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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #46
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Free folk don't talk about banning a free press in a free Country. Probably just a shiny object to get the hamsters running on the wheel or just mad NBC butchered the Apprentice when he left after 14 yrs as star. Arnold Schwarzeneggar?
    Trump can wind up the mainstream media with 1 single tweet like nobody I've ever seen and they ALWAYS fall for it, ALWAYS. If you're wanting a Democrat back in office they have to stop being so fucking hysterical LEADERS are not hysterical, Barack Obama didn't get into the White House by acting like an unhinged Antifa asshole he got there by giving good solid speeches yes very heavy on rhetoric and light on policy but that's what he did.

    Hillary Clinton as a candidate is like a defective grandma robot who may or may not steal all of our money or kill us because she has had a malfunction in her robot brain....and the constant coughing didn't help either, nor did the LARPing as 'Bernie' no not Sanders Bernie as in Weekend at Bernie's

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    People are banned on Twitter for inciting violence and making threats. Yet nary a peep from them on the Trumpster. They do not apply their policies equally. Don't they see that shutting him up is a service to humanity?
    Trump hasn't incited violence or made threats, he posed a question for the purpose of making the media go ape shit....they look ridiculous. I don't agree with his tweet at all, but it is obviously a tweak of the media and not a serious threat because and maybe the media needs to pause and think about this for a second....

    "If Trump WAS going to silence some news organization would he tweet about it first?" vs "If Trump wanted to riled us media muckity mucks up with one tweet what could he say that would really get our goat?"

    The tweet, yes was in poor taste, but the reaction is the remedy to such a tweet.....people have come unglued and for what? Trump saying NBC has pushed fake news before ....newsflash, they have! But the funny bit is, the very same document which provides American citizens with the right to have guns is being picked up by media members and shown in front of the cameras and held high "You see THIS document Mr. President SIR?!?!?!" ......ah, this also says we can own guns, nice, thanks for the tip Media

    The media looks fucking ridiculous, Trump is a ridiculous person, sure he's what a Hobo imagines a rich person to be, he's a cartoon caricature of a wealthy person lighting cigars with $100 bills but the fact he can stir the media up into a frenzy with just 1 tweet, it's hilarious and yes the media is completely unhinged and they all live in their little cosmopolitan bubble where everyone is in the Upper East Side or Upper West Side of Manhattan or LA or The Vineyard and they ALL think the same way, they ALL vote the same way...they are boring effete snobs and I'm enjoying them trying to keep from hyperventilating anytime Trump trolls them.
    If the Kenyan tyrant had threatened to take Fox News's broadcast licence away what would your reaction have been?

    Also, have you taken Beanz off ignore yet?

  2. #47
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Whether Trump gets elected or not depends on the economy. There's going to be a recession with an attendant financial crisis of as yet indeterminate size at some point. It may happen before November 2018, maybe after.

    I've got no respect left for anybody that turns out to be a snowflake cowering in their safe space because they're scared of a salad ingredient.
    Does it? You're setting the bar at Impeachment for Russia Collusion and WW3 which if neither happen I'm sorry Trump will win and win handily....why? Who will run against him? All of the Democrats are old and the young ones are painfully naive and far too radical. There's not even a 3rd party candidate who would make a difference.

    You put Beanz in a salad...gross
    If the economy nosedives at the wrong time for him he'll lose. Elections are always about how the economy is doing in the six months prior to the election absent some kind of major event or left field election like 2016. In 2016 he could and did claim to be something completely different, a businessman who could change government and make the economy much better for his voters and so on so voters took a flyer. He'll have a four year track record that people can judge him on next time which takes him out of left field and basically means absent something like a war the state of the economy will decide it. Maybe he gets lucky and the Democrats cough up a shitty candidate or somebody with shitty policies. But the economy will probably decide it. The US political system greatly favours the incumbent in presidential elections so if the economy keeps ticking he'll probably win. But who knows, he may continue to unravel and lose his support. 2020 is a long time away. A week is a long time with this fucker.

    I'm currently enjoying some kind of Honduran quinoa/tomato/chilli/various types of bean salad believe it or not. It's definitely got broad beans in and I think mung beans. At least two types of beans. And there are chick peas as well, so a cousin of the bean in there too. Very nice indeed.
    1. OK so hurdles Trump must clear A) Impeachment B ) WW# C) shit economy......yeah ok, 4 more years it is. I would have said "Obama got elected with a shit economy" but the media ran cover for him and allowed the White House to fudge the numbers. Also Obama blamed W for the economy his entire 8 years in office soooooo...I guess "Yay" for one side of the political isle holding their leaders responsible for their results.

    2. "Maybe he gets lucky and the Democrats cough up a shitty candidate"....that's only a "maybe" from you? The Democrats are nothing but shitty candidates right now old shitty candidates and young shitty candidates but shitty all the way around. Also they are all hyperbolic, they need to stop flying off the handle every single time Trump tweaks them on Twitter in order for ANYONE to find them worthy of listening to much less voting for. Trump tweets and it's like showing Dracula the Cross, fucking hilarious the reactions are always over the top and for what reason to what end? Trump doesn't look insane compared to Democrats, the Democrats look insane compared to Trump and that's not going to win them any votes.

  3. #48
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    The tax plan will have to wait. Do you know that American families are all going to gain $4000 thanks to Trump's tax cut? According to Trump cutting the corporate tax rate is going to make $4000 "trickle down" every year to each American family. I've never heard of this "trickle down" idea before. I wonder if it'll work? I just can't understand why corporate CEOs and shareholders are all lobbying for this tax cut if all they're going to do with it is pass it on to the workers that they haven't yet managed to outsource, offshore or otherwise unemploy. I'm sure it'll happen though.

  4. #49
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    If the Kenyan tyrant had threatened to take Fox News's broadcast licence away what would your reaction have been?

    Also, have you taken Beanz off ignore yet?
    Well speaking or typing is one thing....using the IRS to bully your political opponents is quite another and Barry DID do that. And my reaction was appropriate Lois Lerner should have done time, and Barack Obama should have resigned in shame over it.

    No, why would I?

  5. #50
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Whether Trump gets elected or not depends on the economy. There's going to be a recession with an attendant financial crisis of as yet indeterminate size at some point. It may happen before November 2018, maybe after.

    I've got no respect left for anybody that turns out to be a snowflake cowering in their safe space because they're scared of a salad ingredient.
    Does it? You're setting the bar at Impeachment for Russia Collusion and WW3 which if neither happen I'm sorry Trump will win and win handily....why? Who will run against him? All of the Democrats are old and the young ones are painfully naive and far too radical. There's not even a 3rd party candidate who would make a difference.

    You put Beanz in a salad...gross
    If the economy nosedives at the wrong time for him he'll lose. Elections are always about how the economy is doing in the six months prior to the election absent some kind of major event or left field election like 2016. In 2016 he could and did claim to be something completely different, a businessman who could change government and make the economy much better for his voters and so on so voters took a flyer. He'll have a four year track record that people can judge him on next time which takes him out of left field and basically means absent something like a war the state of the economy will decide it. Maybe he gets lucky and the Democrats cough up a shitty candidate or somebody with shitty policies. But the economy will probably decide it. The US political system greatly favours the incumbent in presidential elections so if the economy keeps ticking he'll probably win. But who knows, he may continue to unravel and lose his support. 2020 is a long time away. A week is a long time with this fucker.

    I'm currently enjoying some kind of Honduran quinoa/tomato/chilli/various types of bean salad believe it or not. It's definitely got broad beans in and I think mung beans. At least two types of beans. And there are chick peas as well, so a cousin of the bean in there too. Very nice indeed.
    1. OK so hurdles Trump must clear A) Impeachment B ) WW# C) shit economy......yeah ok, 4 more years it is. I would have said "Obama got elected with a shit economy" but the media ran cover for him and allowed the White House to fudge the numbers. Also Obama blamed W for the economy his entire 8 years in office soooooo...I guess "Yay" for one side of the political isle holding their leaders responsible for their results.

    2. "Maybe he gets lucky and the Democrats cough up a shitty candidate"....that's only a "maybe" from you? The Democrats are nothing but shitty candidates right now old shitty candidates and young shitty candidates but shitty all the way around. Also they are all hyperbolic, they need to stop flying off the handle every single time Trump tweaks them on Twitter in order for ANYONE to find them worthy of listening to much less voting for. Trump tweets and it's like showing Dracula the Cross, fucking hilarious the reactions are always over the top and for what reason to what end? Trump doesn't look insane compared to Democrats, the Democrats look insane compared to Trump and that's not going to win them any votes.

    When Obama took office the US economy was in the middle of the biggest collapse since 1929, the economy was losing a million jobs a month. The current economy, which Trump describes as pick your superlative, is Obama's work. It isn't actually all that great, could be much better, but there haven't been any changes to economic policy since Trump took office and the economy is still growing at the same rate it was under Obama. If it blows up after Trump passes his tax cuts and before 2020, and it will at some point, that will probably decide the election.

    The White House fudged numbers? Show me.

    More than half the country believes Trump is erratic, unstable and unfit to be prez. You manage to see Trump as more suited to the job than any Democratic candidate and see the Democratic people as unsuitable...........

  6. #51
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    If the Kenyan tyrant had threatened to take Fox News's broadcast licence away what would your reaction have been?

    Also, have you taken Beanz off ignore yet?
    Well speaking or typing is one thing....using the IRS to bully your political opponents is quite another and Barry DID do that. And my reaction was appropriate Lois Lerner should have done time, and Barack Obama should have resigned in shame over it.

    No, why would I?
    A federal watchdog investigating whether the Internal Revenue Service unfairly targeted conservative political groups seeking tax-exempt status said that the agency also scrutinized organizations associated with liberal causes from 2004 to 2013. The findings by the Treasury Department’s inspector general mark the end of a political firestorm that embroiled the I.R.S. in controversy, led to the ouster of its commissioner and prompted accusations the tax collection agency was being used as a political weapon by the Obama administration.

    The new report found that the I.R.S. was also inappropriately targeting progressive-leaning groups. While the investigation does not specify the political affiliations of the groups, names that were flagged included the words “Progressive,” “Occupy,” “Green Energy,” and Acorn — the acronym for the now defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. ... Ahead of the 2014 midterm elections, Republicans regularly used the scandal to bludgeon Democrats and paint the Obama administration as corrupt. But now it appears that the I.R.S. was an equal offender. “This report shows the I.R.S. deep scrutiny of political groups is in fact bipartisan, it is liberal and conservative groups that the I.R.S. has been targeting,” said Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist for the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen.

    And what did TIGTA find? Of these 146 cases which met the BOLO criteria based on words in the organization’s name, a grand total of ten were tea-party groups. Here’s the whole chart:
    “We the people” and “pink slip” are associated with tea-party groups. In total, TIGTA identified 111 left-wing groups and 19 right-wing groups. (It’s unclear how the “healthcare” category broke out between left and right.)

    Wrong again Lyle!

  7. #52
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Take him off ignore you fucking nancy.

  8. #53
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Lyle, can you copy the post about the IRS to your externam, hard drive please so you don't bring it up again. And take Beanz off ignore you fucking snowflake.

  9. #54
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    When Obama took office the US economy was in the middle of the biggest collapse since 1929, the economy was losing a million jobs a month. The current economy, which Trump describes as pick your superlative, is Obama's work. It isn't actually all that great, could be much better, but there haven't been any changes to economic policy since Trump took office and the economy is still growing at the same rate it was under Obama. If it blows up after Trump passes his tax cuts and before 2020, and it will at some point, that will probably decide the election.

    The White House fudged numbers? Show me.

    More than half the country believes Trump is erratic, unstable and unfit to be prez. You manage to see Trump as more suited to the job than any Democratic candidate and see the Democratic people as unsuitable...........
    #1: "there haven't been any changes to economic policy since Trump took office".....yeah, I mean other than the over 800 Obama regulations Trump gutted many of which were hamstringing business.

    #2. "The White House fudged numbers? Show me." .....'Jobs SAVED or created' sound familiar? It's a moving of the goal posts and the U3 numbers which are always touted by every President weren't even close to the U6 numbers

    Now maybe it's just me, but it """SEEMS""" like right around 2009 the U3 and U6 numbers started spreading a bit wider....sure sure, you'll say "B-b-b-but muh market collapse"....quite true, but Obama didn't FIX the economy, never did, it wasn't going great guns the man is the FIRST ever President to never oversee a single year of 3%+ growth

    Not good....did he stop the economy from collapsing? No, not really. Was the damage done prior to his being in office, sure go ahead argue that point, but Obama did absolutely nothing to fix it.

    #3. "More than half the country believes Trump is erratic, unstable and unfit to be prez."......soooooo no poll or evidence you're just going to state that claim and fuckin' LET IT BE SO!!! ?? Nah, a lot of people like Trump and enjoy Trump and find him throwing a wrench into the plans of the establishments of both parties fun, fantastic, outstanding...but I guess I'll wait to read this amazing poll which has given you hope, I seem to recall other polls giving you hope in lovely that was

  10. #55
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    When Obama took office the US economy was in the middle of the biggest collapse since 1929, the economy was losing a million jobs a month. The current economy, which Trump describes as pick your superlative, is Obama's work. It isn't actually all that great, could be much better, but there haven't been any changes to economic policy since Trump took office and the economy is still growing at the same rate it was under Obama. If it blows up after Trump passes his tax cuts and before 2020, and it will at some point, that will probably decide the election.

    The White House fudged numbers? Show me.

    More than half the country believes Trump is erratic, unstable and unfit to be prez. You manage to see Trump as more suited to the job than any Democratic candidate and see the Democratic people as unsuitable...........
    #1: "there haven't been any changes to economic policy since Trump took office".....yeah, I mean other than the over 800 Obama regulations Trump gutted many of which were hamstringing business.

    #2. "The White House fudged numbers? Show me." .....'Jobs SAVED or created' sound familiar? It's a moving of the goal posts and the U3 numbers which are always touted by every President weren't even close to the U6 numbers

    Now maybe it's just me, but it """SEEMS""" like right around 2009 the U3 and U6 numbers started spreading a bit wider....sure sure, you'll say "B-b-b-but muh market collapse"....quite true, but Obama didn't FIX the economy, never did, it wasn't going great guns the man is the FIRST ever President to never oversee a single year of 3%+ growth

    Not good....did he stop the economy from collapsing? No, not really. Was the damage done prior to his being in office, sure go ahead argue that point, but Obama did absolutely nothing to fix it.

    #3. "More than half the country believes Trump is erratic, unstable and unfit to be prez."......soooooo no poll or evidence you're just going to state that claim and fuckin' LET IT BE SO!!! ?? Nah, a lot of people like Trump and enjoy Trump and find him throwing a wrench into the plans of the establishments of both parties fun, fantastic, outstanding...but I guess I'll wait to read this amazing poll which has given you hope, I seem to recall other polls giving you hope in lovely that was
    I haven't got time to deal with this now. The first number in that graphic, number of people in work:

    Go and check the actual statistics from the BLS etc. No regulations are hamstringing business. Unless you class not being able to dump your mining waste in streams or selling pesticides that damage childrens' brains or allowing internet providers to sell your private data to whoever wants it as hamstringing business. The regulations prevent business making bigger profits mainly but cutting the regulations actually cost jobs and growth.

    And the reason I cam ehere:

    WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump blamed Senate Republicans, not himself, for the stalled GOP agenda Monday ahead of a crucial White House lunch meeting with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on getting make-or-break tax legislation back on track.

    “I’m not going to blame myself. I’ll be honest they are not getting the job done,” Trump told reporters at a Cabinet meeting. He said there are Republicans “frankly who should be ashamed of themselves.”

    Associated Press
    October 16, 2017

    Obama's complaints about Republicans stopping his agenda are BS since he had full control for two years. He can never take responsibility.

    Donald Trump
    26 Sep 2012

    Nobody knows the system better than me — which is why I alone can fix it.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Show me where the White House misrepresented numbers. Saying jobs saved or created is fine. That's not altering statistics. It's making a claim which was perfectly accurate. Where did they fudge numbers? You understand what fudging numbers means?

  12. #57
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Kirkland you got to be joking here man stop playing dumb. You know for a fact that under Obama we had the highest number of people on food stamps we had the highest percentage of the workforce out of business out of work I mean you know that under Obama you had the most foreclosures in the most bankruptcies. How can you blame Trump for anything he is only been in there for 8 months? The stock market is indeed booming and the unemployment rate has indeed come far down and there have been a lot of jobs created way more that Obama was creating. This is a ridiculous argument even Trump's detractors admit that economically and financially and regarding trade and job creation and bring it back production facilities to this country he is doing great. You're just hell-bent either a communist socialist Democrat or whatever you want to call yourself youre just hell-bent on bashing Trump.

  13. #58
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Lyle, can you copy the post about the IRS to your externam, hard drive please so you don't bring it up again. And take Beanz off ignore you fucking snowflake.
    Well OBVIOUSLY which is why Lois Lerner pleaded the 5th and was found in contempt of Congress...more was not done PROBABLY due to Loretta Lynch being Attorney General...fine upstanding lady she is

    Why should I? He's free to converse with everyone else and fucking why are you worried about it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Take him off ignore you fucking nancy.
    Why should I? Do you think that would help him? All that would happen should I do that is that Beanz would continue to harass me like the rabid weasel he is and he'd continue to NEVER answer my questions and also avoid debate at all where's the benefit for either of us? I'm not denying him his right to free speech he can post whatever he likes, I don't care I'm just not fucking reading it nor am I forcing HIM to read my posts, he does that on his own ("meeeh, meeeh I can't help it" - Beanz ) , a free market solution for both of us

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing
    I haven't got time to deal with this now
    Yyyyyeah after how many posts in a row?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing
    Show me where the White House misrepresented numbers. Saying jobs saved or created is fine. That's not altering statistics. It's making a claim which was perfectly accurate. Where did they fudge numbers? You understand what fudging numbers means?
    Census ‘faked’ 2012 election jobs report

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Lyle does it feel good to use your childish pepe frog hate symbol to avoid answering questions and sidestep debate ? I thought you were not alt right? So why use the cartoon hijacked by alt right boy scouts like yourself? How long before you start using the Hitler Pepe or KKK Pepe?
    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  15. #60
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Kirkland you got to be joking here man stop playing dumb. You know for a fact that under Obama we had the highest number of people on food stamps we had the highest percentage of the workforce out of business out of work I mean you know that under Obama you had the most foreclosures in the most bankruptcies. How can you blame Trump for anything he is only been in there for 8 months? The stock market is indeed booming and the unemployment rate has indeed come far down and there have been a lot of jobs created way more that Obama was creating. This is a ridiculous argument even Trump's detractors admit that economically and financially and regarding trade and job creation and bring it back production facilities to this country he is doing great. You're just hell-bent either a communist socialist Democrat or whatever you want to call yourself youre just hell-bent on bashing Trump.
    Every prez is going to have the highest number of people on food stamps as the population increases under each prez. In Obama's casetens of millions of people lost their jobs in the 2008 Bush/GOP meltdown and they pushed the food stamp numbers up dramatically but they've been falling since 2012.

    When Obama took office the economy was losing a million jobs a month so the unemployment rate went up significantly but he left office with it under 5%, historically very low. Similarly the 2008 meltdown created millions of foreclosures and bankruptcies. They're a result of the people responsible for the 2008 meltdown -- Obama took office in 2009.

    There's a global stock market rally. Under Trump the European stock market index and several Asian stock markets have outperformed the US market as I'm sure you're aware, if anything Trump is a drag on US markets. Investors believe that big business is going to keep on maximising and increasing profits at the expense of their workforces, not what Trump promised when he was a candidate.

    Job creation under Trump has slowed down from where it was under Obama.

    In fact, President Barack Obama actually saw slightly more jobs created in his final six months — 1.08 million — than Trump has in his first six — 1.07 million. And Obama also saw more jobs created than Trump:

    • In the first six months of 2016 (1.08 million)
    • In the last six months of 2015 (1.34 million)
    • In the first six months of 2015 (1.37 million)
    • In the last six months of 2014 (1.5 million)
    • In the first six months of 2014 (1.5 million)
    • In the last six months of 2013 (1.09 million)

    Indeed, no matter how you slice it and what months you choose, there isn't even one six-month period after mid-2013 during which Obama didn't see at least 1 million jobs created. One million jobs in six months is not unprecedented -- it has become the norm since the recovery from the Great Recession really kicked in.

    Who are these "detractors" who "admit that economically and financially and regarding trade and job creation and bring it back production facilities to this country he is doing great." ?

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