OK then as the year is drawing to a close I thought I'd post the full list of everything I've read this year, I'm hoping to get another one or two done before the year is out but I'm feeling a bit burnt out now so we'll see how I get on.

J.Sheridan Le Fanu - Uncle Silas - 1864
Charles Portis - True Grit - 1968
Albert Camus - The Plague - 1947
John Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men - 1937
Truman Capote - In Cold Blood - 1965
Ian Rankin - Knots & Crosses - 1987
Shirley Jackson - We Have Always Lived in the Castle - 1962
Oakley Hall - Warlock - 1958
Ian Rankin - Hide and Seek - 1991
Shirley Jackson - The Birds Nest - 1954
Ray Celestin - The Axemans Jazz - 2014
Zecharia Sitchin - The Lost Book of Enki - 2001
James Herbert - The Rats - 1974
S. Elliot Brandis - Young Slasher
Ian Rankin - Tooth and Nail - 1992
James Hogg - The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner - 1824
Margaret Atwood - Oryx & Crake - 2003
Charles Bukowski - Post Office - 1971
Jim Al-Khalili - Aliens: Science asks: Is there anyone out there?
Lauren Beukes - Broken Monsters - 2014
Graeme Macrae Burnet - His Bloody Project - 2014
Stephen King - It - 1986
Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian - 1985
Stefan Grabínski - The Dark Domain
Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita - 1955
Michael Connelly - The Crossing - 2015
Charlotte Dacre - Zofloya, or the Moor - 1806
Vladimir Nabokov - Bend Sinister - 1947
George Orwell - 1984 - 1949
Steven Hall - The raw Shark Texts - 2007
Stefan Kiesbye - Your house is on fire, your children all gone - 2011
Elliott Chaze - Black Wings Has My Angel - 1953
Paul Trmblay - A Head Full of Ghosts - 2015
Max Ernst - Une Semaine de Bonté - 1934 (this is a bit of a cheat because its just pictures)
John Farris - Son of the Endless Night - 1985