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  1. #1036
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    So what you're saying here is that establishment Republicans, even some Trump appointees like Rosenstein, are all part of the Democratic/deep state/radical Muslim/Rothschild/Jewish/Bilderburg/globalist/Trilateral Commission/CFR/Kenyan Muslim conspiracy to do whatever it is they're doing. The only people not part of the conspiracy are the looniest fringe of the GOP and looney tune right wing people out there who believe this stuff. You crazy cunt.
    Yes there ARE Republicans involved...have you NOT seen the list of Republicans not seeking further terms? It's a LONG list and it's got some deep state actors in it. Do you NOT recall that the initial contact to Fusion GPS was made via a Republican Presidential candidate and it was then "passed on" to HRC...I won't ask if you're that naive because apparently you are.

    Trump hired Rod Rosenstein SPECIFICALLY because he's the guy who gave the go ahead to fire James Comey....meaning when Rod Rosenstein came after Trump for firing James Comey he could not hold both positions. He couldn't say "Yes I told you to fire James Comey" AND "Firing James Comey was illegal unlawful and you should be impeached for it".....but again, I'm sure you already knew that because you're not naive

    The New York Post described the journal as “a radical Muslim publication” but that’s ridiculous, according to experts on Islam and members of the advisory board.
    Yeah, the experts on Islam are ALWAYS truthful about that religion.

    The fact that Huma Abedin was listed as an assistant editor between 1996 and 2008 is not news, as that had previously been reported in 2012. The Clinton campaign says Abedin played no role in editing articles; her brother and sister are also listed as staff members.
    So is this article saying 1. Huma was FALSELY listed as an editor? 2. Huma was an editor in name only and never did any work? 3. Huma lied about working there? or 4. Saleha Abedin lied about Huma working there?

    Not really a GOOD choice in all of those

    Noah Feldman is an idiot -> Here's the key part: "The Islamists never got a chance, really, to govern, and if there's one central argument that I'm trying to press in the book, it's that Islamists who say they are committed democrats, who tell you that they believe in democracy, who believe that Islam and democracy are deeply compatible, not incompatible, should be given a chance to govern. They've never been given that chance anywhere [sic!], and I think many, many people in the Muslim world—not all, but many—would vote for them." you're telling me that Noah Feldman, doesn't see Huma, her mother, or their works as "radical"......ya don't say

    Dale Eickelman who is in love with the Gulen Movement which worked with Erdogan until 2013 due to a corruption scandal doesn't think Huma, her mother, or their journal is "radical"....oh DO TELL

    Woah woah woah you're telling me that Ali Sultaan Asani (Sindhi: علي سلطان آساڻي‎; born 1954 in Nairobi, Kenya) is Professor of Indo-Muslim Religion and Cultures and the Director of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.....doesn't think it "radical" ....I'm shocked, SHOCKED I say

    Oddly, the New York Post described the journal as a “Saudi propaganda organ” even though the Saudi government has banned the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Presumably one cannot be both a Saudi propagandist and a Muslim Brotherhood operative at the same time.
    When did the Saudi's ban the Muslim Brotherhood? Prince Alwaleed-Bin Talal can do both which is why he got locked up until he made major financial amends to the Saudi government.

    Although for somebody who just accused an American war hero and US Senator for the past three decades of funneling weapons to ISIS I'm guessing this is just more lies too. What the fuck happened to you Lyle?
    War heroes and Senators can do bad things Kirkland, just because someone is a war hero doesn't mean they are incapable of errors in judgement or moral failings or just plain bad acting. John McCain AND John Glenn were in the Keating 5 so obviously it's not an issue of "I'm a war hero, I can do no wrong". Who was the war hawk calling to arm Syrian rebels? John McCain. Wouldn't be the first time the US armed the baddies: the mujihadeen in Afghanistan which became Al Qaeda, and then Al Qaeda in Bosnia/Kosovo, and then the "moderate" Syrian rebels.

    Look no further than France's amazing World War I Justice Marshall Philipe Petain once hailed as "The Lion of Verdun"....WW2 rolls around and he bends the knee to the Nazis and attempted to keep everyone in Vichy France at the heel.

    Look at Benedict Arnold, an amazing Patriot but then decided to go get some money from the Brits....past heroics don't equal future virtues.
    There are always a load of people retiring ahead of midterm elections. None of these people are "deep state" actors Lyle, they're just politicians who are either retiring or getting out before they're voted out.

    I'm not sure what the significance is of the Steele dossier being passed to the FBI by a Republican. It was also passed to the FBI by Steele too. The FBI have used information provided by Steele in a bunch of criminal cases, including the FIFA investigation. And the Steele dossier is another red herring too, the FBI have already said that any information that they used from the Steele dossier in any action they took had been corroborated by them from other sources.

    Trump appointed Rosenstein before any of the Comey business started.

    As far as Huma goes other than a tiny number of crazy right wing people nobody believes that she's a radical Muslim or any of the other conspiracy stuff. You're never going to accept that because you get all your news and information from crazy right wing people.

    The Saudi prince you're claiming is so radical used to own a big chunk of Fox News. He's a big friend and business partner of Rupert Murdoch, the Bush family and other prominent Americans. He got shaken down by a relative recently but that doesn't make him a radical.

    There's a big difference between dodgy financial dealings, which almost every US Senator does (there's a massive amount of insider trading that goes on unreported by pretty much every Senator) and actually sending weapons to America's enemies. That's just crazy stuff Lyle.

    Once again you can put your money where your mouth is. Either at some point Trump is going to srop the hammer and there are going to be thousands of arrests of all these deep state/Democratic/Muslim/etc people or any indictments will be on the Trump side of this bet.

    What will happen is that Mueller will eventually do whatever he does and any indictments will be on the Trump side of this. All this crazy conspiracy stuff will turn out to be crazy conspiracy stuff. Except some people won't be able to accept that. Just like

    Hillary Clinton is ABSOLUTELY guilty of numerous FELONIES....
    The lack of charges against Hillary is 100% proof of James Comey being in on the deal when ANYONE else, literally ANYONE else would have been run through the ringer.

    Hillary will still be guilty of numerous FELONIES as will Obama and countless others, and the lack of future charges against these people will be 100% proof in your mind of their guilt and some deep state coverup so big that even Trump couldn't uncover it.

    There really are some people you can fool all of the time.

  2. #1037
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Trump is tied at the hip with Putin....which is why Trump lambasted Germany for working a deal getting them Russian gas and oil which puts them under Russia's boot (should Russia choose to put them under a bit of pressure...they will) when NATO is supposed to protect American allies from Russia.

    You can't go and place your nation at the mercy of Russia while being in an alliance to protect yourself FROM Russia while simultaneously not paying the agreed upon amount for the alliance to protect your nation from doesn't fucking add up and yet the media and halfwits like Kirkland are still all "But muh Russia collusion".....there isn't any if there was it would be out and on display right fucking now, think Democrats and Mueller are just waiting and biding their time to hammer Trump? NO they'd act immediately and with the full force of government if they had ANYTHING on Trump, they don't which is why the Mueller investigation is dragging on and lefties are touting the wide scope that Mueller has
    t shouldn't surprise you to know that trump was talking out of his arse yesterday. Germany gets about nine percent of its energy from Russia. The pipeline and the supply route/quantity are such that Russia is now dependent on the money from it and it would bankrupt the Russian economy if they ever tried playing politics with it. There's a balance of power there which means neither side will upset the other. Also Lyle, hydrocarbon energy is fungible. Look it up mate.

  3. #1038
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    So Kirk I’m curious. You always post every bad economic number you can find, and admit that is easy to do as google searches dig up the neg on trump. Anyway I want your opinion on a recession. I gave you several reasons one could come about even next year which may include the corporate buybacks but I still think we are good for the foreseeable. I talk to and listen to many people smarter than I in economics and equities and those that don’t see the bottom dropping out make a good argument. So do you find yourself following the opposing view that it will hit within the next twelve months? You don’t need to post charts and stuff just want YOUR opinion, we can get back to numbers later
    It all depends mate. I think I know what will happen but I can't put a timeline on it. Central banks are indicating they're going to raise rates/tighten the money supply. That more than anything is going to drive economic events unless Trump's trade war escalates. The Fed basically told emerging markets to drop dead a little while ago saying they wouldn't be deflected from rate rises by any problems in the second world. The combined effect of the Fed, ECB, Bank of Japan and Bank of England will be contractionary within months if they don't change course. They're desperate to raise rates while economies are doing well so that they can cut rates when the next recession hits and create some stimulus. They don't want to face going into the next recession with record government deficits (in America anyway), record debt levels and no room to cut interest rates.

    China are going tthe other way to avoid corporate default/flight problems but this will weaken their currency and may start Trump off with a currency war too. Lots can go wrong with that idiot in charge. Lots can go wrong everywhere. What's going to happen to Italy when the ECB raises rates? They're too big to fail and too big to save. There are too many moving parts even to write a quick summary which you really have to do to have any sort of context to follow the whole thing. Long story short, provided a trade/currency/etc war doesn't escalate and cause a recession the most likely thing to cause the next recession is rate raises. Like I said before, when the next recession does hit the new narrative will be how deceptively fragile the current economic recovery was and it was just papering over the cracks and so on. As events progress and I can get more of a handle on what's going to happen when I'll let you know.

  4. #1039
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    What is it?

  5. #1040
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    So Kirk I’m curious. You always post every bad economic number you can find, and admit that is easy to do as google searches dig up the neg on trump. Anyway I want your opinion on a recession. I gave you several reasons one could come about even next year which may include the corporate buybacks but I still think we are good for the foreseeable. I talk to and listen to many people smarter than I in economics and equities and those that don’t see the bottom dropping out make a good argument. So do you find yourself following the opposing view that it will hit within the next twelve months? You don’t need to post charts and stuff just want YOUR opinion, we can get back to numbers later
    It all depends mate. I think I know what will happen but I can't put a timeline on it. Central banks are indicating they're going to raise rates/tighten the money supply. That more than anything is going to drive economic events unless Trump's trade war escalates. The Fed basically told emerging markets to drop dead a little while ago saying they wouldn't be deflected from rate rises by any problems in the second world. The combined effect of the Fed, ECB, Bank of Japan and Bank of England will be contractionary within months if they don't change course. They're desperate to raise rates while economies are doing well so that they can cut rates when the next recession hits and create some stimulus. They don't want to face going into the next recession with record government deficits (in America anyway), record debt levels and no room to cut interest rates.

    China are going tthe other way to avoid corporate default/flight problems but this will weaken their currency and may start Trump off with a currency war too. Lots can go wrong with that idiot in charge. Lots can go wrong everywhere. What's going to happen to Italy when the ECB raises rates? They're too big to fail and too big to save. There are too many moving parts even to write a quick summary which you really have to do to have any sort of context to follow the whole thing. Long story short, provided a trade/currency/etc war doesn't escalate and cause a recession the most likely thing to cause the next recession is rate raises. Like I said before, when the next recession does hit the new narrative will be how deceptively fragile the current economic recovery was and it was just papering over the cracks and so on. As events progress and I can get more of a handle on what's going to happen when I'll let you know.
    fair enough I agree it takes a lot of info to input I was just looking for ur opinion, it’s all good

  7. #1042
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    So Kirk I’m curious. You always post every bad economic number you can find, and admit that is easy to do as google searches dig up the neg on trump. Anyway I want your opinion on a recession. I gave you several reasons one could come about even next year which may include the corporate buybacks but I still think we are good for the foreseeable. I talk to and listen to many people smarter than I in economics and equities and those that don’t see the bottom dropping out make a good argument. So do you find yourself following the opposing view that it will hit within the next twelve months? You don’t need to post charts and stuff just want YOUR opinion, we can get back to numbers later
    It all depends mate. I think I know what will happen but I can't put a timeline on it. Central banks are indicating they're going to raise rates/tighten the money supply. That more than anything is going to drive economic events unless Trump's trade war escalates. The Fed basically told emerging markets to drop dead a little while ago saying they wouldn't be deflected from rate rises by any problems in the second world. The combined effect of the Fed, ECB, Bank of Japan and Bank of England will be contractionary within months if they don't change course. They're desperate to raise rates while economies are doing well so that they can cut rates when the next recession hits and create some stimulus. They don't want to face going into the next recession with record government deficits (in America anyway), record debt levels and no room to cut interest rates.

    China are going tthe other way to avoid corporate default/flight problems but this will weaken their currency and may start Trump off with a currency war too. Lots can go wrong with that idiot in charge. Lots can go wrong everywhere. What's going to happen to Italy when the ECB raises rates? They're too big to fail and too big to save. There are too many moving parts even to write a quick summary which you really have to do to have any sort of context to follow the whole thing. Long story short, provided a trade/currency/etc war doesn't escalate and cause a recession the most likely thing to cause the next recession is rate raises. Like I said before, when the next recession does hit the new narrative will be how deceptively fragile the current economic recovery was and it was just papering over the cracks and so on. As events progress and I can get more of a handle on what's going to happen when I'll let you know.
    fair enough I agree it takes a lot of info to input I was just looking for ur opinion, it’s all good
    Even Kirkland Laing can't tell you months out from something when it'll happen. I'll personally be happy with 24 hours notice. Should be more than that though.

  8. #1043
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    This lays it out rather simply but this will be an interesting development

  9. #1044
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    The tearful reunions — ordered by a court in California — came as the government said that it would release hundreds of migrant families wearing ankle bracelet monitors into the United States, effectively returning to the “catch and release” policy that President Trump promised to eliminate.

    Trump administration officials also said that they have stopped referring migrant adults who enter the United States with children for prosecution.

    “Parents with children under the age of 5 are being reunited with their children and then released and enrolled into an alternative detention program,” Matthew Albence, Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s executive associate director of enforcement and removal operations, told reporters on Tuesday.
    He said that means the migrants will be given ankle bracelets “and released into the community.”

  10. #1045
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    There are always a load of people retiring ahead of midterm elections. None of these people are "deep state" actors Lyle, they're just politicians who are either retiring or getting out before they're voted out.

    I'm not sure what the significance is of the Steele dossier being passed to the FBI by a Republican. It was also passed to the FBI by Steele too. The FBI have used information provided by Steele in a bunch of criminal cases, including the FIFA investigation. And the Steele dossier is another red herring too, the FBI have already said that any information that they used from the Steele dossier in any action they took had been corroborated by them from other sources.

    Trump appointed Rosenstein before any of the Comey business started.

    As far as Huma goes other than a tiny number of crazy right wing people nobody believes that she's a radical Muslim or any of the other conspiracy stuff. You're never going to accept that because you get all your news and information from crazy right wing people.

    The Saudi prince you're claiming is so radical used to own a big chunk of Fox News. He's a big friend and business partner of Rupert Murdoch, the Bush family and other prominent Americans. He got shaken down by a relative recently but that doesn't make him a radical.

    There's a big difference between dodgy financial dealings, which almost every US Senator does (there's a massive amount of insider trading that goes on unreported by pretty much every Senator) and actually sending weapons to America's enemies. That's just crazy stuff Lyle.

    Once again you can put your money where your mouth is. Either at some point Trump is going to srop the hammer and there are going to be thousands of arrests of all these deep state/Democratic/Muslim/etc people or any indictments will be on the Trump side of this bet.

    What will happen is that Mueller will eventually do whatever he does and any indictments will be on the Trump side of this. All this crazy conspiracy stuff will turn out to be crazy conspiracy stuff. Except some people won't be able to accept that. Just like

    Hillary Clinton is ABSOLUTELY guilty of numerous FELONIES....
    The lack of charges against Hillary is 100% proof of James Comey being in on the deal when ANYONE else, literally ANYONE else would have been run through the ringer.

    Hillary will still be guilty of numerous FELONIES as will Obama and countless others, and the lack of future charges against these people will be 100% proof in your mind of their guilt and some deep state coverup so big that even Trump couldn't uncover it.

    There really are some people you can fool all of the time.
    Obviously there are retirements all the time, and no #NOTALL the folks refusing another term are deep state, but SOME are. Or of course YOU can know better, so why even bother responding to me if you think so lowly of me and think everything I post as ridiculous and part of some crazy conspiracy theory? Why bother?

    So you believe the dossier 100% then?

    OK so you just don't want to address what I said about Huma, you just want to avoid any questions, skirt by the FACTS, and pretend that there are 0 questions about her. OK, that's, no, don't ever go back and address those questions I like it like this.

    People as wealthy as Alwaleed Bin-Talal consistently play both sides against the other....what part of that is mutually exclusive to what I've said? Could Bin-Talal not have owned part of Fox News and been "friends" with Murdoch and also funded terrorism, the expansion of Islam into places like Harvard? But hey, don't bother fucking answering that either because it's easier if you're just dismissive.

    "There's a big difference between dodgy financial dealings, which almost every US Senator does (there's a massive amount of insider trading that goes on unreported by pretty much every Senator) and actually sending weapons to America's enemies.".......morally, no, no there's not much difference and again it wouldn't be the first time American politicians gave weapons to terrorists.

    You believe Mueller will get Trump...fine....I guess I'll wait for that day

    I tell you what, if you EVER find yourself on the wrong side of the law in EXACTLY what Hillary Clinton did and see where it gets you. You seem to believe that she did nothing wrong, so you do EXACTLY as she did and we'll see just what occurs for YOU. Look and see what happened to Kristian Saucier, he didn't do a tenth of what Hillary did and he was thrown in jail.

  11. #1046
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    The total wealth of all current members was at least $2.43 billion when the 115th Congress began, 20 percent more than the collective riches of the previous Congress, a significant gain during a period when both the Dow Jones industrial average and Standard & Poor’s 500 index rose slightly less than 10 percent.

    This shows how much our representatives really understand the people

  12. #1047
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Obviously there are retirements all the time, and no #NOTALL the folks refusing another term are deep state, but SOME are. Or of course YOU can know better, so why even bother responding to me if you think so lowly of me and think everything I post as ridiculous and part of some crazy conspiracy theory? Why bother?

    So you believe the dossier 100% then?

    OK so you just don't want to address what I said about Huma, you just want to avoid any questions, skirt by the FACTS, and pretend that there are 0 questions about her. OK, that's, no, don't ever go back and address those questions I like it like this.

    People as wealthy as Alwaleed Bin-Talal consistently play both sides against the other....what part of that is mutually exclusive to what I've said? Could Bin-Talal not have owned part of Fox News and been "friends" with Murdoch and also funded terrorism, the expansion of Islam into places like Harvard? But hey, don't bother fucking answering that either because it's easier if you're just dismissive.

    "There's a big difference between dodgy financial dealings, which almost every US Senator does (there's a massive amount of insider trading that goes on unreported by pretty much every Senator) and actually sending weapons to America's enemies.".......morally, no, no there's not much difference and again it wouldn't be the first time American politicians gave weapons to terrorists.

    You believe Mueller will get Trump...fine....I guess I'll wait for that day

    I tell you what, if you EVER find yourself on the wrong side of the law in EXACTLY what Hillary Clinton did and see where it gets you. You seem to believe that she did nothing wrong, so you do EXACTLY as she did and we'll see just what occurs for YOU. Look and see what happened to Kristian Saucier, he didn't do a tenth of what Hillary did and he was thrown in jail.
    Who are these deep state actors Lyle? What is their function in the deep state?

    I'm not going to spend time arguing about crazy right wing six degrees of Kevin Bacon stuff about Huma being a radical Muslim. It's fucking mental Lyle. look. I used to work with a South African white supremacist. He eventually got arrested at an airfield in South Africa with two planes full of weapons that he'd bought from some arms dealer in order to overthrow Nelson Mandela's government which had just taken power. He then bought his way out of jail, surrendered his passport and is now living in Paraguay with the sons and daughters of actual Nazis. So by your reckoning I have ties with Adolf Hitler. It's fucking nuts mate. Crazy fruit loop stuff.

    You know they've studied religions at Harvard since it was set up, right? There's no evidence at all of that particular Saudi prince being radical.

    I've never said Mueller will get Trump.

    Alberto Gonzalez and David Petraeus did far worse than Hillary and either weren't charged or got a slap on the wrist. Comey said in his press conference announcing that he wasn't charging Hillary that if Gonzalez wasn't charged then there's no way charges could be brought against Hillary. So far half a dozen of the current Trump administration have been caught using private email accounts which breaks various laws about presidential record keeping on top of anything classified they may have sent but there's no investigations of them even. There is nothing Hillary did, zero, that warrants charging her with anything.

  13. #1048
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Who are these deep state actors Lyle? What is their function in the deep state?

    I'm not going to spend time arguing about crazy right wing six degrees of Kevin Bacon stuff about Huma being a radical Muslim. It's fucking mental Lyle. look. I used to work with a South African white supremacist. He eventually got arrested at an airfield in South Africa with two planes full of weapons that he'd bought from some arms dealer in order to overthrow Nelson Mandela's government which had just taken power. He then bought his way out of jail, surrendered his passport and is now living in Paraguay with the sons and daughters of actual Nazis. So by your reckoning I have ties with Adolf Hitler. It's fucking nuts mate. Crazy fruit loop stuff.

    You know they've studied religions at Harvard since it was set up, right? There's no evidence at all of that particular Saudi prince being radical.

    I've never said Mueller will get Trump.

    Alberto Gonzalez and David Petraeus did far worse than Hillary and either weren't charged or got a slap on the wrist. Comey said in his press conference announcing that he wasn't charging Hillary that if Gonzalez wasn't charged then there's no way charges could be brought against Hillary. So far half a dozen of the current Trump administration have been caught using private email accounts which breaks various laws about presidential record keeping on top of anything classified they may have sent but there's no investigations of them even. There is nothing Hillary did, zero, that warrants charging her with anything.
    It remains to be seen. It remains to be seen.

    Beautiful anecdote Kirkland....did you work FOR the white supremacist at a place which soft peddled white supremacy to the public? No? No ya didn't? Awwww....well I guess that makes your lil story meaningless, but thank you for taking the time.

    Al-Waleed Bin Talal was only arrested for corruption and extremism....what's that second part....oh it no mind.

    OK then Kirkland, it's whatever you say I give up on it

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Kirky here is another article about China and Russia. I know there was also talk about China dumping bond holdings but they suspect that was just saber rattling because of trade. However Russia and China have been talking about a gold backed currency rather than the current petro dollar which has been used since the seventies. We made an agreement at the time for oil purchases to be done only in dollars. China beat us as the the largest importer of oil and there usage will continue to grow so they can put pressure on the house of saud to to accept the yuan. We provide security to the Saudi oil field so we can apply pressure. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out

  15. #1050
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Absolute shitshow with the Stzrok hearing today. The Democrats tried to block and stop everything. The Republicans did get flustered and they were pissed off about it. Peter Stzrok is mini-Comey a smug smarmy narcissist...."I can't recall sending that text"...."actually you have to look at the context surrounding the text".....oh really? I thought you "didn't remember"....what a piece of shit.

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