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Thread: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

  1. #16
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    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    James Comey has freely admitted to leaking memos to his "friend" to get out to the press....that's a crime, it's also pretty fucking dodgey that he was allowed to write and release a book on an ongoing investigation that is actually extremely shady and gives credence to to the whole "the deep state is actively working against Trump" trope which happens to be quite correct.

    Hillary Clinton to James Comey's admission (either he's honest and believable or he's corrupt as Hillary) broke several laws albeit he thought that no prosecutor would ever try her for breaking those laws. If you or I had smashed a subpoenaed phone/computer to bits or used bleach bit to wipe the memory of those devices well I'm quite afraid we'd be thrown UNDER the jail. Hillary and her staff did exactly that and not only that she has a history as long as her husband's political career of corruption traceable all the way back to Arkansas and well the Teflon wore off of John Gotti eventually and it's wearing quite thin on the red queen right now.

    The Clinton Foundation is as corrupt of an organization that has ever existed and what they did to Haiti alone should have the Clinton's heads on pikes!
    It's not a crime for Comey to pass memos to his friend to leak them to the press.

    Hillary didn't break any laws either, otherwise she would have been charged with breaking a law. She's been investigated more or less nonstop since 1993, normally by Republican committes and she still hasn't been charged with a crime.

    What did the Clinton Foundation do in Haiti? The Clinton Foundation is rated by the charities watchdog as being at the same level of probity as the Red Cross. Surely they can't be all that bad.

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    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    What crimes have these people committed?
    You are so full of poo poo I can smell u across the pond

    if he's even OVER there bwaha
    Larry and Moe came to the rescue for you but you still aren't risking an actual reply, are you? I'm serious about the recycling thing. I'm hoping it's going well.

  3. #18
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Here's Fox News to explain Uranium One to you:

    Being a member of a coven isn't a crime either.

    No being in a coven isn't a crime and not 1 single person would doubt you if you called Hillary Clinton a witch.....however, the spirit cooking and pedophilia and that whole deal, that's not a great look

  4. #19
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    It's not a crime for Comey to pass memos to his friend to leak them to the press.

    Hillary didn't break any laws either, otherwise she would have been charged with breaking a law. She's been investigated more or less nonstop since 1993, normally by Republican committes and she still hasn't been charged with a crime.

    What did the Clinton Foundation do in Haiti? The Clinton Foundation is rated by the charities watchdog as being at the same level of probity as the Red Cross. Surely they can't be all that bad.
    If there was classified information in the memos leaked then YES James Comey DID break the law.

    Well then I highly recommend that you follow Hillary Clinton's manner of dealing with subpoenaed material when YOU deal with the FBI and see how legal it is at that point in time. It was not charged at the time because james Comey was head of the FBI, Loretta Lynch was promised Ruth Bader Ginsberg's SCOTUS seat, and Peter Strzok was already letting Hillary off the hook before he even questioned her....why? He didn't like Trump FACT. All proven shit Kirkland.

    She's been investigated nonstop because she's a dirty dealer and she's going to get hers believe it boy, it will be a sweet day in history when it happens too....I look forward to your tears.

    The Clinton Foundation stole children from Haiti AND if that wasn't enough they didn't give the Haitians any money which was raised for them. Remember how Hillary said they left the White House "flat broke" broke is she right now hmmm? How is that possible? another cattle futures deal

  5. #20
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    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Here's Fox News to explain Uranium One to you:

    Being a member of a coven isn't a crime either.

    No being in a coven isn't a crime and not 1 single person would doubt you if you called Hillary Clinton a witch.....however, the spirit cooking and pedophilia and that whole deal, that's not a great look
    You can try and post an actual coherent argument instead of posting kids' stuff.

    And the paedophilia/pizzagate thing is just crazy conspiracy looney stuff Lyle. Even Alex Jones, America's preimier conspiracy nut apologised for pushing that one but you're still banging on about it. Over the last ten years you've gone from being a standard issue right wing idiot to becoming somebody who believes absolutely crazy conspiracy theories. That stuff is fucking barking mad man. You really need to take a step back from stuff like that.

  6. #21
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    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    It's not a crime for Comey to pass memos to his friend to leak them to the press.

    Hillary didn't break any laws either, otherwise she would have been charged with breaking a law. She's been investigated more or less nonstop since 1993, normally by Republican committes and she still hasn't been charged with a crime.

    What did the Clinton Foundation do in Haiti? The Clinton Foundation is rated by the charities watchdog as being at the same level of probity as the Red Cross. Surely they can't be all that bad.
    If there was classified information in the memos leaked then YES James Comey DID break the law.

    Well then I highly recommend that you follow Hillary Clinton's manner of dealing with subpoenaed material when YOU deal with the FBI and see how legal it is at that point in time. It was not charged at the time because james Comey was head of the FBI, Loretta Lynch was promised Ruth Bader Ginsberg's SCOTUS seat, and Peter Strzok was already letting Hillary off the hook before he even questioned her....why? He didn't like Trump FACT. All proven shit Kirkland.

    She's been investigated nonstop because she's a dirty dealer and she's going to get hers believe it boy, it will be a sweet day in history when it happens too....I look forward to your tears.

    The Clinton Foundation stole children from Haiti AND if that wasn't enough they didn't give the Haitians any money which was raised for them. Remember how Hillary said they left the White House "flat broke" broke is she right now hmmm? How is that possible? another cattle futures deal
    There wasn't any classified information in the memos when he released them. One of the memos had something retroactively classified a year after it was released. Another one had some redacted classified information. So no actual classified information was leaked when the contents of the memos were described to the press by Comey's friend. The proof of the pudding will be that no charges will be brought against Comey.

    The FBI didn't find that Hillary had destroyed and subpoenaed material. People being promised Supreme Court seats? This has been proved? Where is this proof then Lyle? And also proof they stole money/children from Haiti.

    And Hillary, Comey and even Obama aren't going to be charged with anything Lyle. Don't hold your breath on that one. Donald Trump however............

  7. #22
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    You can try and post an actual coherent argument instead of posting kids' stuff.

    And the paedophilia/pizzagate thing is just crazy conspiracy looney stuff Lyle. Even Alex Jones, America's preimier conspiracy nut apologised for pushing that one but you're still banging on about it. Over the last ten years you've gone from being a standard issue right wing idiot to becoming somebody who believes absolutely crazy conspiracy theories. That stuff is fucking barking mad man. You really need to take a step back from stuff like that.
    Coherent argument like......

    If there was classified information in the memos leaked then YES James Comey DID break the law.

    Well then I highly recommend that you follow Hillary Clinton's manner of dealing with subpoenaed material when YOU deal with the FBI and see how legal it is at that point in time. It was not charged at the time because james Comey was head of the FBI, Loretta Lynch was promised Ruth Bader Ginsberg's SCOTUS seat, and Peter Strzok was already letting Hillary off the hook before he even questioned her....why? He didn't like Trump FACT. All proven shit Kirkland.

    Yeah you keep singing yourself that lullaby buddy.....your world is going to come crashing down and it will be a pleasure to watch you deal with it.

    The Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal And How The Media Attempted To Ignore/Cover It Up

    LOL and Alex Jones backed off of Comet Ping Pong as a business and James Alefantis being the owner because the media twisted the story. That pizzeria isn't the center of you talk about the Island of Little Saint James, you talk about Jeffery Epstein (convicted pedo) and his best buddies the Clintons....then maybe you start getting somewhere but keep those blinders on buddy it's only going to make it that much more fun for me when all is revealed to you

  8. #23
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Huma Abedin is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Huma and Obama's educations at Harvard were paid for by this guy....

    He's a real piece of shit, you'd love him

  9. #24
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    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Huma Abedin is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Huma and Obama's educations at Harvard were paid for by this guy....

    He's a real piece of shit, you'd love him
    I wonder how nuts you're going to be in another ten years.

  10. #25
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    I wonder how nuts you're going to be in another ten years.
    Excellent rebuttal....where's the impeachment you claimed was coming? Where is it Kirkland? Where's the collusion other than Hillary and the DNC colluding to torpedo Sanders?

    And you call ME a conspiracy theorist, ironic.

    IRAN is next

  11. #26
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Clinton-Linked Cult Leader Who Hot-Branded Women Arrested For Sex Trafficking




  12. #27
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    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    How is Kirkland Laing not beanz? The diction and the pentameter and the inflection are all exactly the same as well as the grouping all opposition together and that it seems that Kirkland thinks I mean beanz thinks that nobody makes a coherent argument and nobody answers any questions.


  13. #28
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Hey @brocktonblockbust there's absolutely NO pedogate at all....NONE

    Telford sex scandal shock as social services chief is one of THREE councillors exposed as paedophiles

    It's just all some big hoax

  14. #29
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    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Hey @brocktonblockbust there's absolutely NO pedogate at all....NONE

    Telford sex scandal shock as social services chief is one of THREE councillors exposed as paedophiles

    It's just all some big hoax
    Well well well.....


  15. #30
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    Default Re: James Comey/Hillary Clinton ***IN DEEP TROUBLE***

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    It's not a crime for Comey to pass memos to his friend to leak them to the press.

    Hillary didn't break any laws either, otherwise she would have been charged with breaking a law. She's been investigated more or less nonstop since 1993, normally by Republican committes and she still hasn't been charged with a crime.

    What did the Clinton Foundation do in Haiti? The Clinton Foundation is rated by the charities watchdog as being at the same level of probity as the Red Cross. Surely they can't be all that bad.
    If there was classified information in the memos leaked then YES James Comey DID break the law.

    Well then I highly recommend that you follow Hillary Clinton's manner of dealing with subpoenaed material when YOU deal with the FBI and see how legal it is at that point in time. It was not charged at the time because james Comey was head of the FBI, Loretta Lynch was promised Ruth Bader Ginsberg's SCOTUS seat, and Peter Strzok was already letting Hillary off the hook before he even questioned her....why? He didn't like Trump FACT. All proven shit Kirkland.

    She's been investigated nonstop because she's a dirty dealer and she's going to get hers believe it boy, it will be a sweet day in history when it happens too....I look forward to your tears.

    The Clinton Foundation stole children from Haiti AND if that wasn't enough they didn't give the Haitians any money which was raised for them. Remember how Hillary said they left the White House "flat broke" broke is she right now hmmm? How is that possible? another cattle futures deal
    There wasn't any classified information in the memos when he released them. One of the memos had something retroactively classified a year after it was released. Another one had some redacted classified information. So no actual classified information was leaked when the contents of the memos were described to the press by Comey's friend. The proof of the pudding will be that no charges will be brought against Comey.

    The FBI didn't find that Hillary had destroyed and subpoenaed material. People being promised Supreme Court seats? This has been proved? Where is this proof then Lyle? And also proof they stole money/children from Haiti.

    And Hillary, Comey and even Obama aren't going to be charged with anything Lyle. Don't hold your breath on that one. Donald Trump however............
    Ha ha poopy head Kirk is saying well the info wasn't classified when he leaked it. WTF it's the head off the FBI dropping the info, it's what he deals with, info. It's like you are rationalizing for him. The dude should not be passing info that might even possibly be classified, he is the head of, what is said to be, the most powerful law enforcement body in the world. He ruined the integrity (what little they had) for what? To sell a book, get back at Trump and prove himself right. He is a pompous ass and it's a shame. He was on the view when they listed off the charges he is being investigated for and damn did he do a squirm in his seat.

    Hillary and "what you mean clean my server with a napkin" using bleach bits or whatever and having paid tech staff destroy shit with a hammer and you say move along nothing to see here, are you nutz? Why are you so focused on the US? Aren't you preoccupied with Nazi dogs

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