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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #3181
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    The liberal media. The biggest newspaper in America:

    To hear White House lawyers tell it, independent counsel Ken Starr's impeachment report is a "hit-and-run smear campaign" full of sexual details designed to damage the president. Nothing in the report supports Starr's claim of 11 impeachable offenses, they say.

    Not so, according to Starr. After eight months of investigation, he says it's clear the president repeatedly lied under oath, encouraged others to lie, obstructed justice, and defiled his office. His 445-page report details grounds for removal from office.

    That is essentially the same argument that has raged for eight months, with details added, and now moves to Congress for judgment.

    But the legal skirmishing misses the central question: Has the president so failed in his duties to the nation that he should leave office?

    The answer to that question is yes, and the time for the president to leave is not after months of continued national embarrassment, but now. Bill Clinton should resign.
    Not because he is unquestionably guilty of any specific criminal offense, though he may well be. Not because of his sexual behavior, as disgraceful as it is. And not solely because of Starr's report, which is far from an impartial judgment. He should resign because he has resolutely failed — and continues to fail — the most fundamental test of any president: to put his nation's interests first.

    The least any American can expect of a president is that in crisis he will readily put the welfare of the nation he leads ahead of his own well-being. In other contexts, that is the ultimate test of character. It separates the military leader or executive who accepts blame for failure from the one who tries to shuffle it elsewhere.

    There's no doubt which kind of man the Founders had in mind. Not someone with "talents for low intrigue and the little arts of popularity," but with qualities to "establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union," as Alexander Hamilton put it in The Federalist Papers.

    This crisis continues to expose Clinton as someone who lacks both the courage and the character to make that sacrifice.

    If nothing else, this is made plain in the Starr report, as salacious and flawed an impeachment document it may be. It is a tale of a man who entered into the most shallow sort of affair knowing better than anyone else what pain the nation would suffer if he were caught; a man, who once exposed, lied in the nation's face and then used his considerable power to intimidate and discredit his accusers; a man who consciously skated along a thin legal edge, determined to hold onto office at any cost to the nation he is sworn to serve.


    In the end, the legal strategy Clinton pursues today combined with his apparent repentance may prevail, with the president escaping impeachment and remaining in office. It would at best be a hollow victory for someone who has shown himself to be a small man.

    A president should be more than that. He should be the extraordinary person Hamilton foresaw — one who occupies the office with integrity and who instinctively places honesty and the nation's welfare above self-interest.

    For eight months, continuing to this day, Bill Clinton has given no sign that he is or can become that kind of person. Now the channel has narrowed, leaving him no choice but to push ahead or resign.

    Bill Clinton should resign.

  2. #3182
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Here Kirk this sounds more your speed no wonder you are so fucked up

    The prospect of Donald Trump making a state visit to Britain in June is stomach-churning. The corruption investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, whose damning report was published last week, provided ample evidence of what we already know: Trump is unfit to hold the office of president of the United States. By his words and actions over two wretched, destructive years in power, he has proved beyond doubt he is no friend of Britain.
    The proposal that the British state should extend to this unworthy man its highest honours, including an address to parliament, and a banquet and carriage ride down the Mall with the Queen, is misjudged. It will do nothing to revive the “special relationship”, already torn apart by Trump’s reactionary policies on climate change, migration, race, multilateralism, Yemen, nuclear arms, civil liberties and other issues. What it will do is give an undeserved boost to a wounded charlatan.
    This scandal looks certain to escalate, not fade. Barr’s many redactions will not be allowed to stand

    I think the chem trail articles were better but I see why you hate trump now

  3. #3183
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    The Steele dossier (which is FAKE and everyone knew it as admitted to under oath by Lisa Page) was the basis for the FISA Warrants and the judges were NOT informed of HRC paying for the dossier. Believe me or just wait until someone you trust tells you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Oh you believe the Steele dossier? Well there's your problem
    What about the Seth Rich part of the post? The part that proves your conspiracy theory is wrong and that you owe my two fine organisations fifty dollars each?
    What about the Seth Rich part? The crux is "Russians hacked ALL the emails" which is categorically denied by Guccifer2.0 and Assange but it is a theory advanced by CrowdStrike who withheld the servers from the FBI and were in HRC's pocket. Seth Rich's role in all this wasn't even touched on in the report other than Assange's mentioning that he was murdered and hinted that it was because he was leaking information from the DNC.

    I owe nobody son, YOU OWE. It's only going to get worse for you.

  4. #3184
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

  5. #3185
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    @El Kabong please don’t report info like this it doesn’t fit in with kirk and the media’s agenda. Besides you know damn well everyone of those 46,000 emails is about Chelsea’s wedding. Kirk please explain Hillary’s action of trying to destroy over 40,000 emails means nothing and no way does it bring into play the possibility she was doing something underhanded and may even include some questionable conduct on her involvement in any of this trump mess

  6. #3186
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    @El Kabong please don’t report info like this it doesn’t fit in with kirk and the media’s agenda. Besides you know damn well everyone of those 46,000 emails is about Chelsea’s wedding. Kirk please explain Hillary’s action of trying to destroy over 40,000 emails means nothing and no way does it bring into play the possibility she was doing something underhanded and may even include some questionable conduct on her involvement in any of this trump mess
    Kinda makes you wonder about why Hillary wasn't charged what with Obama running things and Obama having 40k+ of Hillary's emails when he told all us he didn't know she had an illegal server. He'd never lie to us would he? He wouldn't circle the wagons around Hillary because he was protecting himself or anything, he's no coward.

  7. #3187
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Hmmmm.... interesting

  8. #3188
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    You know what's not a great look since the whole Russia Collusion narrative fizzled out into nothingness?

    British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

    British intelligence passed Trump associates' communications with Russians on to US counterparts

    The British government being involved in the spying on AMERICANS including the current President.

    Not good...I wonder if anything will happen

  9. #3189
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Oooooh boy so there's a Presidential Forum in Houston at HBCU Texas Southern University called 'She The People' (yyyeah I don't know what that is all about) but anywho all the wokest Democrats are there AND........

    They are making complete asses of themselves I mean every single last fucking one of them.

    Robert Francis O'Rourke aka "Beto" ....was answering questions and he stated that he thinks because Texans can use their government-issued license to carry a firearm to prove who they are at the ballot box that people should be able to use their student IDs to vote in elections. Apparently Mr. O'Rourke is unaware that #1 You can go to school in NOT your home state and that #2 Absentee ballots are readily available on college campuses.

    Oh but he wasn't alone.

    Corey "Crazy Eye" Booker said that Donald Trump's criticism of Rep. Ilhan Omar was "reprehensible" and "is trafficking in Islamaphobia". So it's "Islamaphobic" to question her portrayal of 9-11-2001 being "Some people did a thing" and then the heavy emphasis was on the suffering of the Muslim community who "lost their rights" somehow? It's all a bit crazy, but hey this is the Democrat party, just a donkey full of PCP.

    Sen. Elizabeth "Fauxahontas" Warren has promised (and I paraphrase here) 'All the free things!' ending student debt, free college for all, free free free free free . She also stated (and I quote now) "When you look at the research, it comes down to prejudice: doctors and nurses don't hear Black women's issues the same way they hear the same issues from white women. And I've got a plan" college debt erased, free college going forward, and Black women speak in a manner which doctors and nurses can neither comprehend or decipher...Bold strategy Cotton. No word yet on what happens with folks who paid their way through college or already paid their debt off sooooo guess we'll wait for our free shit.

    Newfangled Millionaire Sen. Bernie "I wrote a book and own 3 houses" Sanders said "No president – not the best-intentioned, not even the most honest – can transform this country alone. If you want access to health care, to address climate change and inequality…millions of people [of all backgrounds] need to stand up.” stand up, write that book, await the Establishment Democrats to steal yet another election from you and pocket that sweet sweet money from those young idiots you campaign in front of. He also said "“Every woman should feel safe in the workplace and on campus. And all rapists should understand that there are serious consequences" ....I didn't see if he pressed on allowing the rapists to vote while in prison or not, but that is his stance on the issue even Dokhar Tsarnaev the Boston Marathon Bomber, apparently he should be able to vote too because crime is policed in an unjust manner and who knew it was a bad thing to place a bomb directly under an 8 year old enjoying a day out with his family

    So thems the like your 2020 chances folks?

  10. #3190
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Joe DiGenova laying it all out. The FISA Court has communicated with the Justice Department about it's findings and those findings are that for more than 4 years before the election of Donald Trump there was an illegal spying operation going on by FBI Contractors, 4 of them, to steal personal information of Americans to use against the Republican party.

    I believe FusionGPS is one of those 4 FBI Contractors.

    May or June we'll see the Horowitz report and I'm guessing that ain't gonna go too well for the Democrats.

    "I spy..." Barack Hussein Obama
    Last edited by El Kabong; 04-26-2019 at 11:08 AM.

  11. #3191
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Joe Biden has officially entered the Democrat Primary.

    I see he wastes no time starting out with an outright lie. The "very fine people on both sides" quote is often touted as Trump 'saying Nazis are very fine people' which is absolutely NOT what he said, he specifically and unequivocally denounced Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and yes AntiFA as those folks were 100% the cause of the trouble. The people protesting both for and again the removal of a Confederate Statue were who President Trump was talking about being "very fine people" they exercised their rights to protest without violence in a peaceful manner as it should be...but hey am I shocked that Joe Biden would be disingenuous? No, I expect it.

    Also don't know about yall but I find it odd that Biden says if Trump is President for another 4 years that he will and I quote "forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation" ....ummmm isn't that EXACTLY what Obama said he would do? Obama ran on "fundamental transformation of America" and "Hope & CHANGE" ....I don't know, just struck me as odd.

    Biden is the second oldest Democrat candidate next to Bernie Sanders. He's an establishment Democrat and may very well wipe out a few of the folks polling at 0%.

    Right now if you break the primary into tiers the top tier would be: Biden, Sanders, Warren, Buttigeig, and MAYBE if you're feeling generous Harris or Booker. Everyone else doesn't stand a chance in hell. Everyone else is sticking it out to raise their profiles, help pick a winner, and attempt to get an appointment either as VP or a cabinet position.

    Hillary wrote an op-ed for Washington Post and I'm thinking she may just be lying in wait to run again as a very late entry....her neck will literally be on the line by that time.

  12. #3192
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    And just for context here's the "very fine people" quote

    There you have it he says those who protested peacefully on both sides were "very fine people" and that he very clearly condemns violence from both sides. It was the correct and ADULT response. Sorry that the media doesn't think that way, but what do you expect from them, the truth?

  13. #3193
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Since Biden is officially in the race one might very well wonder "Gee will Obama endorse his former VP thus giving Biden the momentum needed to secure the primary and heal the wounds of division rampant within the Democrat party?" We go to Obama spokesperson Katie Hill for the answer to that very question

    Narrator: So no...... no he would not

  14. #3194
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Will he keep anyof his campaign promises?

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    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

  15. #3195
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I think Kirk is absent. He must be studying Russian politics to get to the bottom of the Russia conspiracy

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