatever those scumbag multi-billionaire landlords are simply scumbag multi-millionaire landlords and they should not be looked upon as scumbag racist white landlords. You can leave the race out of that as well like in Masters philosophy. You can't have your cake and eat it too
    That is exactly what I did. I never mentioned race when talking about those landlords. It is you lot who can't mention any ill without bringing up race, ethnicity, religion or gender. You just made up the phrase "scumbag white racist landlords" to detract from the other points and not engage with the argument. I have just realised that it is probably my fault all along. I just assumed that people read the previous posts before replying but it turns out that is not what usually happens. The alt right, Neconservatisim, Brietbart News, Bannon, Milo, Trump etc do all share the same philosophy. It is a toxic mix that dismisses anyone not agreeing with it.
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    Default Re: White Nationalists and the alt right. Racist as fuck is no better than woke as fu

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I think people just don't like excessive immigration or think it normal that London became a minority white city in a handful of decades. It would be like Tokyo being half white by 2050. Most would consider that extreme change. Nobody minds a bit of immigration but it should be consensual and incremental.
    Fucking hell

    London is not a minority white city. London has always been atypical of the UK and a melting pot, but even so 60% of London are white.

    Meanwhile elsewhere in the UK it is between 79 and 96 %

    Who cares what colour people are?

    and that was all you got from the posts above.

    It is the dominance of the alt-right and neo conservative corporation worship that is the real problem. The slow dehumanizing of the human race.[/QUTE]

    I care that our country is being over run by to many foreign immigrants , and many of my friends and families care and think it is a problem.

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